完形填空。     It all started a year before when my daughter Suzanne and I were shopp

完形填空。     It all started a year before when my daughter Suzanne and I were shopp

完形填空。     It all started a year before when my daughter Suzanne and I were shopping in Sydney. In the window of
a sports shop I noticed a photo of a group of young people climbing the rock   1   in a canyon (峡谷). "That"s
what I"m going to do next   2  ," I said. Suzanne laughed. "Sure, Mum! Don"t forget you"re 65 years old!"
     I didn"t feel I was that age! I   3   a club and trained weekly. Each day I felt my physical energy   4   and,
along with it, my confidence (信心). Then Suzanne pointed out, "Ws good, but how can you clear away
the   5   of height?" "I"ve got it all worked out," I replied bravely. "We"re going to the indoor climbing centre."
     While I was going up the high wall, I was afraid to look down as if a terrible animal was after me. Some
time later, as I reached the ground, I sat down   6   on the floor. Later that night, as I lay in bed, I encouraged
myself, "You had climbed the wall! You will certainly make it!"
     We set off with our packages to the Grand Canyon. When we reached it, I found the canyon was a huge
black hole-far   7   than I had imagined. As the guide clipped (夹住) me onto the rope, my heart   8   double-time
and I wondered why I had got myself into this. Time lost all meaning   9   I pushed my body forward. Only
the strong rope kept me from  10  hope. I began to think it would never end when everyone had stopped. "This
is as far as we go, and we can climb out after a few steps," the guide said finally. Two and a half hours later,
we returned to the car park at last. I began to shake, one hard step after another.
     Getting onto the bus, I  11  into the seat I had left so confidently a lifetime before. Then, while I was in the
seat catching my breath, a feeling of great happiness spread  12  me. I had done it, at 66 years of age.
题型:北京模拟题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1.A. side      
(     )2.A. week      
(     )3.A. joined    
(     )4.A. appear    
(     )5.A. sense     
(     )6.A. quickly   
(     )7.A. higher    
(     )8.A. hit       
(     )9.A. as        
(     )10.A. dropping 
(     )11.A. climbed  
(     )12.A. through
B. top       
B. month     
B. found     
B. change    
B. idea      
B. quietly   
B. deeper    
B. beat      
B. since     
B. forgetting    
B. fell      
B. around    
C. face      
C. season    
C. got       
C. rise      
C. fear      
C. suddenly  
C. longer    
C. jumped    
C. before    
C. losing    
C. stepped      
C. from      
D. back     
D. year     
D. visited  
D. increase               
D. worry    
D. heavily  
D. lower    
D. knocked  
D. after    
D. missing  
D. sat      
D. along    
1-6 C D A D C D   7-12 B B A C B A
     Arnel Laparan grew up in Rosario. After his father died in 1970, five-year-old Amel had to work in a
small shop to help his family. The boy insisted on going to school and his mother finally sent him to a nearby
public school. "I was happy to study but my life became harder because I had to wake up earlier to do all my
jobs before I went to school," says Arnel. Worn down by all the work, he was ready to give up by the time
he reached the fifth grade. Then his teacher"s words changed his life and made him study harder.
     Arnel finished high school at the top of his class, received a scholarship (奖学金) from the Philippine
Normal University in Manila and got a degree in education in 1985. He took a job teaching math at a Manila
private school and did volunteer teaching at the school"s adult class in the evening. "The adults were from poor
families and had to work when they were very young," he explains. "It was touching to see how they tried to
get a high school education at their age."
     As time passed, he realized that helping needy students was his true calling. In 2004 he left his well-paid job
and retumed to Rosario. "My goal was to educate street children for free." He began holding classes under a
large tree. Slowly, more and more street children became interested in his teachirig. "I taught them the basics
of reading, writing and math," says Arnel. He worked harder, walking to nearby villages, where he would give
classes in parks or on playgrounds. To make ends meet, he began teaching children from rich families.
     In June this year Arnel borrowed a bicycle with a large sidecar from a neighbour. The sidecar holds a small
wooden desk, textbooks and school supplies, and a black- board set to the front bears Arnel"s words:"Education
can be found anywhere. It is a road to progress."
     The bicycle allows Arnel to visit faraway areas. He sets up an outdoor classroom and invites teenagers to
his class three days a week. Many of the children have been out of school for years. Amel also offers adult
education to help out-of-school young people learn high school lessons. He does not receive any money but
accepts school supplies and food for the students. He says, "I want to bring education to as many children and
adults as possible. Everyone should have a chance."
1. Who decided Arnel should go to school at first?
A. His mother.
B. He himself.
C. His teacher.
D. The govemment.
2. Why did Amel retum to his hometown to teach the street children?
A. Because there were no schools in his hometown.
B. Because he didn"t want to teach rich children only.
C. Because he considered it"s his duty to help the poor.
D. Because the country"s education should be improved.
3. How does Arnel make his living?
A. By serving rich families.
B. By accepting school supplies.
C. By receiving his family"s help.
D. By offering lessons for adults.
4. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
A.Teacher on Wheels
B. Classes for the Poor
C. Road to Progress
D. Students in the Street
     Sangduen has elephants on her mind. The elephants are in serious danger. 1_____ "Unless they are protected
properly at once, they might only appear in books and photos in the near future," says Sangduen.
     Sangduen was bom in a mountain area in northern Thailand 47 years ago. Her love of animals began when
she was very young. She was just a teenager when she saw elephants being used for carrying things. 2_____ 
     In 1996, Sangduen, together with her family, set up the Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai. The main
purpose of the park is to provide a place for elephants to live peacefully in their natural environment. 3_____,
the disabled and sick elephants are mostly saved from private owners.
     At present, thousands of elephants walk around big cities with their owners looking for help. Sangduen"s
latest plan is to remove the elephants from city areas and bring them back to natural environment. 4_____ It"s
considered to be the primary home of wild (野生的) elephants. The new place will serve as a way for elephants
to go back to nature.
题型:北京模拟题难度:| 查看答案
A. The experience changed her life.
B. So she works hard to save them.
C. She wants to make friends with elephants.
D. She wants to open an elephant center in Surin.
E. Now thirty elephants of all ages are under the park"s care.
     It was my first day in Miss Haman"s seventh grade class. I was very anxious (焦急的) to fit in After the
teacher  1  me to the class, I put on a smile and took my seat.
     Lunchtime was a pleasant surprise when the girls all crowded around my table. They were friendly, so I
began to  2  My riew classmates told me about the school, the teachers and the other kids. They pointed out
the class nerd (书呆子): Mary Lou. She was a pretty girl with dark eyes and olive skin, but she wore a long
skirt and an old-fashioned blouse. The girls giggled (咯咯笑) as Mary Lou walked by. She ate  3  
     After school, the girls invited me to join them in front ofthe school. We  4 . Then Mary Lou came down
the school steps. The girls started making fun of her. I paused, then joinetl right in. Mean words fell from my
lips. No one could tell I"d never done this before. The other girls started  5  for me. I pulled on Mary Lou"s
schoolbag and then pushed her. Her schoolbag broke. She fell. Everyone was laughing. I fit in.
     I was not  6 . If you"ve ever picked a wing off a butterfly, you know  7  I felt. Mary Lou got up,  8  her
books and left without saying anything.
     I turned to leave with my laughing friends and  9 a man standing beside his car. He  10  have been Mary
Lou"s father-he had the same olive skin, dark hair and handsome features. He watched the lonely girl walk
toward  11 . His eyes shone with sadness and pride. As I passed, he looked at me in silence with burning
tears that reminded me of my  12 .
      I never again hurt someone for my own gain (利益).     
题型:北京模拟题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A  introduced 
(     )2. A. worry      
(     )3. A. aloud      
(     )4. A. stopped    
(     )5. A. cheering   
(     )6. A. angry      
(     )7. A  what       
(     )8. A. read       
(     )9. A  noticed    
(     )10. A. could     
(     )11. A. her       
(     )12. A. victory   
B  explained
B. wonder  
B. alone   
B. arrived 
B. calling 
B  polite  
B. who     
B. gathered
B  caught  
B. might   
B. him     
B  value   
C. described
C  relax   
C. around  
C. hunied  
C. crying  
C. afraid  
C. why     
C. counted 
C. watched 
C. must    
C  us      
C  shame   
D. invited
D. regret 
D. again  
D. waited 
D. looking
D. proud  
D. how    
D. found  
D. kept   
D  should 
D. them                   
D  fight  
     I grew up poor-living with my wonderful mother. We had little money, but plenty oflove and attention.
 I was   1   and energetic. I understood that no matter how poor a person was, he could still afford a dream.
     My dream was athletics. When I was sixteen, I started playing baseball. I could throw a ninety-mile-per-
hour fastball and   2   anything that moved on the field. I was also   3  : my high school coach was John,
who believed in me and, more importantly, taught me how to believe in myself. He   4   me the difference
between having a dream and remaining true to that dream. One unusual   5   with Coach John changed my
life forever.
     A friend helped me to find a summer job. This meant a chance for money in my pocket for a new bike,
new clothes and the   6   of saving for a house for my mother. Then I realized I would have to   7   up summer
baseball and that meant I would have to tell John I wouldn"t be playing.
     When I told John, he was   8   as I expected him to be. "You have your whole life to work," he said. "You
don"t have too many playing days in your life. You can"t afford to waste them." I stood before him with my
head   9  , trying to think of the  10  that would explain to him why my dream of buying my mom a house and
having money in my pocket was worth facing his disappointment in me.
     "How much are you going to make at this job, son?" he asked.
     "3.5 dollars an hour," I replied.
     "Well," he asked, "is $ 3.5 an hour the price of a dream?"
     That simple question made me understand the difference between  11  something right now and having a
goal. I decided myself to play sports that summer and within the year I was taken on by the Pittsburgh Pirates
to play baseball, and was  12  a $ 20 000 contact (agreement). In the same year, I bought my mother the house
of my dream!
题型:北京模拟题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. happy    
(     )2. A. kick     
(     )3. A. right    
(     )4. A. gave     
(     )5. A. accident 
(     )6. A. view     
(     )7. A. put      
(     )8. A. angry    
(     )9. A. on       
(     )10. A. questions
(     )11. A. wanting 
(     )12. A. paid    
B. popular   
B. play      
B. shy       
B. taught    
B. interview 
B. idea      
B. take      
B. helpful   
B. up        
B. choices   
B. changing    
B. got       
C. famous   
C. pass     
C. lucky    
C. brought  
C. problem  
C. start    
C. give     
C. frightened   
C. off      
C. words    
C. dreaming     
C. offered  
D. honest     
D. hit        
D. comfortable           
D. asked      
D. experience 
D. purpose    
D. pick       
D. shameful   
D. down       
D. ways       
D. saying     
D. allowed    
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     Victor"s hobby was collecting stamps. He had stamps from many countries, like
England, Canada and China. Can you guess what people gave him as gifts? That"s right-
stamps. Victor"s favorite stamps came from France. 61 He only needed one. That was
a 1974 special edition. It was very hard to find.