阅读理解。    Mr and Mrs Jones seldom (很少) go out in the evening, but last Sunday, Mr

阅读理解。    Mr and Mrs Jones seldom (很少) go out in the evening, but last Sunday, Mr

阅读理解。    Mr and Mrs Jones seldom (很少) go out in the evening, but last Sunday, Mrs Jones said to her husband,
"There"s a good film at the cinema tonight. Can we go and see it?"
    Mr Jones was quite happy about it, so they went, and they enjoyed the film very much.
    They came out of the cinema at 10 o"clock. They got into their car and began to drive home. It was quite
dark.Then Mrs Jones said, "Look, Bill. A woman is running along the road very fast, and a man is running
after her. Can you see them?"
    Mr Jones said, "Yes, I can." He drove the car slowly to the woman and said to her, "Can we help you?"
    "No, thank you," the woman said, but she didn"t stop running. "My husband and I always run home after
the film, and the last one washes the dishes (餐具) at home!" 1.Mr and Mrs Jones went out to see a good film           . [     ]
A.on Saturdays
B.in the evening
C.last Sunday night
D.this Sunday 2.The Jones went back           . [     ]
A.in their car
B.on foot
C.by bike
D.by taxi 3.— When did the film end? 
   —           . [     ]
A.At 11 o"clock
B.After 11 o"clock
C.At 10 o"clock
D.Before 10 o"clock 4.           often ran home after the film. [     ]
A.Mr and Mrs Jones
B.Mrs Jones
C.Mr Jones
D.The man and the woman 5.They ran home quickly because           . [     ]
A.they enjoyed washing dishes
B.one of them was afraid of being late
C.they wanted to go home quickly
D.they didn"t like doing the housework
1-5: C A D D D
阅读理解。      One morning Mr and Mrs Brown get up very early. After they have breakfast, they go shopping at seven
thirty. They get to the shop at seven fifty. In the shop they see a lot of clothes. Mrs Brown likes them. So she
buys a shirt for her son, a skirt for her daughter, and a sweater for Mr Brown. She buys a blouse for herself,
      The shopping bag is full now. Mr Brown looks at his watch. Then he says, "Oh, it"s twelve o"clock. I
think we must go home now. It"s quite late." So they go out of the shop and begin to go home, but they lose
their way. 
       Mr Brown drives along the street. He can"t find the way. Then he drives over to an old man and asks,
"Excuse me. Where am I?" 
      The old man looks at him and their car. "You"re in your car, sir." he says. 1. Mr and Mrs Brown go shopping _______. [     ]
A. by bus
B. by bike
C. on foot
D. by car 2. They buy some _______ in the shop. [     ]
A. food
B. drink
C. clothes
D. cars 3. They are in the shop for about _______. [     ]
A. ten minutes
B. four hours and a half
C. four hours and ten minutes
D. five hours 4. In the story "lose their way" means _______. [     ]
A. 迷路
B. 问路
C. 没有办法
D. 按原路 5. Does the old man help them? [     ]
A. Yes, he does.
B. No, he doesn"t.
C. I think so.
D. We don"t know.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读短文,选择正确答案。       Mike lives in a small town. He works in the zoo and loves the animals very much. And he has a dog, he
always plays with it, he often saves (节约) money to buy some nice food for it.
       One day a friend of his asks him to dinner. He goes there with his dog. When they are eating, he throws
some meat, fish, chicken and cakes to it. 
       His friend asks, "You love your dog very much, don"t you?" "Yes," Mike says. "And it is very clever. If you
give it some money, it can buy some newspapers for you." So his friend gives the dog some money and it goes
out at once.
       An hour later the dog doesn"t come back. Mike looks worried and asks, "How much do you give my dog?"
"Ten dollars," answers his friend. "You give it too much," says Mike. "I think it must go to a movie now." 1. Mike often buys some nice food for _______. [     ]
A. the animals
B. his dog
C. his friend
D. himself 2. For dinner Mike throws some ______ to his dog. [     ]
A. food
B. fruit
C. money
D. newspapers 3. The dog is very clever because ______. [     ]
A. it always plays with Mike
B. it knows how to save money
C. it can buy some newspapers for people
D. it can read newspapers 4. The dog doesn"t come back because ______. [     ]
A. it is in the zoo
B. it goes to a movie
C. it is lost (失踪,迷路)
D. it buys the newspapers 5. Which of the following is NOT right? [     ]
A. Mike likes the animals very much.
B. The dog can help Mike do something.
C. Mike"s friend gives the dog ten dollars.
D. Mike"s friend wants to go to a movie.
题型:0119 期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读下面短文,并借助上下文和插图补充所缺信息,每个空只需填写一个形式正确,意义相符的英语单词。请将答案写在横线上。1.    2.    3.    4.   5.
      On her birthday, Kate got a   1   from her uncle. "Dear Kate," he wrote in his letter. "Happy   2   to you! I"m
sending you eight   3  . I hope you like them." 
      The next day Kate rode a   4   to the post office to get the present from her uncle. It was a big heavy   5  .
Kate was very happy, She liked eating eggs. "I can keep (饲养) them for eggs," She thought. She put the box in
the   6   of the bike and began to carry them home. When she was getting into her garden, the box fell to the   7  
and broke. The chickens all ran out. They ran everywhere. Kate spent hours trying to find all of them.
      Some days later, her   8   came to see her. He asked, "Did the chickens arrive safely (安全地)?" "Yes, but
the box dropped and broke open. The chickens went everywhere. I spent nearly all morning looking for them,"
Kate said. "Did you   9   them all?" asked her uncle. "I hope so," Kate answered. "But I only caught eleven of
them." "That"s very interesting. You have   10   more than (比) I sent you."
1.                2.                 3.                4.                 5.                
6.                7.                 8.                9.                 10.             
题型:0119 期末题难度:| 查看答案

      Last week, I went to the countryside to visit my grandmother with my sister. My grandmother is 80 years
old now but she is very healthy. She was glad to meet us. After talking with us for a while, she went to the
kitchen to cook lunch for us. When I was hungry, she came out with a large bowl of soup and two plates (盘)
of salad. The soup was made of carrots and potatoes and the salad was made of different kinds of fruits and
vegetables. I felt a little disappointed (失望的) because I liked meat not vegetables. But I still had a try at the
soup. To my surprise, it was so delicious. I tasted the salad. It was also nice and fresh. Then my grandmother
showed me her garden. It was not large but full of fruits and vegetables. My grandmother told me happily,
"What you ate just now all comes from my garden. I think it"s a good idea to plant (种植) something here."

题型:0119 期末题难度:| 查看答案
Information card
    Tom did not like doing his homework, because he liked to do some   1   things after school.And his teacher
always   2   a lot of mistakes in his homework.
    Then one day, his maths teacher   3   at Tom"s homework and saw that he got all his answers right. He was
very   4   and surprised (惊奇). The next morning before class, he called Tom   5   his desk and   6   to him,
"You got all your homework right this time. Did your father help you?" Sometimes Tom"s father helped him
with his homework,   7   this time he didn"t help Tom because he   8   at home. So Tom answered, "No, Sir.
He was busy last night, so I   9   to do it  10 ."
题型:专项题难度:| 查看答案


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(     )1.A.others  
(     )2.A.made    
(     )3.A.laughed 
(     )4.A.please  
(     )5.A.to      
(     )6.A.talked  
(     )7.A.and     
(     ) 8.A.isn"t  
(     ) 9.A.wanted  
(     )10.A.itself 
B.won"t be
B.of them 
C.the other
C.looked at  
D.can"t be 