Hands play an importanty part in our daily life.But do you know which of your tw

Hands play an importanty part in our daily life.But do you know which of your tw

Hands play an importanty part in our daily life.But do you know which of your two hadns you use more?Very few people use both hands epually well.Most of us are right-handed.Only about five people out of a hundred are left-handed.New-born babies can take hold of things with either of their hands,but in about two years they usually use their right hands.Scientists don’t know why this happens.
Monkeys are our close relatives in the animal world.Scientists have found that monkeys like to use one of their hands more than the other,but it can be either hand.There are as many right-handed monkeys as left-handed ones.Next time you visit a zoo,watch the monkeys carefully,you will see that some of them will use their right hands and others will use their left hands.But most of the people use their right hands better and this makes life difficult for those left-hadned people.We live in a right-handed world.
小题1:How many people among 100 people use their left hands better?
A.5%.                   B.50%.                C.95%.
小题2:What’s the meaning of the underlined word “equally” in Chinese?
A.公正地              B.均等地               C.平凡地
小题3:New-born babies can use __________.
A.both of their hands    B.neither of their hands    C.their right hands
小题4:Which of the following is true?
A.There are more monkeys using their right hands than left hands.
B.There are more monkeys using their left hands than right hands.
C.There are as many right-handed monkeys as left-handed ones.
小题5:“We live in a right-handed world.”means __________.
A.Most people use their right hands better.
B.Few people use their right hands better.
C.Half of the people use their right hands better.


Rock climbing(攀岩) did not become a sport until late in the 1900s. But now it has become a popular outdoor activity. While rock climbing may still be necessary for mountain climbing, most people just climb low mountains for fun.
If you have ever done rock climbing, you will know that it is not a very easy sport. Indoor and outdoor rock climbing both need practice. What most people don’ t know is that rock climbing is one of the sports that depend on your body and mind(意志).
To climb successfully, one must use wonderful skills. One of the important rules is to always have three parts of your body on the rock face. Another important rule is that your arms only hold you close to the rock face while your legs are pushing you up, the closer you are to the rock face, the easier it is to climb.
Rock climbing is a wonderful sport. Once you start to learn how to climb, you"ll find more fun. People who like games such as chess playing or problem-solving may love rock climbing, because they are nearly the same in the way of thinking. For anyone who wants to get into beautiful shape, rock climbing is a fun and good way. Anyone who enjoys a difficult game and loves the outdoors should think of taking rock climbing as a new hobby.
小题1: When did rock climbing become a sport?       
A.In 1900. B.Early in the 1900s.C.In the middle of the 1900s. D.Late in the 1900s.
小题2: The chess players may like rock climbing because         .   
A.they"d like to get into beautiful shape
B.it is more interesting than chess playing
C.it is like chess playing in the way of thinking
D.they really tike to do sports
小题3:What can we learn from the passage?
A.Rock climbing is a kind of indoor and outdoor activity,
B.Rock climbing is a very easy sport.
C.When you climb, your arms push you up.
D.The closer you are to the rock face, the more difficult it is to climb.

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How do you pay for things? Do you usually use cash(现金), or do you like to pay by credit card(信用卡)? If you are like a lot of people, you probably have at least one credit card. Also, you might use it more often than you probably should.
Credit cards first became popular in the 1920s, At that time, businesses, such as hotels and companies, gave credit cards to their best customers(顾客). Unlike today"s credit cards, customers could only use these cards at the Store or business that gave out the card. Customers had to pay for things in full. They couldn"t pay for something a little at a time.
In 1950, a businessman named McNamara started a credit card company — Diners Club. Unlike earlier credit cards, this card could be used by customers at many restaurants. Customers liked the card because they didn"t have to carry a lot of cash with them. Restaurant owners liked the card, too. Why? They found out that customers usually spent more money when they could pay by credit card.
In its first year of business, Diners Club issued 200 cards, The customers who got the cards from the Diners Club could use them at 27 different restaurants. Today, Diners Club has about 8 million customers, and they can use their cards in over 7. 6 million businesses in more than 200 countries.
小题1:What can we know about the earlier credit cards from the passage?
A.They could be used everywhere.
B.Customers had to pay for things in full.
C.They were very popular before the 1920s.
D.Everyone could get this kind of credit card.
小题2: The underlined word "issued" here probably means "      ".
A.showed B.took C.borrowed D.provided
小题3: This passage is mainly about       .    
A.part of the development of credit cards
B.how to use cash
C.the number of people who use credit cards in the world
D.how credit cards help businessmen

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A green life sometimes just needs a good idea like sharing cars. It’s a new way of thinking. You can use a car but you don’t need to own it. Now the idea of “ car sharing” has become    51   in many countries.
As we know, most cars   52   in garages for much time. In fact, we drive our own cars    53   one or two hours a day on average(平均). When we don’t use them, we have to pay for parking and   54   things. That costs too much money. To   55  money, some people come up with the idea of “ car sharing”. If we share a car, we’ll only  56    when we use it.
Now many people are starting to do car sharing. In Switzerland, almost 40,000 people have    57   it. Japan is also trying to make    58    popular around the country.
Car sharing is the beginning of a new idea in    59    . It is also very for us to travel everywhere   60   buying a car. Do you love to share a car with others?
小题1:A. popular             B. interesting            C. funny
小题2: A. are washed          B. are driven              C. are parked
小题3: A. as far as           B. as long as              C. as much as
小题4: A. other               B. others                  C. another
小题5: A. make                B. save                    C. find
小题6: A. spend               B. cost                    C. pay
小题7: A. joined              B. covered                 C. dropped
小题8: A. time saving         B. money saving            C. car sharing
小题9:A. fashion             B. transportation          C. family
小题10: A. without             B. with                    C. by
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An old man has a cat. The cat now is very old. She can’t run quickly, and she can’t bite 41    .One day the old cat saw a mouse, she jumped and   42 it. But she couldn’t bite it. So the mouse got out of her    43   and ran away. The old man got very    44  and beat the cat. The cat said to him. “Don’t beat your servant. Don’t be unkind to the 45  When they are young, they can do good work.”
小题1:A. too        B. also        C. either
小题2: A. catch      B. caught      C. catches
小题3: A. mouth      B. eyes       C. hands
小题4:A. sad         B. satisfied    C. angry
小题5:A. young      B. old         C. sick
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

小题1: Miss Ding lives in        .
A. Hotel Eiffel   B. Hotel Bank C. Hotel Park
小题2: The hotel is        .
A. in the park B. on the left of the bank   C. near the bank
小题3:Which bus can’t reach the hotel?
A. Bus 705.   B. Bus 18. C. Bus.47.
小题4: If Miss Ding is lost, she can         .
A. call her friends  
B. wait until the light is green
C. call the hotel at the phone number on the card
小题5:Which of the following is true?
A. Open the door when the red light is on.
B. The card can be used to open the door.
C. Miss Ding can keep the card after he checks out.
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