I have made a time machine. It can take people to the past or the future for fiv

I have made a time machine. It can take people to the past or the future for fiv

I have made a time machine. It can take people to the past or the future for five hours. I thought that it would be fun to see what my father was like when he was 10 years old.
I got into my time machine and keyed in the words, “1981, 11 Niven Road, New York ” then pressed the button … In a moment, I was in front of a house, 11 Niven Road.
I saw four children looking for a lost dog. They were my father, my uncle Tom, my aunts Peek and Janet. I went up to them and helped them look for their dog, Jack.
We wanted to climb a hill and looked for Jack. When we reached the top, we heard a dog barking. “Jack!” my father shouted . Then we saw Jack was standing in front of a man.
We asked the man to return Jack to us. The man had to give Jack back to us.
Happily, We went back to 11 Niven Road and I said goodbye to them . My five hours were almost up. I ran to the machine and soon I was back in my time . What an unusual experience!
小题1: Which of the following is TRUE ?
A. The time machine can take people to the past or the future for five hours.
B. I wanted to see what my father was like ten years ago.
C. I couldn’t see what my father was like ten years ago.
小题2: When was my father born ?
A. In 1971.
B. In 1981.
C. In 1991.
小题3: Why did we climb to the top of the hill ?
A. Because we wanted to play games there .
B. Because we wanted to look for the dog .
C. Because we wanted to look for the man .
小题4: How long did I travel to the past ?
A. 10 hours
B. 5 hours
C. 2 hours
小题5: Which is the best title ?
A. An unusual experience
B. A lovely dog called Jack
C. An experience to the future

小题1:根据第一段It can take people to the past or the future for five hours.描述,可知选A
小题1:根据I thought that it would be fun to see what my father was like when he was 10 years old.I got into my time machine and keyed in the words, “1981, 11 Niven Road, New York ” 可知作者的父亲1981年十岁,故选A,1971年出生
小题1:根据I went up to them and helped them look for their dog, Jack.
We wanted to climb a hill and looked for Jack.描述,可知选B
小题1:根据My five hours were almost up.描述,可知选B
小题1:根据What an unusual experience!及上文描述,可知本文主要讲述了因此不同寻常的经历,故选A

Have you ever planted trees before?   Every year, millions of people, both   1   ,   plant many trees. But this may not be the best way to make your home a    2   place.
Last week we visited a park in Hebei. We were     3    to  find most of the trees had been burned. The workers told us that the trees    4    soon after they were planted because they weren’t watered well enough.    5    workers burned them and cleaned the place for     6   trees to be planted this year.     7    a card found in one of the dead trees, a student wrote, "I hope this tree will grow up with me to     8    the backbone(栋梁) of our country.”The workers said that the survival of the trees was really more    9   than the number of the trees that were planted.
Some people in Beijing now have a  new idea that they can donate(贡献) some  money and let professionals (专业人员)  plant and  10  the trees.
1. A. boys and girls
B. the old and the young
C. mother and father
D. students and teachers
2. A. larger        B. warmer     C. greener     D. smaller
3. A. surprised      B. pleased     C. happy       D. interesting
4. A. planted        B. grew      C. bought      D. died
5. A. When          B. So        C. Because     D. Though
6. A. new          B. old        C. dead        D. few
7. A. From          B. Over      C. Above       D. On
8. A. hold          B. need      C. be          D. plant
9. A. interesting                  B. beautiful
C. impossible                 D. important
10. A. takeaway                   B. take down
C. take care of                D. take out
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Do you like to visit the zoo in our city? Zoo is a good place ___(16)____. There is a zoo ____(17)___a river and a small mountain. It’s very big and there are a lot of tall trees in it. We can see a lot of golden fish(金鱼) in it, they have all kinds of ____(18)_____ . Some are red, some are yellow, some are white and some are black. They are swimming in the water. And they are very _____(19)_____.
We can see a hill. About twenty ____(20)____ are playing on it. Some are asking people for ____(21)_____. The little monkeys are in their mothers’ arms. They are very interesting and children_____(22)_____ them very much. We can also see the elephants. They are very strong(强壮的). The ____(23)_____are very tall. The pandas’ house is next to the monkey hill. There are ____(24)___ pandas ---one is sitting in the trees and the other is sleeping on the grass. They look very shy and cute. What ___(25)___ animals do you like?
小题1: A has fun     B. have fun     C. have a fun      D. to have fun
A.acrossB.next toC.betweenD.near
A.otherB.the otherC.anotherD.others

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
A famous foreign company in China wanted a Clerk for its public relation department (公关部).
A beautiful girl with a master’s degree(硕士学位) went through a lot of challenges and her name was on the list. In the final stage she faced an interview together -with another girl. Both of them were outstanding,
not only in looks but also in education.
The girl was successful in the interview. It seemed that she would get the chance. At last the examiner asked her, "Can you come to the office next Monday?" Shocked by the unexpected question, the beautiful girl couldn’t make a decision at the moment, so she said, "I have to talk with my parents before I give an answer. " The examiner felt surprised but said calmly, "If so, let’ s wait till you are ready.
The next day, the girl came to tell the examiner that her parents had agreed to let her begin work next Monday. But the examiner said regretfully (遗憾地), "Sorry, another suitable candidate (选手)has got the job. You had better try another place. "The beautiful girl was surprised. She asked for an explanation(解释) and was told, "What is needed here is a person who knows her own mind. "
That was how a good opportunity right under the nose of a beautiful girl ran away.
小题1: The beautiful girl wanted to ask her parents for advice because_________
A.she didn’t like the jobB.she didn’t expect the examiner would ask such a question
C.she didn’t want to answer the questionD.her parents would be angry if she didn’t ask them
小题2: We can learn from the passage that__________
A.the company lost its best clerk
B.no girl got the job
C.the other girl who failed at the last interview might get the job
D.the examiner was very pleased with the girl
小题3:The examiner regarded_________as the most important.
A.a person’s confidence
B.a person’s knowledge
C.aperson’sageD.a person’ s beautiful looks
小题4: The underlined phrase "right under the nose of" probably means________
小题5: The best title for the passage above might be___________
A.Make Decisions With Your Parents
B.A Successful Interview
C.Use Your Own Mind
D.Answer the Examiner’s Question Quickly

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
A boy and his father were walking in the mountains. Suddenly the boy fell,hurt himself,and cried,"AAAhhhhhhhh!!!”  To his surprise,he heard the voice repeating(重复),somewhere in the mountain,“AAAhhhhhhhh!!!"Then the boy shouted,“Who are you?” He received the answer,"Who are you?" He got angry at the answer,so he shouted,"Foolish!" He received the answer,"Foolish!”
He looked at his father and asked,“What’s going on?" The father smiled and said,"My son,listen.”And then he shouted to the mountain,"1 love you!”The voice answered,“I love you!”Again the man cried,"You are the best!”The voice answered,“You are the best!”
The boy was surprised, but did not understand. Then the father explained(解释),"People call this‘Echo’,but really this is Life. It gives you back everything you say or do. Our life is just a reflection(反映)of what we have done. If you want more love in the world,have more love in your heart. If you want to be successful,work hard. This can be used in everything in life. Life will give you back everything you have given to it.”
小题1: At first the boy cried because _____ .
A.he hurt himself and felt bad
B.he wanted to give himself a surprise
C.he felt it was so quiet in the mountain
D.he hoped his father would help him
小题2:When the boy heard the voice repeating, he thought ______ .
A.it was foolish to hear others’ voice
B.someone else in the mountain liked his voice
C.there were many other people in the mountain
D.he was laughed at by someone else in the mountain
小题3: The father shouted to the mountain to ______ .
A.find out who was repeating his voice
B.have fun with other people in the mountain
C.show more examples to his son before giving him the answer
D.let his son know whose voice was louder
小题4: The word "Echo" means _______.
A.life itselfB.repeating voiceC.love in the worldD.everything in life
小题5: From the story,we know ______ .
A.the boy didn’t like others’ voice at all
B.the father had his own way to teach his son
C.it is not polite to repeat others’ voice
D.the boy and his father were rather tired

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Most of you know this mathematical game, of course. You and your friend draw crosses and circles on a sheet of paper. You do it one after another. The first pupil who gets three marks in a row wins. But do you know that you can play this game another way and it will become more interesting? You must try to make your friend win. If you get your three marks in a row, you don’t win — you lose!

It is more difficult to play this game the other way. The second pupil can always win (if he plays the right way), but he may not win if the first pupil begins with his mark in the center. Then if the first pupil always takes a place on the other side of his friend’s mark, nobody will win.
If your friend does not know the secret which we have explained, you must play each time so as to leave him the greatest number of ways to win. You may try a few games and you will see how interesting it is to play the game this way.
小题1: The passage tells us that it is _____ to play this game.
小题2:What s the new rule of the game if we play it another way?
A.The one who gets his three marks in a row wins.
B.The one who makes his friend win wins.
C.The one who plays the right way wins.
D.The one who makes his friend lose wins.
小题3:According to the new rule of the game, the second player can always win if the first player __.
A.begins with his mark in the center
B.takes a place on the other side of his friend’s mark
C.tries to get his three marks in a row first
D.doesn’t begin with his mark in the center
小题4: What result does the following picture show?
○ =" the" 1st player   × =" the" 2nd player
A.Both of the players win.B.The first player wins.
C.Neither of the players wins.D.The second player wins.
小题5: What is the best title for this passage?
A.What an Interesting GameB.A Game of Circles and Crosses
C.The Secret We Want to ExplainD.Marks on a Sheet of Paper

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