阅读理解。     The largest animal ever to live on Earth is the blue whale. It weighs

阅读理解。     The largest animal ever to live on Earth is the blue whale. It weighs

阅读理解。     The largest animal ever to live on Earth is the blue whale. It weighs about 80 tons more than 24
elephants. It"s more than 30 meters long.A newborn baby whale weighs as much as a big elephant.
     Cats can survive (幸存) falls from a very highplace because they can turn themselves up the rightway
so as to keep bodies safe. One cat fell 32 floors on to the street,but was just hurt a little.
A bear can run as far as a horse.
     A newborn panda is smaller than a mouse, and weighs about 100 grams.
     Elephants are the most careful animals in their love. A male (雄性的) elephant may show his ladylove
for up to three years until the lady takes hislove.They often show their love by touching each other"s body.
Usually wolves do not attack (攻击) people. For years a Canadian newspaper says that they would give
anyone quite a lot of money if he could show that a wolf had attacked a person. But nobody could do
that. Wolves do not usually go together though they may do this in winter.1. How many does a newborn blue whale weigh?
A. 10 tons.
B. As much as a small whale.
C. As much as 10 elephants.
D. As much as a big elephant.
2. Cats can survive falls because______in the fall.
A. they can keep themselves safe
B. they are small
C. they are light
D. they can put something under their bodies
3. Elephants show their love by______
A. looking at each other
B. touching each other
C. moving their bodies
D. all above
4. A male elephant______keep following a ladyelephant to show his love for a long time
 until thelady takes his love.
A. will  
B. won"t  
C. shall  
D. doesn"t
5.Wolve susually go ether ______
A. in summer
B. in winter
C. when they look for food
D. when.they have babies
1-5    DABAB
阅读理解。     The elephant is the biggest four-legged animal in the world. It is also the gentlest, but not always!
      Elephants are like us in some ways.They can remember things very well. They never forget great
sadness or great happiness.lf a female elephant dies,her daughters and her grand daughters will be sad
for many days. They will carry a bit of it away with them.They will never forget a dead friend.
    Elephants are like us in some ways,but they are also different. They live in families-families of females.
There will be a few young males a few"babyboys". But the females will soon send them away. An
elephant family keeps only its great-grandmothers.
     The females live together for fifty, sixty or ahundred years. The older animals look after theyounger
ones.The mothers teach their daughters andset a good example to them.And what happens to the male
elcphants? Well,the young males stay with their mothers for some time.Then they must leave the family.
The females justsend them away. A male elephant does not often have a friend. He lives alone, away
from the family,and he doesn"t like living with other male elephants,either.
     Sometimes the females call a male elephant. He can visit them then,and stay for some time. But soon
his"wives"and sisters send him away again. The females have a very happy family life. What does the
male elephant think about it? We don"t  know.根据短文内容回答问题。
l. Is the elephant the biggest animal in the world?
2. Is the elephant"s natural life much shorter than humans?
(     )3. A female elephant doesn"t often have a friend.
(     )4. Elephants never forget great sadness or great happiness.
5. A male elephant lives alone,away from the family, and he does"t like living with other
    male elephants, either.
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根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F) 。     Did you see a  l, 000-pound pumpkin? Have you seen a big pumpkin like that? Howard Dill did.
He is a world famous pumpkin grower. Most pumpkins weigh from 15 t0 30 pounds, but Howard Dill
has bigger pumpkins and they weigh much more. Every year, he meets other pumpkin growers from
across North America. They have competitions to see who can grow the biggest pumpkin.
     People started to grow big pumpkins more than 100 years ago. About twenty years ago,Howard
Dill wanted to have a competition. He brought his biggest pumpkin to the competition.It weighed 438
pounds. Two years ago another pumpkin grower set a world record. His pumpkin weighed l,061
pounds!(     )l. Howard Dill is a world famous pumpkin grower.
(     )2. Most of Howard Dill"s pumpkins weigh from 15 to 30 pounds.
(     )3. People started to grow big pumpkins about more than eighty years earlier than Howard did.
(     )4. Howard Dill grew the biggest world pumpkin and held the world record.
(     )5. Another grower"s pumpkin was much lighter than Howard"s.
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完形填空。      If you are hungry,what do you do? Have your favorite meal and stay quiet?
     Just like your stomach, your mind can be   1  , too, but it never lets you know because you keep
it busy _2   about your dream lover, favorite star and a number of othcr silly things. So it silently pays
attention to your needs and ncvcr lets itself grow.When the mind   3   its freedom to grow, creativity stops. Well, this is the result of using our brains to think of unimportant things.
     The hunger of the mind can be satisfied through wide   4   . Reading is a kind of useful tool which we
have used since childhood. We have to read to get help.
     When you read a book, you don"t just run your eyes across the lines. You should put your   5    into it
while you are reading. The interesting part of the book is stored in your mind as a seed. This seed will be
unknowingly    6    in the future when you develop new ideas. If it is used many times, the seed can   7     
you link a lot of things together which you would never have thought of before!This is nothing but
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. angry  
(     )2. A. thinking
(     )3. A. has    
(     )4. A. writing
(     )5. A. mind    
(     )6. A. made    
(     )7. A. help    
B. hungry  
B. talking
B. gets    
B. reading
B. book    
B. used    
B. take    
C. tired    
C. hearing  
C. loses    
C. listening                                    
C. line      
C. caused    
C. follow    
     Beijing Library
     To Susan Chan,
Just to remind you that you have four overdue (过期的) books,
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
Rose Meets Mr Wintergarten  
My Friend Whale            
Edward the Emu              
Bob Graham    
Simon James    
Sheena Knowles
Alison Lester  
due 22/1  
due 23/l  
due 24/1  
due 25/1  
                                                    A Diamond Necklace
    Some people were eating and drinking in a coffee shop. A young woman was sitting   l   at the table.
She was wearing a beautiful diamond necklace.There was an ugly man at a table not far from her.
He was   2   at her necklace all the time.
     Suddenly the light went    3 .The coffee housewas in dark. The woman started to shout. She was
very afraid. A few minutes later, the lights came on again. The woman was crying. Her necklace was  4.  
The manager closed all the doors. He telephoned the police. No one could   5   the coffee house.The
policeman soon came. The policeman officer asked his men to search everyone. The necklace was not
on   6  .Then they searched the whole coffee house.They could find  7 .
    The police officer watched the faces of all the people in the coffee house. He saw the ugly man and
looked at the man carefully. He went   8   to the man and picked up the bowl of soup that was on the
table. He then poured the soup into a glass. The necklace  9  out.The policeman caught the man and
took him away.The young woman was happy to  10  her necklace.
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(     )1. A. lonely  
(     )2. A. looking  
(     )3. A. on      
(     )4. A. go      
(     )5. A. look out
(     )6. A. anyone  
(     )7. A. nothing  
(     )8. A. on      
(     )9. A. looked  
(     )10. A. look for
B. alone      
B. seeing    
B. in        
B. goes      
B. look out of
B. someone    
B. anything  
B. up        
B. took      
B. get back  
C. quickly  
C. watching  
C. out      
C. went      
C. get out  
C. everyone  
C. something
C. down      
C. fell      
C. go back  
D. near        
D. reading    
D. into        
D. gone                                               
D. get out of  
D. the ugly man
D. everything  
D. for        
D. felt        
D. come back