阅读理解Dear Jay,     How are you? Thanks very much for your last letter.     I"ve f

阅读理解Dear Jay,     How are you? Thanks very much for your last letter.     I"ve f

阅读理解Dear Jay,
     How are you? Thanks very much for your last letter.
     I"ve finished all my exams. The last one was yesterday. It was history. I think this subject is really difficult because
there"re lots of facts and dates to remember. I"ve got a poor memory and I hate to remember things. I"m afraid I can"t pass
the history examination.
     This term, I learnt eight subjects. The worst were history and French; I found them very boring and difficult to learn.
I think I need to study hard next year. I like geography best, but we only had it twice a week. Our geography teacher,
Mr.King, is great. He taught the subject well. He didn"t like to spoon-feed students with lots of facts. He hoped us to
learn freely. He didn"t give us any homework the whole year. Perhaps he hated doing homework when he was a student.
     We did a project with Mr. King about a few countries in Europe and Asia. Some of my friends went to the library for
photos and I used the Interact to search for information. Mr. King gave us a lot of helpful advice. At the end of this
term, we gave an oral presentation (口头报告) in front of the class. I"d like to be a pilot, and then I could travel and see
all those places.
     Please write and tell me about your school. What was it like? Were your exams easy?
     Best wishes.
                                                                                                                                                                           Nick1. From the letter, we know that Nick __________.A. liked to remember facts and dates
B. liked to answer long questions
C. didn"t do well in history
D. has a good memory2. How many subjects did Nick take this term?A. 5.
B. 6.
C. 7.
D. 8.3. What is the meaning of the underlined word "spoon-feed" in Chinese?A. 用勺子喂
B. 用勺子吃
C. 满堂灌
D. 左撇子4. What was Nick"s favorite subject?A. English.
B. History.
C. French.
D. Geography.5. Nick wanted to be a pilot because __________.A. Mr. King was a good teacher
B. he liked to visit other places
C. Mr. King advised him to become a pilot
D. geography was his favorite subject
 Dear John,
     I write you a letter and tell you about what the world was like when I was young. __1__. We didn"t
 have telephones when we wanted to talk to our friends. We didn"t have e-mail either, so we had to write
     When we traveled from town to town, we walked or rode horses or took a cart. __2__ Air travel
 was a dream and we dreamed of being on an airplane but now everyone does. It"s so common.
     Food is another big difference.__3__We would exchange some with people from other towns to buy
  the things we didn"t have. We didn"t have a refrigerator so we kept things cool in a special room
     But the biggest difference is electricity. We didn"t have any in our town! __4__We didn"t have
 televisions. In summer, we went swimming in the river.
     Though life was different in the past, we were happy.
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A. Life was very different then.
B. At night, we lighted candles and we burned coal or wood to keep warm.
C. There weren"t any supermarkets so we grew our own food then.
D. Later we had buses but very few people had cars.
     Jerry and Carla were asked to choose a person for class president. As they looked t __1__ the list of
 kids in the room, they stopped at Tina"s name. Tina had lots of ideas, and she n __2__ said unkind things
  about other people.
     "I r__3__ like Tina, and most of the classmates will accept her, I imagine," said Carla. "but she looks
  t__4__! She puts on too much makeup (化妆品), and she wears strange and u __5__ clothes.
 Sometimes she wears things that don"t even f __6__ her."
     "Do you think we could get her to use 1__7__ makeup and never wear decent (讲究的) clothes?"
 Carla asked.
     "We couldn"t. It would make us and her not feel c __8__ ,"replied Jerry. "She goes around w__9__ 
 high school girls, and she must know by now how she looks. My mother says it is wrong for eighth grades
  to look like those movie stars!"
     "Yes," Carla a __10__ ," and what will the teachers think if we suggest Tina?"
       Here are reports of three attacks. The three swimmers were attacked by sharks because they
didn’t obey the safety rules for swimmers. 
       Rules for swimmers:
       A. Don’t swim at night.
       B. You are more likely to be attacked in warm water.
       C. Sharks are attracted by blood. Don’t swim with an open cut.
       D. It’s best to wear a swimming suit to match your skin colours. Sharks can see colours.
       E. If you see a shark, don’t be nervous. Try to swim quietly, with even strokes(划水动作).
       Which rule didn’t each of the following swimmers obey?            
(     )1. Report 1: Colin was swimming with two friends very late at night. He was attacked by a shark
and died.
(     )2. Report 2: Ann was a very good swimmer. She bought a new, bright red swimming suit. She was
swimming with some friends when a shark attacked her.
(     )3. Report 3: Jack was on holiday in Australia. He cut his foot on the beach. He went swimming the
same day and got attacked.
(     ) 1. Jodie eats a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables. She thinks they"re healthy and they taste good. She"s not keen (酷爱) on sweet things and she doesn"t eat much fatty food
(     ) 2. Twins love sweet things like cakes and chocolates. They know this kind of food isn"t good for them, but they can"t resist them!
(     ) 3. Ruth says, "I"m afraid I"m keen on junk food--you know, quick, unhealthy food like hamburgers
or chips. A lot of people think it"s revolting (厌恶的), but I like it. I don"t eat many flesh vegetables. "
(     )4. Henry says, "Crisps are my favorite, I suppose. I know they"re bad for us, but they are delicious
especially cheese and onion ones. "
5. Please list two kinds of healthy food:_______ _______
       Before you start your day, the following lifestyle habits are good for you.
       Music can make you relaxed and is good for your health. Listening to music before work will bring you a relaxing day.  1   
       The hot water shower (淋浴) will make it easier for you to get a good stretch (伸展). The stretch will make you start the day feeling more relaxed.  2   
       Breakfast is known as "the most important meal of the day". A balanced (均衡的) breakfast is important for every one of us. Be sure to have some milk and fruit.  3   
       A morning walk can let you get ready for the day, help you sleep better at night and so on.  4   .
A. balanced breakfast
B. A morning walk
C. Stretch in the shower
D. Listen to some music
5. What"s the main (主要的) idea of this article?
A. What are lifestyle habits          
B. What to eat before your work
C. Four great ways to start your day    
D. How to make yourself relaxed