阅读理解。     Many people like to read the Guinness Book of World Records (《吉尼斯世界纪录大

阅读理解。     Many people like to read the Guinness Book of World Records (《吉尼斯世界纪录大

阅读理解。     Many people like to read the Guinness Book of World Records (《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》), and some
people want to be in it! How do people get their names in the book? They do something new and different,
such as (比如) making the world"s largest cake with more than 54,000 eggs.
     For many people, it is fun to make world records. It" s exciting. But who eats the cake?
     While some people are making world records, others don" t have much food to eat. Hunger is a very
serious (严重的) problem in many places. How many old people do not have enough money to buy good?
How many children go to bed without dinner? The answer is too many 1. How do people get their names in the Guinness Book of Word Records? A. They do something new and interesting.
B. They do something new and different.
C. They only have a large cake.
D. They only make a large cake. 2. How many eggs are there in the world"s largest cake? A. 54,000
B. More than 54,000
C. Less than 54,000
D. We don"t know. 3. What" s Chinese meaning of the word "problem"? A. 粮食
B. 人
C. 问题
D. 纪录 4. Are there any children going to bed without dinner in the world? A. Yes, there aren"t.
B. Yes.
C. NO.
D. Yes, there"re 54,000. 5. What should we do when some poor people don"t have any food? A. We do nothing.
B. We can make world records.
C. We can give  them some food.
D. We are poor, too.
1-5       BBCBC
阅读填空。     Last Sunday, my father, my mother and I (1) w_____ to a summer camp. We went to the mountains, then
we (2) g_____ to the foot of the mountain (3) b_____ bus. In the middle of the mountain there was a river.
and the water of it was clean and clear. I sprinkled (洒) the water on my face, and it was (4) c_____. There
(5) w_____ many kinds of fishes in the river. On the mountain there were flowers. They were very (6) b_____. At noon, many people got together, and it was so (7) c_____. We made our meal on the mountain. The food
was very (8) d_____. After meal, we went on our trip (旅行). Finally, we got to the top of the mountain. We
were very (9) h_____. It was really (10) f_____.
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can;  born;  get;  look;  invite;  stand;  begin;  run;  come;  fourteen
     I①_____  (have)a good friend. It ②_____   (have)a  round(圆的)face. On its face, it  ③_____   (have)
three   hands. One  ④ _____ (be)short,and the others  ⑤_____    (be)long. It ⑥_____   (have)no feet or legs,
but it can   go all day and all night.It  ⑦_____   (have) no mouth,    but it can talk(说). In the moming,it can 
wake me   up (叫醒) and tell (告诉) me what time it  ⑧_____    (be).What  ⑨_____   (be)it? It"s an alarm 
clock. Do you ⑩_____ (have)one?
     Tom Smith is English. He has a great sports collec- tion. He has 9 tennis rackets,5 baseballs, and 8 basketballs. He has 4 soccer balls and 2 volleyballs. He doesn"t play sports. He only watches them on TV. He thinks they
 are interesting. 
1. Tom Smith is _____.   
A. Chinese   
B. English    
C. American
D. French 
2. He has _____ baseballs.   
A. 3      
B. 4      
C. 5      
D. 6 
3. He thinks sports are   _____ .     
A. interesting                     
B. boring    
C. relaxing                     
D. difficult
4. He _____ sports very much.    
A. plays       
B. does        
C. has         
D. likes
5. He has _____ .  
A. 8 tennis rackets   
B. a great sports collection  
C. 3 soccer balls   
D. 5 basketballs
     Tony and John are good friends. They like sports. Tony thinks basketball is interesting. He likes it very
  much. He often plays basketball with his classmates. John  doesn"t like basketball. He likes playing soccer. 
He thinks  it"s very  exciting (令人兴奋的 ). Tony  and  John  don"t  watch TV because it is boring.
根据短文内容,判断正(T)误( F)  
(     )1. Tony and John are good brothers.  
(     )2. Tony likes basketball.  
(     )3. John doesn"t like soccer.  
(     )4. They like watching TV.  
(     )5. Tony thinks basketball is bonng.