阅读理解。Beijing Restaurant MENU SOUPS Tofu soup¥10. 00   Bone soup¥15. 00   Chicken

阅读理解。Beijing Restaurant MENU SOUPS Tofu soup¥10. 00   Bone soup¥15. 00   Chicken

阅读理解。Beijing Restaurant
Tofu soup¥10. 00   Bone soup¥15. 00   Chicken soup¥20. 00
Fried rice¥8. 00   Fried noodles¥10. 00   Hot dog¥4. 00
Meat pie¥10. 00   Sandwich¥10. 00   Hamburger¥10. 00
Roast chicken¥30. 00   Italian pizza¥9. 00   Indian curries¥15. 00
Pork and cabbage¥15. 00   Cheese pie¥10. 00   Beef¥15. 00
Beijing Roast Duck¥50. 00   Sausage¥15. 00
Fruit salad¥8. 00   Pear pancake¥6. 00   Apple pie¥6. 00   Ice cream¥4. 00
Coke¥5. 00   Coffee¥5. 00   Tea¥3. 00   Apple juice¥3. 00
Beer¥10. 00   Wine¥30. 00   Milk¥3. 00   Lemonade¥4. 00
1. Which soup can"t you have in this restaurant? [     ]
A. Tofu soup.
B. Vegetable soup.
C. Bone soup.
D. Chicken soup. 2. How many kinds of main courses are there in this restaurant? [     ]
A. 7.
B. 8.
C. 9.
D. 10. 3. What"s the price of pear pancake and a cup of tea? [     ]
A.¥8. 00.
B.¥9. 00.
C.¥7. 00.
D.¥6. 00. 4. If you have twelve yuan, what can you buy in this restaurant? [     ]
A. Four ice creams.
B. A bottle of wine.
C. An apple pie and a pear pancake.
D. A sandwich and a hot dog. 5. Here is Mr. Wang"s bill. How much does he need to pay?
    Beijing Roast Duck
    Chicken soup
    Two bottles of beer
     Fried rice 
    Thank you for coming! [     ]
A. 91
B. 92
C. 93
D. 101
1-5: B B B C D
阅读理解。Letter to Editor of TV Weekly

1. What is Chris Daniels" purpose of writing this letter? [     ]
A. To persuade Bret Chrysler to turn away from quiz shows.
B. To entertain other readers with old news pictures.
C. To express his appreciation of the programme.
D. To have his story told on the programme. 2. Chris Daniels tells the story about the bus ticket to _____. [     ]
A. describe how painful his early experience was
B. draw a direct response from Alison Burnham
C. show how the programme made him think
D. teach the readers of TV Weekly a lesson 3. According to the passage, Chris Daniels had to walk home because _____. [     ]
A. he hadn"t got a return ticket
B. he had lost his bus ticket
C. he didn"t like big crowds
D. he missed the bus home 4. What does Chris Daniels now think about his experience on the bus? [     ]
A. He should have told the conductor then.
B. He should have been well treated.
C. He regrets going to school alone.
D. He wishes it hadn"t happened. 5. We can learn from the letter that Alison Burnham may be ______. [     ]
A. an editor
B. a commentator (评论员)
C. a director
D. a man writer
题型:期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。Subject: Complaints
Date: May 30, 2007
From: David@ hotmail.com
To: Glasgow@silverline.com
Dear Sir or Madam,
     Last Thursday, I traveled in the 8:40 am train from Glasgow to London King"s Cross and I was very
unhappy with the service provided by your company.
    The train was forty minutes later leaving Glasgow. Although the guard apologized, we were not given
any reasons for the delay. We then had further delays when the train crew changed. We had to wait another
thirty minutes. As a result, I missed my flight from London Heathrow to Frankfurt and had to wait for
several hours. 
    What"s more, the service in the train was also very poor. The trip took over five hours. Unluckily, there
was no dining car in the train and only a bar with soft drinks. The worst of all, the air conditioning broke
down halfway through the trip and it got hotter and hotter in the train. However, there was no apology for
this, and before we reached King"s Cross, the temperature was over 40℃. In view of the poor service, I
feel I am entitled to compensation. I am looking forward to hearing from you. 
                                                                                                                               Yours faithfully,
                                                                                                                                David Robertson
@silverline.com>1. What time did the train start its trip to King"s Cross that morning?
2. What happened to David because of the delay of the train?
3. Why did it get hotter and hotter in the train?
题型:湖北省期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读短文,选择正确答案。    When I was young, I looked forward to my birthday all year. On that day, my friends and family made me
feel like the most special person in the world.   
    The night before my birthday each year, my parents crept into my bedroom while I was sleeping. They hung
balloons on my walls with a big sign that said Happy Birthday! When I woke up, I was always surprised!   
    If my birthday was on a school day, I brought in treats to share with my teachers and classmates. On the
weekend, I invited my closest friends to a birthday party.   
    When I was young, I had parties at my house. My parents made up lots of fun games to play. We painted
pictures, played outside, and ate lots of cake and ice cream. My friends brought gifts for me, and my parents
and I gave my friends small bags full of sweets called “goody bags”.   
    When I got older, I had birthday parties in different places. One year, I had a party at a bowling alley. Another
year, I had a roller-skating party. In middle school, my parents let me have sleepover parties. My friends and I
stayed up all night watching movies, chatting, and sharing secrets. At night we ate pizza and cake, and the next
morning my parents made pancakes for everyone.   
    The saddest day of the year for me was the day after my birthday. Then I knew I had to wait another whole
year before it would come again. 1. The writer was surprised when he woke up on his birthday because ________. [     ]
A. many people had already come to his birthday party   
B. his friends had brought many beautiful gifts for him   
C. he saw balloons with a sign that said Happy Birthday   
D. his parents had made him a cake and some ice cream 2. When he was young, he had his birthday parties ________. [     ]
A. at school             
B. at home   
C. on roller-skating grounds     
D. at bowling alleys 3. We can infer from the last paragraph that ________. [     ]
A. his birthday was his favorite day of the year   
B. no one would care about him after his birthday   
C. the day after his birthday was an unlucky day   
D. he felt sad when people left him after his birthday 4. The writer mainly tells us ________. [     ]
A. what he did on his birthday parties   
B. where he had his birthday parties   
C. who were invited to his birthday parties   
D. how he spent his childhood birthdays
题型:0101 期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读短文,选择正确答案。    What does it mean when parents fight?   
    It"s hard for most people to hear their parents shouting at each other. You might worry more about one parent
or the other during an argument. Or maybe you worry that one parent could become angry enough to lose
control. It"s understandable to feel this way when there"s fighting around you.   
    If your parents are arguing about you, you might mistakenly think the argument is your fault (错误). But your
parents" arguments are never your fault.   
    If your parents" fighting really troubles you, you might find it hard to sleep or go to school. If things are going
like this, try talking to one or both of your parents about what they are doing. They may not even realize how
bad you feel until you tell them how their arguments affect (影响) you.   
    If the fighting goes too far, let someone else know what"s going on. Talking to other relatives or a teacher
about the fighting can be helpful. Sometimes parents who fight can go so far that they hurt each other or other
family members. If this happens, letting someone else know will allow the family to be helped and protected
from such harmful fighting.   
    Family members can learn to listen to each other and talk about feelings and differences without shouting at
each other. They can get help from others with the problem of fighting. Though it may take some work, time,
and practice, people in families can always learn to get along better.   
    If your family argues from time to time, try not to worry too much: No family is perfect. Even in the happiest
home, problems come up and people argue. Usually the family members get what"s troubling them out in the
open and talk about it. Hopefully, they can reach some agreement. Everyone feels better and life is OK again.   
    Being part of a family means everyone tries to make life better for each other. Arguments happen and that"s
OK. But with love, understanding, and some work, families can solve almost any problem. 1. When parents are arguing about us, we"d better _______. [     ]
A. worry about our mother   
B. not become angry enough to lose control   
C. try to find out our mistakes   
D. understand that it"s not our fault 2. If your parents fight, you _______. [     ]
A. shout at them    
B. go to school    
C. talk to them    
D. go to sleep 3. Which is not true according to the passage? [     ]
A. People argue even in the happiest families.   
B. It"s OK for parents to argue from time to time.   
C. People reach some agreement after fighting.   
D. Love and understanding can prevent parents" fighting.
题型:0101 期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读短文,选择正确答案。    I read yesterday (yes, on a blog) that there are now blogging competitions! I can"t believe it. A man in England
won $2,000 for writing the best blog. There"s even a list of the best Chinese bloggers! I"ve read a few of them
— before they were famous, I might add. I suppose that one blog can be better than another. It can be better
written, more interesting, funnier, and I suppose that blogs are there to be read and judged (点评) by other
people. If they"re not good, they"re not read. And they"re not just personal feelings. If they were, they"d be called
diaries. Have locks, and be hidden under beds. So I"m OK with this whole competition thing. I just can"t believe
I didn"t win!   
    This has got me thinking about why I"m writing this blog. I"m not doing it to win a competition (or I wasn"t
when I started...) and I"m not doing it to show all my personal feelings - I do that in my diary. So, why am I a
    To tell the truth, the first time I heard the word blog I thought it was a new word for a toilet. But I love
learning new words so I used my knowledge and found out that a blog was a personal website and the word
blog came from the words web log. Now a log is a type of diary kept by sailors, and web, well, we all know that
it has nothing to do with catching flies and everything to do with the Internet. Web log… weblog… blog. Being
a writer I loved the idea of getting my views onto the Internet where anyone could read them, and no editors
(编辑) could get their hands on them!   
    So my first reason for blogging: I"m a writer. I want people to read what I write (un - edited!). And I love
writing about anything I choose. I can write about saving the environment or complain about how the people in
front of me in the cinema always seem to have big heads. And sometimes I pour out my heart too.   
    My second reason is that it"s relaxing. I don"t have to do research and write an article. I can let my thoughts
go on as long as I like.   
    Third reason? To keep in touch. I"m terrible on the phone and all my friends around the world read my blog
(or they say they do...). Every now and then, I even upload a photo so they remember what I look like.   
    Is there a fourth reason? There probably is but now it"s time for dinner. Tomorrow I might even tell you what
I ate.
题型:0101 期末题难度:| 查看答案


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