World Book Day falls on April 23 every year. It was set up by UNESCO (联合国教科文组织)

World Book Day falls on April 23 every year. It was set up by UNESCO (联合国教科文组织)

World Book Day falls on April 23 every year. It was set up by UNESCO
(联合国教科文组织) in 1955 to encourage people, especially teenagers, to discover the pleasure of   . Many countries celebrate World Book Day. World Book Day is also celebrated in China.
Reading can benefit people    . Reading helps us become more knowledgeable and more intelligent. Reading helps us to follow the  developments of science and technology. Reading    us with information about other culture and places of the world. When we read, we may find many things  
     are unfamiliar to us. We would have to use our brain      about them or do more reading to find out the answers. The more we read, the more we know. The more we know, the     we become. Reading is also one of the most important ways to learn a foreign language    English. We all know that we     learn everything at school, for example, the ways English people are speaking and writing today.
“Reading makes a full man.”Books, magazines, newspapers and other kinds of reading materials can help to know more about the outside world and perfect us.     , it is necessary for us to form the habit of reading every day.

小题2: many the any the way
小题6: talk
A.CanB.can’tC.MightD.have to
A.SoB.HoweverC.Now thatD.Therefore



小题1:考查动词及语境的理解。A. listening听;B. Speaking说;C. Reading读;D. writing写。分析句意:每年的四月二十三日是世界的读书日。联合国教科文组织,在1955年,为了鼓励人们,尤其是年青人,去发现读书的快乐。现在许多国家庆祝世界读书日。明确说明是读书日。故选C
小题2:考查词组及语境的理解。A. in many ways用许多方式;B. by the way顺便说一下;C. in any way以任何方式;D. in the way挡道。分析句意:读书能让人们在许多方面受益。读书能帮助我们变更得有知识和更聪明。结合句意为许多方式。故选A
小题3:考查形容词及语境的理解。A. Earlier更早的;B. Later更晚;C. Latest最晚的;D. last最后。分析句意:读书能帮助我们了解最新科学技术发展的情况。英文表示最新的latest。故选C
小题4:考查动词及语境的理解。A. Shares分享;B. Gets得到;C. Opens打开;D. provides提供。分析句意:读书提供给我们一些关于世界的文化和地区。分析:考查固定句型:provides sb. with sth.提供某人某事。故选D
小题5:考查代词及语境的理解。A. Those那些;B. that那个;C. Where在哪;D. how如何。分析句意:当我们阅读的时候,我们可能发现许多不常见的事情。分析:考查定语从句的用法,先行词为many things,先行词在从句中作主语,先行词为事物,因此用引导词that.故选B
小题6:考查动词及语境的理解。A. Think想;B. to think想(动词不定式的形式);C. Talk谈;D. to talk谈(动词不定式的形式)。分析句意:联系上文:当我们阅读的时候,我们可能发现许多不常见的事情。我们必须用我们的大脑去考虑它们或者去读得更多来寻找答案。分析:考查固定句型:use sth. to do sth.用某物去做什么。因此选择动词不定式。故选B
小题7:考查形容词及语境的理解。A. Outstanding杰出的;B. prettier更漂亮的;C. Smarter更伶俐的;D. outgoing开朗的。分析句意:我们读的越多,我们知道的越多。我们知道的越多,我们变得越聪明。分析:考查固定句型:the 比较级,the 比较级:越……越……,结合句意为越来越聪明,因此选择smarter.故选C
小题8:考查介词及语境的理解。A. Like像;B. at在;C. About关于;D. towards向。分析句意:读书也是学习一门外语的重要方式,像英语。我们知道,我们不能在学校,学习每一件事情,例如,英国人在今天说和写的方式。表示例如like.故选A
小题9:考查情态动词及语境的理解。A. Can能;B. can’t不能;C. Might可以;D. have to不得不。析句意:读书也是学习一门外语的重要方式,像英语。我们知道,我们不能在学校学习,每一件事情,例如,英国人在今天说和写的方式。联系实际,我们在学校不能学到任何一切。因此为不能can’t.故选B
小题10:考查连词及语境的理解。A. So因此;B. However但是;C. Now that既然;D. Therefore因此。分析句意:“阅读使人充实。”书籍、杂志、报纸和其他类型的阅读材料可以帮助我们更多的了解外面的世界和完美的自己。因此,我们需要有每天阅读的习惯。通过句意为“因此”之意。故选D
Last year Tom left school . He came to Taipei to_____a job . He went from one company(公司) to another but  _____wanted him . Now he had little money. He had to go back to his small town. So he came to the station, he felt  ___ and tired . It was very late at night and ____was full of people . They were waiting ______tickets for the last train . He bought the last ticket , and he was very happy .
____ that time , a woman with a crying baby walked to him . She asked him to sell her the ticket . He gave her the ticket . He thought they needed it ______he did . After the train left , he sat on the bench and didn’t know _____to go . Just then , an old man came and said , “Young man , I ____ what you did to the woman . I have a big company . I need a good young man like __ __ . Would you like to work for me ?”
小题1:A. find               B. see             C. look
小题2:A. everyone           B. no one         C. nothing
小题3:A. happy             B. interesting       C. sad
小题4:A . the city            B. the company     C. the station
小题5:A. to buy             B. to sell           C. to give
小题6:A. At                B. In              C. To
小题7:A. less than           B. more than        C. smaller than
小题8:A. what              B. which           C. where
小题9:A. saw              B. don’t know       C. looked
小题10:A. the woman        B. you             C. the baby
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It was a cold day, but the students from Prosser Middle School in Chicago were sorting through the waste when they found that their school produces 1,500 pounds every day.
Prosser is just one school that throws out nearly 4,000 meal trays every day. Counting all of Chicago’s public schools, the number comes to nearly a quarter of a million a day. That’s more than 1 million a week and about 5 million a month. 
“None of the trays are being recycled,” said a teacher. “ Everyone agrees that it’s very bad.”
Luckily, concerns about the environment and health have made some US cities take action. Dozens of schools have begun programs to reduce the use of food trays in school.
These schools have also banned (禁止)some fast food, including McDonald’s. Instead, they offer students recyclable trays. They encourage students to sort out lunchroom waste, then wash and recycle milk cartons and trays . So far, the program has helped schools to save a total of 820,000 trays each week.
Jay Stream Middle School in Illinois teaches its students how to collect trays. The school has cut its lunchroom waste by two thirds now that students recycle their used trays instead of breaking them.
Prosser Middle School also sees the benefits of the program. Students have organized about 20 clubs and volunteer activities to cut down on cafeteria garbage. They now recycle 80 percent of the school waste. “ I joined the club,” said Erika Santana, a 16-year-old junior in Prosser, “because I want to make Earth a better place.”
 food tray
小题1:Did Prosser Middle School create much garbage every day before the program ?
小题2:How many meal trays do public schools in Chicago throw out a day?
小题3:. What does Jay Stream Middle School teach its students to do?
小题4: Who joined the club?
小题5: What’s the passage about ?
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Speaking English is not only about using proper grammar, but also about understanding the culture. Here is some important advice to remember when speaking English in the United States.
◆Americans have difficulties understanding foreign accents. Many Americans are not used to foreign accents. This requires patience from both of you.
◆Talk about places: Americans love to talk about places. When speaking to a stranger, ask them where they come from and then say something about that place. For example: “Oh, I have a friend who worked in Los Angeles. He says it’s a beautiful place to live in.” Most Americans will then willingly talk about their experiences of living in or visiting that city or place.
◆Talk about work: It is common for Americans to ask “What do you do?” It’s not considered impolite as in some countries and is a popular topic of discussion between strangers.
◆Talk about sports: Americans love sports! However, they love American sports. When speaking about football, most Americans understand “American football”, not soccer.
◆Be careful when expressing ideas about race, religion or other sensitive(敏感的)topics:The United States is a society with different cultures. Americans are very sensitive to other cultures and ideas.
小题1:For Americans, the question “what do you do?” is ________.
小题2: What can we learn about Americans?
A.They like to learn foreign accents.
B.They are willing to talk about places.
C.They prefer soccer to American football.
D.They accept other ideas and cultures easily.
小题3:The writer gives some advice mainly on ________.
A.talking with Americans
B.working with Americans
C.speaking American English
D.understanding American society

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Sports, drama, and all kinds of organizations keep students busy during high school. Where do they get the money to do these things? Not everyone gets it from parents. Most have to work for at least some of the money to pay for these activities. Some adults question if high school students should have jobs. I say yes, they undoubtedly should.
Some people worry that teens with after-school jobs will have difficulty finding time for schoolwork. Actually, having a job helps teens make better use of their time. Many jobs take only a couple of hours on weeknights. According to an article, 86 percent of high school students have an after-school, weekend or summer job and students who work between 10 and 20 hours per week during the school year get higher grades than those who do not work at all. Instead of considering working after school a hindrance, it should be looked at as real-world education.
Other people think that work adds too much stress(压力), which may be somewhat true, but whether having a job or not, there is always stress. Better to learn how to deal with busy schedules(日程表)in a controlled environment like high school than to be out on your own and alone in the future, experiencing stress for the first time. I personally would be worried about the teenager who has to become independent without having any experience of working.
The biggest reason teens should work is that it is a healthy way of making money. There are many things teens need to pay for and they cannot do it if they don’t have a job. Not all parents can pay for these activities. My dad told me, “Having a job is a good way to save up for things you are going to need or want to do. You get a lot more out of things if you pay for them yourself.” The sooner kids make money, the sooner they can learn how to use money wisely. If they are not allowed to work in high school, they may have a hard time in the future. Teens should, without a doubt, be allowed to work on school nights.
小题1:The word “hindrance” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_______”.
A.something that encourages teens to study
B.something that helps teens improve study
C.something that prevents teens from studying
D.something that makes teens lose interest in study
小题2:What can we learn from Paragraph 3?
A.Teens are too busy with study to work at high school.
B.Teens experience stress for the first time at high school.
C.Teens are worried about being independent in the future.
D.Teens who work will deal with stress better in the future.
小题3:Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Working makes teens get lower grades.
B.Working teaches teens to spend money more wisely.
C.Working helps teens to get on better with their parents.
D.Working stops teens from taking part in after-school activities.
小题4:What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.What money means to teens.
B.Why teens should work after school.
C.Whether parents should help teens find jobs.
D.How teens get money for after-school activities.

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Bai Yansong, a famous TV host, expressed his support for students wearing green scarves (绿领巾) at a primary school in Xi’an. He wore a green tie on a TV program on October 19, 2011. “I just want the students to know that I’m also wearing green. And we are all great people and are as good as those wearing red scarves.”
The First Experimental Primary School in Xi’an made children with poor schoolwork and behavior wear green scarves. Parents whose children wore green scarves were angry. “The children still need their self-esteem (自尊心) even though they are very young, and they know the green scarf means something is not quite right,” said one mother. Now, the school has stopped the practice.
Educational expert Li Zhenxi said that primary and junior high school students have strong self-esteem. They are eager to be respected and understood. Punishment will hurt them. “It’s better to encourage them rather than separating some ‘bad’ students,” he said.
A survey made by the Ministry of Education (教育部) shows that 75 percent of students feel nervous and scared when the teacher is about to announce their grades. Some schools have done better in protecting students’ privacy and encouraging them. In American schools, teachers post test results on the wall. Instead of using student names, they use secret numbers. This way, students know their secret numbers and can check their own grades only. Some teachers might call the students up to the desk and tell them their scores one at a time.
But test scores are not the only measures of a student’s ability. Everyone has his own strengths and everyone can make great progress by working hard.
小题1:Bai Yansong wore a green tie in a TV program in order to _______. people his special dressing style on people to live a green life
C.tell students green-scarf students are also good students
D.remind students wearing green scarves means being bad
小题2:Why did those parents whose children wore green scarves feel angry?
A.Because their children did do well at school.
B.Because they thought the school didn’t have the right.
C.Because it was against the law.
D.Because it hurts their children’s self-esteem.
小题3:According to the article, which of the following is TRUE?
A.Primary school students are too young to know what self-esteem is.
B.Separating some “bad” students helps create good learning environment.
C.Most “good” students like their teachers to announce their scores.
D.Using secret numbers instead of students’ names can protect their privacy better.
小题4:Which of the following may the writer agree with?
A.The green scarves system can make students work hard.
B.Student’s ability should not be measured only by test scores.
C.Students who get low marks should use secret numbers.
D.Teachers should tell students their scores secretly one by one.
小题5:What does the word “measure” mean in the last paragraph?

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