In Britain, the first day of the month of May is known as May Day. May day marks

In Britain, the first day of the month of May is known as May Day. May day marks

In Britain, the first day of the month of May is known as May Day. May day marks the end of the harsh(严酷的) winter months, welcomes the beginning of Summer, and optimistically looks forward to the bright and productive months.

For their ancestors, largely in rural areas, it was a major annual festival and was celebrated(庆祝) through out the country, especially on the first day of May with music, dancing and games.
How was May Day Celebrated in the past?

May Day began early in the morning. People went out before sunrise in order to gather flowers and plants to make their houses and villages beautiful in the belief that the vegetation spirits(神灵) would bring good luck.
A traditional May Day dance is Maypole Dancing,On May Day, people used to cut down young trees and stick them in the ground in the village to mark the arrival of summer.People danced around the tree poles in celebration of the end of winter and the start of the fine weather that would allow planting to begin. Maypoles are still a part of some
village life and on May Day the villagers dance around it.

May Day celebrations have their origins(起源) in the Roman festival of Flora, goddess(女神) of fruit and flowers, which marked the beginning of summer. So the highlight of the day was the crowning(为…加冕) of the May Queen(女皇), the human replica (模型) of Flora. By tradition she took no part in the games or dancing, but sat like a queen in a flower-decked chair to watch her "subjects".
Ever since 1978, for the convenience of the general public, many May Day activities have now been moved to the new May Day holiday on the first Monday of the month. This Monday is a bank holiday, a day off school and work. There are more intereting celebrations on this day.
小题1:In the old days, most people in Britain made their living by             .
A. fishing                B. farming                 C. working in factories
小题2:People in Britain celebrate May Day is to express their         
A. pleasure and hope       B. thanks and harvest       C. freedom and new life
小题3:Britain’s May Day holiday is on          in 2010.
A. May 1st               B. May 3rd                 C. May 5th
小题4:What is not mentioned in this passage?
A. Special food.          B. Special custom.           C. Special activity.
小题5:Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Only children can take part in the Maypole Dancing.
B. The queen of the UK came to watch her “subjects”.
C. Children needn’t go to school on May Day holiday now.


小题1:细节理解题。根据原文People danced around the tree poles in celebration of the end of winter and the start of the fine weather that would allow planting to begin.可知他们庆祝节日是为了祈祷好的天气,有利于种植,故选B。
小题2:细节理解题。根据原文May day marks the end of the harsh(严酷的) winter months, welcomes the beginning of Summer, and optimistically looks forward to the bright and productive months.可知他们庆祝节日是为了表达美好的愿望。故选A。
小题3:细节理解题。根据原文many May Day activities have now been moved to the new May Day holiday on the first Monday of the month. 可知这个节日后来被定为每年五月份的第一个周一,2010年五月的第一个周一是5月3日。故选B。
小题5:细节理解题。根据原文This Monday is a bank holiday, a day off school and work.可知这一天学校放假。故选 C
People use their mouths for many things. They eat, talk, shout,         and smile. So there are many expressions about mouth. For example, if you say        things about a person, the person will be unhappy and say “Do not bad mouth me.”
Sometimes, people say something to a friend or family member that later they regret       they hurt that person’s feelings. The speaker might say: “ I really put my foot in my mouth this time.” If this happens, the speaker might feel down in the mouth.
Information is        spread through the mouth. This is general communication        people, like friends talking to each other. “How did you hear about that movie?” Someone might ask. The         may be : “Oh, by word of mouth.” A more official way of getting information is through a company or government mouthpiece.
Sometimes, a person has a bad or unpleasant     with another person. He might say: “It left a bad taste in my mouth.” Or a person might have a very          experience, like being chased by an angry dog. He might say: “I had my         in my mouth.”
Some people have lots of money because they were         into a very rich family. You might say such a person “was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. ” And this rich person is the opposite of a person who lives from hand to mouth.
A.danceB.sing C.walkD.think
A.experimentB.expression C.experienceD.explanation

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In most languages, a greeting is usually followed by "small talk". Small talk means the little things we talk about at the start of a conversation. In English-speaking countries people often make small talk about the weather: "Nice day, isn"t it?" "Terrible weather, isn"t it?" But there is something special about small talk. It must be about something which both people have the same opinion about. The purpose of small. talk is to let both people agree on something. This makes meeting people easier and more comfortable. People usually agree about the weather, so it is a safe topic for small talk. But people often disagree about religion or politics so these are not suitable topics for small talk in English. The topics for small talk also depend on where the conversation is taking place. At football matches, people make small talk about the game they are watching: "Great game, isn"t it?" At bus-stops, people may comment about the transport system: "The bus service is terrible, isn"t it?"
Greetings and small talk are an important part of conversation in any language. The way people greet each other and the things they talk about, however, may be different from one language to another. This shows that there is much more to learn when we learn a language than just the vocabulary and the grammar of the language. We also have to learn the social behavior of the people who speak it.
小题1:The passage suggests that when we learn a language______.
A.we should know the culture about the country
B.we should only master the grammar and vocabulary
C.we should grasp the importance of the language
D.we should learn about the transport system of the country
小题2: When we say "Great game, isn"t it?" we in fact______.
A.have a conversationB.begin a small talk
C.greet each otherD.ask a question
小题3: What we learn from the passage is that______. English-speaking countries we should talk about the weather
B.different language has different grammar
C.small talk is an important part in a language
D.small talk depends on the purpose of the conversation

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Whatever the situation, you need to understand gestures(手势). Many gestures that we use are universal(通用的). Some of them can create wrong meanings to others. Using the wrong gesture could get you into trouble when you communicate with foreigners. Be careful with these gestures:
The ‘thumb up’ sign—In Italy, Germany and Greece, this sign simply means the number one. In Russia the meaning of this expression is ‘good’ or ‘well done’. In Egypt and Iraq, it means perfect or very good. It is widely used between people. But in Iran it is traditionally an obscene(不正经的) gesture.
The ‘OK’ sign—Often used to mean agreement, but it is considered rude in Brazil, southern Italy, Germany and Greece. In Japan, this gesture is a sign of money. In southern France it is used to show that something is worthless.
The victory sign—With the index finger and middle finger rose to form a V. It means victory or peace. Be careful about using it in Britain, however, if the palm is facing toward you, the gesture is considered obscene.
Snapping your fingers(打响指)—Some might use this gesture to get someone’s attention. In France and Belgium it sends a bad message. You would never snap your fingers to get a waiter’s attention.
Hands in the pockets—This is commonly seen in daily life. In Finland, Sweden, France, Belgium, Indonesia and Japan, putting your hands in your pockets would be considered impolite in a business meeting.
The meaning of gestures is not universal. Use these tips to prevent a cultural misunderstand. When in doubt, the best advice would be to ‘keep your hands to yourself.’
小题1:In which country does the ‘Thumb up’ NOT mean good or well done?
A.In Italy.B.In Russia.C.In Egypt.D.In Iran.
小题2:When you want to get a waiter’s attention in France, __________. can use the ‘OK’ sign can’t put your hands in the pockets can’t snap your fingers can use your fingers to form a V
小题3:Which sign means impolite in a business meeting?
A.The ‘OK’ sign.B.The victory sign.
C.Snapping your fingers.D.Hands in the pockets.

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Traveling is a relaxing and pleasing activity. Do you want to travel? If you do, you’d better pay attention to these things:
Choose the place you like to go. Before going on a trip, you need to decide where to go. You won’t have fun if you go to a place where you don’t like to go. This is very important if you take a trip.
Learn about the customs(风俗) of the local residents(当地居民). During the traveling, sometimes you need to communicate with the local residents. If you learn about their customs before you go there, you will get on well with them easily.
Choose the girth time to go. Wherever you go, 你都有必要了解天气情况。When the weather is too hot on too cold, you’d better not go there. And you should know if it is often rainy, cloudy or sunny.
Pay attention to health had safety. During the traveling, you can enjoy different diets. You should pay attention to the sanitation(卫生). Keeping healthy is very important. Don’t go to some places alone. This is also important.
Traveling is very exciting. Prepare for it carefully, and you will feel the pleasure of traveling.
小题1:Why do you need to learn about the customs of the local residents?                    .
小题2:Keeping healthy is very important.
         very important            keep healthy.
小题3:When the weather is too hot or too cold, you’d better not go there.
You’d better go there when the weather is              too hot         too cold.
小题4:将文中画线的英文句子译成中文。                                           .
小题5:将文中的中文句子译成英文。                                               .
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America is a mobile society. Friendships between Americans can be close and real, yet disappear soon if situations change. Neither side feels hurt by this. Both may exchange Christmas greetings for a year or two, perhaps a few letters for a while - then no more. If the same two people meet again by chance, even years later, they pick up the friendship. This can be quite difficult for us Chinese to understand, because friendships between us flower more slowly but then may become lifelong feelings, extending(延伸)sometimes deeply into both families.
Americans are ready to receive us foreigners at their homes, share their holidays, and their home life. They will enjoy welcoming us and be pleased if we accept their hospitality(好客) easily.
Another difficult point for us Chinese to understand Americans is that although they include us warmly in their personal everyday lives, they don"t show their politeness to us if it requires a great deal of time. This is usually the opposite of the practice in our country where we may be generous with our time. Sometimes, we, as hosts, will appear at airports even in the middle of the night to meet a friend. We may take days off to act as guides to our foreign friends. The Americans, however, express their welcome usually at homes, but truly cannot manage the time to do a great deal with a visitor outside their daily routine(事务). They will be likely to expect us to get ourselves from the airport to our own hotel by bus. And they expect that we will phone them from there. Once we arrive at their homes, the welcome will be full, warm and real. We will find ourselves treated hospitably.
For the Americans, it is often considered more friendly to invite a friend to their homes than to go to restaurants, except for purely business matters. So accept their hospitality at home!
小题1:The writer of this passage must be_______. AmericanB.a ChineseC.a visitorD.a student
小题2:Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Americans will continue their friendships again even after a long break.
B.Americans are usually more friendly than Chinese.
C.Americans always show their warmth even if they are very busy.
D.Friendships between Americans usually last for all their lives.
小题3:From the last two paragraphs we can learn that when we arrive in America to visit an American friend, we will be_______.
A.warmly welcomed at the airport
B.offered a ride to his home
C.treated hospitably at his home
D.treated to dinner in a restaurant
小题4:The underlined words "generous with our time" in Paragraph 3 mean_______.
A.strict with timeB.willing to spend time
C.careful with with time

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