After shaking the east coast of Honshu, Japan on March 11, the earthquake has ca

After shaking the east coast of Honshu, Japan on March 11, the earthquake has ca

After shaking the east coast of Honshu, Japan on March 11, the earthquake has caused more than 10, 000 deaths and 17, 000 people missing. In downtown of Tokyo, buildings shook and frightened citizen blocked out all the streets and roads. The tsunami(飓风)afterwards, which caused more deaths and injury, made Japanese people unable to cheer up. “Now that our neighbors are in trouble,” the Foreign Ministry spokesman said, “we are in our turn to give a hand. Our rescue team has already got there in time to help.” The terrible earthquake also caused a big fire breaking out at the Fukushima nuclear power plant(福岛核电站), leading to a radiation leaking(泄漏).
50 nuclear workers, facing radiation and fire, became the only people remaining at the Fukushima nuclear power plant on Tuesday — and perhaps Japan’s last chance of preventing a broader nuclear danger. They have volunteered to put seawater on dangerous nuclear fuel(核燃料)to cool it down, to prevent thousands of tons of radioactive dust high into the air. Some scientists suggest that the leaking is harmful to human being and may influence human body through rain or snow from the sky in the future.

小题1:The earthquake in Japan has caused over ______ people missing.
A. 10, 000                  B. 17, 000                  C. 27, 000
小题2:From the passage, we know that ______ led to a radiation leaking.
A. the earthquake               B. the tsunami                  C. the rain
小题3:______ the nuclear fuel can prevent radioactive dust high into the air.
A. Throwing away                B. Burning out                  C. Cooling down
小题4:Some scientists suggest Japanese people watch out for _______.
A. the fire                     B. the weather                  C. the seawater
小题5:The main idea of this passage is that ______.
A. Japan is the most dangerous country in the world
B. a big fire broke out at the Fukushima power plant
C. the earthquake in Japan led to a radiation leaking


小题1:细节理解题。根据原文 earthquake has caused more than 10, 000 deaths and 17, 000 people missing. In downtown of Tokyo,可知地震中死亡人数超过1万人,失踪人数为1万7千人。故选B。
小题2:细节理解题。根据原文The terrible earthquake also caused a big fire breaking out at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, leading to a radiation leaking可知地震引起了核泄漏。故选A。
小题3:细节理解题。根据原文They have volunteered to put seawater on dangerous nuclear fuel to cool it down,可知他们使核燃料降温。故选C。
小题4:细节理解题。根据原文Some scientists suggest that the leaking is harmful to human being and may influence human body through rain or snow from the sky in the future.可知科学家们建议人们预防来自雨和雪带来的辐射。故选B。
The sun gives energy and the earth receives the sun’s energy. The way the earth interacts with the sun’s energy can be displayed in a picture called the earth’s energy budget(预算). It displays the sun’s energy that reaches us and how much of that energy is taken in and how much is thrown back by the earth and its air. Once the energy reaches the earth, some of it is taken by land and oceans. The amount of energy that is taken in influences the temperatures. The energy that is not taken in is thrown back to space.
Generally, the amount of energy coming in is equal to the amount of energy going out. So, we say the earth’s energy budget is balanced. If more energy was coming in than was going out, the earth’s temperature would increase. On the other hand, if too much energy is thrown back, and not taken in, we would see the earth’s temperature dropping.
Of all of the sun’s energy that hits the earth, about 67% is taken in by the land, oceans, air and clouds and about 33% is thrown back into space.
小题1:The picture above shows us how ________ hits the earth.
A. the high temperature         B. the heavy rain               C. the sun’s energy
小题2:In the 2nd paragraph, the underlined phrase “equal to ” means “______”.
A. less than                    B. the same as              C. more than
小题3:Picture ______ shows us the main idea of the last paragraph.

A.       B.      C.

小题4:If too much energy is thrown back, we will feel ______on the earth.
A. cold                     B. hot                      C. warm
小题5:The amount of energy that is _______ influences the temperatures.
A. well balanced               
B. thrown back                 
C. taken in
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The kids at the top of the class get there by mastering a few good ways that others can learn.  Here are some secrets of straight-A(成绩全优的) students.
①Take good notes and use them.  The teacher will test you on what he or she emphasized.  That’s what you find in your notes.
②Study anywhere or everywhere.  Some students work late at nights when the house is quiet.  Others wake up early.  but straight-A students study as soon as they come home from school.  All agree that they succeed in their study because they can studying like this.
③Organize well.  Don’t waste time looking for a pencil or missing paper.  Keep everything at the right place.
④Plan your time.  If you want to be a straight-A student, make sure to finish all your tasks before the deadline.
⑤Do more than you are asked..  Part of learning is practicing.  The more you practice, the better you will learn.
Secrets of Being a Straight-A Student
Secret 1
Secret 2
Secret 3
Organize well.
Secret 4
Secret 5
小题5:Your Secret:
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You may not have heard the words “freshman fifteen” before, but they are very important for students who are entering university(大学). A freshman is a first-year college student. “Fifteen” means fifteen pounds---the fifteen pounds added to a student’s weight in his or her first year. There are a number of reasons why first-year university students gain(增加) weight; but it’s encouraging to know that freshmen don’t have to add these harmful fifteen pounds.
Mistakes choosing food
University kitchens serve(供应) many kinds of food. Some students choose unhealthy food, because now their patents are not nearby to help them choose. Some students visit the kitchen many times while studying. Late at night, some students get harmful fast food such as fish and chips with Coke to drink. Students also have less time for walking, running, and doing sports because of their schoolwork.
Eating right
If you’re careful, you don’t have to add fifteen pounds. Here are some ideas:
Think more about what you eat.
Eat plenty of vegetables and healthy meats.
Don’t eat desserts full of sugar; have fruit after dinner.
Try not to eat so much unhealthy food while you study.
It’s all right to have a little fast food sometimes---but not often.
Write down the foods you eat.
Walk, run, do sports---move and you will feel better!
Remember that the “freshman fifteen” can happen to anyone. Talk to your friends about it. Together, try to eat healthy food and not to eat unhealthy food. Walking, running, and playing sports is always more fun with friends. Help each other and you can have a healthy and happy freshman year.
小题1:The “freshman fifteen” is _______.
A.weight that high school students gain
B.weight that first-year university students can gain
C.fifteen pounds of food that first-year students eat
D.fifteen students who eat unhealthy food
小题2:Which of these mistakes is not mentioned(提及)in the passage?
A.Choosing unhealthy food.B.Visiting the kitchen while studying.
C.Getting fast food at night.D.Eating too much chocolate.
小题3: Which of these ideas would the writer probably agree with?
A.You’d better not eat unhealthy food.
B.Not eating unhealthy foods is easier with friends’ help.
C.Gaining fifteen pounds can help you study better.
D.Some students can eat anything they want.

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For hundreds of years, scientists have been trying to answer what things have an effect on people’s emotions (情感). How you feel is controlled by many things. Your emotions can be affected by your personality, by the actions of others and by events around you. Perhaps you don’t know your emotions can be influenced by the weather as well.
People often say they feel good when the sun is shining and sad when it is cloudy.In fact, sunlight makes us feel good.When sunlight hits our skins,our bodies produce a vitamin. Vitamins are natural chemicals(化学物质)which we all need to stay healthy.Sunlight helps our bodies produce vitamin D.Vitamin D helps our bodies make a special chemical.This special chemical affects our brains(大脑)and makes us feel happy.For example, there are long, dark winters of little sunlight in Sweden and Norway,so many peple in these countries often feel sad.Without much sunlight, their bodies produce less vitamin D.Without enough vitamin D, their bodies make less of this special chemical which makes them feel good.To help the people in these countries feel better,special “sunrooms”with artificial(人造的)lights have been built.People can go there and get “sunlight”for an hour or two!
The weather can also affect people’s emotions in other ways. Hot weather can make people angry because people feel uncomfortable when they are hot. In the same way, rain can make people angry because being wet can be unpleasant. As you can see, the weather can have an effect on the chemicals which control our brains. Through these ways, the weather can influence our emotions. Sadly, while the weather can change us, we can hardly change the weather.
小题1:Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a factor (因素) that can affect one’s emotions?
A.Weather.B.Actions of others.
小题2:Which of the following is true about vitamin D according to the passage?
A.It is a kind of artificial chemical.
B.It makes us worried by affecting our brains.
C.It is needed by us all to keep fit.
D.It is in the sunlight.
小题3:What can we infer (推断) from the passage?
A.We feel good when we are in the bright cool weather.
B.We will be happy when we are caught in the rain.
C.All people in Norway and Sweden feel sad in winter.
D.The more vitamin D you have, the happier you’ll be.
小题4:What may be the best title for this passage?
A. Why Do We Feel Sad?            
B. The Weather Influences People’s Emotions.
C. People Need More Vitamin D.      
D. We Can Hardly Change the Weather.
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Respect your teachers.
First of all, students should respect the teachers. You should      your teachers in the classes. That means to give your respect to him, to stand from your chairs when the teacher enters the classroom, etc. Attend any class attentively. In class of a certain subject or a teacher you don’t like very much, if it is totally anarchy(无政府状态), how can we talk about respect?
Play by the     .
If your teacher wants you to take notes in class, do it. If she tells you to sharpen your pencils only before class starts, listen to her. If she     late homework, do yours on time. Sometimes classroom rules seem strict or even silly, but most teachers know what’s necessary to make things run well and what it takes to let the learning begin. And the better the learning environment, the      you will be!
Expect him/her to like you.
Teachers are teachers because they like kids. Given the chance, most teachers want to be your    , too. Respect your teacher, but do not be afraid of him/her. He/ she wants you to have a great school year just as much as you want to have one!
Put first things first.
Friends are a fun part of school. But they are not the most important part. When your teacher is teaching, give him/her full attention,      when it’s hard to do. Class will end and the ten-minute break will come soon enough, and that’s the time for playing with your friends
小题1: attention onD.pick up
A.moreB.biggerC.harder D.smarter
小题5: D.classmate

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