Today people can use the phone to talk with others almost anywhere on the earth.

Today people can use the phone to talk with others almost anywhere on the earth.

Today people can use the phone to talk with others almost anywhere on the earth. But  31 you use the phone, you can’t see the person you are talking with. That  32  change in the future.
Now some people are using a kind of telephone called the picture phone or a vision phone(视频电话). Two people  33  are talking can see each other with it.
Picture phones can be useful when you have  34  to show the person you are calling. They may have other uses in the future. One day you may be able to ring up a   35  and ask to see a book. Then you’ll be able to   36  the book over your picture phone. Also you may be able to do shopping through your picture phone. If you see something   37  the newspaper that you want to buy, you can 38  the shop. People at the shop will show you the thing you’re   29  in over the phone. You’ll be able to shop all over the town and never even leave your room.
The picture phone is really a   40  phone. More and more people will use it.
小题1: A. if                         B. when                C. before  
小题2:A. can’t                      B. must                 C. may 
小题3: A. whom                     B. who                  C. which  
小题4: A. something                  B. nothing               C. everything
小题5:A. shop                      B. school                C. library 
小题6:A. read                       B. see                   C. watch  
小题7:A. in                         B. about                 C. on  
小题8: A. visit                       B. go                    C. call
小题9: A. interested                   B. bored                 C. interesting 
小题10: A. useless                      B. helpless               C. helpful

小题1: 这里是对未来的一种推测,因此用may。
小题1: 这是一个定语从句,先行词为people指人,在定语从句中作主语,故用who。
小题1: 当你有东西要给你在通话的那个人看时,可视电话是非常有用的。
小题1: 由下文book可推测是打电话给“图书馆”。
小题1:be interested in为固定搭配,意为“对……感兴趣”。
小题1: 由全文可知,可视电话是非常有用的。
Do you want to be the most popular person in the class? You don " t need to change your character (性格) ; you just need to improve your personality (人格), the most popular people are trusted (信任) and loved because they stay normal but still have something that makes them different from the rest of us. Here are some pieces of advice on how to become the most popular person in the class.
If you want others to like and respect (尊重) you, you have to start by liking yourself. Do not change yourself in order to please (讨好,取悦) others.
Be helpful to everyone and do it happily. Being nice to people is almost like helping them, too, because by being nice you make others happy.
Be active and have a positive attitude towards life. Develop confidence in yourself.
Stay clean and wear fresh clothes. Do not try to follow fashion to please others.
Respect cannot be bought with big words or money. You have to get it by being honest. It also helps your personal growth. You must be a person that can be trusted to get respect.
小题1: How can we become popular in our class?
A. To change our character.
B.To trust and love others.
C. To improve our personality.
小题2: How can you get respect from your classmates according to the passage? A. By being honest.
B.By trusting others.
C. By using money.
小题3: What does the underlined(下划线的) sentence (句子) show?
A. You should be nice to others.
b. You should be polite when you help others.
C. We can help others just by being nice.
小题4:What kind of people will be liked by the whole class?
a. positive   b.   confident   c.  good-looking   d.  fashionable   e. helpful
A. a, b, e.     b. b, c, d.      C. a,b, c.
小题5:What"s the best title (标题) for the passage?
A. How to please others.       B. How to be the favorite.
C. How to be trusted by others.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Here"s an interview to a pilot about his life.
(R="Reporter;" P= Pilot)
R: How much time do pilots actually spend flying a plane?
P: It varies (WES"J) from about 20 minutes on some domestic (区别) flights to as much as 18 hours on international flights. It all depends on if the flight is a short- or long-haul flight.
R: Do pilots take breaks during flights or do they fly the whole time?
P: Yes, we take breaks during long-haul flights. Airlines assign (指派) three or four pilots to long flights. We take turns flying the plane.
R: If pilots are traveling all the time, how do they deal with jet lag (时差)?
P: Jet lag is annoying for almost all pilots. I try to go to sleep as I would at home.
R: How important is it to know the weight and size of the plane you are flying?
P: It is very important. We weigh almost everything put into the airplane and make estimates (估计) according to the number of people on each flight.
R: Do pilots eat the airplane food?
P: Yes, we eat business class food! Airplane food changes every season and is very delicious if you don"t hate eating lobster (龙虾) every day! The pilots on the same plane are supposed to make different meal choices so that if one of the dishes causes food poisoning, only one of them will be sick. That way, at least one pilot will always be well enough to fly the plane!
小题1:The number of pilots depends on _. many hours a plane fliesB.what kind of planes they are
C.the airline companies assignD.what the pilot likes
小题2:In order to know the weight of the airplane, the pilots must know_ __.
A.the weight of everything put into the plane
B.the number of people on the plane
C.the weight of the things and people on the plane
D.the importance of the weight
小题3:What"s the Chinese meaning of the word "poisoning" in the passage?
小题4: What does the pilot think of the airplane food?
A.Airplane food is more delicious than lobster.
B.The pilot suggests having airplane food instead of lobster.
C.The pilot doesn"t like the airplane food at all.
D.Airplane food is as delicious as lobster.
小题5: What question doesn"t the reporter ask in the interview?
A.How to keep passengers safe?
B.How long do pilots actually spend flying a plane?
C.How to deal with jet lag?
D.How to take breaks during flying.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Sitting on a chair all day in school can make anyone want to move around. So, more and more teachers are letting students have a ball. By sitting on exercise balls instead of chairs, teachers find students" posture (姿势) and attention improve.
Dottie Pownall, a fifth-grade teacher in West Virginia, USA, has been using balls as chairs since December 2008. "The students love them", she says. Pownall took a survey of her students. She found that 80% of the students thought sitting on the balls helped them pay more attention to what they were learning.
The teacher, Pisa Witt, felt so strongly about the use of balls as chairs, she started Witt Fitt. This company encourages the use of the balls. And the company educates not only teachers but also students on how to use them. "Our products are used in 24 states, three provinces in Canada, Puerto Rico ("波多黎各) and Japan," says Witt. "Research shows that sitting on the balls makes them sit up straighter. You can slouch (低头垂肩地坐) on a ball," says Witt, "but it feels awful." Because the students are moving, their blood (血液) increases. That carries more oxygen (氧气 to the brain (大脑), so the kids have more energy and can focus longer.
"Furthermore, they"re fun." says Pownali.
小题1: What will happen if a student sits on a chair all day in school? The student will _________. more attention to his lessons fun to move aroundD.sit up straighter
小题2: How long has Dottie Pownall used the balls?
A.About three years. B.Only one year.
C.In 2008. D.Since he was a fifth-grade teacher.
小题3: In how many countries are the balls used as the students" chairs?
A.Four. B.Three. C.Two. D.One.
小题4:Teachers choose balls instead of chairs because sitting on balls helps the kids___________.
A.improve the students" posture and attentionB.slouch on the chairs
C.have funD.Both A and C are correct answers.
小题5:Which is better for kids to study in class, sitting on a chair or sitting on a ball?
A.Sitting on a chair.B.Sitting on a ball.
C.They are the same.D.We don"t know.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

(Megan and Kyle are talking before class begins.)
Megan: Hey, Kyle, are you ready for the big test today? I studied that list of words and the definitions(释义) for two hours last night.
Kyle: Oh, but I didn’t study at all. I just wrote all the answers on the palm(手掌) of my hand, see?
Megan: Kyle! You can’t do that! That’s cheating(作弊)!
Kyle: Hey, don’t worry. I won’t be caught. Mrs King will never know.
(Mrs King comes in and passes out the test papers.)
Mrs King: Okay, no more talking. You may begin.
(Kyle looks st his hand when the teacher isn’t looking.)
Joe: (raising his hand) Mrs King, may I have a drink? I have the hiccups(打嗝).
Mrs King: Yes, you may.
Kyle: (raising his hand) Mrs King, may I get a drink, too?
Mrs King: Kyle, what is that on your hand? I think you had better come to my desk.
Kyle: Oh no…
(After this, Kyle realizes his mistake and never cheats in exams again.)
小题1:根据Megan and Kyle are talking before class begins(在上课开始前).及下文描述,可知这个故事可能发生在教室里。A          
小题2:根据Kyle: Oh, but I didn’t study at all. I just wrote all the answers on the palm(手掌) of my hand, see?可知他把答案写在了手上,选项中没有正确答案。
小题3: Where did the story possibly take place?
A.In the classroom.
B.In the library.
C.On the playground.
D.In the reading room.
小题4: Where did Kyle write the answers?
A.On his hand.
B.In his notebook.
C.Megan told his classmates everything.
D.Joe told Mrs King about Kyle’s cheating.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Many students ask for advice about improving their English. There are three basic questions.
The first question is about real English. Li Hao from Hubei wrote, “I enjoy watching English films and listening to real English songs. But it takes a long time. What do you think?”
This is a great way to learn English! Talk about the film or song with your friends, and guess the meaning of the new words. Just enjoy yourself!
The second question is about speaking. Sam, from Suzhou wrote, “Our school has a foreign teacher. But I’m shy and can’t speak to her. What should I do?”
When I visit China, lots of people in the street say, “Hello! How are you? Where are you from? Do you like China?” These are good questions to start a conversation. Many people are shy when they speak English, so before you begin, take a deep breath and smile! Smiling always helps.
The third question is about vocabulary. Olive, from Anhui wrote, “I want to remember all the new words. I wrote them down, but I forget them quickly. What should I do?”
Try to remember eight or nine words a day. Write them on pieces of paper and place them in your bedroom. Say the words when you see them, and change them every day. And when you’re shopping, how about counting the English words, or saying the English names for everything you see?
小题1:How many basic questions do the students often ask?
小题2: What should you do if you are shy to speak English?
A.Watch English films.
B.Write down the words first.
C.Listen to real English songs.
D.Take a deep breath and smile before you begin?
小题3:What is Oliver’s problem?
A.He’s too shy to talk with others.
B.He’s not able to count English words.
C.He can’t remember new words.
D.He doesn’t know what real English is.
小题4: What’s the best title of this passage?
A.How to learn English
B.Talking about English films
C.Advice about English writing
D.The way of beginning an English conversation

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