阅读短文,回答下列问题。     School in the USA are a little different (不同的) from schools in

阅读短文,回答下列问题。     School in the USA are a little different (不同的) from schools in

阅读短文,回答下列问题。     School in the USA are a little different (不同的) from schools in China. Usually, there is no school
uniform (校服) in the USA. In many Chinese schools, students have school uniforms. Classes start at
8:30 each morning and the school day ends (结束) at 3:30 or 4 o"clock in the USA. In China, classes
usually start at 8:00 in the morning and the school day ends at 5:30 in the afternoon. Students have one
hour for lunch and two 20-minutes (分钟) breaks (休息) each day in the USA. One break is in the
morning, and the other is in the afternoon. In China, students have two hours for lunch and a ten-minute
break after each class. In the USA, students often go to the school cafeteria (食堂) at lunchtime or at a
break. They buy food and drinks (饮料) there. But in China, students often play games on the playground
(操场) or have a break in the classroom after lunch or at a break.1. Is there uniform in the schools in the USA?
2. When do the students in the USA end their school?
3. How long do Chinese students can have break each day?
4. How many breaks do the students in the USA have?
5. Which kind of school do you like ?
1. No.
2. At 3:30 or 4:00 o"clock in the afternoon.
3. They have two hours for lunch and a ten-minutes break after each class.
4. They have two.
5. 学生可根据自己的喜好自由回答。
阅读理解.     The first newspaper was written by hand and put up on walls. The earliest daily newspaper was
started in Rome in 59 BC.  In the 700"s, the world"s first printed newspaper was published. In 1609 in
Germany the first regular (定期的) newspaper was started.
    The first regular published newspaper in English was printed in Amsterdam in 1620.ln 1621, an
English newspaper was started in London and was published once a week. The first daily English
newspaper was the Daily Currant.lt came out in March 1702.
     In 1690, Benjamin Harris printed the first American newspaper in Boston. But not long after it was
first published, the government stopped the paper .In 1704,John Campbell started the Boston
Newsletter, the first newspaper published daily in America. By 1760,America had more than thirty
daily newspapers. There are now about l,800 daily papers in the USA.
     Today, as a group, English language newspapers have the largest circulation(发行量) in the world.
But the largest circulation for a newspaper is that of the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun.lt sells
more than eleven million copies every year.l. When was the earliest daily newspaper started?    A. In 59 BC.          
B. In 1620.
C. In l621.            
D. In 1702.2. Where was the first regular published newspaper in English printed? A. In Rome.            
B. In Amsterdam.
C. In London.          
D. In Boston.3. _____ printed the first American newspaper in Boston.    A. Benjamin Harris      
B. John Campbell
C. Tom                
D. Thomas Edison4. How many more newspapers are there in America  now than that in 1760? A. 1,700.  
B. 1,750.  
C. 1,770. 
D. 1,800.5.  _____ have the largest circulation.     A. Chinese language newspapers
B. English language newspapers
C. Japanese newspapers
D. Asahi Shim bun
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短文填空。     New York, London,Paris and other big cities are exciting places to l     1     in.There are many i     2     things to see and to do. You can go to different k__3   of museums and see plays and films. You can also go to s     4    to buy things from all o      5      the world.
     But there are many problems in big c      6     ,too. There are to many people move to cities to find
jobs,and to study at good schools. But sometimes these people can"t f      7       work in a good place to
live i      8      Also,too many people in a small place make it hard to keep the cities safe and clean. So
before peoplehave to move t_    9      big cities,they Should think a      10      the problems of living there.
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完型填空.  Different countries have different food.If you go to 1  , you may find 2 fish and chip shops along the 3   .
Fish and chips is the  4 popular take-away food in England.People often 5  this kind offood at shops,  6   
sometimes they put the food  7 paper bags and take it  8  or to their workplaces.
  Chinese take-away food is also  9   in England, Australia and the USA, but the most popular take-a-way
food in the USA 10  fried chicken.lt:s very delicious! (   )1.A. Australia
(   )2.A. few      
(   )3.A. roads    
(   )4.A. very    
(   )5.A. have    
(   )6.A. for      
(   )7.A. on      
(   )8.A. home    
(   )9.A. different
(   )10.A. was     B.China  
B. little
B. streets
B. most  
B. sell  
B. so    
B. away  
B. office
B. cheap  
B. were   C. England  
C. much    
C. ways    
C. quite    
C. put      
C. but      
C. into    
C. house    
C. delicious
C. is       D. theUSA
D. many  
D. rivers
D. more  
D. take  
D. too    
D. outof  
D. school
D. popular
D. are    
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阅读理解。     People all know that December 25th is Christmas for Americans and other westerners. Yet not all
the people know Boxing Day.
    Boxing Day is a holiday observed on December 26,or the first weekday after Christmas. And it is a
festival only for those service persons such as postmen, newspaper boys, milkmen, etc.  On that day,
families traditionally give Christmas boxes to those service workers. It is a custom, but nobody is certain
how it was originated.
    A popular legend tells the story. There was once a rich lady called Chatter in England. One morning
many, many years ago, it snowed very heavily. Chatter was waiting anxiously for a very important letter
from her boyfriend. Then a post boy came and gave her the letter. She was so pleased that she gave him
a box with presents. Later on, more and more people followed her example. As time went by, giving
boxes with presents to service persons became a custom in Great Britain. Later the custom spread to
America. In the USA, some people give their employees money instead of boxes nowadays.1. Boxing Day is observed _____.A. on December 25
B. on December 26
C. on the first weekday after Christmas
D. either B or C2."The first weekday" refers to _____.  A. Monday      
B. Sunday
C. Saturday      
D. Friday3. _____  on Boxing Day.   A. Those service persons would box each other
B. Service workers would give boxes from service workers
C. The employers receive boxes from service workers
D. Service workers receive boxes from the employers4. According to the popular legend story, Boxing Day originated from _____.  A. America      
B. Australia
C. England      
D. Canada5. On Boxing Day in the USA nowadays, _____. A. all the service workers receive money instead of boxes from their employers
B. people give the service workers boxes only
C. some people give money to the service workers, while others still give boxes
D. people do not give boxes or money to the service workers
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阅读理解       When people go to England, they must leam something about transportation there.
       In England,cars,buses and bikes must keep to the left side of the street. If a person wishes to cross
a street,  he must stop and either look at the traffic lights or look both ways down the street. And instead
of looking left first,as we do in China,they look right first.
       To get about in London, vis]tors should leam to use buses and the underground". First of all they
must know which direction(方向)they are going to and which bus underground train they must take. At
the bus stop they wait for buses to come. As soon as they get on the bus, they must pay for their
tickets.                    根据短文内容判断正“T”,误“F”。(     )1. In England,people go along the left side of the road as we do in China.(     )2. When they want to cross a street,people in England look right first.(     )3. To go about in London,visitors should learn to drive.(     )4. First of all,visitors must know where to go..(     )5. After people get on a bus,they don-t have lo pay for their tickets at once.
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