阅读理解。     As a teacher, I think it is right to tell my students to write about t

阅读理解。     As a teacher, I think it is right to tell my students to write about t

阅读理解。     As a teacher, I think it is right to tell my students to write about their pure feelings and real experiences. I always taught my students how to learn by experience. And I also found that it helped me a lot to get on well with the students.
     One day after explaining a text,I asked my students to write a passage about their families.I encouraged them to write about their  real  experiences  with  their closest family members. All the students wrote quite well  but  the  best one of them was written by a  little girl. She was Hao Fang. I was deeply moved by her
story. In  her  passage, she said her father  had died years  before  and  her mother  had to  work hard to
support the family. Many times she  had seen her mother work deep into night but never seen tears on her
face.  She also wrote that she needed to stay  strong  and  she would do the best to give her  mothe r an
easier life in the future. Like her mother, Hao  Fang also  worked hard  at  her  lessons  and she was really
good at any of them.  I didn"t know anything about her unlucky family till then. She always appeared happy and "never showed that she needed  anyone"s help.
     In order to make her an example to the class, I read  this  passage to the class. When I finished reading
it, I found my throat choked  and  my students" eyes full of tears. After  class nearly  all  my  other students
crowded around Hao Fang and gave their money to help this girl. We knew her family needed money very much. Many students decided to offer her more help. To tell  the  truth, I was really proud  of my students.
But to my surprise, this student of mine didn"t express her thanks to  her classmates and left school without even telling me the next day. I was puzzled about this.
     Was  it  right to  tell her sad story to the class? Why did sh e refuse to accept  the  donation? These
questions crowded my mind.1. The teacher mentioned in the article always _      .         A. made the students feel sad
B. asked the students to make up stories
C.  helped the students learn from the real life2. Hao Fang wrote about her family"s hard life in order to          .           A. tell her real experiences
B. show how strong she was
C. ask her classmates for money3. The underlined word "choked"  means          in Chinese.      A.哽咽            
C. 疼痛4. By reading the article, we know that Hao Fang _______ .      A. appreciated the donation
B. was frustrated at her hard life
C. wanted to improve her family"s life by working hard5. We can learn from the article that       .             A. the ways of helping people should be well chosen
B. it"s wrong to ask students to tell their real experiences
C. donating money to the poor is the only better way to help them
1 ~5 CAACA
阅读理解      Imagine this: a television screen has the size and thickness of a piece of paper. You carry it around in
your pocket and take it out when you want to watch a show. Imagine a guitar so tiny that you can"t see it
with the human eye, but you can hear sound when its strings are pulled.
      Nanotechnology (纲米技术)  is the science that deals with doing things in a very small way, and it is
being studied and developed all over the world. Many scientists say nanotechnology will produce the next
industrial revolution (工业革命) .
      Perhaps nanotechnology will have the biggest influence on medical science. Imagine manobots (纲米机器人) in medicine. Thousands or even millions of tiny machines can be sent into the human body with
specific tasks. For example, they can be designed to find and destroy cancer cells or viruses (病毒). Other machines may stay in the human body for ever to help organs (器官) that are not working properly.
      When could all of these happen? Scientists predict that most of these are possible in the next 30 years. Thousands of scientists around the world are working on these micro - machines.  Nanotechnology is just around the corner.1. The two examples in Paragraph l are used to __________            A. introduce the smallest television            
B. introduce a new kind of guitar            
C. introduce the topic of the passage2. Nanotechnology ___________            A. will cause an industrial revolution            
B. deals with things in old ways            
C. has studied the whole world3. The underlined word "they" in the third paragraph refers to (指代)________            A. scientists          
B. human bodies            
C. tiny machines4. The tiny machines _____________           A. are too small to be repaired            
B. can be put in a human body to kill viruses            
C. may not work well in a human body5. The underlined phrase "around the corner" in the last sentence means"_________"          A. far away  
B. at present      
C. in the near future
题型:月考题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Australia has lots of lovely animals. You can"t find them anywhere else in the world. The most famous
ones are kangaroos and koalas.
     The kangaroo is the symbol of Australia. They have large eyes and ears. They don"t walk, they jump.
They use their strong back legs. They can jump at 74 kilometers per hour. They can go over nine meters
in one jump. Kangaroo mothers have pouch to carry their babies. The babies stay inside to get milk and
keep warm.
     Kangaroos are everywhere in Australia. They are on TV, in books and in the shops. But do you
know that millions of kangaroos are killed every year? There are too many of them. There are about 20
to 25 million kangaroos in Australia. That"s more than the number of people in the country. Some
kangaroos go hungry because there is not enough food to eat. They break into farms for food. Farms are
angry with them.
     The koalas is another famous Australian animals. They look like bears, have small eyes and big noses.
They eat leaves from gum trees. Koalas have a special smell. They use it to mark their home-"This is my
place, you can"t come in. " Like kangaroos, a koalas baby lives in its mother"s pouch, too.
1. If  we want to see kangaroos and koalas in natural forests, we can go to _              .
A. China            
B. France              
C. Australia
2. What does a kangaroo look like?
A. It looks like a bear.
B. It has big eyes and ears.
C. It has small eyes and big noses.
3. The word "pouch" means ________
A. 育儿袋            
B. 肌肉              
C. 尾巴
4. Which is not true?
A. The kangaroos can go over nine meters in one jump.
B. Koalas like eating leaves from gum trees.
C. Koalas use their voices to mark their homes.
5. What"s the best title of this passage?
A.Kangaroos and koalas
B. Beautiful Australia
C. How to protect kangaroos and koalas
题型:期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     Different weather makes people feel different. It influences health, intelligence and feelings.
     In August, it is very hot and wet in the southern part of the United States. People there have heart trouble and other
kinds of health problems during this month. In the northeast and the middle west, it is very hot at some times and very
cold at other times. People in these states have more heart trouble after the weather changes in February or March.
     The weather can also influence intelligence. For example, in a 1983 report by scientists that IQ of a group of students
was very high when a very strong wind came, but after the strong wind, their IQ was 10% below. The wind can help
people have more intelligence. Very hot weather, on the other hand, can make it lower. Students in many schools of the
United States often get worse on exams in the hot months of the year (July and August).
     Weather also has a strong influence on people"s feelings. Winter may be a bad time for thin people.  They usually
feel cold during these months. They might feel unhappy during cold weather. But fat people may have a hard time in
hot summer. At about 180C, people become stronger.
     Low air pressure may make people forgetful. People leave more bags on buses and in shops in low pressure days.
There is "good weather" for work and health. People feel best at a temperature of about 180C.
     Are you feeling sad, tired, forgetful or unhappy today? It may be the weather"s problem.1. _______________ can have a bad effect on health.
2. People may have more intelligence when _______________ comes.
3. Low air pressure may make people _______________.
4. In"good weather" of 180C,  people are _______________.
5. The writer wants to tell us that _______________.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Man has been to the moon.  It was been the first step to the future travels  in space. T he moon is much nearer to the earth than all the planets. Venus, the nearest planet to the earth is millions of kilometers away!
Traveling  to the planets will be  man"s  next step.   It will be more difficult than traveling  to  the moon  and
certainly more exciting.
     In 1997, an American spaceship reached Mars, the second nearest planet from the earth. A wonderful robot slowly  walked  on the planet and worked hard.   It sent a lot of information back to the earth.  The
most exciting piece was that there used to be a lot of water on Mars.  The American  scientists asked,  "Is
there any life on Mars?" Unluckily, no life was found there, but American scientists do not lose heart.
     Russian spaceships have found that it is so hot on Venus that there must be no life there.
     Spaceship  of  the future will  be bigger and "faster.  They will be able to carry people for travels to the
moon or other planets.
     Man may in  the  future find planets l ike the earth and make them home.   But there is still a long,  long
way to go. Man should learn to know that the earth will be his only home for a long time and begin to love and take good care of it.1. The first step to the future travels in space is the          .      A. traveling to Mars                      
B. traveling to the moon
C. traveling to Venus                    
D. traveling to the sun    2. The nearest planet to the earth is           .A. Venus                    
B. Mars
C. the moon                  
D. the sun3. The American scientists       find living things on Mars.A. believe they can                  
B. are sure to
C. try to                            
D. are certain to4. There must be no life on Venus because            .A. there is little air                    
B. it is too cold
C. there is no water                        
D. it is too hot5. It will be possible for people to travel to the moon or other planets in the future because spaceship ____________.A. will be bigger                          
B. will be faster
C. will be comfortable                      
D. Both A and B
题型:期末题难度:| 查看答案
题型:期末题难度:| 查看答案


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