阅读理解。     What is the sky? Where is it? How high is it? What lies above the sky?

阅读理解。     What is the sky? Where is it? How high is it? What lies above the sky?

阅读理解。     What is the sky? Where is it? How high is it? What lies above the sky? I am sure you have often asked
these questions. They are very difficult to answer, aren"t they?
     If someone asks you:"What color is the sky?" I think maybe you will answer"Blue". I am afraid you are
wrong. The sky has no colors. When we see blue, it is the sunlight that is shining on little bits of dust in the
     Is the sky full of air? I am sure you have asked this question, too. We know that there is air all around the
earth. Planes can"t fly without air. They need air to lift their wings. Planes can"t fly very high because as they
go higher, the air gets thinner. If we go too high up in the sky, we find there is no air.
     Perhaps you can answer some of the questions now. What is the sky? Nothing. Where is it? It is all around
the earth. The sky is a part of space. 1. What color is the sky according to the writer? A. Blue.
B. White.
C. Black.
D. Colorless. 2. What is in the sky?A. It"s empty.
B. It"s full of air.
C. It has clouds.
D. It has rains.3. What is the meaning of the underlined word "dust"? A. 灰尘
B. 乌云
C. 空气
D. 雨滴
1-3: DAA
阅读理解。     Students learn their lessons in class. In class teachers teach them. Students sit in the classroom listening
to the teacher. This is a way of learning. Is this the only way for students to learn something? Of course not.
There is another way to learn. That is students can teach themselves. For example, if you can not remember
something when you are doing your homework, you can look at the book to find the answer. This is a way to
teach yourself. And it is not a difficult thing. We can do this at any place and at any time.
     How do you teach yourself? The first thing you must do is reading. Read something you are interested in,
or you have to read. The second is that you must ask yourself questions. The question is something you do
not understand, or you want to know about.You can write down these questions. A clever student is usually
good at asking questions. The third is to ask the question yourself by thinking hard, by reading the text or other
books, and sometimes by asking other people. This is the way of teaching yourself. And you must do this all
by yourself.
     If you keep doing like this for a long time, you are sure to succeed in your study. 任务型阅读: 根据短文内容,填写下列表格。
题型:福建省期末题难度:| 查看答案
题型:江苏期中题难度:| 查看答案
Students learn their lessons in class.
How do you teach yourself?
1.The first thing you must do is 1. _____.
2.The second is that you must ask yourself 2._____.You can 3._____ them
3.The third is to ask the question yourself by 4._____ , reading and asking.
   You must do this all by 5._____ .
If you keep like this for a 6 ._____ time, you will succeed in your study.
     This is a special (特殊) class. The students come from different countries. Some come from America.
Others come from Canada, Japan, Australia and England. They speak different languages (语言), but all of
them can speak English. They are good friends. They study together (一起), play together and live together.
They help each other. All the teachers of this class are Chinese, but they can speak English. They work hard.
The students in this class study Chinese cooking and Chinese gongfu (功夫). All the students like China. They
say China is a great country and the Chinese people are very friendly. They like Chinese people very much.
And they are happy in China.
1. What kind of class is this?
A. A Chinese cooking class.
B. A Chinese gongfu class.
C. A foreign language class.
D. Both A and B.
2. What language can all the students speak?
A. Chinese.
B. French.
C. English.
D. Japanese.
3. All the students in this class _______.
A. come from China
B. are from England
C. don"t like China
D. help each other
4. How do the teachers teach their students?
A. In Chinese.
B. In English.
C. In Japanese.
D. In different languages.
5. What do the students like about China?

A. Chinese language.
B. Chinese people.
C. Chinese cooking.
D. Chinese gongfu.

     The first day of school our teacher let us know someone. Looking out, we found an old woman  1  at
the door. She said,"Hi, my name is Susan. I am seventy years old". While we were  2  what made her take
this  3  at her age. She said with a smile."I"m here to meet a rich husband, get  4 , have two children and
travel together." Hearing this, all of us laughed."In fact,"she went on," I always  5  of having a college
education, and now I"m getting  6 !"
    After class we had chocolate and milk together. We became good  7 . I often listened to this "time machine"
as she shared (分享) her  8  with me. At the end of the term we invited Susan to give us a  9 . When she was
stepping up to the podium (讲台), suddenly she found she took the wrong paper. She felt a little  10  and said,
"I am sorry. I am so nervous. I can"t get my ready talk  11  , so I have to tell you  12  I know."
    In her speech she told us" We don"t stop playing as we are old, we grow old  13  we stop playing. The
secret of staying  14 , being happy and getting success is that we should laugh and find something  15  every
day. I think there is a great  16  between growing old and growing up. I am seventy now. If I  17  in bed for
one full year and never do anything, I"ll become seventy-one. Since anybody can grow older, my  18  is to
grow, up by always finding the chance in change. Growing older can"t be avoided (避免), growing up can be 
 19  . It"s never too late to be all you can possibly be."
    During the four years" study, it was so easy for Susan to make friends  20  she went. In the end, the
wonderful woman got the college degree (学位).
题型:辽宁省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:江苏中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:四川省中考真题难度:| 查看答案


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(     )1. A. escaped    
(     )2. A. finding    
(     )3. A. success    
(     )4. A. married    
(     )5. A. realized   
(     )6. A. one        
(     )7. A. teachers   
(     )8. A. news       
(     )9. A. lesson     
(     )10. A. frustrated
(     )11. A. again     
(     )12. A. which     
(     )13. A. until     
(     )14. A. old       
(     )15. A. natural   
(     )16. A. difference
(     )17. A. lie       
(     )18. A. plan      
(     )19. A. noticed   
(     )20. A. whenever  
B. appeared 
B. getting  
B. activity 
B. worried  
B. made     
B. each     
B. friends  
B. study    
B. present  
B. frightened
B. back     
B. how      
B. before   
B. young    
B. difficult
B. change   
B. hide     
B. mind     
B. chosen   
B. however  
C. reached    
C. wanting    
C. challenge  
C. excited    
C. knew       
C. some       
C. students   
C. hope       
C. talk       
C. serious    
C. down       
C. what       
C. though     
C. clear      
C. interesting
C. pleasure   
C. leave      
C. decision   
C. thought    
C. wherever   
D. hurried    
D. wondering  
D. work       
D. relaxed    
D. dreamed     
D. much       
D. neighbours 
D. experience 
D. story      
D. painful    
D. away       
D. why        
D. because    
D. awake      
D. possible   
D. confidence 
D. turn                           
D. idea       
D. mentioned  
D. whether    
     In Singapore, many middle school students spend a lot of their time on their studies. Good education is
often regarded as a ticket to success in their future. So, many of these students try their best to get a good
mark in their examinations. They have a lot of homework every day and exams are a big headache.
Sometimes, some of them are even made to go to remedial (补习的) classes after school.
     Schools run programmes outside school hours. The students can take part in sports and games, music
and dance, hiking and rock-climbing, etc. They are also very active in community service (社区服务).
     In their spare time, most students like to listen to pop music. Hollywood blockbusters (大片), Hong
Kong and Singapore movies are very popular among them. They understand IT very well. Some of them
also spend their free time surfing the Internet, e-mailing their friends, playing computer and video games.
     They sometimes go to cafes, fast-food restaurants, shopping centers and big bookstores.
     So, it looks like life as a middle school student in Singapore is not easy but it is rich and colorful.
1. Many students want to get good education to be _____ in the future.
A. popular
B. successful
C. comfortable
D. generous
2. _____ go to remedial classes after school in Singapore.
A. All of the students
B. Few of the students
C. Not all the students
D. Most of the students
3. In the school, the students can"t _____ outside school hours.
A. have sports
B. dance
C. go hiking
D. go to a restaurant
4. According to the passage, most students in Singapore like _____.
A. Hollywood blockbusters
B. writing to their friends
C. talking to their friends
D. having exams
5. The meaning of the underlined sentence in the passage is _____.
A. the middle school students" lire in Singapore is easy
B. the middle school students" life in Singapore is amazing
C. the middle school students" life in Singapore is boring
D. the middle school students" lire in Singapore is hard, but it"s interesting
     Some teenagers think that newspapers are boring and only for adults. But that"s not true. There are many interesting stories in the paper. You just need to make clear what you are looking at. "I spend about half an hour reading newspapers every day," said 15-year-old Gao Ming from Beijing. "I"m interested in things happening at school." School news is just one kind of news story in newspapers. There"s also world news: from international problems to pop stars.
      Read the newspaper carefully, we"ll find different types of articles on the pages:
     News stories-these stories are about events. Reporters try to show all points of a story to help readers understand what happened. Reporters try to speak to as many people as possible. They also use pictures and numbers to show the readers that the stories are true. The newspaper Teenagers has lots of news stories on the news page and front page. When we read them, we learn more about the facts, not the writers" ideas.
     Opinion writing-opinion writing is usually about something happening right now. But it isn"t just facts. Here writers add their own opinions to the news. Writers pick only the facts that help back up their ideas. They make readers believe that they are telling the truth. This is usually the kind of story that gets people thinking. Go to"Speak Out" on Page Two for an example of opinion writing in Teenagers.
     Advertisement-Don"t get happy too early when you read them. Those sweet words and lovely pictures are just ways to get us interested in their products! People have to pay to put advertisements in newspapers!
1. The underlined sentence" You need to make clear what you are looking at." means that the readers" _____".
A. should understand interesting news stories
B. ought to know which kind of things to read
C. need to look at the school news first
D. must know the contents of all the news
2. Writers use some facts in opinion writings because they want us _____ their opinions.
A. to understand
B. to remember
C. to agree with
D. to speak out
3. We can not find the facts of an event _____.
A. in advertisements
B. in the school news
C. in opinion writing
D. on the front page
4. In the writer"s opinion, we"d better be _____ advertisements in newspapers.
A. interested in
B. against
C. worried about
D. careful of
5. This passage mainly discusses how _____.
A. reporters write different kinds of news
B. teenagers get interested in newspapers
C. readers can read newspapers in better ways
D. readers can deal with different kinds of news in newspapers