look  up        laugh at    make mistakes      think of       belong to小题1:It  i

look  up        laugh at    make mistakes      think of       belong to小题1:It  i


look  up        laugh at    make mistakes      think of       belong to
小题1:It  isn’t  polite  to                          others.
小题2:You  should_____   it         in  a  dictionary  when  you  have  a  new  word .
小题3:The  book  must _____              Anna.  Look,  her  name’s  on  it .
小题4:He           many            in the composition.
小题5: My  sister  can’t ______              any new ideas,  she  has to  do  it  as  before.

小题1:laugh at
小题2:look…  up
小题3:belong to
小题4:make… mistakes
小题5:think of

小题1:句意:嘲笑别人是不礼貌的。to后要用动词原形,故填 laugh at。
小题2:句意:当你遇见一个生词时,你应该在词典里查找一下。look  up查找,跟代词作宾语时放在中间。故填look…up。
小题3:句意:这本书肯定属于安娜,看,她的名字在上面呢。must表示推测,肯定,后跟动词原形。故填belong to。
小题4:句意:他在作文中犯了许多错误。犯错误make a mistake;犯了许多错误make many mistakes。故填make… mistakes。
小题5:句意:我姐姐想不出任何新主意,她不得不像以前那样做了。想出,想到think of。放在情态动词can’t后要用动词原形。故填think of。

within    just    lost their lives    in their twenties    put out
A: Have you heard of a big fire on May Day?
B: Not yet. When and where did the fire happen?
A: It happened on May 1st in Shanghai.
B: Did the firemen   小题1:  the fire soon?
A: Yes. The firemen reached the burning building   小题2:  six minutes.
B: Was anybody hurt in the fire?
A: Two firemen   小题3:  in the fire.
B: I am sorry to hear that.
A: These two firemen are very young. Both of them are   小题4: .
B: I am very sad. They are   小题5:  several years older than us.
A: I have the same feeling. Fire is really terrible. Everyone should be careful with it.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Let’s                 half past five.
Be__________of that knife, or you’ll cut __________.
I’ll _______ many _________ during the sports meet.
小题4:PRC 代表中华人民共和国
PRC ____________ _________ the People’s Republic of China
小题5:I must ask him to ________ ________(放弃) smoking.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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