五.对话填空(每小题1分,满分10分)M: Can you tell me something about your education?W: Yes. I’m

五.对话填空(每小题1分,满分10分)M: Can you tell me something about your education?W: Yes. I’m


M: Can you tell me something about your education?
W: Yes. I’m a g____76___ of Zhengzhou University. I learned business.
M: Did you l____77__ your business course?
W: Very much, and I’ve done w__78____ in all of them. Here are the results of my examinations.
M: Hm. You were indeed a good student. What about your s___79____ English?
W: I can talk w_____80__ foreigners freely. When I was at college, I often went to the English Corner. We had English teachers from Australia.
M: Hm. We can hire you. We give the employees a s___81____ of 480 dollars a month at the beginning. If you do a good job, you will get a rise in three months’ t____82_______.
W: That’s great. How long should I work every day?
M: Four hours every day and two days o___83_____ in a week.
W: Do you o____84_____ housing to your employees?
M: Not now. My assistant will tell you w______85____ you are interested in.
W: OK. When shall I begin my work?
M: Next week.

76. graduate   77  like   78  well   79 spoken    80 with  
81 salary   82. time   83. off    84. offer  85. what


第一节 完成句子(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)
71. ______________ (席地而坐) are a group of young people who come from all over the world, exchanging ideas about their own cultures. (seat)
72. The whole world is amazed at _________________ (中国取得的巨大进步) since the policy of the reform and opening up was carried out. (progress)
73. ______________ (暴露在强烈的阳光下) too long will do harm to your skin. (expose)
74. When he came back to himself, he ________________(发现自己被锁)in a damp basement. (lock)
75. I don’t quite understand  _________________ (是为什么) several murders of kindergarten children happened in China recently. (why)
76. Nowadays_______________ (值得一看的东西) in the museum has attracted a lot of visitors all over the country. (worth)
77. If you had come here 10 minutes earlier, you would have heard _____________ (在讨论什么). (discuss)
78. He may not come today, ___________ (如果是那样的话) there is no need to wait any longer. (case)
79. All flights _______________ (被取消了) because of the terrible weather, they had to go there by train. (cancel)
80. Do you feel like dining out for a change or would you rather we two _______________ (吃晚饭) at home? (have)
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I. Translation
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
4.乍一看,这块手表没有什么特别之处,但实际上它是一部手机。(there be)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

第II卷 (非选择题,共35分)
第一节: 对话填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
D—David,   T---Tony
D: Hi, Tony. Are you reading something exciting?
T: Oh, nothing much. I’m just reading some science (76) f__. David,      76_______
it’s a long time since I saw you last and I could hardly
(77) r___ you because you’ve changed so much.                     77_______
D: Oh, I’ve just had a (78) h____ in the barber’s and I am wearing       78_______
a pair of glasses now.
T: No wonder. By the way, what’s your plan for this weekend?
D: We are going to have a picnic in the countryside on Saturday.
Do you wan to join us?
T: I’d like to, but I’m afraid I can’t as I’ve got (79) p___of work to      79______
do recently.
D: I know you are always as (80) b___as a bee.But don’t forget          80______
that no matter how much work you have to do, you should try
to (81) s___ aside some time for a rest. Health must come first,       81_______
after all.
T: Yes, you are right. I’ll go with you. And why not ask Sam to
go with us together? He can (82) b___ us a lot of fun.                82______
D: That’s a good idea, but not this time, for his parents
(83) d____ two days ago and he is very upset now. Maybe             83_____
he doesn’t want to go with us.
T: Really? I simply can’t (84) b____my ears.                       84_____
D: Yes, I’m surprised to know that their marriage has broken up ,too.
T: I think he needs to stay(85) a_____and calm himself down.          85_____
D: Yes.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

1.This was the moment when Spielberg’s career really ­_______off.      (成功,腾飞)
2.Books are made _______ paper and paper is made _______ wood.  (由……制成的)
3.The house where he once lived has been turned ______a museum and is visited by thousands of people every year.                                        (变成)
4.If we reuse something, it will not end up ______waste.              (以……告终)
5.Keep in ______                                               (保持联系)
6.the  other  way  _______                                         (相反)
7.They will ______ down the old building .                              (拆毁)
8.a _______graduate student                            (一个有前途的研究生)
9.What does the UK______ ______ ?                                   (代表 )
10.A storm  is  just ______ the corner .                   (就在附近,即将来临)
11. keep up with the high ______of modern life      (跟上现代生活的快节奏 )
12.The twins have a lot  in ________ with  each other.       (与……有相同之处)
13.come to _______ with                                        (甘心忍受)
14.________ one’s goals.                                   (达到自己目标)
15. He ______ about  to lock the door when the telephone rang .            (正要)
16.We tie the  boat _____a tree.                             (把……拴在……)
17.Share happiness  and _______                                (同甘共苦)
18.­­­­____ number of the  sdudents in our class is 56.                 (……的数量)
19.learn from  the best _______ in the world                  (向世界顶尖人物学习)
20.The weather turned _____to be fine.                            (结果是……)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

第一节: 根据首字母或汉语提示,写出完整的单词拼写,答在题卷上(5分)
66. It is c______________ of you to call on me from time to time.
67. The book is i__________ for beginners.
68. Sam was very ___________ (后悔的) for his actions.
69. The people there are fighting to gain their f_________ from foreign control
70. A lot of funny jokes are e_______ and can make us relaxed.
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