根据提示翻译。(共5小题,计10分, 每小题2分)1.      父母们总是不允许他们的孩子晚上外出。(permit …to) 2.      他不可能在这出现

根据提示翻译。(共5小题,计10分, 每小题2分)1.      父母们总是不允许他们的孩子晚上外出。(permit …to) 2.      他不可能在这出现

根据提示翻译。(共5小题,计10分, 每小题2分)
1.      父母们总是不允许他们的孩子晚上外出。(permit …to)
2.      他不可能在这出现的,我刚才在电影院还看见他呢。(情态动词)
3.      既然我们已经完成了设计,就该有公司来进行建设了。( now that; in one’s turn)
4.      我向他许诺说我一到北京就给他写信。(用同位语从句)
5.      他已经负债很久了,如何谋生成了大问题。(in debt; earn one’s living)

1.      Parents always don’t permit their children to go out at night.
2.      He can’t turn up here. I have just seen him in the cinema
3.      Now that we have finished the design, the company, in its turn, will do the construction.
4.      I made a promise that I would write to him as soon as I got to Beijing.
5. He has been in debt for along time. How to earn his living as a big problem.

1、He was ______________(陪同)on the expedition by his wife. 
2、The __________(功能) of the heart is to pump blood through the body.
3、The committee were unanimous(一致同意) that the ____________ (申请)should be turned down..
4、In the final ________(分析)I think our sympathy lies with the heroine of the play. 
5、I’m a new comer and not __________ (熟悉的) with the local customs.                                                
6、A_________, I appreciate for your invitation. But I’m too busy to go for it.
7、He was generally a______________ to be the finest poet in the land.
8、A lot of cars were b_______ from passing through the crossroads because of that accident.
9、It’s none of your business, it’s my p_____ affairs.
10、The practice of hanging clothes across the street is a c_____ sight in many parts of the city.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:To be frank, everyone should respect ______________  (残疾)people,
小题2:She accepted the criticism with quiet ______________ (尊严)
小题3:I guess that the ______________(关系) between the two doctors is from bad to worse.
小题4:As we all know, sunshine is _____________(利益)to all plants and animals.
小题5:Just now, the headmaster _____________ (推荐) you to go abroad for further study.
小题6:The students in our school have the __________(特权) of entering the cinema before 7:00 o’clock.
小题7:The organization has                   (分发)food and blankets to the earthquake victims.
小题8:If you are late for cshool,you should make  _____________ (道歉) to your teacher.
小题9:The agreement came into effect on         (二月)5, 1998, opening up a huge telecommunications market globally,
小题10:In his              (九十多岁), he got to know“Friendship is not to be bought at a fair.”
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
第一节 语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
1. worked         A. learned     B. studied     C noticed        D. occurred
2. bank      A. uncle       B. condition          C. wonder         D. continent
3.satisfy     A. affair       B. ache        C. alarm        D. absence
4.hear       A. nearly      B. search        C. bear         D. heart
5. biology    A. cover       B. official    C. concert       D. tomb
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
1.statue      A.culture       B.adult    C.capsule       D.custom 
2. question      A.suggestion    B.station   C.invention     D.operation           
3. compare      A.combine     B.company  C.common     D.comfortable 
4.media       A.dialogue     B.dairy      C.fear         D.affair
5.disaster       A.advise       B.surprise   C.police       D.promise 
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
66.A _________ (私人) car gives a much greater degree of comfort and mobility.
67.We teachers should have noble _________ (信仰).
68.She accepted his invitation without ______________ (犹豫).
69.According to the American _______ (宪法), presidential elections are held every four years.
70.The books are ____________ (安排) on the shelves in alphabetical order.
71.This time you did your homework ______________ (相对地) better.
72.Do you know when the French _______________ (革命) happened?
73.He is connected with the Wangs by ____________ (婚姻).
74.Doing exercises every morning ____________ (使……受益) your health.
75.Many people want a __________ (稳定的) job with a high salary.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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