单词拼写。1. My sister couldn"t take her desk with her to the new house;that"s how I

单词拼写。1. My sister couldn"t take her desk with her to the new house;that"s how I

1. My sister couldn"t take her desk with her to the new house;that"s how I came to a______it.
2.  He is a musician with great t_______ skill but not much feeling.
3. Leave me alone. I"m t_______ fed up with you.
4. Joumalists are not always a_______in what they write.
5.  I a_______ of your trying to eam money,but please don"t neglect your studies.
1. acquire  2. technical  3. thoroughly  4. accurate5. approve
单词拼写 。
根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,在横线上写出空缺处各单词的正确形式(每空只写一词)。1. Do you speak any __________ (外国) languages?
2. Rebecca was the __________ (骄傲) of her family.
3. Will you stop __________ (打断) me when I"m talking?
4. David Beckham"s __________ (国籍) is British.
5. The __________ (现代) history of Italy dates from 1860.
6. Bob"s __________ (侄子) is a freshman at Harvard University.
7. Alice wanted to borrow Jack"s computer, but he __________ (拒绝).
8. Her __________ (书架) are filled with books and photos.
9. What are you girls __________ (耳语) about?
10. Don"t __________ (咳嗽) more than you can help.
题型:高考真题难度:| 查看答案
1. This is the professor _____ taught me chemistry in 1980.
2. The hospital ______ was built five years ago has been modemized.
3. This is the boy _____ father died three years ago.
4. The film_____ we saw the day before yesterday is very interesting.
5. Do you know the student ______was praised at the meeting?
6. 1949 is the year _____ the People"s Republic of China was founded.
7. They work in a factory ______makes radio parts.
8. They work in a factory ______ radio parts are made.
9. This is the vision phone through ______  we can see and talk to our friends.
10. Here are players from Japan,some of ______ are our old friends.
题型:专项题难度:| 查看答案
  1) 他被选为教育委员会主席.
    He____(the) chairman of the education commit-
tee .
  2) 她决定当律师.
  She elected________a lawyer.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
用keep up with, catch up with 填空。
    1) She likes to____the latest fashions.
    2) Go on in front. I"ll __you soon.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
1. The Taiwan S____ separates Taiwan Island from the mainland.
2. Now in China, an increasing P___ of the population have their own cars.
3. As the wage was low, few people a ____  for the position.
4. That accident o ____    at midnight.
5. My lather h ______   three men to help him with the harvest lastsummer.
6. Only a few of them thought highly of the plan. The m didn"t agree to it.
7. He is an o ____ looking man.
8.  ____( 显然) ,he has lost interest in physics.
9. The government announced additional rules on _____ ( 移民 ).
10. It is_____( 相信)that before long there will be more trees
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案


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