Culture Shock-Our top 3 tips for international students Culture shock is more th

Culture Shock-Our top 3 tips for international students Culture shock is more th

Culture Shock-Our top 3 tips for international students
Culture shock is more than a feeling of homesickness or jetlag.______小题1:______
It’s also a very typical experience for international students,so make sure you have all the advice you need with our Top 3 tips on Culture Shock.
1.It’s only temporary.
Settling into a new country,learning how to live in a new town,speak the language,make friends,shop and cook…this is not simple.So it’s no surprise really that you may start to feel anxious,depressed,or stressed.
______小题2:______ As you become more confident in your language ability,as you make those friends,and as you get to know your way around,you will start to enjoy all the differences of this new culture.And that,after all, is one reason why you wanted to travel in the first place.
2.Things will be different.But that doesn’t mean they are wrong.
You may be surprised by how different the culture really is._____小题3:______ This doesn’t mean that you also have to do all these things,but you do have to accept that they are part of this culture.Instead of being overly critical.ask questions to work out what is considered“normal”.
This may be the first time you’ve lived away from home.So it helps to learn some important skills before you leave.Learn how to cook a few of your favourite meals.make sure you can wash your own clothes and do regular chores such as cleaning.
You will probably be living with people you don’t know.such as a family home-stay or with other students._______小题5:________
A.People may wear more casual clothes,behave differently with the opposite sex,be very strict about punctuality,or drink and smoke in public.
B.You are suddenly on your own.
C.How you cope with culture shock is entirely up to you.And there are things you can do to make it easier.
D.But these feelings will pass.
E.Think about how you can be considerate of their needs,and how you can communicate with them if they don’t speak your language.
F.When you are going though culture shock,it helps to recognize which phase you are in.
G.It can lead to quite severe symptoms,such as feelings of nausea,frustration,extreme
tiredness and confusion.


小题1:前文说“想家”和“时差反应”,more than 提示此处也应该是culture shock 的症状。G项正确。
小题2:该部分标题中有temporary一词,下文有you will start to enjoy all …of this culture 一句。提示此处选择D项。
小题3:前句说的是“你会惊讶于文化差异”,后文说“你不必做(当地人做的)所有事情,但要能接受。” A项说的是当地人可能会做的事情,故该项正确。
小题5:你可能住在home stay家里,也可能与其他学生住在一起,所以要事先考虑好怎样照顾到他们的需求、怎样同他们交流等问题。选择E项。
My father was a first - class chef.I eventually decided to give up my previously job as a salesman and train as a chef.Three years later,I became head chef in restaurant.Soon after which,I realized my career was becoming successful and I found I had to make a choice.I could neither work for a big restaurant or open one of my own.And my father became ill and I got his job. On my first day at work I was greeting by an unexpected cold reception.What made it bad was that I was having a bad cold.With my hands shook, I entered the kitchen.I hold my breath, stood up and said “You all know my Father.Whether you loved him or hated him, I don’t care about.It’s the past.  Now, Let’s get to work...”
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Mrs. Smith has been teaching in a school since she graduated, so she is not __________ to associating with business people.

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It can’t be a(n) __________that another big fire broke out in the same restaurant in three months.

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—This teaching method seems good.
—True. It can be __________ in a few selected schools to see how it works in practice.
A.worked outB.let outC.tried outD.picked out

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Stop eating yourself stupid we all know that poor nutrition can lead to bad health and even weight gain. Now add “lack of intelligence” to the growing list. A recent study has found that what you eat could very likely play a role in how smart you are.
According to the study, rats fed a high-fat diet for 10 days showed signs of weakness and even had trouble finding food that was waiting for them.小题1: Actually a high-fat diet could weaken our intelligence--but so can a low-calorie diet. The trick appears to lie in finding a nice balance.
Here are ways to achieve that happy balance and make you smarter through diet, exercise and improving your brain power.
Figure out how many calories you need to maintain your weight. __小题2:__ If you need to drop a few pounds, take away the number you get by 400 calories; consume that number of calories each day until you drop the weight.
__小题3:__Aim for healthy foods that include good amounts of protein, fiber, fruits and vegetables, healthy whole grains, healthy fats and plenty of water. Well! Remember: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Read a book. Try a new recipe. Do some puzzles. __小题4:__
Exercise regularly with a positive attitude. Aim for at least three 30-minute training sessions a week(but more is better). I like simple exercise such as walking, but anything that raises the heart rate is good. _小题5:_  Combine them! Some people like to listen to classical music such as Bach or Mozart, but rock music lovers will be happy to learn that this kind of music can help make them smarter as well.
A.You may be fond of music, too.
B.Your health depends on your exercise plan.
C.Aim to get this number of calories each day.
D.Don’t forget to exercise your mind while doing so.
E.You may be wondering what this has to do with us.
F.These are all good ways to help increase your intelligence.
G.Eat the right foods in addition to getting the right number of calories.
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