Job interviews never seem easy. To get a job, you may have more interviews than

Job interviews never seem easy. To get a job, you may have more interviews than

Job interviews never seem easy. To get a job, you may have more interviews than you can count. To succeed in an interview, you should pay attention to the following common mistakes.
Lack of proper preparation. Failure to gather information on the company and the job before the interview makes a very poor impression on interviewers; it suggests that you really are not that interested in the position.
Inappropriate personal appearance. Consider the nature of the position and dress accordingly. When in doubt, dress somewhat more formally than you think would be expected for the job. Be conservative (保守的)and pay attention to details, such as shiny shoes, neat hair, etc. First impressions are very important.
Poor non­verbal communication. In addition to what you are saying, your non­verbal behavior is very important in an interview. Are you making eye contact? Are you listening attentively when the interviewer is speaking? Are you giving a firm handshake when greeted by the interviewer(s)? Are you nervous during the interview? Practice with a friend or in front of a mirror to assess these factors.
Poor attitude. Self­centered behavior (i.e. a “what"s in it for me” attitude) is very poorly received by interviewers. Ask yourself what you can contribute to the company? What skills and experience would you bring to the job?
Failure to ask questions. Employers will assess your interest in the company and the position by the types of questions you ask. Proper research prior to the interview will help ensure that the questions you ask are intelligent ones.
Being disorganized. Make sure you arrive at the interview a few minutes early so that you have time to get calm and check your appearance. Arriving late is simply unacceptable, so plan for the unexpected. Always bring an extra copy of your resume (简历) and references to an interview.
Over or under­answering questions. For most interview questions a “Yes” or “No” answer is not appropriate. Provide more details for an employer and cite (引用) examples from personal experience wherever possible. Do not, however, talk endlessly and feel that you have to keep speaking if there"s a silence. When you have said what you want to say, stop talking. If you do not understand a question, seek clear explanation before responding.
Failure to send a thank­you note or card following the interview. Take the time to send a thank­you card,which can make an important impact on an employer. Not only does it show your sincere interest in the position, but it also helps make you different from other interview candidates.
Common mistakes in interviews
What you should do for a(n)_ 小题1:_interview.
__小题3:_enough information on the company and the job.
Inappropriate personal appearance
Dress __小题4:_to the nature of the position.
Poor non­verbal communication
Non­verbal communication, such as making eye contact, listening attentively, shaking hands __小题5:__,etc is very important.
Poor attitude
_小题6:_on yourself will make a very bad impression on interviewers. Think about what you can do for the company instead.
Failure to ask questions
Do proper research before the interview, which helps make _小题7:__you won"t ask stupid questions.
Being disorganized
Arrive a few minutes early to plan for the unexpected and bring an extracopy of your resume and references to an interview.
Over or under­answering questions
When answering questions, provide more details or cite examples when needed, instead of talking without __小题8:__.
 Failure to express your _小题9:_
Do remember to send a thank­you card which shows your interest in the position and your __小题10:__.


小题1:由首段的To succeed in an interview可知答案。
答案 successful
小题2:由Lack of proper preparation.可知答案。
答案 Improper/Inappropriate/Poor/Bad
小题3:由第二段的Failure to gather information on the company and the job可知答案。
答案 Collect/Gather
小题4:由第三段的Consider the nature of the position and dress accordingly.可知答案。
答案 according
小题5: 由Are you giving a firm handshake when greeted by the interviewer(s).可知答案。
答案 firmly
小题6:由Self­centered behavior...可知答案。
答案 Centering/Focusing
小题7: 由Proper research prior to the interview will help ensure that the questions you ask are intelligent ones.可知答案。
答案 sure
小题8:由Do not, however, talk endlessly and...可知答案。
答案 end
小题9:由Failure to send a thank­you note or card following the interview可知答案。
答案 thanks
小题10: 由末段的but it also helps make you different from other interview candidates.可知答案。
答案 difference
You work hard for your money so why not keep it? Nothing is more disappointing than working hard all week just to have nothing to spend on the weekends or even worse, having to sit at home on vacation. Try these simple tips to help gain back your financial independence.
1.Educate yourself. Write down what you have spent. Look closely at where your money has been going the last few months. Are you spending a lot more money on morning coffee than you want to? Just by adding up what you"re spending and where you"re spending it each month will help you make better decisions about the purchases you make.
2.Keep your change. Instead of spending your change, make a habit of putting it all in a special jar or “piggy bank” at home. You will be surprised how quickly your change adds up. Want to go on a family vacation next summer but don"t think you can afford it? Try having everyone in the family contribute their change to a “vacation jar”. Your family will enjoy pitching in and your children will learn valuable lessons in saving money and enjoying the reward.
3.Be a host! Like to go out with your friends for a good time? Sure, everyone does, but no one likes getting the bill at the end of the night. Going out to eat and have a few drinks can really put the strain on your wallet. Try going to the grocery store and purchasing food and drinks that can be made at home and inviting everyone over. Yes it can be expensive to play the host every time, but if you take turns going to friends, houses you can keep the cost down and still have a good time while enjoying the same food and drinks.
4.Plan your groceries. Grocery shopping can be dangerous in many ways. One way is to go shopping when you are hungry. Think about it, when you are hungry and want something to eat, you are more likely to put everything in your cart that you just don"t need. Impulse(冲动)shopping brings us to the next point. Make a list(and check it twice).Plan out your meals for the coming week and list all the ingredients you need at the store.
Saving money can be easy and even funny when you see how much you are able to save. Start by educating yourself and your family as to where the money goes every month and then set goals. Make games out of saving your change and look forward to the reward.
Title:Save your money
You work hard but end up having no money at last.
1.Educate yourself:
◆Write down your __小题1:__.
◆Check where your money has been going and you can __小题2:__more wisely on what to buy.
2.Keep your change.
◆Make a habit.
◆Encourage your __小题3:__to join in your plan.
3.Be a host:
◆Invite your friends to dinner by making food and drinks by _小题4:__.
◆Play the host in _小题5:__.
4.Plan your groceries:
◆Just __小题6:__impulse shopping.
◆__小题7:__what you need for your meals.
◆Your awareness of your _小题8:__to save money will make you happy.
◆Keep the tips in mind and set _小题9:__.
◆Saving money should be seen as a __小题10:__and be hopeful for the reward.

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The young man comes from a(n) ________ family,who owns several companies in London and Paris.                   

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—Hello!I want to book a double room.
—Sorry.There is no double room ________.

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The old man is ________ enough to contribute $ 10,000 to the disaster area damaged by the earthquake.

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She"s sick of being seen as a sex symbol and wants to be taken ________ as an actress.

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