下面文章中有5处需要添加小标题,请从以下选项中选出符合各段意思的小标题,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑,选项中一项为多余选项。A.Option of home scho

下面文章中有5处需要添加小标题,请从以下选项中选出符合各段意思的小标题,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑,选项中一项为多余选项。A.Option of home scho

A.Option of home schooling is around for a long time
B.Recent years’ growth of home schooling
C.The unpleasant situation of school education
D.Advantages in home schooling
E.Parents should be responsible for child’s education
F.Home schooling is not a perfect choice
小题1:Home schooling is an option that is becoming more attractive to parents as time goes on. Schools have become increasingly unstable over the past couple of decades. The textbooks are outdated, violence is common, children are shot without mercy, and the quality of education on the whole has greatly diminished.
小题2:The option of home schooling has been around for a long time; however, until recently it had not been so popular. The idea of home schooling seems like a cure-all to many parents due to the advantages this type of education provides over traditional schools.
小题3:Children who are home schooled can avoid many of the problems schools have become known for. For one, the environment is less threatening. Children can learn without fearing other students. In addition, home schooling allows parents to dictate the academic course of their children. Home schooling also allows students to proceed at their own speed. If a child is weak at multiplication and division, a parent can focus lessons on those skills in favor of another skill that the child might understand rather easily.
小题4:It may sound like the perfect option, but there are many disadvantages of home schooling. First of all, home schooled children are usually less socialized. While schools can sometimes be the breeding ground for poor social behaviors, school is also a place where students learn to interact with others and build social skills. In addition, another drawback to home schooling could be implementation of an educational plan. Many parents are not qualified as teachers and may not understand what is necessary to ensure a child has access to the proper curriculum.
小题5:Finally, another disadvantage to home schooling is the necessity for parents to take full responsibility for their child’s education. If you choose to home school your child, there is no one for you to blame if your child does poorly. The responsibility falls completely on the parent.


小题1:C 第一段叙述了学习教科书的过时,学校暴力事件的发生,学校教学质量的下滑,所以中心是讲述学校教育令人堪忧的现状,故C选项正确。
小题2:B 从“The option of home schooling has been around for a long time; however, until recently it had not been so popular.”判断第二段讲述家庭教育的发展,故B选项正确。
小题3:D 第三段讲述家庭教育避免了学校教育的弊端,学习环境安全,可以自己安排课程,避免了学校欺凌行为,中心是讲述家庭教育的优势。所以D为正确选项。
小题4:F 第四段首句“but there are many disadvantages of home schooling.”然后叙述家庭教育的缺点,所以F为正确选项。
小题5:E 从第五段首句“Finally, another disadvantage to home schooling is the necessity for parents to take full responsibility for their child’s education”判断E为正确选项。
Traveling to all corners of the world gets easier and easier. We live in a global village ,but this doesn’t mean that we all behave in the same way.
How should we behave when you meet someone for the first time? An American shakes your hand firmly while looking you straight in the eye. In many part of Asia, there is no physical contact (接触)at all. In Japan, you should bow, and the more respect you want to show, The deeper you should bow. In Thailand, people greet each other by pressing both hands together at the chest, In both countries, eye contact is avoided as a sign of respect.
Many country have rules about what you should and shouldn’t wear. In Muslim countries, you shouldn’t reveal (显露)the body, especially women, who Should wear long blouses and skirts .In Korea ,you should take off your shoes when entering a house Remember to place then neatly together where you came in.
In Spain, lunch is often the biggest meal of the day, and can last two or three hours. For this reason many people eat a light breakfast and a late dinner. In Mexico, Lunch is the time to relax, and many people prefer not to discuss business as they eat ,In Britain ,it’s not unusual to have a business meeting over breakfast.
In most countries, an exchange of business cards is necessary for all introductions. You should include your company name and your position. If you are going to a country where your language is not widely spoken, you can get the back side of your card printed in the local language. In China ,you may present your card with the writing facing the person you are giving it to.
Title :good小题1:    
■Shaking hands firmly
■小题2:_____to show respect
Wearing long blouses and skirts
Taking off your shoes at the
■Having a light breakfast and a late dinner
■Relaxing while having 小题7:______
■Holding a business meeting over breakfast
Doing business
·Most countries
■Exchanging business cards when小题8:____yourself
■Presenting a card to a person小题9:_______it’s front facing him
Conclusion : When traveling小题10:_______,we should follow local customs.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:The biggest exam is approaching,        should be made. (which)
小题2:H7N9 Virus is fatal to every person, and it is time that            . (take)
小题3:      he has failed in his investment,I agree to lend him some money. (convince)
小题4:He turned a deaf ear to        ,addicted to playing the computer game, (what)
小题5:        what I should talk about in the meeting, he has no constructive advice. (come)
小题6:         ,the board cannot make the final decision. (absent)
小题7:        has made the man keep doing drugs for several years. (aware)
小题8:He always complains about his lack of confidence, who otherwise      a higher position. (equal)
小题9:This old hospital,         meeting hall for 3 years during the war, is being pulled down. (serve)
小题10:Parents always remind children that in no case      . (go)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
It is the bus driver who should ______ the safety of the passengers.
A.answer forB.search forC.stand forD.go for

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They are determined to go into the dark cave, ______ my warning of danger.
A.regardless ofB.because ofC.apart fromD.instead of

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I always reflect on what happened in my life. I think this is important—to appreciate our wins, losses, new passions, insights, etc.       小题1:      Here are some tips for you on reflection.
1. Focus on the process and not the outcome.
This thought was beautifully summed up by Srikumar Rao. He explains how we fail because
we focus our energies on the outcome rather than the- process itself. When a child learns to walk, she never focuses on the outcome but on the process.
2. Failure is a lead not a stop sign.
When you hit a wall and things don’t turn up the way they are intended, no one is saying to you, “This is where you stop because you failed”. If you do, you are reading the wrong information. Failure tells us, “       小题2:      Try another method.”
3. Happiness is not the destination but the journey.
We think that happiness is a result that comes after having acquired or achieved something we don’t have. This is not quite right.       小题3:      It’s about stepping back and enjoying the ride rather than expecting it at your destination point.
4. Wisdom comes from the balance between your knowledge and your heart.
Let your heart talk more; it’s wiser than you think. You can be as knowledgeable and clever as one can be.       小题4:     Wisdom is really having reached a stage where you balance all your knowledge with your heart.
5. Gratitude is the energy-drink of the soul.
Say thank you to the universe every morning. Appreciation can lift your soul from anxiety which weighs you down. Try it out.       小题5:      It will help you appreciate life with more depth and perspective.
A.Failure is the mother of success.
B.Happiness is when we accept and enjoy everything as it is.
C.This method and the intended result do not match.
D.Be thankful to at least one thing in your day.
E. Not reflecting on our lives and experiences is a wasted chance for growth.
F. Happiness means achieving your goals and getting what you want.
G. But if your mind doesn’t go with your heart, you are losing energy in internal conflicts.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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