How can you get along with classmates, especially the ones that are really diffi

How can you get along with classmates, especially the ones that are really diffi

How can you get along with classmates, especially the ones that are really difficult to deal with? Firstly, if someone does something that offends you, take a moment to relax and just breathe (呼吸) before you relax. You can take 3 deep breaths and count to ten while you breathe in and out, and this will help to calm the nervous system. Giving yourself time to think will also help you make a good decision and avoid making the situation worse.
Secondly, you can get along with others by exercising. Exercise can develop your muscle and self-confidence. Take an exercise class at school and communicate with your classmates during the class. This is a great way to get to know them better.
Thirdly, if you have a problem with some of your classmates, talk to them about it. Discuss some ways you can make your relationship better. For example, if you have a neighbor that likes to copy homework off you, talk to this person about doing their own work.
Fourthly, to avoid disagreement in the relationship, you need to communicate with your classmates effectively. When your classmates are talking to you, take the time to actually listen to what they’re saying. Give them your full attention by looking into their eyes and repeating some of the things they’re saying. This way, you’ll be closer to them and this could develop into a great friendship.
Last but not least, to get along with your classmates, you may, need to make a few changes to your personality (性格). If you’re having trouble getting along with others, you must get at the root of the problem. You don’t have to completely change who you are, but you need to be willing to change.
In a word, be true to who you are, give your classmates respect and make friends with them, and you’ll get along well with them.
小题1:      on getting along with classmates
Relax when you are 小题2:     by someone
Keep calm by breathing 小题3:     and counting to ten while breathing.
Think about the 小题4:     of your actions in order to behave correctly.
 Develop your muscle and make you become more 小题5:     by exercising.
 Communicate with your classmates during exercise 小题6:     
Talk with your classmates about the problems
Discuss how you can 小题7:     your relationship.
 Encourage him to do his own work if one classmate likes to copy your homework.
Communicate effectively
 Listen carefully to what your classmate is saying.
 Make eye 小题8:     with your classmate and repeat some of his of her words when he or she is talking.
Make小题9:     to your personality
Find out what the小题10:     really is and then be willing to change.


小题5: confident
小题7: improve/develop/better       
小题9: changes  

小题1:Tips/Advice/Suggestions   推理题。根据文章中的firstly, secondly等等,说明这是列举出的多个与同学如何相处的建议和理由。
小题2:offended  句式转换。根据文章第二行if someone does something that offends you,原文中使用的是主动语态的形式,表格中使用的是被动语态。
小题3:deeply 词性转换。原文第三行take 3 deep breaths中使用了形容词deep,表格中使用了副词deeply修饰动词breathe。
小题4: results  推理题。根据第一段最后一句Giving yourself time to think will also help you make a good decision and avoid making the situation worse.可知我们要考虑自己的行动的结果,要三思而后行。
小题5:confident 词性转换。根据第二段Exercise can develop your muscle and self-confidence.可知原文是名词,表格中使用形容词confident。
小题6:classes   原词再现。根据文章第二段第二行Take an exercise class at school可知class正确。
小题7:improve/develop/better 推理题。根据文章第三段第2句Discuss some ways you can make your relationship better.可知让你与别人的关系更好,故使用改善improve/develop。
小题8:contact   推理题。根据第四段3,4行Give them your full attention by looking into their eyes and repeating some of the things they’re saying.可知要和别人进行眼神的交流。
小题9: changes  原词再现。根据文章倒数第4,5行need to make a few changes to your personality (性格).可知要做出改变。
小题10:cause 推理题。根据文章倒数3,4行you must get at the root of the problem.可知我们要知道问题的根源和起因。
Now she wanted to run, but fear         her      .
               what many people might assume, evidence shows that sharks seldom attack humans.
The shark attacks you because it         you         a fish.
Pronunciation also                 huge changes during this period.
He rolls up the paper and puts it into a small case, and then                 a cage and gets a bird.
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When the weather turns warm, everyone wants to be in or around the water. Learning how to keep safe is necessary if you plan to go swimming.
“Buddy up!” Always swim with a partner, every time-and this is very important. Even experienced swimmers can become tired or face sudden accidents, which might make it difficult to get out of the water. When you swim together, you can help each other or go for help in a minute.
Get skilled. It’s good to go be fully prepared. Learning some life-saving skills can help you save a life. A number of organizations offer free classes to both beginning and experienced swimmers and boaters. Check with local hospitals, or the Red Cross.
Know your limits (极限). Swimming an be a lot of fun and you might want to stay in the water as long as possible. If you’re not a good swimmer or you’re just learning to swim, don’t go in water that’s so deep for you and don’t try to keep up with skilled swimmers. That can be dangerous, especially when your friends are challenging you.
If you are a good swimmer and have had lessons, keep an eye on friends who aren’t as comfortable or as skilled as you are. If they or you are getting tired, you should take a break for a while.
Swim in safe areas only. It’s a good idea to swim only in places that are directed by a lifeguard. No one can expect changing ocean currents (水流), sudden storms, or other dangers. In the event that something does go wrong, lifeguards trained in life-saving skills are ready to help.
Swimming in an open body of water like a lake is different from swimming in a pool. Do your research so you know where not to swim, and pay attention to any warning sign(警告标志) posted in the area.
­                       小题1:     on swimming safety
Swim with a partner
It is very 小题2:     to go swimming with partners.
Partners who are 小题3:     together can help each other or ask for help at once.
Make full小题4:    
Learning some life-saving skills can be very 小题5:     during a sudden danger.
小题6:     free classes offered by local hospitals, or the Red Cross.
Know your limits
Do not swim in the water that is too deep.
Do not try to swim too小题7:     to catch up with skilled swimmers.
小题8:     out for your partners if you are an experienced swimmer.
Swim in safe areas
Swim in places where there is a 小题9:    .
There is 小题10:     between swimming in a pool and in the lake.
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Criticism (批评) is everywhere in life. It is up to you to decide how to react to it. Learn how to deal with criticism and lead a happier and more relaxing life.
Ask yourself how the criticism will affect you. Will you lose your job because of the criticism? Will you lose what is important to you because you are criticized? Will life stop existing if your opinions are not accepted? Surely not! So, don’t worry about it. Instead, remember that some criticism actually helps you make some improvements.
You absolutely cannot stop what people say. What you can do, however, is to change the way you react to criticism. If you let it upset you, then the blame is on you. You have the right to decide what to do with the criticism you receive.
Don’t be afraid to accept criticism. No one likes to be told that he is wrong. Yet, every single person has, at one time or another, been blamed for something. Realize that it’s normal. You may have received some strong criticism, but it doesn’t mean that you are foolish, or that you don’t have the ability to do something properly. If you are afraid to put your work out for others to see, you’ll  never know if you are a capable person. Try not to think of it in that way and don’t take it seriously. If you can learn to be optimistic, you will remove some stress and nervousness about what people think, thus becoming happier.
Consider where the criticism comes from. It may help you step back and examine what causes the criticism. Is the critic just trying to offer constructive criticism? It is much easier to accept correction or guidance from someone that has good intentions. This type of criticism is known as valid criticism, because there is a valid point or reason to it. On the other hand, there are critics that offer their advice just to be negative. This is commonly referred to as invalid criticism because it is often not of any use at all.
Do your best. And if someone doesn’t like what you’ve done, so what? It’s either valid criticism or invalid criticism. But you have the power to decide how you will allow it to affect you.
Title: How to deal with criticism
The author’s opinion about criticism
Criticism is a (n)小题1: part of life and it is up to you to decide your reaction to it.
Ways of dealing with criticism
●Understand the  小题2: that criticism has on you:
1) Some criticism won’t make a difference to you, so don’t feel  小题3: about it.
2) Some criticism can help you 小题4:.
●Change the way you respond to criticism and try not to be  小题5: about it.
●Accept criticism  小题6::
Receiving criticism doesn’t mean you are stupid or you are  小题7: to do things.
●Be optimistic about criticism and you will become less stressed or  小题8:.
●Think about the  小题9: for criticism:
It may be valid criticism or invalid criticism.
Take criticism as it is and remember you decide how you respond to it.

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China’s Tianhe-1 has a computing speed of 2,507 trillion(万亿)calculations a second, making it the fastest computer in the world. It is also 40 percent faster than the world’s second fastest supercomputer, Cray XT5 Jaguar, in the US, kept at a national laboratory in Tennessee, according to the New York Times. Jack Dongarra, a University of Tennessee computer scientist, told NYT that the Chinese supercomputer is faster than the existing Number One machine.
Building the fastest supercomputer has become a source of national pride, as these machines are valued for their ability to solve problems in areas like defense, energy and science. These problems are related to national interests. Supercomputing technology is also found in business. Oil and gas companies use supercomputers to find oil and gas.
Obviously, research centers with large supercomputers attract top scientific talents. This adds extra importance to the machines—they’re more than just huge computers.
China’s new supercomputer will be used to speed up greatly scientific calculations, such as hurricane and tsunami modeling, cancer research, car design and even studying stars.
In 2008, two US scientists put together a step-by-step guide on how to build a supercomputer using PlayStation 3 video-game consoles(控制台). Modern supercomputers are built by combining thousands of small computer servers(服务器)and using software to turn them into one large computer. Really, any organization with enough material and technology can create a fast machine.
The Chinese system follows that model by linking thousands upon thousands of computer servers. But the secret behind the system—and the technological achievement—is China’s own networking technology. “That technology was built by them,” Dongarra said. “They are taking supercomputing very seriously and using a lot of time and money.”
“China is still a developing country,” said Sha Chaoqun, manager at Dawning Company which is the leading supercomputer maker in China. “Maybe one day, China’s total computing power can be greater than that of the US, but there is still a long way to go before we get there.”
Paragraph outline
Supporting details
China has developed the world’s  fastest
◇Tianhe-1 has a high computing speed, which 小题1:_______ it the fastest computer in the world.
◇Tianhe-1 is 40 percent faster than the 小题2:______ fastest supercomputer in the world.
◇小题3:_____ Jack Dongarra, we learn that the Chinese supercomputer is faster than the existing Number One machine.
Many countries see the fastest supercomputer as a source of national 小题4:______ and are making efforts to develop it.
◇The high-speed computer is 小题5:________ to solve problems related to national interests.
◇Besides 小题6:______, supercomputing technology can also be found in areas of defense, energy and science.
◇It’s obvious that top scientific talents are 小题7:______ to research centers with large supercomputers.
The secret behind supercomputers is networking technology.
◇By using the technology built by Chinese people, taking it 小题8:_______ and devoting lots of time and money, China has achieved a lot.
Mr. Sha showed a conservative(保守的) 小题9:_______ toward the development of
computing power.
◇小题10:_________ the greater computing power China may have in the future, there is still a long way to go.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
In Britain all children have to go to school between the ages of 5 and 16. In the US children must go to school from the age of 6 to between the ages of 14 and 16, depending on the state they live in.
In England and Wales the subjects taught in schools are laid down by the National Curriculum, which was introduced in 1988 and sets out  in detail the subjects that children should study and the levels of achievement they should reach by the ages of 7, 11, 14 and 16, when they are tested. The National Curriculum does not apply to Scotland, where each school decides what subjects it will teach.
In the US the subjects taught are decided by national and local governments. Whereas British schools usually have prayers and religious instruction, American schools are not allowed to include prayers or to teach particular religious beliefs.
At 16 students in England and Wales take General certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) examinations. These examinations are taken by students of all levels of ability in all subjects and may involve a final examination, an assessment, or both of these things. At 18 some students take A-level examinations, usually in no more than three subjects. It is necessary to have A levels in order to go to a university .
In Scotland students take the Scottish Certificate of Education (SCE) examinations. A year later, they can take examinations called HIGHS, after which they can either go straight to a university or spend a further year at school and take the Certificate of Sixth Year Studies. In Scotland the university system is different from that in England and Wales. Courses usually last four years rather than three and students have to study a larger number of subjects as part of their degree.
In the US school examinations are not as important as they are in Britain. Students in High Schools do have exams at the end of their last two years, but these final exams are considered along with the work that the students have done during the school years.
Social Events and Ceremonies
In American high schools there is a formal ceremony for graduation . Students wear a special cap and gown and receive a diploma from the head of the school. Students often buy a class ring to ear, and a yearbook, containing pictures of their friends and teachers. There are also special social events at American schools. Sports events are popular, and cheer leaders lead the school in supporting the school team and singing the school song. At the end of their junior year, at age 17 or 18, students held in the evening. The girls wear long evening dresses and the boys wear TUXEDOS.
In Britain, there are no formal dances or social occasions associated with school life. Some schools have Speech Day at the end of the school year when prizes are given to the best students and speeches are made by the head teacher and sometimes an invited guest.
Title:___小题1:___in Britain and the US
In Britain
In the US
Students ___小题2:____school between the
ages of 5 and 16.
Students go to school from the age of 6 to between the ages of 14 and 16, which __小题3:___ in different states.
* The subjects are required by the National Curriculum in England and Wales
* ___小题4:___in Scotland have the right to determine the subjects to be taught
* Prayers or particular religious
beliefs are not ___小题5:___in
* Subjects are decided by national and __小题6:__government
* In England and Wales, one cannot go to university ___小题7:___A levels.
* Exams in Scotland are different from __小题8:  in England and Wales
*Exams are not so important as they are in Britain.
*Students have exams at the end of their last two years.
Social events and ceremonies
* Schools have no formal dances or social occasions related to school life.
* There is Speech Day in some schools, a time for giving prizes and making speeches
* A formal ceremony is held for students who ___小题9:___from high school.
* Sporting events enjoy _ __小题10:_with students.
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