阅读下面短文,根据所读内容在表格中的空白处填入恰当的单词。 A conflict at work is common. If you can avoid  co

阅读下面短文,根据所读内容在表格中的空白处填入恰当的单词。 A conflict at work is common. If you can avoid  co

A conflict at work is common. If you can avoid  conflict, it means you will win what you want regardless of what the other person wants. Since the potential issue has not been removed, it will simply reappear later. Here are the necessary steps to effectively get rid of conflicts at work.
★Be aware of the fact that some conflicts are unavoidable at work. On numerous occasions, conflict and disagreement are likely to happen. But when a conflict happens it’s not the end of the world. On the contrary, it can be the beginning of an interesting learning process. Conflicts mean that people care enough to disagree strongly. The trick is not to allow the conflict to go on forever.
★ Deal with conflicts sooner rather than later. Solve a conflict when it starts, as it only gets worse with time going by. Conflicts at work arise not from something that was said, but from something that wasn’t said! Everyone’s waiting for the other to admit he’s wrong and gets more unpleasant after the conflict has lasted a while. It’s essential to interrupt the "waiting game" before it gets to that point.
★ Ask nicely. If somebody has done something that made you angry, or if you don’t understand their viewpoint or actions, simply asking nicely about it can make a world of difference.  Never assume that people do what they do to annoy or hurt you. Sometimes there’s a good reason why that person does what he or she does, and a potential conflict disappear right there. Do remember to make an inquiry, not an accusation of any sort.
★ Appreciate. Praise the other part in the conflict. Tell them why it’s worth it to you to solve the conflict. This can be difficult as few people find it easy to praise and appreciate a person they disagree strongly with, but it’s a great way to move forward.
How to 小题1:______ conflicts at work
Conflicts won’t 小题2:_____ if not dealt with
小题3:____ on
handling conflicts
● Don’t be afraid of conflicts which cart happen in many小题4: ______
and try to resolve a conflict soon or it will get 小题5:______
●Interrupt the "waiting game" and try to admit your
小题6:______ actively.
● Don’t imagine people do something to make you 小题7: ______
on purpose.
● Remember not to 小题8: ______ others, but ask them nicely about
what they do, which may make a difference.
● Try to appreciate the other part in the conflict although it is
小题9: ______ to do so.
If you learn to do with conflicts, you’ll work in joy.


1.词义归纳题:从第一段的句子:Here are the necessary steps to effectively get rid of conflicts at work.可知是“处理”,用handle/solve/remove/avoid.
2. 词义归纳题:从第一段的句子:Since the potential issue has not been removed, it will simply reappear later.可知冲突不解决不会消失。
3. 归纳题:右边都是解决冲突的建议:Tips/Suggestions/Advice
4. 词义归纳题:从第二段的句子:On numerous occasions, conflict and disagreement are likely to happen.可知介词in后面搭配cases/circumstances
5. 原词重现:从第三段的句子:Solve a conflict when it starts, as it only gets worse with time going by.可知答案是worse。
6. 词义归纳题:从第三段的句子:Everyone’s waiting for the other to admit he’s wrong
7.词性转化题:从第四段的句子Never assume that people do what they do to annoy or hurt you.可知是annoyed/hurt/angry.
8.词性转化题:从第四段的句子 not an accusation of any sort.可知用accuse/blame
9. 原词重现:从第五段的句子: This can be difficult as few people find it easy to praise and appreciate a person they disagree strongly with,可知答案是difficult/hard.
Although nobody can guarantee that by adopting an exact lifestyle you will be able to live a longer life, there are some things you can do to increase your chances of living longer. _小题1:_ In other words you have to do it without realizing it. Here are 5 most important habits for a better life:
★ _小题2:_
It has been proven by many studies that people who are happy live a better life. To find happiness in your life you have to ask for it and run after it.
★ Healthy diet habits.
小题3:_ A diet based on healthy principles can not only improve your mood, but also it can help you keep to a healthy weight.
★ Physical exercise and activity.
This is the most well-known guideline. Exercise is good for your health and can help you live longer. By exercising you help your body function better.
★ Relaxation.
Relax as much as possible. Our life is full of tasks. _小题4:_ Relaxation means everything that makes you feel good and happy. This may be watching a nice movie or going to a basketball match.
★ Sleep.
_小题5:_ It has been proven by many researchers that people who sleep 7 hours per day enjoy a happier and healthier life. Try to keep a sleeping pattern.
A.Don’t worry, be happy.
B.Any form of exercise is good for you.
C.Many people don’t realize the power of sleep.
D.People who want to live longer should learn how to relax.
E.Anything you do in order to live longer has to turn into a habit.
F.People who have negative (消极的) thoughts end up with low confidence.
G. Following a healthy diet is among the best ways to enjoy a life.
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注意:1. 原行没有错的不要改;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
Mr. Li is a well-known doctor in our city. Kind but patient, he is always ready to do what he can help his patients. One day he learned from the medical magazine that patients will feel more pain if pleasant music is played to them. Soon he got an office in his own. So he decided to have beautifully music playing in his waiting-room. However, on one morning, an old lady who was sitting in the crowded waiting room became angry while listen to the music. She said, “We were all waiting to see the doctor, but he’s just playing the violin in his office instead of doing her work.”
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I Am a Pencil
Sam Swope"s job was teaching writing to third-graders in New York City. His students were from 21 countries, speaking 11 languages, with different backgrounds. But there were a few things they had in common. Family troubles, for one. Money struggles. And poetry. Every single student, with the help of this creative teacher, came forth with awesome writing. Swope leaves the reader with the inspiring conviction (坚信) that deep within each of us lives a poet.
Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Aron Ralston, 28, went hiking in a remote Utah canyon without telling anyone. An unexpected catastrophe struck. With enough supplies only for a day, Ralston knew his situation was full of danger. Sure enough, after five days he was in a fight against death. That was when he carried out a courageous plan - using a pocket knife to cut off his trapped arm. His amazing survival story rests at a place among the classics of the genre (体裁).
Our Brother"s Keeper
Author Jedwin Smith spent 30 years trying to repress (克制) all memories of his brother, Jeff, who was killed in Vietnam. But in Our Brother"s Keeper he tells what happens when the Internet brings him into contact with several of his brother"s old Marine friends, including the guy who held Jeff in his arms as he died. First via e-mail, and then in person, Smith gets to know these men.
The All Americans
With his graduation from West Point, Henry Romanek sailed toward Omaha Beach on the eve of Dday. It was June 1944, and he was about to face the bloodiest battle of his life. Just yesterday, it seemed, he was a standout soldier on the Army team. Now, he was a leader of youngsters in battle, fighting, quite literally, for his country and the future of the free world. In this book, Lars Anderson retraces Romanek"s life and that of three other soldiers.
Copies in Seconds
With the push of a button, anyone can make copies of almost anything - unlike the old days, when papers had to be rewritten long-hand, carbon-copied out of fussy mimeograph machines (蜡纸油印机). In Copies in Seconds, David Owen showed how a shy engineer named Chester Carlson perfected his xerography machine (静电复印机) and shopped it around until finally hooking up with the Haloid Corporation. That partnership led to the Xerox copier and changed the face of work forever.
State of Grace
Back in the late 1950s and early 1960s, the Lynvets was just a football team in a sandy New York City neighborhood. But to most of its members - the author, Robert Timberg, included - the team was their only experience of a happy family, their only chance to rise above terrible everyday circumstances, their only shot at being heroes. The friendships these men formed sustained (维持) them throughout their lives.
1. Tom is looking for a book about the hiking stories to help him in his following outdoor activities.
2. Kate wants to find a book about the stories of the soldiers during World War II.   .
3. Mark wants to research into the history of technological development.
4. Jack is researching into education in a college. He is especially interested in the teaching methods. He wants to find a book which can tell him something about how to teach students from different backgrounds.
5. John wants to find some materials about the soldiers in Vietnam War to carry on his new research.
求书者                          书籍
小题1: Tom                  A. I Am a Pencil
小题2: Kate                  B. Between a Rock and a Hard Place    
小题3: Mark                   C. Our Brother"s Keeper
小题4:Jack                   D. The All Americans
小题5: John                   E. Copies in Seconds
F. State of Grace
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A survey basing on 1,000 students found that 80% of senior students slept less than
nine hours every night. Too much homework being given by school teachers is the main
cause. Another cause lies at students’ bad habits. Some students are absent-minded while
doing their homework, and some wasting their after-class time. The third cause is some  
students have to get up earlier on weekdays to get to school which far away from home.  
Experts think the amount of homeworks for the students should be cut down. Beside,  
teachers should encourage their students make good use of their spare time.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
---Mike, you’ve had a talk with your dad, haven’t you?
---_____小题1:_____He insists I go to college first after I graduate from high school. He said I am too young to make a living.
---I told him I would like to work for some time before I could decide what I was going to do. I want to have some practical work experience.
---Well, he said it was not easy for a high school graduate to find a job.
---It’s true. More people are out of work these days.____小题4:______If she doesn’t agree with you, you can do a part-time job while studying.
---That’s right. I will talk with her. How about you?
A.Talk with your mother and see what she thinks.
B.I am still thinking about it.
C.What did you say?
D.I think your mother will agree with you.
E.Yes, but my dad seemed not interested in it.
F.Did he agree with you?
G.My parents think of it as your father does.
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