阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。请在答题卷上作答。首先阅读下列博客信息:A:My name’s Marta and I’m from Mexico

阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。请在答题卷上作答。首先阅读下列博客信息:A:My name’s Marta and I’m from Mexico

A:My name’s Marta and I’m from Mexico City, but I moved to Los Angeles, California, five years ago, now I am living in an apartment at No. 3178 SE Timmer Broad. I am 28, single. I am a customer service representative for a large financial company. I am an outgoing person. I love to laugh and have fun! I enjoy cooking, dancing and listening to music. I don’t like watching or playing sports. You should be an outgoing, considerate lady with a good sense of humor, to share the apartment. Are you the one? Email and let’s have further talk.
B: My name’s Mark, and I’m from Hollywood, California. I’m a fitness instructor in Los Angeles. I am a friendly and easy-going person; I love playing sports---especially football and working out at the gym. I also play the guitar. My best friend David, who often has sports with me, went to Mexico last month. To avoid loneliness, I’d like very much to own a new friend who would share the fun of sports with me. I am longing.
C: My name’s Park Jun Seo, but you can call me Jun. I move from Seoul Korea to Los Angeles two years ago. I am a graphic designer and I am looking for my younger brother, Lean Ban Seo, who might be in this city. As the story is too long, I just hope to find him and have my family reunited. He is lame at the right leg, 19 years old, 1.79 meters tall, with very big eyes and fair curly hair. With his picture of two years ago enclosed, I would be very appreciated if you have any information about that. Telephone me at 818-5789.
D: My name is Don and I am programmer at a computer company. I have designed several pieces of software that can help students learn better, especially suitable for primary students who have some language disability to learn words and help them pronounce more correctly. If you think you need one, please fax to 857-4693. You can purchase by post.
E: My name is Mauricio, and I’m a computer programmer working in Los Angeles area. I am kind of shy, but maybe you can help me to be more outgoing. I like cooking, playing computer games, and chatting whit friends online. If you think you are the proper one to be my E-pal, let’s chat!
F: My name’s Judy and I’m from Quebec, Canada. I am a sales woman in one of the women underwear stores in Montreal. I’d like to have more visitors to my shop. And you can bargain for a reduction of 10% to 30%, if you purchase in package. Let’s be friends.
请阅读以下网站回复的信息, 然后匹配回复的信息和网站原登出的博客信息,选项中有一项是多余的。
小题1:I am a professional sportsman and work in the same city. I am so glad that I will have a good friend who can be the opponent to improve my techniques. E-mail me at bitterflower@yahoo.com.
小题2:As a shop owner, I might drop in when I go downtown. But may I know your exact address? When is it convenient for a visit? Thank you.
小题3:God bless you! I’m a journalist and happened to read your brief story. A neighbor of mine looks exactly the same as the man in the picture you uploaded. This might be a chance in a million. Telephone me at 818-5690.
小题4:As a newcomer and a freshman, I am looking for a room as close to my university as possible. I would like to have some friends, too. I think your place might be the right choice for me. But can I know how much the rent is?
小题5:I am a salesman from Paris. My first difficulty working in this city is language. I would appreciate it if you could help me learn English through the Keyboard.


2、只允许修改10处, 多者(从每11处起)不计分。
James Ryan was the fourth brother to be involving in Second World War. His three brothers already killed, two of them in the D-Day landings in Normandy, the others in a battle in another part of the world. Their heart-breaking mother received news about all her dead sons in the same day. The US army decides to send a group of man into the French countryside to try to find the fourth brother. Captain Miller, which was a hero and survivor of the Omaha Beach battle, was chosen to lead to the rescue team of eight men.
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阅读下面短文,根据以下提示:1)汉语提示,2)首字母提示,3)语境提示, 在每个空格内填空入一个适当的英语单词,并将该词完整地写在右边相对应的横线上。所填单词要求意义准确,拼写正确。
Wang Hai,
How are you doing? I would like to recommend a popular book to you.
Hopefully you will keep an        on it.                              
This book, Chicken Soup for the Soul,       (写)by Jack Canfield,   
appeared in 1993 and soon became a bestseller. A huge n      of copies have   小题3:_______
been sold so       . It will surely inspire readers of all ages. It has been put     小题4:_______
into tens of languages, spreading love to all the world. A     from this, an     小题5:_______
English       (版本)will be of great help to those English learners.      
I surfed the internet and found a website selling this book w     price is   小题7:_______
64 yuan. But you can get it for 54.4 yuan through online shopping,       (节省) 小题8:_______
you 9.6 yuan. You can order it at dangdang.com and get the book w      24 to  小题9:_______
48 hours after your payment. Get one and enjoy it!        action!             小题10:_______
All the best.
Li Hua
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My car just wouldn’t move any further. It was complete
dead, and I was a few miles far away from anywhere on a cold,
wet night. I decided walk around a little before accepting I’d
have to spend the night in the car. Maybe I can find a
telephone. Actually, I didn’t have to walk far after I
found a small house standing on a field with a light
shone from the sitting room. I knocked at the door and
was very happy when a pleasant old man opened the
door but listened to my story carefully. He said he didn’t
have telephone, and there wasn’t one within walking distance.
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某网站上组织了一次讨论,其中David, Joe, Sophie, Michael与Bauer的观点颇具代表性。以下是他们各自的观点。阅读下面发表在该网站上的6段留言(A、B、C、D、E和F),选择与其观点一致的表述,并在答题纸上将该项标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多途选项。
小题1:David believes people shouldn"t smoke in public places as it harms others.
小题2:Joe insists that smokers should put the cigarette ends where they should go.
小题3:Sophie holds that this question should call for a further argument.
小题4:Michael thinks cigarette taxes should be raised for free healthcare for nonsmokers.
小题5:Bauer thinks that victims of second - hand smoking should leave smoking areas to avoid harm.
The stupid thing is, I often see people smoking and then they throw the cigarette ends away from them when they have finished, not even stopping them but it just seems like once they have finished, they don"t want it near them, perhaps they ought to have to carry their own ash trays in their pockets.
In many places, there are no non - smoking bars or restaurants.Unless people refuse to go out with friends who smoke, they cannot avoid passive smoking.Society accepts that adults can decide to harm themselves.so long as they do not harm others.This is why the suggestion is not arguing that people should be banned from smoking in private.Passive smokers do choose to breathe in other people"s smoke.If they do not want to smoke passively, they do not need to go to places where smoking is allowed.There is therefore no reason to prevent smoking in public.
I"m only for smoking because not only do nice people and many friends and family of mine smoke, but this debate needs someone to take the side of the smoker.Otherwise we"re just picking on a set of people.The only comment so far for smoking has been that clever one about how they pay for it.Smoking has its good points, whether it is giving job opportunities to millions of people, or getting extra breaks at work.Anyway, I do have a lot to say against smoking too, but again, debate.
What I care about is whether people can get free healthcare.Some people deliberately take dangerous toxins into their bodies because they"re "addicted" while there are other people like my uncle who died of lung cancer and he never smoked in his life.It makes you wonder why cigarettes are so cheap.Surely all the taxes from cigarettes ought to go to help people who don"t smoke.Perhaps we ought to sort things out.
Completely against it.I work in a bar and 1 get so sick of coming home smelling like a bonfire. And if that isn"t enough, I"m probably going to get lung cancer from those idiots that decide to excite themselves.However,! do understand that for some older smokers it is a habit because they may have been smoking long before they knew it was bad for them.I do think there"s no excuse for my generation to do it though and if they want to die, then go to do it in your own home.
Phil and I had a good argument today in the pub.He made the comment, "If he wants to smoke and kill himself, he can!", about which I said "You want to get on your motorbike and risk death, fine", which are basically the same thing.He made the point that he"s a good driver and it"s not his fault if he gets hurt, but at the end of the day, his fault or not, he knows he could get killed, and he"s still taking the risk of being on a bike.I think it"s a sick thing to say, being honest! If people want to put something in their mouth and blow on it, they should be allowed without having things like that being said ! It"s a free country!
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Dear editor,
Next year I"ll go to university and becoming a college student, and I have never been away from my parents.I don"t know what to face my university life.I hear many new students are at a loss when we are at university.They can"t take care of themselves in everyday life, and often feel lonely and homesick.Clothes, money or mobile phone are sometimes gone.And because different weather and food, they often get ill.Some even rent rooms outside the campus, which I don"t think it is so safely. Could you tell me how to deal with these problems so that I would be able to get used the university life in the future.
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