You want a smart phone, but just how smart do you want it? How about one that ca

You want a smart phone, but just how smart do you want it? How about one that ca

You want a smart phone, but just how smart do you want it? How about one that can read your mind? Well, that phone may well be on its way...
Justin Rattner, chief researcher at Intel, says that technology has developed to the point that “context-aware computing (情景感知计算)”, an idea that’s been around for twenty years, is becoming more of a reality.
That could lead to a phone that acts as a mind reader in your pocket. But rather than simply collect secrets about you, the device could do things with that information, such as predict what you might do next and make suggestions.
Rattner gave a few examples during his speech at Intel’s developer conference in San Francisco recently.
Among them is a software that Intel worked on with Fodor’s Travel, a traveling website. It learns what types of foods you like to eat and what types of places you like to visit, based on searches you type into the phone or places you searched using GPS (全球定位系统). The software makes similar recommendations when you visit a new city.
Tech companies are already working to predict what people want. Search engine Google, movie-rental service Netflix, and online radio service Pandora try to guess what people want even before they know they want it.
Putting those types of functions together with the other information that phones collect about people could pave the way for even more helpful mobile phones, Rattner said.
A challenge is training computers to look at data from “hard sensors (传感器)” (which measure place, movement, temperature and the like) and combining those findings with data from “soft sensors” (such as calendar appointments and Web browsing history).
For example, your phone could tell that you have just left school and seem to be on your way home—a location it might know from your address book. It could then tell you the best route around traffic.
Rattner added that researchers are even making steps toward the final goal—a computer understanding of thoughts.

71. people’s needs/what people want 72. Fodor’s Travel 73. (a) search engine
74. (a) movie-rental service  75. Pandora 76. personal information/information about people
77. Movement 78. Calendar appointments 79. (a) mind reader 80. Making suggestions

W:Hello, Jim. Where are you going?
M:To the cinema. What about  (76) c_______ with me?
W:No, thanks. I’m going home. My friend’s expecting me.
M:What a (77) p_____! I believe it’s a very good film.
W:Do you go to the cinema a lot?
M:(78) O___ a week. Most nights I sit at home and watch TV.
W:Oh, I see. (79) B__ the way, where are you going for your holidays this year?
M:I don’t know yet. My wife’s going to her mother’s for a
(80) c_____ of weeks. She lives by the sea, you know.
W:Oh, does she? That’s convenient.
M:Yes, but I want to go to the (81) c________.
W:Don’t you like the sea?
M:Yes, very much. But I need (82) p_____ and quiet when I’m on holiday. What are you going to do?
W:I’m going to (83) s_____  at home.
M:Aren’t you going to (84) h____ a holiday abroad this year?
W:No, I want to buy a car, and that’s going to take
(85) e_______ penny I’ve got.

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Dear Tom,
It was half a year since we parted last time.Now I’m          小题1:______
getting well with everything but have been missing you all the time.小题2:______
I’ve been missing the day in America when you helped me a lot   小题3:______
with my English study.Thanks for your kind help, I’ve improved  小题4:_____
my English a lot.And to my regret, I have lost contact with my   小题5:___
teacher, Mr.Smith.Would you please to tell me something about 小题6:______
him and tell me how to keep in touch with him? In addition, it           小题7:_____
would be great honor for me to invite you to my country during    小题8:______
the Spring Festival, when you will experience colorfully Chinese    小题9:_____
culture.I am looking forward to you early reply.               小题10:____
Best wishes
Li Hua
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—How was your National Day vacation?
—Great! We went sightseeing and spent the _____ days at home.
A.last two relaxingB.two last relaxing
C.relaxing last twoD.last relaxing two

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
W:Hi, John. 小题1:  
M:Hi,  Mary.  I"ve been studying a lot for my final exam.
W:Well.   小题2:         
M:Yes.  My brother is coming for a visit this winter helically and we"d like to see some
of the country.    小题3:  
W: 小题4:   
M:Camping? I have never done that.       .
W:I think you"ll like it.  It"s much cheaper than staying at a hotel.  And being close to nature is a good way to forget about our school for a while.
M: 小题5:We can go by bike until we find a nice place and just camp.
A.You should do that.
B.What a good idea.!
C.But traveling is so expensive.
D.Have you thought of camping?
E.There are many beautiful sceneries.
F.I haven"t seen you for a few weeks.
G.The term is almost over now.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
I will go to college in the near future.  After enter           小题1:      _
college,  and I plan to set new goals in my study and life.    小题2:
As I was away from my parents,  it is necessary for me       小题3:      _
to learn live on my own, such as doing some washing,          小题4:     _
shopping and cleaning for myself.  What"s more,             小题5:   _
in my spare time,  I will take part in different kind of             小题6:    _
school activities,  for example,  I will often go to English         小题7:     _
Corner to practice my spoken English.  Besides, I’ll try my     小题8:     _
best to get along well with your teachers and classmates.       小题9:     _
I"m sure if I will have a wonderful college life.  Bless me!      小题10:     _
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