根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(66) When a person does a certain thing

根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(66) When a person does a certain thing

(66) When a person does a certain thing again, he is impelled(迫使) by some unseen force to do the same thing repeatedly; thus a habit is formed. Once a habit is formed, it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to get rid of. (67)  Children often form bad habits, some of which remain with them as long as they live. Older persons also form bad habits as long as they live. Older persons also form bad habits, and sometimes become ruined by them.
(68) Many successful men say that much of their success has something to do with certain habits in early life, such as early rising, honesty and thoroughness.
Among the habits which children should not form are laziness, lying, stealing and so on. (69) Unfortunately older persons often form habits which ought to have been avoide.(70)
A.There are other habits which, when formed in early life, are of great help.
B.Whether good or not habit are, they are easy to get rid of.
C.We ought to keep from all these bad habits, and try to form such habits as will prove good for ourselves and others.
D.Habits, whether good or bad, are gradually formed.
E.It is very important for us to know why we should get used to good habbits.
F.These are all easily formed habits.
G.It is therefore very important that we should pay great attention to the formation of habits.

2.他作了一次著名的演讲,以“我有一个梦想”开头。(begin with)
3.在作业上我对学生们要求严格。(be strict with...in...)
4.姐妹俩取得了惊人的进步。(make progress)
5.我太忙无暇顾及孩子们。(far too...to)
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短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Ladies and gentlemen,
Welcome to our English Corner. This Corner was set up three years before. Every Sunday morning, students from different schools gather around here. Many college students or some foreigners often join us. We practise spoken English by talk about everything we are intrersted. We also exchange our experience in English study. We all have a good time here. Thousand of people have been here when it was set up.
We think that they have learned a lot by taking part in activities here. It is a really supplement to our English class and it is welcome by students, their parents and teachers.
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lose heart   in trouble   worry about   out of work 
as a matter of fact    blow up    put…in prison 
come to power    set up   be sentenced to
1 That building __________ yesterday and the police began to look into it.
2 Never _________; believe in yourself and keep up courage.
3 In America those who are __________ can live on relief(救济金).
4 He is very helpful; he always helps those _________ out of difficulty.
5 He pretends to be making comment on the drawings, but ____________, he knows nothing about art.
6 Due to lots of thefts he was __________.
7 What I am _________ is whether I can find another job.
8 That chemical works , which _________ only two years ago, has been closed down recently, because it has brought lots of pollution.
9 Saddam Husin _________ death in 2006.
10 This party __________ at the last election.
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第II卷 (满分35分)
Born in America, Thomas Edison was a great scientist and inventor.
He was once thought to be a boy not _________(值得)educating. In   76.______________
fact, he was a man full of _____________ (想像力).                 77.______________
I admire him a lot because of his great contribution_____________      78.______________
the world. He had more than 1000 i__________. When he was young, he       79.______________
was always eager to know h______ things worked, which helped him      80.______________
to earn the nickname “the Wizard of Meio Park”. He was also so diligent__81.______________
he worked day and night. And this explained why he had so m__________      82.______________
What______(留下印象) me most is his famous saying, “Genius is   83.______________
one percent inspiration and ninety-nine________ perspiration”. Maybe I84.______________
can’t be another Edison myself, b_____ I can be a hardworking learner.   85.______________
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[A]. Science magazine published the study about orangutans. The scientists collected evidence from years of observations in six areas on Borneo and Sumatra. The scientists found that the animals demonstrated a total of twenty-four signs of cultural activity. Several actions were demonstrated in some orangutan groups, but not others.
[B]. The Environmental Investigation Agency and Telapak released the report. Telapak is an environmental group based in Indonesia. The Environmental Investigation Agency operates in several countries. The two groups say Indonesia controls ten percent of the world"s tropical rainforests.
[C]. Richard Sandor is the chairman of the C-C-X. He praised the companies forming the group for demonstrating leadership. He said they believe that an active way to deal with global warning helps everyone. The group said its members want to reduce costs they may face from future rules on greenhouse gas emissions. Trading credits may help businesses find the most effective methods to reduce pollution. Members also hope to improve their public image on environmental issues.
[D]. Their most detailed effort involved ninety-nine kinds of birds, insects and plants in North America and Europe. They found that the territory where these plants and animals live has moved north by an average of six kilometers every ten years. In Europe, some butterflies now live as much as one hundred kilometers to the north because of changes linked to higher temperatures.
[E]. The new report says many areas experienced unusual weather in two thousand and two. Most of Asia, for example, was warmer than usual. India had unusually high temperatures in April and May. The extremely hot weather caused hundreds of deaths. There also were extremely dry conditions across India. Parts of Africa experienced unusual heavy rains. Yet other areas in Africa had unusual dry weather.
[F]. Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe. Hydrogen is a colorless gas. On Earth, it is present in large amounts in natural gas, coal, plants and water. By weight, hydrogen produces the highest energy levels of any known fuel. When burned in an engine, hydrogen releases no harmful pollution into the environment. When powering a fuel cell, the only waste is water. However, hydrogen is difficult to store. It also burns easily.
46. A severe ocean storm hit South Korea in August. It set a new national record for rainfall. In central Europe, more than one hundred people died in flooding caused by heavy rainfall in September. The flooding also resulted in thousands of millions of dollars in property damage. Yet large parts of North and South America had extremely dry weather.
47. One member of the Chicago Climate Exchange is American Electric Power. It"s the biggest owner of electric power producers in the United States. Company officials say they hope their company"s membership will demonstrate the ability of the C-C-X to grow.
48. For example, members of some groups make a kissing noise by tightening their mouths and sucking in air. Some groups use leaves to clean themselves or protect their hands from sharp objects. The scientists found that some of the animals use sticks as tools to remove insects from holes in trees. Other orangutans use leaves to crush insects or gather water.
49. Professors Parmesan and Yohe used similar methods to examine one hundred and seventy-two kinds of wildlife. They examined the timing of events in the spring, such as the appearance of flowers and the reproduction of animals. They found that these events happened an average of two days earlier than normal every ten years.
50. They say illegal operations to remove trees are causing large areas of forest to disappear. Environmental Investigation Agency director Dave Currey says the illegal operations are completely out of control.
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