

66. His health is __________ (逐渐地) improving because of the doctor’s successful treatment.
67. I used an empty _________ (饼干) tin to keep my flowers.
68. The news headlines are __________ (广播)on the half hour.
69. Can you tell me something about the accident ______ (提及) to at the meeting ?
70. If he does not tell the truth, __________ (惩罚)can be suffered.
71. I am interested in studying the globe in my ___________(空闲的)time.
72. His record is above the ________(平均)in the class.
73. The _________(长度)of the table is twice its breadth.
74. His writings have been translated into _________(各种)languages.
75. They sat down after exchanging __________(问候)
66. gradually  67.biscuit  68.broadcast(ed)  69.referred  70. punishment
71. spare    72. average    73. length   74. various   75. greetings
In a country which has very long history, artefacts(人工制品,宝物) 76. ____________
are burying underground in many places, especially in areas       77. ____________
where people had lived for a long time. As a result,                  78. ____________
almost any construction project in big historical city will              79. ____________
sometimes have to be stopped, thank to the discovery of artefacts      80. ____________
or other finds on the construction site. In the next few years, several        81. ____________
cities, such like Beijing, Chengdu and Chongqing will build new      82. ____________
underground lines, that will certainly have a great                    83. ____________
effect in the work of the archaeologists. Perhaps we may find       84. ____________
many buried artefacts in the future.                                      85. ___________
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Healthy Diets
Instead of buying only fresh foods,Americans nowdays buy many more convenience foods.There are foods which are already partly or completely prepared .Many of them are frozen,such as frozen dinner,heat-and-serve French fries ,and frozen pizzas.There are also many canned (put in a can) convenience foods. such as ready-made spaghetti (意大利细条实心面),soups,stews (炖熟菜肴),and vegetables.
Convenience foods save time and trouble.They are popular with people who are busy or who don’t like to cook or wash dishes.But they ofen cost more than fresh ,unprepared foods and may contain artificial additives (a chemical added to the food).Also,many people feel they don’t taste as good as home cooked foods.
Health food and Co-ops
In the 1960s,a“back-to-the-earth”movement was started by young people in the United States.The movement was a reaction against the harmful effects of technology.From the movement came a new understanding of food and health.Many people now prefer natural and organic(chemical-free)foods to the prepared foods sold in health food stores and in food co-ops,which are small stores and where customers help manage the store .In co-ops,food is usually not packaged.Customers bring their own bags and jars and scoop(汲取) their food out of boxes or baskets.
58.What are the disadvantages of convenience foods?
____________________________________ ____________________________________
59. Convenience foods are popular with people who ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
60.How do customers buy food from co-ops?
____________________________________ ____________________________________
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第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
第一节 短文填词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
A basketball match between the teachers and the students was                          
held on F_____ afternoon, March 4,2009 in our school stadium                        76_______ 
The match began at 2:30 and it l_____ for an hour. It was really                       77________ 
wonderful. The teachers had much more e ____  while the students                  78________ 
were energetic. The scores ______(上升) by turns. The excited                         79________ 
audience ______(欢呼) for every score. Then there were only two                    80_________
______ left and the score was 60:60,which made all the players and                  81 ­­­­­________
audience  very ______(紧张). At last the teachers team scored                         82. ________
four more points and the teachers _____ the match. Though we                        83._________
all f_____ a bit pity for the students, they said they had tried                            84__________
their best and they were happy and quite satisfied with _____(自己).                 85______   
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What is classic literature? Classics _(61)_ the antiques of the literary world. They are novels,
_(62)_ and poems that were written a long time _(63)_  and were so well written and well received that people still read _(64)_ today .They are examples of great writing and wisdom, and even those written centuries ago can still be found _(65)_ bookshops and libraries today .
Because a lot of classics were written so long ago,the language used in them   (66) quite different from
the language used today. This makes them difficult for some people   (67)_ read,and often,the classics
are left to gather dust on shelves. Many people do_(68)_ read them because they think they are old-
fashioned and boring,and is not connected with today’s life.
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第二卷(非选择题 共35分)
第一节 短文填词(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
There are a few different r       why people use small talk.      76       
The first, and most obvious, is to break an uncomfortable s         77       
Another reason, however, is simply to kill t     . That’s why it is    78       
so common to make small talk when you are w      for something.       79        
Some people make small take in order to be p     . You may not    80        
feel l           chatting with anyone at a party, but it is         81        
r       to just sit in a corner by yourself. After someone         82       
i          you to another person ,you do not know anything about then,83     
so in order to show a polite i        in getting to know them better,       84       
you have to start with some small talk. And remember in an English-speaking environment it is
often b        to make a few mistakes than to say nothing at all!    85        
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