He used to go out for a walk after supper,      ? [     ]A.usedn’t heB.did he C.

He used to go out for a walk after supper,      ? [     ]A.usedn’t heB.did he C.

He used to go out for a walk after supper,      ? [     ]
A.usedn’t he
B.did he
C.usedn’t to he
D.used he
-You haven’t been to Australia, have you?      
-_________. How I wish to go there!     [     ]
A. Yes, I have      
B. Yes, I haven’t       
C. No, I have        
D. No, I haven’t
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
It was Alice and her husband who sent the old man to the hospital, _______?  [     ]
A. wasn’t it
B. didn’t they
C. don’t they
D. wasn’t he
题型:江苏专项题难度:| 查看答案
-The physics exam is not difficult, is it?
-________. Even Tom ________ to the top students failed.[     ]
A.Yes; belongs  
B.No; belonged
C.Yes; belonging  
D.No; belonging
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
—It doesn’t matter if she fails the test, ______?[     ]
A. does it          
B. doesn’t it      
C. does she      
D. doesn’t she
题型:甘肃省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
I don’t think he will pass the exam,________?[     ]
A.do I  
B.don’t I  
C.will he  
D.won’t he
题型:陕西省同步题难度:| 查看答案


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