完成句子阅读下列各小题,根据所给的整句汉语提示,用句末括号的英语单词完成句子,并将答案写在相应题号后。1. Seldom________each other a

完成句子阅读下列各小题,根据所给的整句汉语提示,用句末括号的英语单词完成句子,并将答案写在相应题号后。1. Seldom________each other a

完成句子阅读下列各小题,根据所给的整句汉语提示,用句末括号的英语单词完成句子,并将答案写在相应题号后。1. Seldom________each other any more though we studied and lived in the same town.(see)

2. Could you possible let us know________?(as)

3. ________,and you can see Mt.baker hard against the Canadian border.(look)

4. In space the astronauts will have to face the circumstances ________on the earth.(train)

5. I don"t want to get to the end of my life and find that ____________ just the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well.(live)

6. "If China saw social and economic confusion,then________a disaster for the world."said Wen Jiabao.(be)
   " 如果中国经济和社会出现问题,将会给世界带来灾难. "温家宝说.

7. By May 2008, the World bank was estimating that 100 million people subsistence poverty due to food inflation  in the first quarter of that year.(push)

8. I tell you in winter when there"s no baseball, I stare out of the window,________.(wait)

9. Kelly was born in China and grew up there.________she knows so much about China!(wonder)

10. ________in face of danger matters much in case of emergency. (stay)
1. did we see
2. as soon as you decide
3. Look in another direction
4. in/under which they are/have been trained
5. I have lived
6. it would be
7. had been pushed into
8. waiting for spring
9. It is no wonder/No wonder
10. That we should stay calm
词组中译英1、欣慰地笑      2、我突然明白了3、鼓起勇气               4、便衣警察5、确凿无疑          6、觉得这天真的结局无法接受7、一种胜利者的口吻 8、使…...清楚地显示出来9、敏锐的观察者  10、结识你;与你相识 
题型:广东省期末题难度:| 查看答案
完成句子。1. Only if you ask many different questions ____________________ (你才会获取信息) you need to know. (acquire)  
2. To my relief, he has promised to keep me ____________________ (了解) what is happening to him abroad. (inform)  
3. Since it is well-preserved, the chances of your car _____________________ (抛锚) on the freeway are rather low. (break)
4. _____________________ (暴露在阳光下)for too long, especially in hot summer, you’ll feel faint and sick. (expose)
5. At the conference, the representatives form all over the country put forward a common idea _____________________ (我们应加快) the development in all fields. (speed)
6. If you had told me about her arrival in advance, I ______________________ (会安排他) to meet her at the airport. (arrange)  
7. The man _______________________ (被怀疑) committing the murder is reported to have been arrested last week. (suspect)  
8. By the time they finished half the journey, they ____________________ (已经用完) petrol, and accordingly they had to abandon the car and walked home. (run)
9. It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism ____________________ (竟然曾经居住) in London. (live)  
10. It’s commonly accepted that it is hard work, which is taken lightly sometimes, __________________(对…有影响)one’s academic performance. (difference)
题型:湖北省期中题难度:| 查看答案
       阅读下列各小题, 根据所给的整句汉语提示, 用句末括号的英语单词完成句子, 并将答案写在相应题号后。
1. Every year one million tourists visit Stonehenge, which is believed_      _ __   _ _         _      _before the Pyramids,
about 4000 years ago. (construct)
每年大约有一百万游客参观巨石阵, 据说它是在四千年以前被修建, 早于埃及的金字塔。
2. I am afraid you had better not call me at 3 o"clock on the afternoon of tomorrow. I_       _ _         
_       _ _             _       _then.
3. Greatly loved in Chinese adolescence____ ____Korean TV plays. (romantic)
4. The iphone functions well.  I"ll buy it, _      _ _      _ _      _ _        _. (cost)
这款iphone 功能不错, 无论多贵, 我都要买。
5. _         __    _ _       _ _       _, many animals are facing the danger of dying out. (destroy)
大部分森林毁掉了, 很多动物面临着灭绝的危险。
6.  _      _ __      _      _ _      _to the conference surprised us, since he was an important figure in this
field after all. (invite)
他没有被邀请参加会议很让我们吃惊, 毕竟他是这一行业的重要人物。
7. But for your timely encouragement , I_       _ _      _ _      _ _       _after going through so much
difficulty. (lose)
要不是你的及时鼓励, 经历这么多的困难之后我早就灰心了。
8. He is going to spend the Spring Festival in his home village, ____ ____his parents and some relatives.
他打算到他的家乡过春节, 他的父母和亲戚还生活在那里。
9. The king of Prussia_      _ _      _ _      _ __      that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have
such an amazing
history. (imagine)
10. When the survivor came to life, he was eager to know_       _ _         __        ___       saved him from
the burning house.
当生还者醒过来后, 他急切的想知道是谁把他从燃烧的房子里救出来的。
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案


1.We just couldn"t               (想象你的准时到达), because we had been informed of the terrible traffic
   jam. (imagine)
2. He               (看来已经知道)the news that a storm was on the way. (appear)
3.He stopped for a sip of coffee, and then               (继续讲他的故事). (go)
4. He               (假装一睡着了)when his mother called him. (pretend) 
5. So attractive are the computer games that many teenagers               (沉溺于玩)them in the Internet
   bar for days on end. (addicted)
6. We offered them $200, but they               (仍然对我们的出价不满意).(satisfy)
7. Doctor Liu wanted a quiet room because he just               (无法忍受在一个嘈杂的房间里睡觉).
8. Just ask the baby to do the job for you, and I don"t think he                (会让你失望). (let)
9.              (给了机会)study in the Cooper Union School of Art, she was so happy. (give)
10.He is seriously ill, so he               (应该送) to the hospital as soon as possible.  (suppose)
题型:湖北省期末题难度:| 查看答案
1. 他的同事自认为高人一等.(superior)
2. 众所周知, 蓝色使人联想到安全.(associate)
3. 你意识到你的所作所为是对环境的极大威胁吗? (aware)
4. 说到包装问题, 你能告诉我你通常是怎么处理那些包装材料的?(packaging)
5. 为了鼓励遇到挫折的年轻人坚持他们的理想, 那画家用他的余生写了一部基于他自身经历的小说.(encourage)
题型:上海市期末题难度:| 查看答案


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