The American newspaper publisher Arthur Sulzberger Sr died at the age of 86.Mr S

The American newspaper publisher Arthur Sulzberger Sr died at the age of 86.Mr S

The American newspaper publisher Arthur Sulzberger Sr died at the age of 86.Mr Sulzberger led The New York Times for more than three decades,before passing the business to his son.He took over the paper in 1963 when it was in financial trouble,and transformed it into the heart of a multi­billion dollar media empire.
His family announced he had died at his home in Southampton,New York State,after a long illness.His son,Arthur Sulzberger Jr,said in a statement that his father,whom he referred to by his childhood nickname of Punch,was “one of our industry’s most admired executives”.“Punch,the old Marine captain who never backed down from a fight,was an absolutely fierce defender of the freedom of the press,” he said.
The New York Times was bought by Mr Sulzberger Sr’s grandfather Adolph Ochs in 1896.During Mr Sulzberger’s tenure,The New York Times won 31 Pulitzer prizes.
Born in New York City,5 February 1926,Sr served in Marine Corps during World War Ⅱ and Korean War,joined   The New York Times in 1951 after graduating from Columbia  College,took over as publisher in 1963 after his brother­in­law died suddenly,stepped down in 1997 and passed stewardship to his son,Arthur Sulzberger Jr.
He oversaw a huge circulation boost at the paper,and increased its parent company’s annual revenues (年收入) from  $100m in 1963 to $1.7bn by the time he stepped down in 1997.He also led the paper through high­level clashes with the  political establishment.In 1971,The Times published a series of stories saying that politicians had systematically lied over the US involvement in Vietnam.The source was thousands of leaked government documents known as the Pentagon Papers.The Nixon  administration  demanded  that  the  paper  stop publishing the stories on grounds of national security.But the paper refused,and then won the subsequent court case by arguing that the First Amendment of the US Constitution (宪法) guaranteed free speech.The case is seen as a landmark in the history of free speech in the US.Mr Sulzberger said he read more than 7,000 pages of the Pentagon Papers before personally deciding to publish them.
His family still holds a controlling stake (控股权) in The New York Times.He was a strong believer in family ownership  of newspapers.He once joked:“My conclusion is  simple.Nepotism works.”
小题1:When did Arthur Sulzberger Sr die?
A.In 1997. B.In 2012.
C.In 1963.D.In 1971.
小题2:Punch,the old Marine captain was actually________.
A.Arthur Sulzberger Jr
B.Adolph Ochs
C.Arthur Sutzberger Sr’s father
D.Arthur Sulzberger Sr
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Arthur Sulzberger Sr took over The New York Times from his brother­in­law.
B.Arthur Sulzberger Jr’s grandfather bought The New York Times.
C.Arthur Sulzberger Sr resigned when The New York Times was in financial trouble.
D.Arthur Sulzberger Jr took over The New York Times after graduating from Columbia College.
小题4:In the political case in the 1970s,Mr Sulzberger________.
A.failed the case in the end
B.lost the controlling stake in The New York Times
C.gave in to the government
D.succeeded in guarding free speech of the paper
小题5:What does the underlined word “Nepotism”  probably refer to?
A.Friendship. B.Politics.
C.Family ownership D.Freedom of speech.



语篇解读 本文介绍了《纽约时报》前总裁Arthur Sulzberger Sr的生平。
小题1:解析: 考查细节理解。根据第一段第一句中的“Arthur Sulzberger Sr died at the age of 86” 和第四段第一句中的“Born in New York City,5 February 1926”可知,他出生于1926年,去世时86岁,由此可知他在2012年去世。
答案: B
小题2:解析: 考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“His son,Arthur Sulzberger Jr,said in a statement that his father,whom he referred to by his childhood nickname of Punch,was ‘one of our industry’s most admired executives’”.可知Punch,the old Marine captain指Arthur Sulzberger Sr。
答案: D
小题3:解析: 考查细节理解。根据第四段中的“Sr served in Marine Corps...took over as publisher in 1963 after his brother­in­law died suddenly”可知,A项正确。B项中的“Arthur Sulzberger Jr’s grandfather”错误;根据第一段最后一句可知C项错误;根据第四段可知D项错误。
答案: A
小题4:解析: 考查细节理解。根据倒数第三段中的“national security.But the paper refused,and then won the subsequent court case”可知,D项符合题意。
答案: D
小题5:解析: 考查词义猜测。根据画线词前面的“He was a strong believer in family ownership of newspapers.”可推测,画线词指的应是family ownership。
答案: C
Lilly was a French Canadian girl who grew up in the farming community.When she was 16,her father____her to drop out of school to contribute to the family income.With English as her second language and____education,the____didn’t look bright for Lilly.
Lilly’s father was a stubborn man who___took “no” for an answer.He____Lilly to find a job.With small hope of gaining____,each day she would just ride to the city,walk____about and return home at dusk.
On one of her____,Lilly saw a sign at a big company.___,she knocked on the very first door.In her____English,Lilly told the office manager she was interested in the secretarial position.The manager ____to give the girl a chance.He directed her to type a letter,and then____.Lilly looked at the clock and saw it was 11∶40 am.She thought everyone would be leaving for____at noon,when she could____away in the crowd.But she knew she should____the letter.
On her first try,Lilly____one line of five words and made four mistakes.On her second attempt,she completed a full paragraph,but still made many mistakes.She looked at the clock:11∶55—five minutes to____.Just then the manager walked in.He came directly to Lilly,read the letter and said,“Lilly,you’re doing____work!”
With those simple words of encouragement,her desire to escape disappeared and her____began to grow.Lilly thought,“Well,if he thinks it’s good,then it must be good.I think I’ll stay!” Lilly did stay—all because someone had given a____and uncertain girl the gift of self­confidence when she knocked on the door.
C.encouraged D.helped
A.advice B.promise
C.future D.change
A.always B.usually
A.warned B.told
C.judgment D.independence
A.steps B.trips
C.purposes  D.choices
A.Bravely B.Proudly
A.broken   B.perfect
C.written  D.fluent
A.stopped   B.continued
C.left   D.sighed
A.break  B.slip
小题15: B.write
C.attempt  D.deliver
A.went over B.picked up
C.gave away through
A.freedom   B.success
C.discussion  D.reward
A.terrible   B.excellent
C.honest D.easy
A.belief   B.patience
C.confidence  D.strength
A.shy   B.lonely
C.selfless   D.modest

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My sister and I were flying from our home in Kansas to a summer camp in Minnesota. Our plane had a two-hour       at the airport in Omaha, where I saw a toy airplane that I really       . I had $10 and I had no idea what I needed to       at camp, but I spent $8 on the airplane anyway.
When we reached the camp, I discovered that there were no showers!       , we bathed in a lake every night. I needed to buy       soap. Because the regular soap I brought had chemicals that could        the fish. The special soap cost $4 at the camp store. After buying the plane, I had $2 left, so I couldn’t buy the soap.
After a few days, I was a       . Sally, our camp teacher, asked me if I needed some soap. When I       her that I had spent my soap money on a toy airplane, she laughed and said, “You need to budget.” She then explained that a budget was a(n)       for spending money to help make sure you save enough for things you       — like soap — before you buy fun things — like       . Sally gave me her extra soap, which I       took.
When I returned home from       , I decided to make my       budget. Every week I spent time writing down everything I bought, and some weeks, I would have more in my “Money In” account        I did odd jobs (零活) around the house.
Budgeting was       , especially when my friends bought soda at the store after school and I couldn’t because I had spent all my “Want to Spend” money. But I       with it, and by the next summer, I had       enough money to buy a Paula Pilot doll at Omaha Airport, as well as       at the camp store to       Sally!
A.apologize back

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Woman Uses Daughter"s Key to "Steal" Car
Charlie Vansant, a college student of Athens, Ohio who reported that his car was stolen, got a surprise when he learned a woman had mistaken it for her daughter"s car and taken it-using her key.
Kate Anderson became an accidental car thief when picking up her daughter"s car near an Ohio University building last week.Anderson spotted the nickel-~ay Toyota Camry(银灰色丰田凯美瑞)and used her daughter"s key to unlock the car, start the engine and drive home-without realizing that the car wasn"t her daughter"s.
When Charlie Vansant left class a short time later, he found only an empty parking spot.He first assumed the car had been towed, but when the police couldn"t find a record of it, they took a theft report.
The morning after Anderson took the car, her daughter discovered the Camry in the driveway wasn"t hers.Anderson said she was able to find Vansant"s name on paperwork in the glove compartment and look up his phone number on the website for the university.
When Anderson told Charlie the car was in her driveway,  "It sounded real suspicious at first, like may be she wanted to hold the thing for ransom(赎金),”said Vansant.He eventually went to the house with a police officer, where he was reunited with his car.According to police report, the ease was closed "because of mistaken car identity", Anderson wasn"t charged.
Vansant seemed to blame the car company more than the "thief"."Her key fit not only my lock, but my ignition(点火装置)as well - so high-five for Toyota.I guess." he said.
小题1:What does the underlined word "towed" mean in paragraph 3 ?
小题2:Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Mrs.Anderson"s daughter discovered the car her mother drove was not hers.
B.Mrs.Anderson stole Charlie"s car at the request of her daughter.
C.Charlie had thought he had to give Anderson money to get his car back.
D.Mrs.Anderson used her daughter"s key to unlock Charlie"s car and drive home.
小题3:What does Charlie mean by "h~-five for Toyota"?
A.He is blaming Toyota for the poor quality of car keys.
B.He should thank Toyota for returning his car.
C.He wants to celebrate with Toyota for getting his car back.
D.He thinks highly of Toyota for producing large quantities of cars.
小题4:What is likely to happen next according to the passage?
A.Mrs.Anderson was charged with stealing a car.
B.Charlie blamed Mrs.Anderson for mistakenly taking his car.
C.Charlie would ask the Toyota Company to give him an explanation.
D.The Toyota Company would give Charlie a new car as compensation.

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It is a wonderful morning, as I write this: hot, but without being too hot.Outside my window, I can see the sunniest sky of the year reflected in a huge natural expand of water.It is the kind of sun that makes you well aware of summer"s temporary nature a reminder that if I am ever to go around to book this year"s holiday, time is running out.
It is now close to four years since I last took a holiday.This is because I have come to the conclusion, over the course of my adult life, that I am not very good at it.You might say this sounds like saying you are not very good at drinking tea or listening to music.What could possibly be difficult about the natural act of putting your working life on hold for a couple of weeks and going somewhere to do nothing?
So what is my problem? On the surface, I"m probably a bit of homebody.And I just find the pressure of being on holiday too severe: it always feels like having a gun held to my head and being forced to have fun.Somehow, packing a carefully itemized(详细列举的)list of possessions and meeting a scheduled flight has none of the excitement of suddenly deciding to take a day off and driving somewhere for the fun of it.
Thankfully, I am not alone. This summer, most of my friends have decided not to have a break. And a recent survey highlighted the downside(负面)of holidays, with the results showing that nearly two thirds of people found that the calming effects of a holiday wore off within 24 hours, as stress levels returned to normal.And this year"s the Idler magazine published its hook, Awful Holidays.Here you will find a list of the five most ecologically-damaging vacations it"s possible to take, along with 50 horrible holidays experiences voted for on the idler website. Over the last decade, The Idler has become well known for promoting the idea of an easy, lazy life.The leisure(休闲)industry might seem an unlikely target of its criticism, but Dan Kienan, the book " s editor, says that he was flooded with entries from readers for his list of awful holidays.
小题1:According to the first paragraph we can know that the writer        
A.has a strong desire to book a holiday
B.wishes that the weather would change
C.finds it is too late to enjoy the sunshine
D.realizes it"s time to decide whether to go on a holiday
小题2:The reason why the writer dislikes going on holidays is that usually costs too much money
B.he is tired of making preparations too much for holidays is far less enjoyable than breaks planned in advance
D.he feels embarrassed when other people are having fun but he isn"t
小题3:We can learn from the survey that        
A.most people pretend to enjoy their holiday
B.all people fail to relax while they are on holiday
C.a lot of people feel that the benefits of going on holidays are limited
D.many people have made the same decision as the writer and most of his friends
小题4:The writer takes the book of Awful Holidays as an example to       
A.damage the reputation of the magazine
B.prove the idea of living an easy, lazy life to be wrong
C.indicate that his dislike of holidays is widely shared
D.focus entirely on bad personal experiences of holidays

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When I was eight, I wrote my first poem.My mother read and cried, "Buddy, you didn"t really write this beautiful poem!"
Shyly, but        ,I said yes.She poured out her      ."It was nothing short of talent!"
”What time will Father be home?" I asked.I could hardly wait to     my work to him.I spent quite some time       for his arrival.I wrote the poem out in my finest flourish(花体字)’drew a fancy border around it and     I placed it right on my father"s plate on the dining table. My father had begun his motion-picture career as a writer.1 was sure he would be able to      my poem.
At almost 7 o"clock my father burst in.He seemed      .He circled the dining-room table, complaining about his employees.
Suddenly he paused and glared at his plate."What is this?" He was reaching for my poem.
¨Ben, Buddy has written his first poem!” my mother began. "And it"s beautiful, absolutely amaz…”
“If you don"t mind, I"d like to decide for myself." Father said.
I      my head as he read that poem. It was only ten lines.But it seemed to take hours.Then I heard him dropping the poem back on the table. Now came the moment of     
“I think it"s terrible," he said.
I couldn"t look up. My eyes were getting      
“Ben, these are the first lines of poetry he"s ever written," my mother was saying. "He needs       ,”
“I don"t know why." My father held his ground. "Isn"t there enough      poetry in the world already? "
I couldn"t      it another second. I ran from the dining room crying. Up in my room I         myself on the bed and cried the worst of the      out of me.
That may have been the end of the story, but not of its      for me. I realized how fortunate I had been. I had a mother who said, "I think it"s wonderful!" and a father who drove me to hear with "I think it"s awful."
Every one of us needs that mother force, from which all     flows; and yet the mother force alone is incomplete. It needs the balance of the force that      ,"Watch. Listen. Review. Improve."
Those       voices of my childhood ring in my ears through the years, like two opposing winds blowing me. Between the two poles of     and doubt, both in the name of love, I try to follow my true course.

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