Nick was not the kind of boy I had expected to spend my summer with.I was hoping

Nick was not the kind of boy I had expected to spend my summer with.I was hoping

Nick was not the kind of boy I had expected to spend my summer with.I was hoping to have a ____  summer before my busy senior year,but my mother asked me to do her a ____.One of her colleagues needed a full­time ___.“You planned to volunteer at the local hospital,why not volunteer to ____ Nick instead?”Then she told me that this six­year­old boy was not a ____ child.
Nick was a lovely little boy who suffered from many disorders.Normal day­care centres would not ____ him.As a baby,he had serious ear infections which left him with equilibrium (平衡) problems.He couldn"t ___ or run properly.I was hesitating (犹豫) ____ I was to take the job when my mother ____,“Don"t you want to be a nurse in the future?I doubt if you even have the ____.”
Then I told her I was ____ for the job.
The day started at 7:00 am.Nick was my wake­up call!With so much energy and very little ____,he was quite a mix.
In the park,when he saw all the other children play on the jungle gym and swings (秋千),the boy"s face ____ up—how he wished he belonged to the group of his age!You would think it would be ____ to get a child to go down a slide (滑梯).Believe me,it wasn"t!It took time a lot of time.But with patience and support,Nick took one step up the slide each day.We worked together to face his ____ and gradually he got closer to taking the slide of his life.
Halfway through the summer,he ____ it to the top of the slide.With my arms ____ him tightly,we flew down the slide!I waited for his reaction.After realizing that he was safe and sound,he gave me a big ____ and asked,“May I go down again,alone?”I had never been happier in my life when I saw this little child climb the ladder and enjoy what other children ____ for granted.This ____ child taught me that being a nurse means respect,kindness and patience.
A.grade  B.courseC.project  D.relaxation
A.nurse B.waitressC.guard
A.protect B.defendC.attendD.comfort
A.normalB.naughty C.cleverD.happy
A.admit  B.receiveC.accept  D.adopt
A.speak  B.listen C.stand  D.walk
A.ifB.whatC.why D.where
A.suggested B.arguedC.challenged D.commented
小题10: B.courage D.time
A.eagerB.sorryC.grateful D.ready
A.awarenessB.balance BC.knowledge D.control
A.difficultB.simpleC.interesting D.terrible
A.climbed B.gotC.managed D.made
A.taking B.holdingC.bringing D.greeting
A.kiss B.clapC.welcome D.surprise
小题19: B.doC.takeD.enjoy



小题1:解析 由空格后的busy可知,作者想在繁忙的高三开始前度过一个轻松的暑假,所以用relaxation,与busy形成对比。答案 D
小题2:解析 但是作者的母亲请求作者帮她一个忙(favour)。do sb a favour“帮某人一个忙”,符合语境。答案 B
小题3:解析 结合下文内容可知,作者母亲的一个同事需要一个全职的护士(nurse)。第二段结尾处的nurse也是答案提示。答案 A
小题4:解析 “既然你打算在医院里做志愿者,那么你为什么不去照料(attend)Nick呢?”答案 C
小题5:解析 然后母亲告诉作者那个六岁的男孩儿不是一个正常的(normal)小孩儿。由下文内容也可知,Nick患有多种疾病。答案 A
小题6:.解析 Nick患有多种疾病,日间护理中心不愿意接纳(accept)他。答案 C
小题7:解析 因为有平衡问题,所以Nick不能正常走路(walk)或者跑步。答案 D
小题8:解析 根据上下文可知,此处表示作者正在犹豫是否(if)要接受这个工作。答案 A
小题9:解析 根据空后作者母亲的话可知,为了让作者接受这个工作,母亲采用了激将法,所以用challenge“向(某人)挑战”,符合语境。答案 C
小题10:解析 此处是母亲对作者说的话“你不是想在将来当一名护士吗?我怀疑你是否具有那样的勇气(courage)。”答案 B
小题11:解析 在母亲的挑战下,作者说自己准备好了。be ready for sth“准备好了做某事”。答案 D
小题12:解析 由上文中的“left him with equilibrium(平衡) problems”可知,此处指Nick精力旺盛但是平衡感很差。答案 B
小题13:解析 Nick看到别的孩子玩耍自己的脸上也露出了喜色。light up“喜形于色,喜气洋洋”,符合语境。答案 C
小题14:解析 根据下文内容可知,此处表示一般人会认为让一个孩子从滑梯上滑下来是一件简单的(simple)事情,但是对Nick而言,却并非如此。答案 B
小题15:解析 作者和Nick一起来面对Nick的恐惧(fears)。答案 A
小题16:解析 当暑假过去一半时,Nick终于到达了滑梯的顶端。make it意为“取得成功”,符合语境。答案 D
小题17:解析 作者紧紧抱住(holding)Nick。hold意为“抱住,抓住”,符合语境。答案 B
小题18:解析 根据常识可知,小孩子表示爱意的一种方法是亲吻别人,故kiss符合语境。
答案 A
小题19:解析 take sth for granted意为“视某事为当然”,为固定短语,符合语境。答案 C
小题20:解析 Nick这个特殊的(special)孩子让作者明白了一名护士需要尊重、耐心和友善。答案 D
After spending a year in Brazil on a student exchange program,her mother recalled,Marie Colvin returned home to find that her classmates had narrowed down their college choices.“Everyone else was already admitted to college,” her mother,Rosemarie Colvin,said from the family home.“So she took our car and drove up to Yale and said,‘You_have_to_let_me_in."”
“Impressed—she was a National Merit (全国英才) finalist who had picked up Portuguese in Brazil—Yale did, admitting her to the class of 1978,where she started writing for the Yale Daily News and decided to be a journalist,” her mother said.
On Wednesday,Marie Colvin,56,an experienced journalist for The Sunday Times of London,was killed as Syrian forces shelled the city  of Homs.She was working in a temporary media center that was destroyed in the attack.
“She was supposed to leave Syria on Wednesday”,Mrs.Colvin said.“Her editor told me he called her yesterday and said it was getting too dangerous and they wanted to take her out.She said she was doing a story and she wanted to finish it.”
Mrs.Colvin said it was pointless to try to prevent her daughter from going to conflict zones.“If you knew my daughter,” she said,“it would have been such a waste of words.She was determined,she was enthusiastic about what she did,it was her life.There was no saying ‘Don"t do this." This is who she was,absolutely who she was and what she believed in:cover the story,not just have pictures of it,but bring it to life in the deepest way you could.”“So it was not a surprise when she took an interest in journalism,” her mother said.
小题1:From the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1,we can infer that ________.
A.Yale was her last choice
B.Yale must keep its promise to Marie Colvin
C.Marie Colvin was confident of herself
D.Marie Colvin was good at persuading
小题2:Marie Colvin"s story suggests some of the best qualities of being a journalist are ________.
A.patience and confidence
B.honesty and curiosity
C.flexibility and creativity
D.determination and courage
小题3:Which of the following is the correct order to describe Marie Colvin"s life?
a.She was doing a story in Syria and got killed.
b.She was admitted to Yale University.
c.She studied in Brazil as an exchange student.
d.She was hired by The Sunday Times of London.
e.She began to take an interest in journalism.
A.d→e→c→a→b B.c→b→e→d→a
C.e→d→c→b→a D.b→c→d→e→a
小题4:From the last paragraph we can know that Mrs.Colvin ________.
A.knows her daughter very well
B.cares little about her daughter
C.dislikes the choice of her daughter
D.doesn"t fully appreciate her daughter
小题5:What can be the best title of the text?
A.Covering Stories in a Dangerous Conflict Area
B.Applying for Top Universities,a Successful Case
C.Recalling Her Daughter,a Journalist Killed in Syria
D.Choosing Lifelong Careers Based on Your Own Interest

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
A man and his girlfriend were married.All of their friends and family came to partake in the festivities and celebrations.In the ceremony,everyone could tell the couple"s ___ for each other was true.
A few months later,the wife came to the husband with a ____,“I read in a magazine,a while ago,about how we can ____ our marriage,” she offered.“Each of us will write a list of the things that we find a bit ____ with the other person.Then,we can talk about how we can fix them together and make our lives ____.”
The husband ____.So each of them went to a ____ room and thought of the things that annoyed them about the other.Then they thought about this question and wrote down what they ____.
The next morning,they decided that they would ____ their lists.
“I"ll start,” offered the wife.She took out her list.It had many items on it,___ to fill 3 pages.In fact,as she started reading the list of the little annoyances,she noticed that ____ was starting to appear on her husband"s face.
“What"s wrong?” she asked.“Nothing,” the husband replied,“____ reading your list.”
The wife continued to read ____ she had read all three pages to her husband,
“Now,you read your list and then we"ll talk about the things on both of our lists,” she said ____.
Quietly the husband stated,“I don"t have anything on my list. I think that you are ____ the way that you are.You are lovely and wonderful and I wouldn"t want to try and ____ anything about you.”
The wife,____ by his honesty and the depth of his love for her and his ___ of her,turned her head and wept.
In life,there are enough times when we are disappointed,___ and annoyed.We don"t really have to go looking for them.We have a wonderful world that is full of beauty,light and promise.Why ____ time looking for the bad,disappointing or annoying when we can see the wonderful things before us?
A.honesty D.marriage
A.question B.proposalC.problemD.doubt
A.complete B.improve C.destroyD.strengthen
A.annoying B.relaxingC.delighting D.amusing
A.happier B.fartherC.longer D.richer
A.confused B.worriedC.refusedD.agreed
A.comfortable B.separateC.small D.quiet
小题8: in with B.looked up toC.came up with D.faced up to
A.go over B.carry outC.answer forD.look for
A.angerB.happinessC.sadness D.smiles
A.stop B.keepC.delay D.appreciate
A.before B.untilC.unlessD.after
A.happily B.miserablyC.slightly D.cautiously
A.wrongB.honestC.hopeful D.perfect
A.tell B.changeC.discuss D.interrupt
A.touched B.encouragedC.frustratedD.supported
A.forgiveness B.sympathyC.acceptance D.understanding
A.inspired B.excitedC.satisfiedD.depressed
小题20: B.killC.devote D.waste

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
John and Bobby joined a wholesale company together just after graduation from college the same year.Both worked very ____.After several years, however,the boss ____ Bobby to the position of manager but John remained a(n) ____ employee.John could not take it anymore,handed in his resignation to the boss and ____ the boss did not value hard­working staff,but only promoted those who flattered (奉承) him.
The boss knew that John worked very hard for the years. He ____ for a moment and said, “Thank you for your criticism (批评),but I have a(n) ____.I hope you will do one more thing for our company ____ you leave. Perhaps you will change your mind and take back your resignation.”
John ____.The boss asked him to find out anyone selling watermelon in the ____.John went and returned soon saying he had found out a man selling watermelon.The boss then asked how much per kg and John just ___ his head. He went back to the market and returned,telling the boss $ 1.2 per kg.
The boss told John to wait a second,and he called Bobby to come to his office.He asked Bobby to do the ____ thing as he had told John to.Bobby went,returned and said,“Boss,only one person selling watermelon,$1.2 per kg, $ 10 ____ 10 kg.He has 340 melons in ____.On the table 58 melons,each weighs about 2 kg,____ from the South two days ago.They are fresh,red,and of good quality.”
John was very ___ and realized the difference between himself and Bobby.He decided not to ____ but to learn from Bobby.
My dear friends,a more successful person is better at ___,thinks more and explores in depth.____ exist in the daily details.For the same matter,a more successful person sees more and ____ so that he can find out an opportunity and catch it to realize his ____.If a person sees one year ahead while you see only tomorrow,the difference between the two is 365 times.How could you win?
A.badly  B.hard C.lazily  D.happily
A.promoted B.praisedC.encouragedD.supported
A.special B.uniqueC.devoted D.ordinary
A.charged B.provedC.complainedD.convinced
A.thought B.apologizedC.explained D.whispered
A.invitationB.orderC.request D.promise
A.since B.beforeC.after D.unless
A.refused B.doubtedC.agreed D.insisted
A.marketB.officeC.district D.building
A.nodded B.turnedC.waved D.shook
A.otherB.sameC.different D.little
小题12: C.with D.for
A.discovered B.grownC.bought D.produced
A.confused B.disappointedC.excited D.impressed
A.resign B.compareC.envy D.suspect
A.expressing B.bargainingC.managing D.observing
A.Desires B.ExperienceC.Chances D.Harvests
A.farther B.nearerC.higher D.lower
A.success B.aimC.position D.wisdom

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(2013·江西九校高三联考)One fine afternoon I was walking along Fifth Avenue,____ I remembered that it was necessary to buy a pair of socks. Why I wish to buy only one pair is ____. I turned into the first sock shop that ____ my eye, and a boy clerk who could not have been more than seventeen years old ____. “What can I do for you, sir?”“I wish to buy a pair of socks.”His eyes glowed. There was a note of ____ in his voice.“Did you know that you had come into the finest place in the world to buy socks?” I had not been aware of that, as my entrance had been ____. “Come with me,” said the boy,excitedly. I followed him to the back part of the shop, and he began to haul down from the shelves box after box,____ their contents for my enjoyment.
“Hold on, young man, I am going to buy only one pair!”“I know that,” said he,“but I want you to see ___ beautiful these are. Aren"t they wonderful?” ____ was on his face an expression of solemn and holy pleasure,____ he were revealing to me mysteries of his religion. I became far ____ interested in him than in the socks. I looked at him in amazement. “My friend,” said I, “if you can keep this up, if this is not ____ the enthusiasm that comes from novelty, from having a new job, if you can keep up this enthusiasm and excitement day after day, in ten years you will own every ____ in the United States.”
My amazement ____ his pride and joy in salesmanship will be easily understood by all who read this article. In many shops the ____ has to wait for someone to wait upon him. And when ____ some clerk does notice you, you are made to feel as if you were interrupting him. Whether he is ____ in deep thought in which he hates to be disturbed or he is chatting with a girl clerk, you feel like ____ for “being too rude”.
He displays no interest either in you or the goods he ____ to sell. Yet possibly that very clerk who is now so apathetic began his career with hope and ____. The daily grind was too much for him; the novelty wore off; his only pleasures were found outside of working hours. He became mechanical, he became incompetent, and then he saw younger clerks who had more zest in their work, promoted over him. He became sour. That was the last stage. His usefulness was over.
A.while B.asC.when D.what
A.unnecessary B.unreasonableC.useless D.unimportant
A.kept B.caughtC.tookD.shut
A.came by B.came acrossC.came forward D.came around
A.passion B.disappointmentC.anger D.indifference
A.purposefulB.accidentalC.unconditional D.confidential
A.displayingB.hidingC.selling D.bargaining
A.what B.whichC.that
A.ItB.ThatC.One D.There
A.although ifC.if D.since
A.more B.much C.less D.little
A.mostly B.merelyC.likely D.hardly
小题13: D.sock
小题14: D.on
A.salesman B.customerC.manager D.passenger
A.firstly B.especiallyC.lastly D.finally
A.busy B.devotedC.absorbed D.attentive
A.forgivingB.forgettingC.apologizing D.paying
A.paid paidC.pays D.was paid
A.enthusiasm B.disappointmentC.amazement D.satisfaction

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Shirley Chisholm was best known as the first black woman elected to the United States Congress and the first black woman to run for president of the United States. However, her life was filled with much more than being the first black woman to do important things. She believed in being a person to fight for change. All her life, she worked to improve the lives of others.
Shirley was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1924. Though her parents had very little money, they wanted their daughters to get a good education and to have a better life. When Shirley was three years old they sent her and her sisters to live with their grandmother in Barbados. There Shirley received a good education from the British school system. She enjoyed the years with her grandmother. Shirley always remembered the words her grandmother spoke.
In 1934 Shirley moved back to Brooklyn. She continued to do very well in school. She later graduated from Brooklyn College with honors.In 1949, she married Conrad Chisholm who worked as a private investigator. Together they took part in local politics. Their marriage ended almost thirty years later.
As a young woman, Shirley decided to become a teacher.She believed she could improve society by helping children.She worked for seven years at a childcare center in the Harlem area of New York City.She attended Columbia University at night and received an advanced degree in early childhood education in 1952. She became known as an expert in children and early education.From 1959 to 1964 Shirley was an education official in the day care division of the city"s office of child welfare.
In 1964 Shirley"s political career began.She was elected to the New York State Assembly, where she served for four years.In 1968 she ran for the United States Congress and she succeeded. She became the first black woman elected to Congress.
Shirley was very different from other members of Congress.She looked different.Her hair was a big cloud of curls. She wore very large eyeglasses. And she had dark skin. Her voice was strong.She spoke with power.She said her greatest tool was her mouth. She was not afraid to say the things others would not say before Congress and the public.
小题1:From the passage,we learn that Shirley"s parents believed that ________.
A.women played an important part in modern society people ought to have equal rights as whites
C.a good education was important for a child"s future
D.the UK had a better education system than the USA
小题2:Who influenced Shirley most during her childhood?
A.Her father. B.Her mother.
C.Her sisters. D.Her grandmother.
小题3:How many of the following have been mentioned in the passage?
a.Her education.  b.Her family.
c.Her marriage.   d.Her political career.
e.Her political beliefs.     f.Her contribution to the USA.
A.Three.  B.Four.
C.Five.   D.Six.
小题4:In which order did the following events take place?
a.Her marriage to Conrad Chisholm ended.
b.She was elected to the New York State Assembly.
c.She became an education official.
d.She succeeded in running for the United States Congress.
e.She received an advanced degree in Columbia University.
A.e-c-b-d-a B.c-a-b-d-e
C.e-c-a-b-d D.e-c-b-a-d
小题5:The last paragraph mainly tells us about ________.
A.her political career
B.her political opinions
C.her typical style
D.her contribution in politics

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