Father Maurice Chase used a special way to celebrate his 90th birthday. The Cath

Father Maurice Chase used a special way to celebrate his 90th birthday. The Cath

Father Maurice Chase used a special way to celebrate his 90th birthday. The Catholic priest(神父) took $ 15,000 in cash to Los Angeles’ Skid Row (贫民区) and gave it away. Twenty wheelchair – bound people received $100 bills, while the rest received $1to $ 3 each.
“I come out here to tell them that God loves them and I love them and that some one is concerned about them,” Chase said.
Chase has given away cash and blessings every Sunday at the same corner for 24 years.Several hundred people wait for him every week.
He makes a point of coming on Thanksgiving and Christmas, too, but this is the first year he spent his birthday in the downtown neighborhood where people live mainly in shelters and on dirty sidewalks.
“ It’s the place that makes me the happiest.I just love it,” said Chase. “I look forward to coming here.”
The money comes from donations he receives from rich and famous people he met during his work as assistant to the president of Loyola Marymount University.
The crowd broke into choruses of “Happy Birthday” several times. Some people presented him birthday cards, to his delight.
Travis Kemp, a 51 – year – old disabled man with long black hair, was one of the lucky 20 to receive $ 100. He said he had no special plans for spending the money. “He has a lot of respect from me,” Kemp said. “I know I couldn’t do it.”
小题1:On his 90 th birthday, Chase      
A.handed out cash to the needy
B.collected money for poor people
C.visited poor people’s homes with gifts
D.held a party at Los Angeles’ Skid Row
小题2:Which of the following makes Chase feel the happiest?
A.Celebrating his birthday with his neighbours.
B.Working in Loyola Marymount University.
C.Celebrating Christmas with the people he has helped.
D.Going to Los Angeles’ Skid Row to help people there.
小题3:What’s the source of the money Chase used to help people?
A.All his savings.
B.His earnings as a Catholic priest.
C.Donations from the wealthy and celebrities(名人).
D.Donations from Loyola Marymount University.
小题4:Travis Kemp is mentioned in the text to show .
A.he was the luckiest person on that day
B.the disabled need to be taken care of
C.Chase is greatly appreciated by the needy
D.even old people came to celebrate Chase’s birthday
小题5:Which statement is CORRECT according to the passage?
A.Every recipient could get $100 in cash from Father Maurice Chase.
B.Father Maurice Chase gave the cash away not only on his birthday but also on other occasions.
C.Although Father Maurice Chase gave the cash away on his birthday, he didn’t receive anything in return.
D.Father Maurice Chase earned a lot of money as assistant to the president of Loyola Marymount University.



The story begins with fishing.
Once a boy and his father went fishing before bass (a kind of special fish) season opened. They were fishing early in the evening, catching other fish with worms. Then the boy tied on a small silver lure (鱼饵) and put it into the lake. Suddenly he felt that something very big pulling on the lure. His father watched with admiration as the boy skillfully brought the fish beside the bank. Finally he lifted the tired fish from the water. It was the largest one he had ever seen, but it was a bass(the special fish).
The boy and his father looked at the big fish. The father lit a match and looked at his watch. It was 10 pm – two hours before the bass season opened. He looked at the fish, then at the boy. “You’ll have to put it back, son,” he said.
“Dad!” cried the boy, “There will be other fish,” said his father. “Not as big as this one,” cried the boy. He looked around the lake. No other fishermen or boats were in sight in the moonlight. He looked again at his father.
Even though no one had seen them, nor could anyone ever know what time he had caught the fish, the boy could tell from his father’s voice that the decision couldn’t be changed. He threw the huge bass into the black water. The big fish disappeared. The boy thought that he would never again see such a big fish.
That was 34 years ago. Today the boy is a successful architect in New York City. He often takes his own son and daughters to fish at the same place.
And he was right. He has never again caught such a large fish as the one he got that night long ago. But he does see that same fish … again and again … every time he has an ethical decision to make. For, as his father had taught him, ethics (伦理道德)are simple matters of right and wrong. It is only the practice of ethics that is difficult.
小题1: What happened when the big fish turned out to be a bass?
A.The boy threw the bass back into the water willingly.
B.The boy and his father discussed what to do with the big fish.
C.The father lit a match in order to check the time.
D.They worried other fishermen may discover what they had done.
小题2:From the text we know that the father _____.
A.disliked the huge fishB.was firm and stubborn
C.didn’t love his sonD.always disagreed with his son
小题3:The successful architect went fishing with his children at the same place because _____.
A.they might catch a big fish there
B.he was taught a moral lesson there
C.it was a most popular fishing spot
D.their children enjoyed fishing there
小题4:What does the story imply?
A.An ethical decision is always easy to make.
B.It is easy to say something, but difficult to do.
C.It’s hard to tell right from wrong sometimes
D.Fishing can help one to make right decisions
小题5:What kind of the person the father is?

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“Hi! John.” Mary ran towards me with a rare bright smile on her face, saying, “I’m going to have a   16 performance tonight.I hope you’ll come.Here is the  17 .” She left in a hurry, disappearing in the crowds of people  18  
"Is that true?" I asked myself.She was a quite  19  girl.I had never seen her making up or wearing attractive clothes, for she did not know how to   20  indeed.
I arrived at the   21  with the ticket, and found my seat.Her performance was the seventh one.I knew I would   22  from a hard time before her turn, for I had no   23  of art, but her performance was   24  watching, no matter how long I would wait.Time went slowly.I  25    with myself not to fall asleep.
"Let’ s welcome the next exciting dance - Latin !"   26  filled the hall at once.
I opened my eyes as large as possible,  27 to lose anything.Wearing a golden and shining skirt, Mary appeared on the stage.Dancing with a charming smile, she was fully  28  in the Latin music.At this moment, she looked like a pretty butterfly   29 on the splendid stage.   
After all the performance   30  , I waited for her at the gate.
"Hi!" She stood in front of me with a bag and her crystal high-heeled shoes in her hands, and  31 as she used to be, but the making-up still could be seen.
"How do you feel?" There was not a little bit tired  32  on her face.
"  33 !" I answered.
"Thank you! I knew it would be." She could not  34  her excitement, laughing like a child.Looking at the shining crystal high-heeled shoes in the wonderful starry night, I   35 that every girl has a pair of special shoes which are like the crystal shoes of Cinderella.
A.cover upB.turn offC.dress upD.take in
A.struggled B.knockedC.supportedD.controlled
A.SorryB.CongratulationsC.Far fromD.Fantastic

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Elizabeth and I are 18 now, and about to graduate.I think about our elementary-school friendship, but some memories have blurred (模糊).What happened that day in the fifth grade when Beth suddenly stopped speaking to me? Does she know that I"ve been thinking about her for seven years? If only we could go back, and discover what ended our relationship.
I have to speak with Beth.I see her sometimes, and find out school is "fine".It"s not the same.It never will be.Someone says that she"s Liz now.What happened to Beth?
I can"t call her.Should I write? What if she doesn"t answer me? How will I know what she"s thinking?
Yes, I"ll write her a letter.These things are easier to express in writing." Be-," no, " Li-," no, " Elizabeth," I begin.The words flow freely, as seven year old memories are reborn.I ask her all the questions that have been left unanswered in my mind, and pray she will answer.I seal my thoughts in the perfect white envelope, and imagine Beth looking into her mailbox.Will she know why I"m writing? Maybe she once thought of writing the same letter.
As the mailman takes my envelope from me forever, I wonder if I"ve made the right decision.Do I have the right to force myself into Beth"s life again? Am I simply part of the past? I have taken the first step.Beth has control of the situation now.
One day has passed.Are my words lying on the bottom of the post office floor?
Two days are gone.I"m lost in thought and don"t even hear the phone ting.
"Hello? It"s Elizabeth."
小题1:What can we learn about Beth?
A.She had a quarrel with the author in the fifth grade.
B.She moved to another school in the fifth grade.
C.She is now called Liz instead of Beth.
D.She hasn"t seen the author for seven years.
小题2:Why does the author decide to write a letter instead of calling?
A.She is sure that Beth will not answer.
B.She"s afraid that they"ll quarrel on the phone.
C.She doesn"t know Beth"s telephone number.
D.It is easier to express her feelings in writing.
小题3:Which of the following the author might NOT mention in her letter?
A.Their elementary-school friendship.
B.Her future plan after graduation.
C.Her expectations for Beth"s reply.
D.The questions about the endings of their friendship.
小题4:What might happen at the end of the story?
A.Beth answers her letter two days later.
B.The letter doesn"t reach Beth at all.
C.They make up their friendship.
D.Beth refuses to make peace with her.

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The story goes that some time ago, a man had a very lovely little daughter.One day the man   1      his 3-year-old daughter for   2_   _  a roll of gold wrapping paper.Money was tight and he became  3       when the child tried to decorate a  4      to put under the Christmas tree.However , the little girl brought the gift to her father the next morning and said, "This is for you, Daddy."
The man was   5        by his earlier  6       , but his anger flared again when he found out the box was   __7        .He yelled at her, stating, "Don’t you know, when you give someone a present, there is   8          to be something inside?" The little girl looked up at him with tears in her eyes and cried, "Oh, Daddy, it’s not empty at all.I blew kisses into the box.They are all for you, Daddy."
The father was crushed. He  9       his arms around his little girl, and he begged for her   10       .Only a short time later, an  11      took the life of the child. It is also told that her father kept that gold box by his bed for many years and whenever he was discouraged, he would take out a(an)  12      kiss and remember the love of the child who had put it there.In a very real sense, each one of us, as human beings, has been given a gold container  13      unconditional love and kisses...from our children, family members, friends and God. There is simply no other  __14      , anyone could hold, more  15       than this.
A.filled withB.pleased withC.crowded withD.equipped with
A.worldB.feelingC.possession D.love

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A few weeks ago, I followed a friend into an art supply store.I found him picking out tubes of water-color paint, which __36__ me because he’s not an artist.
"I   37  up for a water-color class, and it starts next week," he said."I really don’t have  38_ for it, but it was on my list of 50 things to do before I die, so I _39__ it.Every few months I look at the list and decide what to focus on next. 40  I had the list, I complained a lot about what I was  41 _ in my life.Now I just bury myself in doing these things.Write your own list.and you’ll   42  what I mean."
So that night.I did just that, and he was right.The list revealed (显露出) a whole lot about what was __43__ to me.It also revealed how _44___ behind I am at getting to the things I really want.
I filled up the first twenty __45__ quickly, but then began to think carefully.
Eventually I __46_ items I’ve thought about for years, and __47__ I’ve carried with me since I was young.When I  48  the list later, some entries surprised me.
First, I want to _ 49_ much more, particularly now that my children are   50_ and can go with me to see the world.I would like to take them to bike through Denmark and camp in the Canadian Rockies.
I’m also surprised to _51_ some things on the list that need to be done soon.If I’m going to learn to roller-blade (轮滑), __52_, I’d better start before I turn 50.
Like my friend, I now have an alternative to __53__.When I’m bored with life, I take out my list.
My friend told me the _54_ was preparing the ground so that life could work in mysterious ways."If you want your ship to come in, you must build a dock (码头)," he said.
Thanks to my _55__, I’m working on some big docks.
A.madeB.took C.signedD.gave
A.went forB.called forC.accounted forD.cared for
A.such asB.for instanceC.in factD.in particular
A.complainingB.relaxing C.objectingD.adjusting
A.problem B.keyC.answerD.question
A.hobbies B.optimism C.list D.wishes

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