It was an afternoon in the winter, some friends and I were talking at a restaura

It was an afternoon in the winter, some friends and I were talking at a restaura

It was an afternoon in the winter, some friends and I were talking at a restaurant. We talked and soon swimming became the   36 . Suddenly I hit upon an idea.“Wouldn’t it be _37_ if we went swimming? Others went swimming in winter, and _38_ couldn’t we? Besides, we could be _39_ if we did.” I told them about this and they all said it was a good idea indeed.
Early in the morning, three days _40_, we four were standing at the bus stop, with bags in our hands, _41_ for a bus to take us to the _42_. The sky was clear, the sun was shining, but all the same, it was very cold._43_ our heavy overcoats were not enough to keep us _44_. We all felt that we should go back, but no one wanted to _45_.
We soon reached the sands. There was nobody there, but we were not to be discouraged. _46_ we were proud that we were the _47_ ones that dared to challenge(向……挑战) the weather. Besides, the sun could keep us warm. So we _48_ ourselves quickly.
But things were not going to be so nice as we thought. The sea wind was blowing, we felt _49_ cold and we shook from head to feet. At last, we decided to _50_ the sea water. We put our feet in first, only to take them back _51_.The water was unbelievably cold.The I   52 that we should all jump in at the same time. We all went back ten steps. I gave the order and we all rushed forward.We jumped.I shall never   53 the feeling I had when I was in the water. I got up and rushed against to the seaside. So _54_ my friends.We put on our clothes as quickly as possible and went home.
We four did not go to school the next three days, for we all _55_ a bad cold. We missed the lessons, but we got this unforgettable experience.
小题10: aboutB.speak outC.think overD.shout at
A.InsteadB.ThereforeC.Particularly D.Lately
A.a littleB.suchC.a fewD.very
A.dive intoB.put downC.take offD.walk into



Ibrahim became disabled after contracting polio (小儿麻痹症) when he was three years old. At first his parents, like many other parents of disabled children in Niger, did not want to send him to school. They were worried he would be laughed at by his classmates.  
Despite his disability, and his parents’ doubts, Ibrahim was determined to go to school. “When I was eight,” Ibrahim says, “other kids of my age were going to school while I stayed at home. I did not like that. So, I pestered (缠着) my parents until they finally let me go to school.”
Ibrahim’s parents sent him to a private school nearby. Although the journey to and from school was a short one, it still wasn’t easy for Ibrahim. He had to use his hands to help him move along, protecting them with plastic slippers. But at least he was getting an education.
However, after only a year in school, Ibrahim’s education was interrupted when his parents separated. His mother did not have the means to continue paying for his tuition.
In 2007, Ibrahim received some money to be fitted with a leg brace (支架), corrective shoes and his first pair of crutches (拐杖). Now that he was more mobile than before, the most important thing for him was to find a way to go back to school. 
“I wanted to start school again last October,” Ibrahim says. “After my mother told me she could not afford it, I went to visit some of my relatives for support. And I collected 5,000 francs CFA (US $8) to pay my tuition for half a year. I will find the rest of the money somehow.”
Ibrahim attends a school in which he is the only disabled student. According to his teacher, he is among the top five students in a class of 55.
小题1:Why did Ibrahim’s parents prefer Ibrahim to stay at home? 
A.There was a lot of housework for him to do.
B.They had no money to pay for his tuition.
C.There were not enough schools in the country.
D.They were afraid the students would make fun of him.
小题2:How did Ibrahim go to school before his parents separated? 
A.He went to school on his wheelchair.
B.He went to school on his parents’ bicycle.
C.He walked to school with the support of his hands.
D.He walked to school using a pair of crutches.
小题3: Ibrahim’s education was interrupted because of his _____.
A.parents’ doubtsB.lack of tuitionC.physical disabilityD.terrible mood
小题4:The best title for the passage might be _____.
A.A long way to goB.Determined to learn
C.The only disabled studentD.I did not like that

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Once a man came to a wise man’s house and said, “I have many bad habits. Which one of them should I give up first?” The wise man said, “Never tell lies and always speak the truth.” The man   36  to do so and went home.
At night, the man was about to go out to steal. Before  37 , he  38  for a moment about the promise he made to the wise man. “If he asks me where I have been, what shall I say? Shall I say I went out stealing? No, I can’t say that. But nor can I lie. If I tell the truth, everyone will start   39   me and call me a thief. I would be   40  for stealing.” So the man decided not to steal that night, and gave up this bad habit.
Next day, he wanted to drink wine. He was   41  to do so when an idea stopped him. “What shall I say to the wise man if he asks me what I did during the day? I can’t tell a lie.” And so he dropped the idea of drinking wine.
  42 , whenever the man thought of doing something bad, he remembered his promise to tell the truth   43  . One by one, he gave up all his bad habits and became a very good person.
Telling the truth is a very good habit. If you always speak the truth, you can   44  yourself from a lot of trouble and become a person everyone likes and favors.
Make a promise: I    45   always speak the truth.
A.setting outB.putting outD.looking out
A.stoppedB.remembered C.thought D.forgot
A.hatingB.catching C.dislikingD.recognizing
A.thoughtB.plan C.aboutD.expected
A.In a wayB.In this wayC.In many waysD.On the way
小题8: all a time
A.mayB.have to C.need D.shall

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I lived in Dallas, Texas nearly all my life with my mom, dad and older sister. We were           41    to respect others, value education, and get all that we could out of life. My parents always say, “   42  hard and the world is yours.” They are never without a   43  word of advice or a bit of encouragement when life gets tough.
My parents always   44   me to go to college. However, when I    45  at 16 years old that I’d rather get married to a man than go to college, they    46   stopped telling me they loved me and I could anything I wanted to.   47  , they persuaded me. I graduated from high school and currently   48  the University of Oklahoma studying medicine. I want to make the   49  a better place to live in.
Every time I call home to tell them about a   50  I received in Chemistry Lab or Microeconomics or whichever    51  it is that I’m working hardest for at the moment, they tell me how   52  of me they are. I know there are college kids out there that have no one to call home when they an “A” on a project and I feel incredibly   53  to have my parents.
Don’t get me wrong: We’ve had our share of    54  . I was the angry teenager and they were the awful    55   that wouldn’t let me stay out all night or let me get my tongue pierced(扎洞).But somehow, we   56 to work through those issues. They never   57  loving in me or believing in me.
I   58 everything I am to my parents. Without their   59 love and encouragement, I wouldn’t believe I can change the world. My parents taught me to always   60  for what I believe in. So I’m working toward something really great and can only hope I continue to make them proud.
A.EducateB.Work C.Train D.Practise
A.basic B.brilliantC.popularD.meaningful
A.serve B.attendC.visit D.join
A.managed B.attemptedC.allowedD.requested

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Going to school means learning new skills and facts in different subjects. Teachers teach and students learn, and many scientists are interested in finding ways to improve both teaching and learning processes.
Sian Beilock and Susan Leving, two psychologists at the University of Chicago, are trying to learn about learning. In a new study about the way kids learn math in elementary school, Beilock and Levine found a surprising relationship between what female teachers think and what female students learn: If a female teacher is uncomfortable with her own math skills, then her female students are more likely to believe that boys are better than girls at math. “If these girls keep getting math-anxious female teachers in later grades, it may create a snowball effect on their math achievement,” Levine told Science News. The study suggests that if these girls grow up believing that boys are better at math than girls are, then these girls may not do as well as they would have if they were more confident.
Just as students find certain subjects to be difficult, teachers can find certain subjects to be difficult to learn—and teach. The subject of math can be particularly difficult for everyone.
The new study involved 65 girls, 52 boys and 17 first-and second-grade teachers in elementary schools in the Midwest. The students took math achievement tests at the beginning and end of the school year, and the researchers compared the scores.
The researchers also gave the students tests to tell whether the students believed a math superstar had to be a boy. Then the researchers turned to the teachers: To find out which teachers were anxious about math, the researchers asked the teachers how they felt at times when they came across math, such as when reading a sales receipt. A teacher who got nervous looking at the numbers on a sales receipt, for example, was probably anxious about math.
Boys, on average, were unaffected by a teacher’s anxiety. On average, girls with math-anxious teachers scored lower on the end-of-the-year math tests than other girls in the study did. Plus, on the test showing whether someone thought a math superstar had to be a boy, 20 girls showed feeling that boys would be better at math—and all of these girls had been taught by female teachers with math anxiety.
According to surveys done before this one, college students who want to become elementary school teachers have the highest levels of anxiety about math. Plus, nine of every 10 elementary teachers are women, Levine said.
小题1:Sian Beilock and Susan Levine carried out the new research in order to ___________.
A.know the effects of teaching on learning students’ ways of learning math
C.prove women teachers are unfit to teach math
D.find better teaching methods for teachers
小题2:The underlined part in paragraph 2 most probably means that girls may ___________.
A.end up learning math anxiety from their teachers the ways their female teachers behave
C.have an influence on their math-anxious female teachers
D.gain unexpected achievement in such subjects as math
小题3: In the study, what were the teachers required to do?
A.Prepare two math achievement tests for the students
B.Tell their feelings about math problems
C.Answer whether a math superstar had to be a boy
D.Compare the students’ scores after the math tests
小题4:What is the finding of the new study?
A.No male students were affected by their teachers’ anxiety
B.Almost all the girls got lower scores in the tests than the boys
C.About 30% of the girls thought boys are better at math than girls
D.Girls with math-anxious teachers all failed in the math tests
小题5: Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
A.117 students and teachers took part in the new study
B.The researchers felt surprised at the findings of their study
C.Beilock and Levine are interested in teaching math
D.Men teachers are better at teaching math than women teachers

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Though I have traveled in hundreds of trains, few unusual things have ever happened to me. But one day in a train something did happen. I do not mean that I was hurt: no one was hurt.
I do my work in a hot country far away from England. Every September I go there to do my business, and every July I come back to England to have a rest. So every September I go to Paris and take a train from the great French city to Mendova, and at Mendova I catch my ship.
There is one very fast train from Paris to Mendova, and it suits me well. It goes as far as Endoran, but it stops at Mendova for a few minutes to let travelers get out or in. It is called The Flying Bluebird. It reaches Mendova at seven minutes past nine in the morning, and it is never late.
A ship leaves Mendova at half past eleven, and so you will understand that The Flying Bluebird suits me very well. I always travel by it, and I have nearly two and a half hours at Mendova to go from the station to the ship. That is more than enough time.
Well, one September night, I took my place in The Flying Bluebird as usual. The train leaves Paris at nine o’clock every night, and I was in my place soon after half past eight. There were three or four people there with me, but very soon a lot of others got into the train. When no more people could sit down, they began to stand up near us and also in the corridor(走廊). In a short time the corridor was full too, and it was impossible for any more travelers to get into the train.
I could see a lot of other people outside the corridor windows, but they could not get in, and the train left Paris without them. The man sitting next to me started to ask all kinds of questions: “Where do you work? How long does it take you to get there? Are you married? How many children do you have? How much money do they pay you every year? How much do you have in the bank? How much do you spend every month?”
He asked questions for about twenty minutes but I did not give him any clear answers, and at last he stopped and began to read the paper.
I usually sleep quite well in the train, but this time I slept only a little. There were too many people, and there were too many things: small bags, large bags, coats, hats, boxes, newspapers and food. As usual, we got angry about the window. Most people wanted it shut, and two of us wanted it open. But that always happens. It was shut all night, as usual.
When I awoke in the early morning I felt hot and dirty, and glad that the journey was reaching its end. At seven minutes past nine The Flying Bluebird stopped. We were at Mendova, and I stood up thankfully. I took my two suitcases, held one in each hand, and tried to move towards the door into the corridor. In order to get out of the train, I had to pass down the corridor to the door at the far end. There was no other way out.
I could not even into the corridor. There was a suitcase on the floor by my feet, and three men were standing in my way. I felt a touch of fear. I had to get out, you see; I had to catch my ship, which left at half past eleven. And the train did not stop again until it reached Endoran, two hundred miles away.
“I must get out!” I cried. Everyone there understood me, but no one could move.
At last I was able to put one foot over the suitcase on the floor, and I nearly reached the door into the corridor. But then, very slowly, the train began to move. It was taking me away!
“Stop!” I cried. “I want to get out!” But no one outside the train could hear me, and the people inside did not care much. The train moved a little faster. What could I do? I was not even in the corridor.
Fear made me think quickly. In front of my eyes, just, above the door, was a notice that told everyone how to stop the train. I had to pull an iron thing near the notice. I did not waste time. I pulled it.
Well, a noise started above our heads. That was to show everyone that there was something wrong. It was not a small sound. Possibly the men in my ship two miles away could hear it. Then the train stopped.
No one likes to stop a train if there is no need. But I had to catch my ship. That was the only thought in my mind: to get out and catch my ship.
小题1:The purpose of the author writing the first paragraph is to __________.
A.answer some questions some unusual feelings
C.arouse the readers’ curiosityD.give some advice in advance
小题2:What do we know about the author and the man sitting next to him?
A.They talked with each other all night
B.They got angry about the window
C.The author didn’t understand the man’s words
D.The author didn’t like the man’s foolish questions
小题3:On this journey on The Flying Bluebird, the author felt uncomfortable because ___________.
A.he couldn’t find a seat by the window
B.he was angry with the man sitting next to him
C.there were too many people on the train
D.the window was kept shut all night
小题4:It can be learned from Para. 10 that the author was afraid that ____________.
A.he would have to spend another sleepless night on the train
B.he would miss the ship that went where he worked
C.more people might crowd into the train
D.he would have to buy another ticket
小题5:The noise in the underlined sentence “a noise started above our heads”(Para.15)was made by __________.
A.the angry passengers shouting at the top of their voices
B.the ship that was lying two miles away
C.the falling of boxes and suitcases to the floor
D.the train itself telling people that something was wrong
小题6:What would be the best title for the text?
A.A Bad Experience on the TrainB.A Train that Is Never Late
C.A Quick and Wise DecisionD.A Journey to Mendova

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