I was glad when somebody told me, "You may go and collect Negro folklore(民间传说)."

I was glad when somebody told me, "You may go and collect Negro folklore(民间传说)."


I was glad when somebody told me, "You may go and collect Negro folklore(民间传说)." In a way, it would not be a new experience for me. When I pitched head first into the world of Negroism, it was fitting me like a tight chemise (衬衣).I couldn"t see it for wearing it.It was only when I was out of college, away from my native surroundings that I could stand off and look at my garment.Then I had to have the spy-glass of anthropology to look through.
I was asked where I wanted to work and I said, "Florida. It"s a place that draws people─Negroes from every Southern state and some from the North and West." So I knew that it was possible for me to get across the section of the Negro South in one state.And then I realized that I felt new myself, so it looked sensible for me to choose familiar ground.
I started in Eatonville, Florida, because I knew that the town was full of material and that I could get it without causing any hurt or harm. As early as I could remember, it was the habit of the men particularly to gather on the store porch in the
evenings and exchange stories.Even the women would stop and break a breath with them at times.As a child when I was sent down to the store, I" d drag out my leaving to hear more.
Folklore is not as easy to collect as it sounds.The ideal source is where there are the fewest outside influences, but these people are.reluctant at times to reveal that which the soul lives by.I knew that even I would have some hindrance(障碍)among strangers.But here in Eatonville I knew everybody was going to help me.
63.In the first paragraph, the author" s claim "In a way, it would not be a new experience for me" refers to the fact that ____.
A.she had already attended college in Florida
B.she had already received permission to conduct the study
C.she had already experienced new cultures by leaving home
D.she was already familiar with the Negro folklore that she was to collect
64.In the second paragraph, the author indicates that one reason why she chose to work in Florida was that she wanted to collect folklore _____.
A.from Negroes of different geographical backgrounds
B.as her teachers advised
C.from a place she had never visited
D.in a state far from where she grew up
65.Which of the following statements about the interactions on the porch is true?
A.Men went there more frequently than women.
B.Most of the storytellers didn"t grow up in Eatonville.
C.The author" s parents sent her to the porch to hear the stories.
D.One man in particular told most of the stories.
66.Which of the following is NOT the reason why the author decided to collect folklore in Eatonville?
A.The people of Eatonville would be grateful if she published their stories.
B.The people of Eatonville would have many stories for her collection.
C.She believed that she could collect stories without doing any harm.
D.She believed that the people of Eatonville would help her in her project.


The fog was so thick that I couldn"t see the man next to me. We were led down a road to the base of a hill. An officer, unknown to us, explained that the command wanted us to spread out on the road and fix bayonets(刺刀).When the signal was given, we were to creep up the hill and take the enemy by surprise with a bayonet attack.
I didn"t think too much of the idea and about a dozen fellows agreed with me, but we lost in the vote. Some others didn"t have bayonets and declared that the orders didn"t apply to them, but their idea, too, was denied.
Up the hill we went, feeling our way along the ground with our feet. Step by step we advanced. It seemed like an ugly dream, but I knew it was all too real. I looked to my right and to my left to find any sign of my fellows. Much to my surprise, I could make out unclear forms on each side of me. I could hear whispers all along the line and louder orders to shut up!
While we were standing around arguing, the fog suddenly disappeared, just like somebody waved a magic wand(杖).We were caught out in the open with no cover in sight. The Chinese had been caught by surprise. Both sides just stared at each other, not knowing what was going on. A single shot rang out and somebody blew a whistle and shouted "Retreat"(撤退).We rushed out at full speed down the hill.
I don"t speak or understand Chinese, but from behind us I could understand joyful laughter!
61.The action that the author and his fellows were supposed to take was______ .
A. To creep up the hill                      B. To vote on how to advance
C. To fix their bayonets                                                                  D. To attack their enemy
62.The dozen fellows thought the action was _______ .
A. basically practical    B. great fun                C. not a good one        D. an ugly dream
63.They go up the hill __________ .
A. slowly                    B. quietly                   C. hurriedly                D. easily
64.We can conclude from the passage that the author ________.
A. felt sorry for not completing the action       B. was serving in the Chinese army
C. was not serious when telling the story         D. intended to owe their failure to the heavy fog
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The choice to adopt and hold gratefulness is the one that is different from those who suffer misfortune and those who enjoy a full life.
My mother died when I was 24. It was a very difficult time in my life - everything seemed to fall apart. I lost my job, and then my utilities were turned off. I had to take cold showers for six months. A neighbor who knew about my situation came to my house and made me an offer. I took care of her children as a job, and I no longer went hungry. I was surprised that someone would trust me-a young woman-with her children. And it was with the very confidence that before long I began taking care of other people"s children, too. I have since moved 300 miles from Boise, Idaho. For more than 23 years I have made every effort to reach out to all the kind-hearted people who helped me when I was down and out. Without their trust, I don"t know what I would have done. I am very involved in my community and volunteer at the local food bank, and I help out whenever I can. I"d like to owe what I am to whoever has offered me generosity.
If you are grateful for what you already have, the world will work together to give you more to be grateful for. Otherwise, the world will give you more to complain about.
Moreover, the true master learns to be grateful, in advance, for the things that are desired, because, being grateful in advance for some attainment or accomplishment does two very important things: one-it tricks your subconscious(潜意识)into believing that the goal is certain and two…it convinces other people, with whom you must interact to achieve your desires, that you know what you are about, that you are a winner, not a whiner(哀诉者).
65. The underlined "utilities" refers to such things as ______ in the passage.
A. gas and electricity  supplies                      B. water and gas supplies
C. shower equipment and water supply          D. heating and TV signals
66. The writer was grateful mainly for ______.
A. his neighbor"s donation                B. his community       
C. having got the job                    D. others" trust
67. The writer"s personal story in the second paragraph tells us that ______.
A. to be grateful will get you nowhere but away from home
B. we need to be grateful to be helpful and useful
C. a grateful person is most likely to be successful
D. the fragrance (芳香) stays in the hand that gives the rose
68. The best title for the passage would be ________.
A. A Thank-You Note to Trusting Neighbor   B. You Are a Winner, Not a Whiner
C. Gratefulness Brings a Great Fullness to Life D. Be Grateful to Life in Advance
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Less than one year after France imposed(强加于)a nationwide ban on smoking in most public places, it will, from Jan. 1, 2008, extend the ban to bars, restaurants, hotels, nightclubs - and the most cherished of all: caf†s.
Ireland and Italy show that countries with longstanding smoking traditions may introduce bans fairly smoothly, as they did in 2004 and 2005. In Germany, where regulations vary locally, Berlin will join France on Jan 1. But fierce critics of the new law in France say it all but destroys the caf†"s basic function: to serve as the socioeconomic glue of society.
C†cile Perez, owner of La Fronde, a typical Parisian neighborhood caf† said: "In the morning, street cleaners in bright green uniforms sip coffee next to well-dressed businessmen; at lunch hour, working-class types rub shoulders with those of the latest fashion at the bar, while couples of all ages rub noses over salads; during the after-work rush, there is a steady soundtrack of clinking glasses combined with conversation; the constant, no matter what time of day, is the smoke that drifts through the air in curls and clouds, seemingly unnoticed."
"Our motto in France is: liberty, equality, fraternity," Olivier Seconda, a regular at the caf†, said.
"The caf† is the place that represents that. You"re free to smoke, everyone pays the same price for a beer and different kinds of people talk with one another. This new law goes against that."
Seconda expects the ban to be felt even more strongly in small villages far from Paris, where the caf† is often the only means of social activity. "People already miss the space that allows people of all walks of life to share something-even if it is sometimes no more than a few words and the smoke floating between them."
69. In Germany, ______.
A. caf† smoking will be forbidden from Jan,1, 2008
B. the tradition of caf† smoking is and will be well-kept
C. local customs are well respected in terms of smoking
D. there are different regulation on smoking
70. C†cile Perez mentions the curls and clouds of smoke drifting through the air to ______
A. describe a friendly atmosphere                  B. show the beauty of his own caf†
C. support the ban on smoking                       D. remind us of something unnoticed
71. Olivier Seconda implies that ______.
A. the caf† provides people with enough liberty, equality, and fraternity
B. people, regardless of their social class, enjoy equal rights in a caf†
C. the new ban on caf† smoking should be put in effect only in villages
D. people would not find fun in a caf† without smoking a cigarette
72. The passage is written to _______.
A. show the writer"s personal opinion against a new law
B. provide information for law-makers to pass a new law
C. tell why some people are unhappy about smoking ban in caf†s
D. compare attitudes to a law, held by people from different countries
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Two sisters were having fun on the swings when a new girl joined them. After a few minutes, the girl asked the older sister,“___41__ you are so pretty,” and then to the younger sister, “ and you are so____42____?”
Though the third girl was a complete stranger, her words___43___ the younger sister’s self-esteem, and caused___44___ and comparisons between the two sisters for years to ___45___.
__46___ said “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never harm me” was a total fool! Unkind words can___47___ you. So can other stuff, like ___48___ a test.
What do I ___49___ by self-esteem? Self-esteem is your opinion of yourself. It ___50___ by other names, including self-image, self-confidence, or self-respect. I like the ___51___ self-worth best because it says something the other terms don’t. What is your self-worth? Get it?
And just how much are you worth? More than you can probably imagine. As the Yiddish___52___ goes, “All of us are crazy good in one way or another.”
What you do about your self-worth is one of the most important ___53___ you will ever make as a teen. To be positive, you need to see your best self, build your character and ___54___ , and learn ho like yourself. Of course, you are always___55___ to be negative by listening to the opinions of others, doing___56___ to improve yourself, and being critical of your imperfections.
Having a healthy___57___ of self-worth doesn’t mean you are full of yourself. It simply means you have got___58___self-confidence and that you are OK with who you are.
Low self-esteem is like___59___ through life with your handbrake(闸) on. The good news is: whatever you may think of yourself today, you can build your self-worth simply by thinking and acting a little___60___. It is not that difficult.
41.A.How come       B.What if           C.What about      D.How much
42.A.perfect         B.ugly              C.mild           D.mean
43.A.encouraged      B.improved         C.protected       D.hurt
44.A.campaign       B.friendship        C.conflict         D.understanding
45.A.come           B.spend            C.find             D.live
46.A.Anyone          B.Whoever         C.The one        D.Those who
47.A.help            B.adapt           C.ruin             D.touch
48.A.taking          B.failing            C.passing          D.attending
49.A.stand            B.support          C.drive            D.mean
50.A.goes             B.calls             C.happens        D.owns
51.A.phrase           B.way             C.idiom             D.term
52.A.meeting          B.saying           C.thinking           D.telling
53.A.decisions          B.mistakes         C.contributions    D.sacrifices
54.A.patience         B.experience        C.competence      D.influence
55.A.happy            B.able              C.afraid            D.free
56.A.everything        B.something        C.nothing           D.all
57.A.sense           B.idea            C.thought         D.opinion
58.A.extreme        B.ample           C.permanent       D.temporary
59.A.walking          B.running          C.jumping            D.driving
60.A.carefully          B.elegantly          C.differently         D.regularly
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

“Lately, I have been feeling very stressed and easily lose my temper at people around me,” said Susan Huang. Her troubles are typical of someone her age, according to a survey by the Chinese Academy of Science’s Psychology Institute. In 2000, the institute’s researchers began surveying close to 8,000 people nationwide. People were studied in relation to the pressures they felt during periods of transition.
The results of the survey were released last week, and they make for the interesting reading. For example, people used to take for granted that the older they were, the more pressure they felt.
But, surprisingly, the results have shown that young people in their twenties are the most stressed. This is because young people are forming their values at a time when Chinese society is undergoing great changes, explained Chen Long, a member of the survey team.
“Society is changing and neither their parents nor their teachers can teach them enough to know how to cope with it,” Chen said. Some of them get anxious from the overwhelming amount of information in the wired world, Chen added.
Another problem is that the economic reforms have forced people to develop a more competitive attitude. Those surveyors said they felt more pressure from heavier work-loads, increased peer competition, and greater responsibilities.
Medical disputes and business activities increasingly find their way into people’s free time and simply add to their stress, the survey showed.
Then there is the pressure to achieve more also weighing heavily on people. This is particularly true for those with higher education. Those people really want to acquire new knowledge and use their ability to get ahead and get more out of society.
The researchers hope their survey will throw some light on the state of mental health among the Chinese during this period of major economic and political reforms.
61.Which of the following is one of the reasons for the pressures people felt?
A.people are forming their values.
B.Chinese society is not undergoing a period of transition.
C.The economic reforms have forced young people to develop a more competitive attitude.
D.People with higher education really want to achieve more.
62.What does the underlined word “they” refer to?
A.People getting stressed.               B.The results of the survey.
C.Periods of transition.                 D.The researchers.
63.According to Huang, people with pressure are likely to ____.
A.form their values                    B.achieve more out of society
C.lose their temper                    D.make for interesting reading
64.The purpose of the author in writing this article is to ____.
A.share the state of people with pressure
B.tell us how to deal better with pressure
C.advise people to develop an active attitude to life
D.attract more attention to people’s mental health
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