英语自选模块试卷第一题:阅读理解(分两节,共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。From good reading we c

英语自选模块试卷第一题:阅读理解(分两节,共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。From good reading we c


From good reading we can get pleasure, companionship, experience, and instruction. A good book may absorb our attention so completely that for the time being we forget our surroundings and even our identity.____1___ It increases our contentment when we are cheerful, and lessens our troubles when we are sad. Whatever our main purpose in reading may be, our contact with good books should never fail to give us enjoyment and satisfaction.
___2____ Whether the characters are taken from real life or purely imaginary, they may become our companions and friends. In the pages of books we can walk with the wise and the good of all lands and all times. The people we meet in books may delight us either because they resemble human friends whom we hold dear or because they present unfamiliar types whom we are glad to welcome as new acquaintances. ___3___ By turning the page we can dismiss them without any fear of hurting their feelings. When human friends desert us, good books are always ready to give us friendship, sympathy, and encouragement.
____4____. Few of us can travel far from home or have a wide range of experiences, but all of us can lead varied lives through the pages of books. Whether we wish to escape from the seemingly dull realities of everyday life or whether we long to visit some far-off place, a book will help us when nothing else can. To travel by book we need no bank account to pay our way; no train or airplane to transport us; no passport to enter the land of our hearts’ desire. Through books we may get the excitement of dangerous adventure without danger. We can climb noble mountains, brave the freeze of an Antarctic winter, or cross the extremely hot sands of the desert, all without hardship. In books we may visit the studios of Hollywood; we may mix with the cheerful crowds of the Paris roads; we may join the picturesque peasants in an Alpine village or the kindly natives on a South Sea island. Indeed, through books the whole world is ours for the asking.
第一节:根据短文内容,从A BCDE中选出最适合放入短文空缺处的选项。选项中有一项是多余选项。
A.With a good book in our hands we never feel lonely.
B.Reading good books is one of the greatest pleasures in life.
C.By reading we can communicate with the characters in books.
D.One of the most valuable gifts presented by books is experience.
E. Our human friends may sometimes bore us, but the friends we make in books never annoy us.
5.What can be implied from the underlined sentence in the text?

1---4       BAED   5、 it can be implied that readers can enjoy or experience almost everything in books。


Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel. All thought that they were the most ______1_______, the most useful, the most beautiful and the best.
Green said: "Clearly I am the most important. I am the ___2______ of life and of hope. I’m the color of grass, trees, leaves. Without me, all animals would die.”
Blue ______3_____(interrupt): "Don’t just think about the earth. What is the color of the sky and the sea? Isn’t water the most important thing for life?”
Yellow laughed: "You are all so serious! I bring laughter and warmth into the world. Every time people look at a yellow sunflower, they start to smile. ____4________ me, there would be no fun!"
Orange said at the ____5_____ of his voice: "I am the color of ____6_______ and strength. I carry the most important vitamins. Think of carrots, pumpkins and oranges. When I fill the sky at sunrise or sunset, everyone is shocked at my beauty and nobody gives another thought to any of you.
Red could _____7____ it no longer, so he shouted: " I am the color of danger and of bravery. I am willing to fight for a cause. I bring fire into the blood.”
  And so the colors went on quarreling. Their voices became louder and louder. The thunder got angry and the rain started to pour. ____8____the colors began to cool, the rain said,” You foolish colors. Don’t you know that each of you is unique? Join hands and follow me.” They did what they ________9________(tell) and together made the most beautiful rainbow,___10______ is a sign of hope of tomorrow." And whenever a good rain washes the world and a rainbow appears in the sky, we should remember to appreciate one another.
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语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Once upon a time industrial goods were made to last forever. If you bought a car or a stove, it was a once-in-a-lifetime investment. You    51   (pay) good money for it, and you took good care of it. At the present time,    52  , industry has suggested that products shouldn’t last a long time. It’s cheaper to throw them away than    53   (repair) them. This has created a “throw-away society” which is
   54   waste of the earth’s resources. Just think of those pretty new second-hand cars that are sold daily. The owners get rid of them just    55   they are out of date. Think of the expensive packaging material that    56   (throw) away each time a new item is bought. And we have to pay for that material! This waste has got us into the trouble we are    57   now. When we have no resources
  58   (leave), we’ll then start to take care of    59   we have. But why can’t we act before this happens? Why can’t we go back to the society
   60   the prevention of waste is a virtue?
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

        Hsieh.a never--say--die young man,has mastered the technique of painting hy holding
   the paintbrush in his mouth.When he was sixteen,Hsieh had a terrible electrical accident.
   Both of his arms and the lower part of his right leg were cut off.He also lost sight in his
   rigllt eye.But Hsieh didn’t lose heart.He decided to learn art,and took the first difficult
    step toward changing his life.
        “At first.I tried to hoht a pen in my mouth.But I couldn’t control it,”Hsieh said,“Fi—nally,after trying over and over again,I learned tO write my OWn name.”
Learning to paint was even more difficuh.At first,every brushstroke he made caused
deep cuts in his mouth.It was ext remely painful.But Hsieh didn’t let the pain discourage
    him.“lnstead,I held the painlbrusb even tighter,”Hsieh explained in a firm voice.“l   
knew if I gave up.it would not only be the end of my painting,hut also the end of my
struggle for a better life.”No matter what the obstacle(障碍)is,Hsieh always manages to
find the bright side of the situation.
  Hsieh works hard tO inspire others.He is a tireless lecturer,giving about four hundred
formal speeches a year!“If a person like me can lead a happy life,”Hsieh explained,“why
would regular people feel unhappy?It doesn’t always take tWO arms tO achieve your dreams.
A11 it lakes is a warm heart.”
56.What happened tO Hsieh when he was young?
    A.He was struck by electricity.
    B.His left leg was hurt.
    C.He lost heart because of failure.
    D.He was ill for two months.
57.Which of the following is his character?
  A.Realistic thought.    B.Impressive works.
  C.Unexpected news.    D.Belief in SUCCESS.
58.Which is right?
    A.Hsieh once got the help from the government.
    B.Only such a person like Hsieh can succeed.
    C.He touched himself before he began to paint.
    D.It doesn’t always take tWO arms to realize one’S dream.
59.Which is the best title of the passage?
  A.How to learn painting.    B.A painter without hands.
  C.A man who was hurt.     D.How to make oneself well—known.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

D="Debbie     " P="Paul  "
D: Have you(76)e          been to Britain on vacation?     76.       
P: Oh, yes .I’ve often been there
D: Where have you been?
P: Well, last year, we(77)f          to the Livepool ,           77.       
but we’re(78) a          been to Scotland and Ireland.         78.       
We always go in summer because the (79)w_________ is better.   79.       
D: Yes, but there are more tourists .
P: Yes, that’s right. But it’s the(80) s          in every          80.       
country . Have you been to Britain?
D: Yes, but not on (81) h          .                         81.       
I have(82) m________ several business trips to Britain.           82.       
P: Which places have you been to ?
D: Nowhere (83) b          London.                        83.       
P: There are many (84) i          places in London.            84.       
D: Yes .And there are lots of lovely shops , (85) t          .      85.       
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Directions: Read the following passage. Complete the diagram by using the information for the passage.
Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each answer.
For many the idea of one day having your dream home is not buying a bigger home, but a home that you have built by yourself. A house that is unique and fit for your tastes and your lifestyle. It sounds great but where do you begin to design your dream home? Here is a quick guide that can help you make your dreams come true.
The first step is to get an idea of what type of home you want. You can get inspiration from others. Drive around to neighborhoods that have the styles of homes that you like and take pictures. You can also cut out pictures from magazines, newspapers, or print-out pictures you find on the Internet.
The next step will be to make two lists of items for yourself. The first list will be those items or features that you feel your new home must have, such as granite (花岗岩 ) counter tops or a hot water heater. The second list will be those items or features that are on your wish list like a fireplace or slate (石板) floors.
At this point you will probably have a good idea what your dream home will look like, so you will need to seek some professional help. You will need to hire an architect to put your ideas down on paper. You may need to interview a few different architects to find one that you are comfortable with. Make sure whomever you choose to make the final drawings has a full understanding of local building codes and zoning by-laws (地区议事程序).In any case your final plan will need to be approved by the city and a building permit must be obtained before any construction can begin.
It is time to look for a contractor (承包人). Whichever way you do it, be sure you are comfortable with your contractor and you have gotten references from his past clients (客户). Remember the more homework you do in the beginning, the more enjoyable the process will be.
Title: 71____________
From other people
From media: Internet, newspaper, etc
Making lists
75_____________or a hot water heater
A fire place or slate floors
78______________by the city and getting a building permit
79____________  a contractor
Getting along well with your contractor
80______________his past clients

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