DA husband-and-wife team from California reached the Pacific Ocean after a 4,90

DA husband-and-wife team from California reached the Pacific Ocean after a 4,90


A husband-and-wife team from California reached the Pacific Ocean after a 4,900- mile-cross
-country walk, becoming the first to backpack the American Discovery Trail in one continuous
Marcia and Ken powers, of Pleasanton, started the travel across 13 states, through 14 national parks and 16 national forests on Feb. 27 from Cape Henlopen in Delaware. Nearly eight months later, the excited couple walked through water into the Pacific Ocean at Point Reyes, a day ahead of time. 
“We are a little sad that a great adventure is over. It was a fantastic adventure. And now we go home and just do housework. It"s really sad.” Marcia, who said she"s in her 50s, and her 60-year-old husband traversed cities, desert, mountains and farmland before reaching the Pacifics alone with arms around each other" s backpacks.
They overcame deep snow in the East, a quicksand in Utah, close lightning strikes in the Mid- west and strong desert sandstorms in the West while averaging 22 miles a day and taking only four days off. But they enjoyed the French history of St. Louis" the beauty of the Colorado Rockies and the kindness of strangers they met along the way. They particularly remember two brothers ---- a
doctor and dentist-------who put them up in their homes, after terrible days, and a motorcyclist who gave them water after they failed to find any on Utah"s lonely Wah Wah Desert.
“Americans are truly warm-hearted and wonderful people.” Marcia Powers said. “We got to meet people that we would never meet in our daily living at home. We got to touch it with our feet and hands and smell all its scents and hear its wildlife. It" s an amazing country,” she added.
68. Which of the following about couple"s walk is TRUE?
A. The walk covered more than 13 states.
B. The walk lasted about half a year.
C. The walk didn"t meet any desert.
D. The walk might end before October 27.
69. The underlined word “traversed” in the third paragraph means “____________.”
A. enjoy                       B. move across, through or over
C. overcome                    D. look at
70. According to the text, we can infer that during the walk the couple __________.
A. were treated warm-heartedly by the local people
B. never stopped to have a rest
C. were ever caught in a heavy rain and became ill
D. felt the quicksand in Utah was very interesting
71. The couple went through many places except ____________.
A. big rivers       B. desert      C. hills       D. fields



Will there ever be another Einstein? This is the undercurrent(潜流) of conversation at Einstein memorial meetings throughout the year. A new Einstein will appear, scientists say. But it may take a long time. After all, more than 200 years separated Einstein from Isaac Newton.
Many physicists say the next Einstein hasn"t been born yet, or is a baby now. That"s because the search for a unified theory that would explain all the forces of nature has pushed current mathematics to its limits. New math must be created after the problem can be solved.
But researchers say there are many other factors working against another Einstein appearing anytime soon. For one thing, physics is a much different field today. In Einstein"s day, there were a few thousand physicists worldwide, and the theorists who could argue with Einstein probably would fit into a streetcar with seats to spare. Education is different, too. One key aspect of Einstein"s training that-is little noticed is the years of philosophy he read as a teenager --- Kant, Schopenhauer and Spinoza, among others. It taught him how to think independently about space and time and it wasn"t long before he became a philosopher himself.
And Einstein was a clever musician. The interplay between music and math is well-known. Einstein would play his violin hard as a way to think through a knotty physics problem.
Today, universities have produced millions of physicists. There aren"t many jobs in science for them, so they go to Wall Street and Silicon Valley to apply their analytical skills. Those who stay in science don’t work alone and they sometimes do experiment together which takes years.
It"s hard to imagine a renegade(背叛者) like Einstein standing it. “Maybe there is an Einstein out there today,” said Columbia University physicist Brian Greene, “but it would be a lot harder for him to be heard.”
72. According to the second paragraph, the next Einstein will ___________.
A. have to create new math             B. create a unified theory
C. have to be born now               D. push math to its limits
73. The underlined words “knotty” in the fourth paragraph means ____________.
A. easy            B. interesting          C. strange         D. difficult
74. Which of the following will be useful for the next Einstein to be born?
A. There will be music around.
B. There will be no problems to solve.
C. There will be suitable philosophy to study.
D. There are only a few physicists.
75. The bold words “unified theory” in Paragraph 2 refers to ___________.
A. agreement                  B. mathematical rule
C. unique idea                  D. physical saying
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When Dave was eighteen, he bought a second-hand car for £200 so that he could travel to and from work more  36  than by bus. It worked quite well for a few years, but it got so old, and it was costing him _37  much in repairs, that he decided that he had better  38  it.
He asked among his friends to see if anyone was  39  to buy a cheap car, but they all knew that it was falling to pieces, so  40  of them had any desire to buy it.
Dave’s friend Sam saw that he was  41  when they met one evening, and said, “What’s  42  , Dave?” Dave told him, and Sam answered, “Well, what about advertising(登广告) it in the paper? You may  43_more for it that way than the cost of the advertisement!” Thinking that Sam’s  44  was reasonable, he put an advertisement in an evening paper, which read: “For sale: small car,  45  very little gas, only two owners. Bargain at £50.”
For two days after the advertisement first appeared, there was no  46_. but then on the Saturday evening he had an enquiry (咨询). A man rang up and said he would like to  47  him about the car. “All right.” Dave said, feeling happy. He asked the man whether ten o’clock the next morning would be  48_  or not. “Fine,” the man said, “and I’ll  49  my wife. We want to go for a ride in it to  50  it.”
The next morning, at a quarter to ten, Dave parked the car in the square outside his front door,  51  to wait there for the people who had  52  his advertisement. Even Dave had to  53  that the car really looked like a wreck (残破的车). Then, soon after he had got the car as  54  as it could be, a police car stopped just behind him and a policeman got out. He looked at Dave’s car and then said, “Have you reported this _55  to us yet, sir?”
36. A、directly       B、safely       C、properly        D、easily
37. A、so               B、such         C、very                 D、too
38. A、keep           B、repair       C、sell                  D、throw
39. A、willing        B、lucky       C、ashamed           D、generous
40. A、some           B、neither             C、none             D、most
41. A、delighted     B、sad               C、calm             D、astonished
42. A、on              B、up                C、it                  D、that
43. A、learn       B、miss         C、get                   D、find
44. A、message      B、advice      C、request             D、description
45. A、uses            B、loses        C、has                   D、spends
46. A、doubt          B、help            C、trouble                 D、answer
47. A、tell             B、see              C、agree             D、call
48. A、exact           B、suitable       C、early             D、late
49. A、follow      B、meet        C、bring             D、introduce
50. A、recognize    B、get           C、admire                 D、test
51. A、happening   B、meaning      C、turning             D、failing
52. A、read            B、inserted       C、answered          D、placed
53. A、forget      B、show        C、disagree            D、admit
54. A、clean           B、admit       C、fast                  D、light
55. A、bargain       B、sale             C、accident            D、result
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A beautiful and very successful actress (女演员) was the star for a new musical show. Her home was in the countryside, but she did not want to go back there every night, so she bought an expensive house in the centre of the city, got some beautiful furniture (家具) and got a man to paint the rooms in new colours.
It was very difficult to get tickets for her show, because everybody wanted to see it. So she decided to give the painter two of the best seats. She hoped that this would make him work better for her. He took the tickets without saying anything, and she heard no more about them until the end of the month, when she got the painter’s bill (账单). At the bottom of it were these words: “ Four hours watching Miss Hall sing and dance: 3 pounds,” with this note: “After 5 p.m., I get 15 shillings (先令) an hour instead of 10 shillings.” 
60. The actress bought a house in the centre of the city because ______.
A. she liked to live in the busiest place      
B. she didn’t like to live in the country
C. her home was far away from where she worked
D. she didn’t want to go back to her hometown any longer
61. In order to make the painter work better for her, the actress ________.
A. gave him two tickets for her show     B. sang and danced for him for hours 
C. paid him 3 pounds                 D. decided to pay him 15 shillings an hour
62. The actress got the painter’s bill ________. 
A. to ask for the money of his painting work
B. to ask to pay for his watching her show
C. in which he showed his thanks for the tickets 
D. in which he expressed his dissatisfaction
63. What kind of man was the painter? 
A. He was a careful man.            B. He was a poor man.
C. He was not friendly to others.      D. He knew little about music and dances.
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Jean is a 17-year-old high school student. On Saturday mornings, Jean and her friends take part in the program    31       (call) SAVE THE KIDS. They travel to a poor area of Washington D.C.  They help younger students learn    32     to read and to solve mathematics problems. Many American teenagers join in programs    33        serve their communities. On weekends Jean sometimes works at an ice-cream store. When she is not working, she gets together with her girlfriends. They might go to a movie, to a shopping mall or to an eating place. Or they might attend    34      sports event of their high school. They also often stay at one girl’s house for the night.
35    teenagers in most parts of the country, Jean began driving a car when she was 16 years old. She does not have her car, however. She must    36     the family car with her parents. About 70 percent of American teenagers have their own cars. Many of them drive their cars to school every day. Jean does not smoke cigarettes   37     drink alcohol.   38    do her friends. But many teenagers at her school do. Drinking alcohol is a major problem there. Every weekend teenagers have parties, where they drink alcohol. Then they drive to other parties. People under the age of 21   39         (not allow) to drink alcohol in the United States. And it is    40          (danger) to drink and drive a car. Yet this does not stop some teenagers.
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56. Susie got her driving license two months ago. But last week when she was going along a quiet road, another car following her hit her from behind. She was not hurt seriously, but the her car was quite damaged and the driver ran away at great speed. She hasn’t any evidence except for the car number she remembers.
57. Mr. Samdos has recently got a large fortune from his uncle who lives abroad. He wants to quit his job as an engineer and starts his own company. Not having done that before, he is at a loss how to start his company.
58. Mr. Johnson is a worker for maintenance in his company and he often has to work overtime. But due to some managerial reason, for years he hasn’t received any extra pay for that.
59. Mr. William is a successful businessman and he owns a few corporations. To his sadness, one of his corporations suffered huge loss when co-operating with another big corporation in a new business deal. He wants to break from the partnership, but the partner asks for a higher price than he is willing to accept.
60. Mr. Black shared a parking lot with Mr. Cambell, who lives next to him. But last month, Mr. Cambell built a wall around the lot, which makes it impossible for Mr. Black to park his car in the lot without a key. But Mr. Cambell claims the lot to be his own.
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