第二节完型填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项.I have eyes

第二节完型填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项.I have eyes


I have eyes that are said to be “cow brown,” and my long fair hair is my best feature .Iam not overweight, but I’m not too  16  either.
I’m relatively happy with my   17  ,but where did I get it? Do I share the same features as some unknown stranger?   18  , while walking down the street, I tried to  19  that stranger, imagining that one of the women I passed  20  possibly be my biological mother.
For a long time I wondered what life would be like with  21  . I was never  22  with my life. I just never  23  wondering what it would be like to have been raised by my biological mother. And then one day, I   24  a poem which compared adoption  25  a seed that was planted by one person and then taken care of by another. The second person had   26  the seed and made it grow to be tall and beautiful. I found that it compared perfectly to my  27  .
Gradually I   28  that my mom had made me who I am today. She did my hair for my first dance. She was there for my first hearbreak… She’d been there for  29  that ever mattered. And I started to notice that we had the same silly  30  , the same attitude to life, and the same way of treating people.
Sometimes when we’re out somewhere, people comment on   31  we look  alike, and we turn to each other and laugh,   32  until that moment that she wasn’t the one who gave birth to me.
33  I may not know why I look the way I do, I know why I am who I am. The mom I have now is the   34  one I ever could have hoped for, not only because she holds a huge amount of unconditional(无条件的)love, but because she has  35  who I am today.
16.A.thin   B.fat     C.strong       D.weak
17.A.eyes  B.appearance       C.weight      D.hair
18.A.Still  B.Even C.Again       D.Often
19.A.run after   B.pick out    C.bring back       D.turn down
20.A.should      B.would       C.could D.must
21.A.the biologist            B.my adoptive mother
C.The stranger            D.my birth mother
22.A.dissatisfied       B.content     C.angry       D.pleased
23.A.enjoyed    B.stopped     C.escaped     D.allowed
24.A.wrote down     B.put up      C.handed out       D.came across
25.A.with  B.for    C.to      D.as
26.A.buried      B.harvested  C.planted     D.watered
27.A.thought    B.seed  C.situation  D.history
28.A.realized    B.guessed     C.hatedD.expected
29.A.something B.everything       C.everyone   D.someone
30.A.problem   B.illness       C.adoption   D.personality
31.A.how much       B.how far    C.where       D.why
32.A.proving    B.noticing    C.forgetting D.remembering
33.A.As    B.Unless      C.Though     D.Until
34.A.happiest    B.best   C.prettiest    D.wisest
35.A.saved       B.regretted   C.shaped      D.declared



  Once upon a time,there was a wonderful old man who loved everything on the land——animals and plants.
  One day while walking through the woods,the old man found a cocoon of a butterfly. He took it home. A few days later,a small opening appeared;he sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it could go no farther. Then the man decided to help the butterfly,so he took a pair of scissors and cut the remaining bit of the cocoon. The butterfly then came out easily.
  But it had a swollen body and small,shriveled(枯萎的)wings. The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that,at any moment,the wings would enlarge and expand to be able to support the body,or they would be smaller. Neither happened! In fact,the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled wings. It never was able to fly.
  What the man in his kindness and hurry did not understand was that the struggle required for the butterfly to get through the tiny opening was nature’s way of forcing fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon.
  Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If we were allowed to go through our life without any difficulties,it would cripple(使无能)us. We would not be as strong as what we could have been. And we could never fly.
59.The old man cut the cocoon in order to__________.
A.kill the butterfly
B.play with the butterfly
C.make the butterfly come out easily
D.have the butterfly
60.The reason why the butterfly could not fly is that__________.
A.the old man broke its wings
B.it was too small
C.newly born butterflies can’t fly
D.it came out of its cocoon without enough struggle
61.What can we know from the passage?
A.That old man was fond of everything except the butterfly.
B.It was the old man that stopped the butterfly flying.
C.The old man realized his mistake.
D.It’s not hard for the butterfly to come out of the cocoon.
62.What does the author want to tell us by writing the passage?
A.We should help others.
B.Without others help we can still succeed.
C.Struggles in our life can make us stronger.
D.Butterflies can fly without people’s help.
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Last Sep.11 was an important day too. After unknown gunmen attacked aid workers from the Nobel Prize-winning Medecins sans Frontieres at a roadblock on that day , most of the international aid groups helping Darfur’s 6 million people stopped using the roads . On Dec.18 , unknown gunmen attacked the southern town of Gereida. More than 70 aid workers then pulled out of the refugee(难民) camp there—Darfur’s largest, with 130,000 people —leaving only 10 Red Cross employees behind. Yet at the time no one said what had really caused the sudden pullbacks.
Damaging has become surprisingly common in Darfur, where 200,000 Africans have been killed and a third of the population have been sent fleeing into camps in three years of war. But the attacks on international aid workers suggested a dramatic and dangerous start—to attack on purpose those helping to keep Darfur’s millions of refugee alive. A dozen people from foreign NGOs (non-governmental organizations) have been killed in just the past six months , more than previous years. There are about 14,000 aid workers in Darfur now , the majority of them Sudanese, working for foreign NGOs and U.N. agencies and delivering $1 billion a year in aid . Just a few more terrible attacks could throw that into jeopardy. Last week 14 U.N. offices working in Darfur made a clear warning that “the humanitarian (人道主义) organization cannot possibly make certain the survival of the population Darfur if aid workers don’t feel safe. ”
64.What made Sept.11 an important day according to the passage?
A.Two World Trade Center buildings were destroyed in the USA.
B.International aid workers were attacked in Darfur.
C.A fight happened between the international aid workers and some unknown gunmen in Darfur.
D.International aid groups stopped their help to Darfur.
65.Which of the following shows a picture of Darfur?
A.Darfur has been in war since the last Sept.11.
B.Many people in Datfur are homeless because of the war.
C.Darfur will not get help from organizations including the UN.
D.International aid groups have never been attacked before.
66.The underlined word“jeopardy”in the last paragraph most probably means     
A.light                   B.practice              C.danger            D.effect   
67.Which of the following can be the tide of the passage?
A.People in        Darfur        B.International Aid Groups in Danger
C.War in Darfur                D.International Aid to Darfur
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Mike Ingrarn had been a guard the Ohio State football team in the late 1950s.I believe he may have been captain in his senior year.He is a tough - looking guy,a hero in Columbus,a brave fighter in a red—and—gray uniform.  
One holiday season Jack and I had been at the F&R Lazarus department store downtown, and we saw,carrying a tall pile of boxes,someone who clearly was working in the Lazarus stockroom(仓库).It was, Mike Ingram,post—Ohio state football player.
We stared—how could we help it? And Mike Ingram stopped in his track,looked right back at us,and said,with bite in his tone:“Yeah,it"s me.”Meaning:Go ahead and stare if you must.
Couldn’t really blame him.There was nothing wrong with what he was doing——be was earning some money in the stockroom.But he was out in the world now, he wasn"t where he had been when everything was bathed in sunlight;he was in Ohio Stadium,hearing the supporting shouts from 78,000 people who loved him and his teammates.He had moved past that trust of life’s roles,as everyone does.It was his misfortune to have,been famous very early;there must have been dozens and dozens of men in their twenties working in the Lazarus stockroom that holiday season,but Mike Ingram was the one sure to attract cnrious passers,because he was no longer who he was supposed to be.
68.When the writer met him in Lazarus,Mike was a           .
A.salesman             B.manager             C.1aborer           D.customer
69.By saying“how could we help it?”the writer means that          
A.he and his friend just can’t force themselves not to look at Mike
B.he wonders whether he and his friend can help Mike
C.he and his friend can’t stop looking at each other
D.he and his friend can do nothing to stop Mike carrying the boxes
70.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Mike used to be very popular when he played in the Ohio State football team.
B.Many other people would stare at Mike like the writer when they run into him.
C.Working as an ordinary worker,according to the writer,is Mike’s misfortune.
D.Some people accept what life gives them.
71.We can infer from the passage that when Mike was stared at,he looked           .
A.nice                   B.worried                     C.shy                 D.unhappy
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M:Hi,it’s you,Mary! I didn’t(76)r         you !                 76.            
W:Hi,Tom! Long time no see.I"ve changed a lot,haven’t I?
M:Yes, indeed.You"re(77)s          than before.                  77.            
w:Really? I,m losing(78)w         .                                 78.            
M:But how? Going on a(79)d      or…?                                79.            
W:I tried to eat 1ess,but(80)f    .You know I"ve got a sweet     80.          
tooth.Chocolates,ice creams….all my favorites.
W:My doctor(81)s      that I do more exercise.You see,       81.             
as a secretary,I always sit at the desk doing paperwork.
(82)L         of exercise led to my gaining weight day by day.   82.           
So at last,I(83)f    his advice.I’m attending a Yoga            83.           
Course regularly(84)t      a week.And I often do jogging.          84.           
M:Can you(85)I   your Yoga coach to me? I’m interested in it.    85.           
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Once upon a time there was an old general (将军). He liked to drink wine better than anything else.He always __36__ several bottles of good wine in his house.He __37__ go out one day, but he was _38___ his servant would drink his wine.Then he thought of a way to __39_ him doing so.
"I"m going out for the day ." he __40__ his servant."Please _41___ the house for me. There are some meat and two bottles of _42___ in the kitchen .There is also a hen there. But be careful not to _43___ it because it is poisonous.__44___ you drink it ,it will kill you."
But as soon as he left, his servant killed the hen and __45__ it for dinner.He then ate __46__ the hen and the meat,drank the two bottles of wine and went to bed.The general returned home late that evening. He was __47__ to find that the hen,the meat and the two bottles of wine were gone.He then saw his servant __48___ asleep in bed.There were two empty bottles beside him. He woke the servant up.
"What was happened?" he asked.
"I"m very sorry."His servant replied."After you __49___,a cat jumped in _50___ the window and ate the meat.A dog took the hen away. I know you would be __51___ with me when you returned,__52___ I tried to _53____myself  by drinking the poison . Please __54__ me." The general didn"t believe __55__ he said but there was nothing he could do.
36.A.bought      B. stole          C. kept          D. carried
37.A.had to       B. had better      C. should        D. could
38.A. talking      B. writing        C. pleased       D. worried
A. stop        B. keep          C. notice        D. thank
A.ordered      B. told           C. asked        D. invited
41.A. take care of  B. leave          C. sell          D. buy
42.A. wine        B. milk          C. water         D. ink
43.A. touch       B. kill            C. forget        D.drink
44.A. Before      B. If             C. Because      D.Since
45.A. hid         B. threw         C. washed       D. cooked
46.A. both        B. all            C. some         D. either
47.A. sure        B. disappointed    C. surprised      D. sorry
48.A. dying       B. lying          C. singing       D. crying
49.A. left         B. returned        C. knew        D. drank
50.A. near        B. onto           C. under        D. through
51.A. thankful     B. angry          C. satisfied      D. strict
52.A. but         B. so             C. though       D. that
53.A. fool        B. teach           C. kill          D. wake
54.A. excuse      B.drink           C. help          D.kill
55.A. when       B. that            C. what         D. How
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