( C )Steve is always in a good mood. One day I went up to Steve and asked him, “

( C )Steve is always in a good mood. One day I went up to Steve and asked him, “


( C )
Steve is always in a good mood. One day I went up to Steve and asked him, “ How do you do it?”  Steve replied, “Each morning I wake up and say to myself, ‘You have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood.’ So I choose to be in a good mood. It’s your choice how you live your life.”
I reflected on what Steve said. Soon thereafter, I left the Tower Industry to start my own business. Several years later, I heard that Steve was involved in a serious accident, falling some 60 feet from a communication tower. I saw Steve about six months after the accident. I asked him what had gone through his mind as the accident took place. “The first thing that went through my mind was the well-being of my daughter,” Steve replied. “Then, as I lay on the ground, I remembered that I had two choices: I could choose to live or I could choose to die. I chose to live.”
“Weren’t you scared? Did you lose consciousness (意识)?” I asked.
Steve continued, “The paramedics (护理人员) were great. They kept telling me I was going to be fine. But when I saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses, I got really scared. In their eyes, I read ‘he is a dead man’. I knew I needed to take action.”
“What did you do?” I asked.
“A nurse asked if I was allergic (过敏的) to anything,” Steve answered, “ ‘Yes,’ I replied. The doctors and nurses stopped working. I yelled,’ Gravity (重力).’Over their laughter, I said, ‘I am choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead.’”
Steve lived, thanks to the skills of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude.
I learned from him that every day we have the choice to live fully. Attitude, after all, is everything. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Every single day has enough trouble of its own.
69. What is Steve’s attitude towards life?       
A. Worrying about life all day long.   B. Choosing to see the positive aspects of life.
C. Being cold to people in life.  D. Being angry at everything in life.
70. What did the writer do after he left the Tower Industry?
A. He furthered his studies in college.  B. He went on a vacation in foreign countries.
C. He stayed at home to enjoy his life.  D. He started his own business.
71. What went through Steve’s mind when the accident happened?
A. How badly he was injured.  B. The reason for the accident.
C. The well-being of his daughter. D. Whether he was going to die or not



After giving a talk at a high school, I was asked to pay a visit to a special student. An illness had kept the boy home, but he had expressed an interest in meeting me, and it would mean a great deal to him. I agreed.
During the nine-mile drive to his home, I found out something about Matthew. He had muscular dystrophy(肌肉萎缩症). When he was born, the doctor told his parents that he would not live to see five, and then they were told he would not make it to ten. Now he was thirteen. He wanted to meet me because I was a gold-medal power lifter(举重运动员), and I knew about overcoming obstacles (障碍) and going for my dreams.
I spent over an hour talking to Matthew. Never once did he complain or ask, “Why me?” He spoke about winning and succeeding and going for his dreams. Obviously, he knew what he was talking about. He didn’t mention that his classmates had made fun of him because he was different. He just talked about his hopes for the future, and how one day he wanted to lift weight with me.
When we finished talking, I went to my briefcase(衣箱) and pulled out the first gold medal I won and put it around his neck. I told him he was more of a winner and knew more about success and overcoming obstacles than I ever would. He looked at it for a moment, then took it off and handed it back to me. He said, “You are a champion(冠军). You earned that medal. Someday when I get to the Olympics and win my own medal, I will show it to you.”
Last summer I received a letter from Matthew’s parents telling me that Matthew had passed away. They wanted me to have a letter he had written to me a few days before:
Dear Rick,
My mom said I should send you a thank-you letter for the picture you sent me. I also want to let you know that the doctors tell me that I don’t have long to live anymore. But I still smile as much as I can.
I told you someday I was going to the Olympics and win a gold medal. But I know now I will never get to do that. But I know I’m a champion, and God knows that too. When I get to Heaven, God will give me my medal and when you get there, I will show it to you. Thank you for loving me.
       Your friend,
72.  The boy wanted to meet the author because ______.
A. he was interested in what the author was doing 
B. he wanted to get a gold medal himself
C. he admired the author very much    
D. he wanted the author to know him too
73.  The underlined part in the third paragraph probably means “______”.
A. Why do you come to see me?    B. Why do I have to stay at home?
C. Why does the disease fall on me?     D. Why not give a gold medal to me?
74.  We can infer from the passage that ______.
A. Matthew was a determined boy and considered himself as normal
B. Rick used to have the same disease and later became a power lifter
C. Matthew was to become a champion before he died
D. After meeting Matthew, Rick regarded him as normal.
75.  The author wrote the passage with the purpose of ______.
A. describing his unusual friendship with a disabled child
B. showing his admiration towards the disabled child
C. telling an experience of meeting a disabled child
D. expressing his pity to all the disabled children
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第四部分 任务型阅读(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
Many children first learn the value of money by planning the use of an allowance (零用钱). The purpose of it is to let children learn from experience at an age when financial mistakes are not very costly. The amount of money that parents give to their children to spend differs from one family to another. Timing is another consideration. Some children get a weekly allowance. Others get a monthly allowance.
In any case, parents should make it clear what their child expects to pay for with the money. At first, young children may spend all of their allowances soon after they receive them. If they do this, they will learn the hard way that spending must be done within a budget (预算). Parents are usually advised not to offer more money until the next allowance.
The object is to show young people that budgeting means making choices between spending and saving. Older children may be responsible (有责任感的) enough to save money for larger costs, like clothing or electronics. Sometimes paying children to do extra work around the house can be useful.
Allowances give children a chance to experience the three things they can do with money. They can share it in the form of gifts or use it to do good things; they can spend it by buying things they want; or they can save it. Saving helps children understand that costly goals require sacrifice (舍弃) — you have to cut costs and plan for the future.
Requiring children to save part of their allowances can also open the door to future saving and investing. Many banks offer services to help children and teenagers learn about personal finances.
For example, one dollar invested at two percent interest (利息) for two years will earn two cents in the first year. The second year, the money will earn two percent of one dollar and two cents, and so on. That may not seem like a lot. But over time it adds up.
Title: 76.______________ 
The purpose of giving an allowance
To help children learn how to spend money 77_____________
at a young age.
What parents should consider
The amount of 78__________they give to their children.
How 79________ they give money to their children.
What the child expects to 80________ with the money.
Paying children to 81________ around the house.
What children learn
Spending must be done 82__________.
An understanding of how 83 ____________.
84________, saving or investing.
85__________ for the future.

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阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项( A、B、C、D )中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
A Businessman ordered ten goldsmiths to make ten coins each. Each coin was to weigh exactly ten gram of pure gold.
One of the goldsmiths was a bad man.  He decided to cheat.  He made all his coins one gram short. Now the businessman heard that one of them had cheated.  He also  heard that this man had made each of his coins one gram short.
The businessman was a clever person.  He took a certain number of coins from each of the smiths,  weighed them together once only and found their weight to be 540 grams. This was enough for him to find out which one of the goldsmiths had cheated.
1 The word “goldsmith” means        .
A. a person named Smith who sells articles(物品) made of gold
B. a thief who steal gold
C. a worker who makes articles of gold
D. a person who works for the man named Smith
2 The businessman found the cheat by        .
A. looking each man in the eye
B. weighing one coin after another
C. weighing coins
D. asking who hadn"t made coins according to his request
3 In order to find the cheat,  the businessman weighed      coins altogether .
A. fifty      B. fifty-four    C. fifth-five        D. sixty
4 Suppose the businessman took one coin from the first smith,  two from the second, 
and ten from the tenth,  he found out that he      goldsmith was the cheat.
A. first      B. sixth       C. ninth                 D. tenth
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People who speak or perform before the public sometimes may suffer from “Stage Fright. ” Stage fright makes a person nervous. In the worst case(情况) it can make one"s mind go back and forget what one ought to say,  or to act. Actors, musicians, dancers, lawyers, even radio show hosts(节目主持人) have suffered from stage fright at one time or another.
Diana Nichols is an expert in helping people free from stage fright at a medical centre in New York City. She helps actors learn to control themselves. Miss Nichols says some people have always been afraid to perform before the audience. Others, she says, develop stage fright after a fearful experience.
She offers them ways to control the fear. One way is to smile before going onto the stage. Taking two deep breaths also helps. Deep breathing helps you get control of your body.
Miss Nichols persuades her patients to tell themselves that their speech or performance does not have to the perfect. It"s all right to make a mistake. She tells them they should not be too cautions(谨慎的) while they are performing. It is important that they should continue to perform while she is helping them. After each performance, they discuss what happened and find out what advice helped and what did not. As they perform more and more, they will fear less and less as much as 50%. Miss Nichols says the aim is only to reduce stage fright, not to eliminate it completely. This is because a little stage fright makes a person more cautious, and improves the performance.
1 One who is suffering stage fright may        .
A. forget one"s part before the audience
B. smile all the time on the stage
C. make a speech fast than ever
D. be cautious to improve his performance
2 The underlined word “eliminate” in the last paragraph means        .
A. keep          B. reduce           C. change          D. get rid of
3 The wrong way to overcome stage fright is        .
A. to smile before going to the stage.
B. to take two deep breaths to calm oneself
C. to pay less attention to one"s mistakes in performance
D. to perform less and to watch more
4 Which of the following statements is right?
A. We can get rid of stage fright completely.
B. A little stage fright can make actors perform better.
C. We can reduce stage fright as much as one third.
D. A little stage fright leads to complete failure.
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A few years ago, SARS broke out in the mainland of China, ____26____ (cause) some people to be killed or nearly got close to____27_____ (die). The situation was so severe _____28___ there was no time to debate who is to blame. The most important thing for the government to do is to find out ____29____ cause of this deadly disease. They invited all the most experienced experts in this field to discuss and quite a few suggestions ____30____ (put forward). Some of the top experts then tested them to see ____31____ they were available. Doctor Zhong Nanshan chose one patient who was ___32___(serious) ill and had little hope of picking up and had the new medicine ____33____(test) on him. To his great joy, this patient recovered! He made his way to his office and telephoned the top official, telling him this exciting news. ___34____ convenience, he moved to live in his office. His method did make sense. Not soon after that, the other hospitals also controlled this terrible disease ___35___ kicked it out finally.
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