A child survivor of the Indian Ocean tsunami and a girl from the United States w

A child survivor of the Indian Ocean tsunami and a girl from the United States w


A child survivor of the Indian Ocean tsunami and a girl from the United States who offered help met for the first time after the disaster.
The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami destroyed Nada Luthfiyyah’s small town in Aceh. Her parents and two brothers were among the 160,000 people who died in the disaster. Maggie Hamilton’s classmates in the state of Michigan decided to make and sell bracelets (手镯) to raise money for the victims. Maggie, who was 9 years old at the time, wrote a letter to survivors to offer help. Nada was selected from her class to respond with a letter of thanks.
Three and a half years later, the two girls met for the first time. Their meeting was arranged by the Indonesian government, and was used as a symbol of the two countries’aid relationship. Their letters were quoted by diplomats (外交官)of both countries.
Maggie, visiting the town under reconstruction, said she did not expect that her letter would draw so much attention, but, she said, the experience helped to make her more active in volunteering work. "I’ve been volunteering at a nursing home in Ohio. I just want to help people whenever I can," Maggie said.
Juanda, the spokesman for Indonesia’s tsunami reconstruction agency, says the meeting of the two girls serves as a symbol of their informal relationship. It will represent the international community’s role in Aceh’s future. "I think what we can learn from this experience is that Nada from Aceh and Maggie from the U.S. are able to share their experiences, friendship, knowledge and support," Juanda says.
Maggie says she wants to learn Indonesian and hopes to have Nada visit her home in Michigan sometime, perhaps next year.
1. Nada and Maggie first made contact with each other through ______.
A. letters                              B. visiting the diplomats
C. arrangements by the government         D. informal visits
2. From the text we know that ______.
A. Maggie and Nada’s friendship is a symbol of the two countries’ friendship
B. 16,000 people lost their lives in the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami
C. Maggie volunteered to work in the reconstruction after the tsunami
D. Maggie is now a volunteer working in Nada’s hometown
3. The text mainly tells us that ______.
A. Indonesian and American girls build friendship after a tsunami
B. the Indian Ocean tsunami influenced the USA
C. letters are an advantage in building friendships
D. Indonesia is under construction after a tsunami



My father enjoys bike riding.Ever since I was little, I’ve always loved going biking with my dad.36 , as I became a teenager, other things began to draw my    37 .It was important to do things with friends  38   .I saw my dad every evening at home.Why did I have to  39  my Sundays to all-day bike trips with him , too? If my indifference(冷漠) hurt him, my father kept  40  , but he would always let me know when he was planning a bike trip  41  I wanted to come.
It was a Sunday morning, and I was in low  42 .Two of my friends had gone to the movies without inviting me.Just then my father  43 my room.“It’s a beautiful day.Want to go for a  44  today, Beck?”  “Leave me alone! ” I impatiently  45 .Those were the last words I said to him before he left the house that  46   .
Several hours later, the police called us,  47  us that Dad had a traffic accident.My father’s injuries were serious.It took several days before he could 48  speak.Beside his bed I held his hand gently,   49  of hurting him.
“Daddy … I’m sorry …”
“It’s OK, sweetheart.I’ll be OK.”
“No,” I said, “I  50  what I said to you that day.You know, that morning?”
“Sweetheart, I don’t  51  anything about that day, not before, during or after the accident.I remember kissing you goodnight the night before, though.” He 52  a weak smile.
I felt regretful for my thoughtless remark, for I   53  wanted him to leave me alone.My teacher once told me that  54  have immeasurable power.They can hurt or they can heal.And we all have the  55  to choose our words.I intend to do that very carefully from now on.
36.A.There fore       B.Instead            C.Besides       D.However
37.A.attention      B.sight            C.effort             D.energy
38.A.once again    B.all of a sudden      C.in time      D.on one hand
39.A.start         B.save               C.devote       D.waste
40.A.silent          B.busy            C.asleep          D.awake
41.A.unless       B.in case            C.so that         D.as if
42.A.spirits      B.conditions          C.emotions      D.hopes   
43.A.left            B.checked          C.entered       D.knocked
44.A.ride         B.walk            C.picnic       D.game
45.A.whispered       B.warned            C.announced    D.shouted
46.A.moment      B, morning           C.afternoon      D.evening
47.A.convincing  B.reminding        C.informing     D.phoning
48.A.eventually     B.generally        C.strictly            D.broadly
49.A.tired           B.afraid           C.aware         D.sorry
50.A.discuss        B.think             C.care         D.mean
51.A.hate        B. forget           C.remember      D.like
52.A.got          B.expressed         C.exchanged    D.managed
53.A.often        B.never           C.even         D.once
54.A.apologies      B.promises          C.smiles       D.words       
55.A.experience     B.honor             C.power          D.desire
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In 1988 , Mary Andersen was at the Miami airport checking in for a flight to Norway to be with her husband when she was told she wouldn"t be able to check her luggage without paying a $ 100 surcharge (超载).                
Mary had no money as her new husband had left for Norway and she had no one else to call.
"I was completely desperate and tried to think which of my things I could manage without." says Mary.          
As tears ran down her face, a voice behind her said, "That"s okay, I"ll pay for her."
Rather surprised, Mary turned around to see a tall man whom she had never seen before.He had a gentle and kind voice mat was firm and decisive.                     
Although this happened twenty years ago, Mary still remembers the authority that radiated (发出)from the man, Mary was pleased to bring her luggage to Norway and told the stranger she would give his money back.The man wrote his name and address on a piece of paper he gave to Mary.She thanked him repeatedly When she finally walked off towards the boarding gate, he waved goodbye to her.
That man turned out to be Barack Obama.      
Mary paid the money back to Obama the day she joined her husband.At that time he had just finished his job as a poorly paid community worker in Chicago, and had started his law studies at Harvard University.     
In the spring of 2006 Mary’s parents heard Obama was considering a run for president. They wrote a letter saying that they would support him. At the same time, they thanked Obama for helping their daughter 18 years earlier.
And Obama replied, “ I want to thank you for the lovely things you wrote about me and for reminding me of what happened at Miami airport. I’m happy I could help her then, and I’m delighted to hear that your daughter is happy in Norway. Please send her my best wishes. Sincerely, Barack Obama, United States Senator.”
1.Why did Mary feel completely desperate?    
A.She had missed the only flight to Norway.
B.Her new husband abandoned her suddenly.
C.She didn"t have the money to buy a ticket.
D.She had no money to pay for the surcharge.
2.How did Mary feel when someone offered to help her"?
A .Amazed.         B.Puzzled.   C.Delighted.        D.Annoyed.
3.Mary asked the stranger to leave his name and address____,
A.in order to contact him later                B.so that she could repay him
C.because impressed her deeply          D.because she fell in love with him
4.What’s the passage mainly about?                         
A.A letter from Barack Obama.                         
B.Mary"s parents support Obama.                       
C.Obama helped a stranger about 20 years ago.
D.Mary was lucky to get help at the airport.
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1.    For admission to the Detective House, a shopper needs to _____.
A. be a DBS card owner                                   B. spend a total of $150
C. answer 3 simple questions                     D. have experience in solving cases
2.    Mrs. Rosland, a DBS card holder, spent $200 in the mall, and she would be entitled to _____.
A. a free air ticket and a mother-of-pearl necklace
B. a white gold diamond and a limited edition key chain
C. a sure win gift of limited edition car key chain
D. a Peugeot P200 and a set of white gold diamond
3.    Which of the following statements is true?
A. DBS Bank and Fraser Mall are the official sponsors.
B. All shoppers are entitled to a draw for free air ticket.
C. The rewards are open to all shoppers for the entire month of April.
D. DBS Card owners enjoy double chances in the "Win a car" lucky draw.
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第二节完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
It was Thanksgiving morning. In the crowded kitchen of my small home I was busy preparing the traditional Thanksgiving turkey   36   the doorbell rang. I opened the front door and saw two small children in rags huddling together inside the storm door on the top step.
“Any old   37   , lady?” asked one of them
I was   38   . I wanted to say “no” until I looked down at their feet. They were wearing thin scandals(便鞋), wet with heavy snow.
“Come in and I’ll   39  you a cup of hot cocoa.”
There was no conversation. Their wet scandals  40  marks upon the floor. I   41   them cocoa and bread with jam to fight against the cold outside. Then I went back to the   42  and started again on my household budget.
The silence in the front room struck through to me. I   43   in. The girl held the empty cup in her hands, looking at it. The boy asked   44   a flat voice, “Lady, are you rich?”
“Am I rich? Mercy, no!”
I looked at my shabby(寒酸的) slipcovers. The girl put her   45   back in its saucer(茶碟) carefully and said.
“Your cups match your saucers.”
Her   46   was hungry with a need that no amount of food could supply. They left then, holding their bundles of papers against the wind. They hadn’t said “Thank you”. They didn’t   47  to. They had done   48 that. Plain blue pottery cups and saucers were only worth five pence.   49   they matched.
I   50   the potatoes and stirred the meat soup. Potatoes and brown meat soup, a roof over our heads, my man with a good steady job—these things  51 , too.
I moved the chairs back from the fire and cleaned the living room. The muddy prints of small scandals were still   52   upon my floor. Let   53  be for a while. I want them there   54   I forget again how   55   I am.
36.A. while     B. as        C. when                D. until
37.A. clothes       B. books      C. shoes                D. papers
38.A. busy      B. confused C. impatient                  D. free
39.A. cook      B. make       C. do                  D. give
40.A. left        B. kept           C. held                      D. wiped
41.A. sent       B. took           C. served               D. showed
42.A. study     B. bedroom C. living room             D. kitchen
43.A. turned        B. gave        C. looked              D. checked
44.A. at         B. in       C. with                 D. to
45A. food       B. spoon     C. toast                 D. cup
46.A. voice       B. coat      C. story                 D. memory
47.A. expect    B. know     C. need                  D. mean
48.A. less than          B. more than  C. rather than           D. other than
49.A. And      B. So      C. Then                  D. But
50.A. tasted       B. peel      C. washed             D. cut
51.A. separated    B. matched  C. were the same         D. were different
52.A. strange     B. new     C. deep                D. wet
53.A. it         B. them    C. that                    D. one
54.A. in case      B. as if     C. although             D. in order that
55.A. happy       B. lucky   C. rich                D. moved
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It is well known that the Japanese people’s love of fish is almost as a bee’s interest in honey. As fish populations were decreasing, fishing companies were forced to fish further and further away from the shore. Then they had a big challenge-how to keep the fish fresh for longer. So they decided to keep the fish stored in freezers on the boats. But the public did not like frozen fish. So again the fishing companies had a new bigger challenge. What they decided to do was to have fish tanks on their boats. After catching fishes, they would put them in the tanks and keep them living there until they got back to shore. But in this protected environment, lacking predators (掠食者),the fish stopped moving around. The Japanese public felt these dull fish did not taste fresh, which had an unpleasant effect upon sales. Once again the fishing companies had an even bigger challenge ...
Stop for a minute! Before we go any further, I would like to ask “What are your challenges? How do you handle an unexpected challenge?” May I think it this way that you should try to attack your challenges? Conquer them with a Swiss Army knife. Take the most proper and simple tool that you can adopt to deal with your situation.
Now back to our story. How did the Japanese finally figure out the fresh fish problem?Sharks! You might think the same. Sharks were caught and put into the tanks with other fishes. Don’t sharks eat fish? Well, they do eat a few fish, but they did also keep more fish active and alert (警觉的) The fish stay fresh because they are challenged.
Now, try to keep yourself fresh by finding your own shark to offer yourself a challenge in your own business and career.
1.The main reason for the fishing company to fish in the far sea is that_________.
A. the fish resource near the shore was decreasing
B. the fishes farther away from the sea tasted fresher         
C. people would prefer eating fresh fishes to less fresh ones
D. it was getting harder and harder to keep fishes fresh
2.The relationship between fishes and sharks is similar to that between_________in nature.
A. dogs and cats                 B. monkeys and mosquitoes  
C. wolves and antelopes             D. children and lions
3.The underlined part of the last paragraph means “_________.”
A. If you went fishing, you might do as the fishing companies did
B. Try to find a big shark, and you will meet your challenge
C. To succeed in life, you should always be ready to meet challenges
D. Sharks are usually compared to the challenges in people’s life
4.The purpose for the author to write the passage is to_________.
A. tell the readers “no pains, no gains”
B. tell the readers how the Japanese keep the fish fresh
C. suggest readers looking for challenges to make progress
D. advise readers to find something difficult to do
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