

If you’re finding it tough to land a job, try expanding your job-hunting plan to include the following tactics:
  Set your target. While you should always keep your options open to compromise, you should also be sure to target exactly what you want in a job. ____71____
  Schedule plentiful interviews. Use every possible method to get interviews—answering advertisements,using search firms, contacting companies directly, surfing the Web, and networking. ____72____
  Follow up.____73____ Then, some weeks later, send another brief letter to explain that you still have not found the perfect position and that you will be available to interview again if the original position you applied for—or any other position—is open. Do this with every position you interview for, and you may just catch a break.
Make it your full-time job. You can’t find a job by looking sporadically(偶发地). ____74____ If you’re unemployed and looking, devote as much time as you would to a full-time job. If you have a job while you’re looking, figure out an organized schedule to maximize your searching time.
Network vertically. In the research stage of your job hunt, talk to people who are on a level above you in your desired industry. They’ll have some insights that people at your own level won’t have, and they will be in a good position to hire you or recommend you to be hired.
____75____ Looking for a job is one of the toughest things you will ever have to do. Maintain your confidence, stay persistent, and think positively, and eventually you will get a job that suits you.
A.You have to make time for it.
C.Even if a job is not perfect for you, every interview can be approached as a positive experience.
D.Even if someone does not hire you, write them a thank-you note for the interview.
E. A good beginning is half done.
F. Keep your spirits up.
G. A specific job hunt will be more efficient than an aimless one.
71—75 GCDAF

Some people look at a hole and see empty space. Others see opportunity. That’s what Sheri Schmelzer spotted a few years ago when everyone—including her three children—started wearing Crocs, the colorful shoes dotted with holes.
“My kids and I were clowning around, and my eldest daughter, Lexie, got the sewing kit out. I brought one of the Crocs, pulled some buttons, rhinestones, and fabric out of the kit, and stuck them in the holes. Lexie said, ‘Mom, I love that!’”
Sheri and Lexie, then seven, spent the rest of the day filling holes in the family’s 12 pairs of Crocs. Every look-alike shoe was suddenly unique. When her husband, Rich, experienced in setting up businesses, came home later that day, says Sheri, “I could see the light bulb go on over his head,” Crocs had sold millions of pairs of shoes; the couple figured they could create a business simply by riding the wave. Rich refused to let a decorated Croc leave their Boulder, Colorado, house until he’d filed a patent.
But first they needed a name. “Rich and I had seen a movie where Meg Ryan says to Tom Hanks, ‘I’m such a flibbertigibbet!’ That became my nickname, so I called the business Jibbitz.” While Sheri designed, Rich strategized. They decided to sell the charms through a website, Jibbitz.com<http://www/jibbitz.com.>
Six months later, in February 2006, Sheri was doing so well that Rich left his business to work with her full-time. She was making hundreds of Jibbitz to order, by hand, by herself, in their basement. And filling those holes wasn’t as easy as it looked. The bigger the shoe, the bigger the holes; it took six models before Sheri figured out how to make her charms one-size-fits-all. Later Rich found a way to get plastic Jibbitz manufactured in China.
Someone at Crocs was sure going to notice the charms—after all, the company was headquartered (总部设在) just ten miles down the road. Duke Hanson, one of Crocs’ founders, spotted Lexie and her Jibbitz at the local pool, handed her his business card, and said, “Have your mom call me.”
Sheri and Rich met with Crocs executives, but no one suggested buying the company. Sheri was actually relieved because she wanted to see if she, not Crocs, could make it big. And she did. In December 2006, Crocs bought Jibbitz for $20 million, with the Schmelzers staying on board.
64. The passage is mainly about ____.
A. how the Schmelzers found opportunities out of nothing.
B. how the Schmelzers found opportunities and developed their business
C. how creativity matters to a successful business
D. how the business of Crocs became successful.
65. When Sheri said, “I could see the light bulb go on over his head”, she meant that ____.
A. Rich was really excited               B. Rich liked their shoe charms
C. saw this as a business opportunity    
D. Rich wasn’t satisfied with the decorations
66. From Paragraph 5, we can learn that ____.
A. the Schmelzers kept improving to make their business successful
B. Sheri does not trust others when it comes to designing Jibbitz
C. making the products unique is key to business success
D. Rich made a lot of sacrifices for their family business
67. Which of the following is arranged in the right order according to the text?
a. the Schmelzers applied for a patent   b. Crocs’ shoes sold well
c. the Schmelzers set up their website
d. by making their products in China, the Schmelzers spread their business.
A. acdb                       B.bacd                        C. bcad                       D. adcb
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Board, But Not Boring
Roll the Dice and Take a Chance on Something New…
Are you vacationed-out, tired of video-gaming, waterlogged by too many trips to the pool and ready to scream if you see one more “SpongeBob” rerun?
In other words, are you bored with summer?
We’ve got a suggestion: Kill that boredom with some great board boredom games. We went to game expert Lizzy Palmer of Barston’s Child’s Play in the District and ask for suggestions. All the games you see on this page are a ton of fun, she said, and there are sure to be at least one or two that you don’t already have.
Borderline Games
Ages 7 and older, 4 to 6 players, $24.95
This clever take on the classic game of Twister challenges your gymnastic and geographic skills at the same time. A huge floor map of the world serves as the game board. There are lots of geographic elements: countries, oceans,  rivers, deserts, even man-made landmarks. A deck of cards tells you where to put one foot, then the other. The round is over when someone falls.
Jungle Speed
Ages 7 and older, 2 to 8
players, $25.99
This is a fast-paced shape-recognition game. A wooden totem (图腾柱) sits in the middle. Players flip (翻) over cards one at a time. When your card matches another, be the first to grab the totem so that you can give your card to the loser. But be careful: Some cards look the same but aren’t!
Enchanted Forest
Ravensburger Ages 6 and older, 2 to 6 players,
A classic memory game. Take a winding path through the forest and check under the trees for
fairy-tale treasure. Remember what you saw so that when you need a particular treasure you can
go back to that tree to get it. Cool rule: You can split your dice (骰子) roll—for example, move five spaces in one direction and two in the other to land at the right tree.
Go fish for Wildlife Birdcage Press All ages, $9.95
Birdcage has several decks (副) of cards that are more like trading cards. You fish for sea creatures,  reptiles, wild animals. Each deck has instructions for several card games, and each card has great photos and fun facts. Great for a trip.
HedBanz Funrise Ages 6 and older, 2 to 6
players, $13.99
Put on a headband and slip in a card that shows an animal or thing. Everyone else can see it but you.Ask questions until you guess what it is—but do it before time runs out!
68. What’s the purpose of writing the article?  
A. To advertise several board games to attract potential consumers.
B. To introduce several board games for readers to pass the summer.
C. To try to persuade readers to give up video games and choose board games.
D. To make some suggestions on how to spend the long summer.
69. Suppose Doris, a mother with a six-year old boy, wants to buy some board games for her child. How many kinds of board games can she choose?
A. 2                     B. 3                              C.4                              D.5
70. Which of the following games will be the best choice for Mr Smith who wants to find an indoor game that can benefit both his daughter’s mind as well as her body?
A. Go Fish for Wildlife                                           B. Jungle Speed
C. Maptangle Borderline Games                       D. Hedbanz
71. Which of the following can match the games with their benefits to players?
(1) Enchanted Forest                                    a. to practice your quick response
(2) Maptangle Borderline Games    b. to practice your memory    
(3) Jungle Speed                                            c. to practice your geographic knowledge
(4) Go fish for Wildlife                         d. to increase the knowledge about animals
A. bacd                                 B. bcad                       C. cbad                       D. cdab
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
During college, I took a history class to fulfill a requirement.
The professor was a   32   fellow with red hair. He would walk   33   into the room wearing his winter coat, once not even   34   the hat during the lecture. He could not feel free in class and controlled the   35  just by looking through his glasses at his students.
So I  36   a little game for myself. I would try to find something in his lecture to ask him an intelligent question about,­­­   37   me to pay attention. He was obviously pleased to have a question to answer. In fact, his answers were always   38   .
I continued to do this every day and found myself actually enjoying the material. The professor seemed to become more   39   and some of the other students even   40  from time to time. My little game had saved me from being bored, as it was designed to do. And, I learned quite a bit about ancient world history. In spite of his strange   41  , he was indeed quite an expert in his field.
On the last day of the class we gathered our   42   and headed for the door. The shy, red-haired professor stepped directly in front of me,   43   I reached the door, and put his hand out. He said, “I want to thank you for making my classes so interesting,” as he shook my hand warmly and   44   for the first time. I was so   45  . To me, it had been a pleasant way to pass the time. I had no idea that all of my questions asked in class had any effect on him or the others at all.
Each of us, through the things we say and do, and the kindness we can freely   46,   can have a great effect not just on our own experiences, but on those of others.
A. strange 
B. patient  
C. popular 
D. proud 
A. happily
B. hurriedly 
C. calmly 
D. shyly
A. cleaning
B. noticing
C. removing 
D. wearing
A. lecture 
B. voice 
C. difficulty
D. speed
A. played 
B. continued
C. created 
D. bought 
A. reminding
B. forcing
C. allowing 
D telling 
A. special  
B. honest 
C. important 
D. interesting 
A. relaxed
B. traditional
C. reasonable
D. concerned
A. gave up  
B. fell behind 
C. look back 
D. joined in
A. explanation
B. appearance
C. secret 
D. hobby
A. collection
B. friends
C. game
D. books
A. though  
B. unless
C. when
D. because
A. regretted
B. smiled
C. cried
D. required
A. worried
B. surprised
C. bored 
D. satisfied
A. offer 
B. expect 
C. change 
D. reach 

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The Florida Sea Base Programs
Diving Adventure
If you are a diver, this is your program. During the program you will be making as many as nine dives (weather permitting), including a night dive. We have open dates in June, July and August for the summer months and for fall we have opening in September, October, November and December. Check out the dates today. Click here!
Sea Exploring!
The name brings back the memory of pirates(海盗) sailing the high seas of the past. This adventure is for larger teams of 18 to 20 teammates. Sailing on a tall ship with your team, you will be making memories that you will share for the rest of your life with anyone who will listen. Be sure and check out the dates we have open. Click here! We can fit your timetable to meet your needs with these great dates.
Live Aboard Diving
The Florida Sea Base has the sailing and diving programs joined for one wonderful adventure! On this adventure, you will spend your days not only in diving, but also in sailing around the Florida Keys. There are openings this fall and winter. Check now for open dates to spend your winter holidays in the keys. Click here! Fall dates are open now. Check them out today!
Just around the corner: the Christmas season in the keys! We have an opening for the Live Aboard program on December 26. Book today---it won’t last long!
Diving Certification(证书)
The Diving Certification program is designed for teammates who want to get a certification--- all who complete the week successfully will be offered PADI certification! Come and learn how to dive in the beautiful waters of the Florida Keys.
We have the following dates open: August 5, August 12, August 19, August 22 and August 26. We also have programs we offer in the fall: September 30, October 7, October 14, October 21, and many more dates. Check out the rest of the dates. Click here!
55. The text is most probably found _________.
A. in a newspaper            B. on the Internet
C. in a science magazine       D. in a book about Florida Sea
56. Colin wants to join in the Diving Adventure. He is supposed to have ______.
A. 9 dives                 B. 10 dives       
C. 19 dives                D. as many dives as he likes
57. According to this text, Live-Aboard Diving is special in that ____.
A. diving goes on during the sailing   
B. it is an adventure at sea
C. there are diving programs in it     
D. it is held in the Christmas season
58. The purpose of the text is mainly to ________.
A. teach        B. introduce       C. report       D. advertise
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Over the next four years, Kyle and I became best friends. When we were seniors, we began to think about college. Kyle   小题1: on Georgetown, and I was going to Duke. I knew that we would always be   小题2:  and that the miles would never be a problem. Kyle was  小题3:   to prepare a speech for graduation.
Graduation day, I saw Kyle. I could see that he was   小题4:  about his speech. So, I patted him on the back and said, "Hey, big guy, you"ll be great!" He looked at me with one of those   小题5:   (the really grateful one) and smiled. "Thanks," he said. 
As he started his speech, he  小题6:  his throat, and began. "Graduation is a time to   小题7:  those who helped you   小题8:  it through those tough years. Your parents, your teachers, your siblings, maybe a coach.... but   小题9: , your friends. I am here to tell all of you that being a friend to someone is the best   小题10:  you can give them. I am going to tell you a story."
I just looked at my friend with   小题11: as he told the story of the first day we met. He had planned to   小题12: himself over the weekend. He talked of how he had  小题13:   his locker so his Mom wouldn"t have to do it later and was carrying his stuff home. He looked hard at me and gave me a little smile. "   小题14:  , I was saved. My friend saved me from doing the unspeakable."
I heard the  小题15: go through the crowd as this handsome, popular boy told us all about his weakest moment. I saw his Mom and Dad  小题16: me and smiling that same grateful smile. Not until that moment did I   小题17: it"s depth. 
Never underestimate(低估) the   小题18: of your actions. With one small gesture you can change a person"s life. For   小题19:  or for worse. Friends are angles who lift us to our feet when our wings have   小题20:  remembering how to fly. . 
A.broken upB.put outC.set upD.cleaned out
A.pointing toB.looking atC.appealing toD.aiming at

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