The Florida Sea Base Programs Diving Adventure If you are a diver, this is your

The Florida Sea Base Programs Diving Adventure If you are a diver, this is your

The Florida Sea Base Programs
Diving Adventure
If you are a diver, this is your program. During the program you will be making as many as nine dives (weather permitting), including a night dive. We have open dates in June, July and August for the summer months and for fall we have opening in September, October, November and December. Check out the dates today. Click here!
Sea Exploring!
The name brings back the memory of pirates(海盗) sailing the high seas of the past. This adventure is for larger teams of 18 to 20 teammates. Sailing on a tall ship with your team, you will be making memories that you will share for the rest of your life with anyone who will listen. Be sure and check out the dates we have open. Click here! We can fit your timetable to meet your needs with these great dates.
Live Aboard Diving
The Florida Sea Base has the sailing and diving programs joined for one wonderful adventure! On this adventure, you will spend your days not only in diving, but also in sailing around the Florida Keys. There are openings this fall and winter. Check now for open dates to spend your winter holidays in the keys. Click here! Fall dates are open now. Check them out today!
Just around the corner: the Christmas season in the keys! We have an opening for the Live Aboard program on December 26. Book today---it won’t last long!
Diving Certification(证书)
The Diving Certification program is designed for teammates who want to get a certification--- all who complete the week successfully will be offered PADI certification! Come and learn how to dive in the beautiful waters of the Florida Keys.
We have the following dates open: August 5, August 12, August 19, August 22 and August 26. We also have programs we offer in the fall: September 30, October 7, October 14, October 21, and many more dates. Check out the rest of the dates. Click here!
55. The text is most probably found _________.
A. in a newspaper            B. on the Internet
C. in a science magazine       D. in a book about Florida Sea
56. Colin wants to join in the Diving Adventure. He is supposed to have ______.
A. 9 dives                 B. 10 dives       
C. 19 dives                D. as many dives as he likes
57. According to this text, Live-Aboard Diving is special in that ____.
A. diving goes on during the sailing   
B. it is an adventure at sea
C. there are diving programs in it     
D. it is held in the Christmas season
58. The purpose of the text is mainly to ________.
A. teach        B. introduce       C. report       D. advertise
B  A     A    D

Over the next four years, Kyle and I became best friends. When we were seniors, we began to think about college. Kyle   小题1: on Georgetown, and I was going to Duke. I knew that we would always be   小题2:  and that the miles would never be a problem. Kyle was  小题3:   to prepare a speech for graduation.
Graduation day, I saw Kyle. I could see that he was   小题4:  about his speech. So, I patted him on the back and said, "Hey, big guy, you"ll be great!" He looked at me with one of those   小题5:   (the really grateful one) and smiled. "Thanks," he said. 
As he started his speech, he  小题6:  his throat, and began. "Graduation is a time to   小题7:  those who helped you   小题8:  it through those tough years. Your parents, your teachers, your siblings, maybe a coach.... but   小题9: , your friends. I am here to tell all of you that being a friend to someone is the best   小题10:  you can give them. I am going to tell you a story."
I just looked at my friend with   小题11: as he told the story of the first day we met. He had planned to   小题12: himself over the weekend. He talked of how he had  小题13:   his locker so his Mom wouldn"t have to do it later and was carrying his stuff home. He looked hard at me and gave me a little smile. "   小题14:  , I was saved. My friend saved me from doing the unspeakable."
I heard the  小题15: go through the crowd as this handsome, popular boy told us all about his weakest moment. I saw his Mom and Dad  小题16: me and smiling that same grateful smile. Not until that moment did I   小题17: it"s depth. 
Never underestimate(低估) the   小题18: of your actions. With one small gesture you can change a person"s life. For   小题19:  or for worse. Friends are angles who lift us to our feet when our wings have   小题20:  remembering how to fly. . 
A.broken upB.put outC.set upD.cleaned out
A.pointing toB.looking atC.appealing toD.aiming at

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The expo theme, "Better City, Better Life", highlights the new thinking, new technologies and new practices for achieving healthy and sustainable urban living. Guided by these concepts, the New Zealand Pavilion will follow the theme, "Cities of Nature, Living between Land and Sky".
The aim of the pavilion is to present a welcoming vision of a nation that is working hard to bring its cities into a sustainable balance with nature; a country in which natural beauty, the inspiration that it brings, and the lifestyles that it permits, can exist alongside and contribute to a modern and creative first world economy.
In its form and content the pavilion takes inspiration from the Maori creation story in which the god Tane separated his parents, the Sky and the Earth, to create space both for the natural world and for human beings.
The location
The pavilion will be located in one of the prime sites at the expo, close to the host country"s pavilion and alongside the enormous theme pavilion. It will neighbor on the main walkway and will be seen by virtually every visitor to the expo.
The design
Designed and built by international project management company Coffey Projects, the distinctive wedge-shaped pavilion will have a projected capacity of 40,000 visitors per day. It will cover approximately 75 percent of a 2000- square-metre corner site, close to both the China Pavilion and the China Theme Pavilion, and beside the main elevated walkway.
Two of the visitor experience areas:
Cities of Nature
Experiencing Inside the wedge, visitors will walk along a winding ramp(斜坡) that gradually rises up, taking them through a "day in the life" of a New Zealand family in a composite New Zealand city in a natural setting: from the mountains to the sea, past farmlands and bush and back towards the mountains, through a beachhouse, a school classroom and an office building.
Garden and wild places walk
Visitors will exit the Cities of Nature experience near the top of the wedge, and will then walk back down towards the corridor area through a garden planted with New Zealand trees and flowers, and making use of sculptural elements, audio and lighting.
71   to New Zealand Pavilion
Cities of Nature, Living between Land and Sky
To  73  a welcoming vision of a beautiful, harmonious and modern country.
74   to the host country’s pavilion and main walk way.
An international project management company designed and built it, which looks like a  75 . It can hold 40,000 people per day.
76   areas
In this indoor experience, visitors will be  77  along a gradually rising ramp to visit a New Zealand family   78  in nature.
After  79  out of the Cities of Nature experience, visitors will finally walk down through a garden   80  of New Zealand trees and flowers.

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III. 阅读理解
William Shakespeare is the most famous playwright (剧作家). Although he died in 1616, people still go to see his plays. Among the most popular are RomeoandJuliet, AMidsummerNight’sDream and Hamlet — the story of a prince who struggles to respond to the crimes around him.
Shakespeare, who was born in 1564, was an actor as well as a writer. Most of his ideas for plays were taken from history, people’s conversation, ancient stories, and also from other writers. He wrote not only about kings and queens and princes, but also about friends and ordinary people. He wrote about the cruelty of war and the bravery of heroes, as well as about jealousy, joy, hate, ambition and love. His stories live on. The tragedy RomeoandJuliet was reborn as the musical WestSideStory and more recently as the movie RomeoandJuliet with the wonderful performance of Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes.
He invented a number of great characters: powerful magicians, thrilling witches, smart women and both wise and wicked men. He also invented some great phrases. If you’ve ever said, “Oh, for goodness sake!” you can thank Shakespeare for that. Other examples of common phrases adapted from Shakespeare: “as luck would have it”, “your own flesh and blood”, “too much of a good thing”, “good riddance”, “in one fell swoop”, and “in the twinkling of an eye”. “To be, or not to be: that is the question,” Hamlet says. “Good night, good night. Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it is morrow,” says Juliet to her Romeo.
Don’t be surprised if you don’t understand everything when reading Shakespeare or watching one of his plays because the meanings of many words have changed over the years. And Shakespeare’s characters speak in poetry, so their speeches can be complicated.
It does help to find out a little bit about the story before reading a Shakespeare play. It’s worth the effort. As Shakespeare wrote, “All the world is a stage.” And in his plays you’ll find that an entire world is waiting for you.
1. Shakespeare created the following characters EXCEPT ________.
A. Juliet         B. Hamlet     C. Claire Danes   D. Romeo
2. From Paragraph 3 we can learn that ________.
A. most of the characters created by Shakespeare were negative ones
B. most of the phrases used today were invented by Shakespeare
C. “Oh, for goodness sake!” is what Juliet says to Romeo
D. Shakespeare contributed greatly to the development of English
3. Which of the following is a reason why it’s difficult to understand some of Shakespeare’s plays?
A. There are many new words in his plays.
B. He wrote his plays using uncommon words.
C. The characters in his plays speak in poetry.
D. Most of the words in his plays are outdated.
4. We can infer from the passage that ______.
A. most of Shakespeare’s plays have been made into films
B. language changes with the development of society
C. Shakespeare made lots of money from his works
D. it is more useful to read Shakespeare’s works than to watch them
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I stopped to watch my little girl busy playing in her room. In one hand was a plastic phone; in the other a toy broom. I listened as she was speaking to her doll. And I will never forget the words she said, ever though it was pretended.
She said, “Suzie’s in the corner because she’s not been very good. She didn’t listen to a word I said or do the things she should.” In the corner I saw her baby doll all dressed in lace and pink. It was obvious that she’d been put there to sit alone and think.
My daughter continued her “conversation”, as I sat down on the floor. She said, “I’m all fed up, I just don’t know what to do with her anymore. She cries whenever I have to work and wants to play games, too. She tries to help me with the dishes, but her arms just cannot reach…And she doesn’t know how to fold towels. I don’t have the time to teach. I have a lot of work to do and a big house to keep clean. I don’t have the time to sit and play —don’t you know what I mean?”
And that day I thought a lot about making some changes in my life, as I listened to her words that cut me like a knife. I hadn’t been paying enough attention to what I hold most dear.
But now my attitude has changed, because, in my heart, I realize…I’ve seen the world in a different light through my little darling’s eyes. So, let the cobwebs have the corners and the dustbunnies rule the floor, I’m not going to worry about keeping up with them anymore.
I’m going to fill the house with memories of a child and her mother…For we are granted only one childhood, and we will never get another.
1. What was the little girl doing with her doll?
A. She was dressing up her doll.    
B. She was playing the doll with her friend Suzie.
C. She was talking to her mother.   
D. She was punishing her doll.
2. Which statement is TRUE about the mother’s behaviors before that day?
A. She spent a lot of time with her daughter talking to her.
B. She was busy cleaning the house with little time spared for her daughter.
C. She didn’t show her love to her child.
D. She always dressed up baby dolls with her daughter.
3. What do the underlined words “cobwebs” and “dustbunnies” probably refer to?
A. A happy atmosphere inside the home.   
B. All her d aughter’s toys
C. Happy memories of a child           
D. Things that kept the mother busy
4. Which of the following is the most suitable title for this passage?
A. Daughter and Her Doll         B. Daughter’s Words
C. Only One Childhood           D. A Busy Mother’s Change
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Stop thinking that you are too old to learn how to play the piano! You are able to learn the piano or any other instrument at any age. As long as you want to learn the piano, you can. When you decide to learn the piano, think about what you want out of it. Do you want to learn a specific piece of music, or are you more interested in learning techniques and the chord structures behind it? There are no limits, and you will get as much out of it as what you are willing to put into it.
Adults have the ability to learn a musical instrument, although they usually have less time. So no matter what your age, whether you are ten or one hundred and ten, you can learn the piano well. So what are you waiting for? Start learning today! Here are some ways to learn the piano, each with its own advantages.
This allows you personal, face-to-face lessons — usually on a weekly basis where they are able to teach you and correct you. This is a great way to learn the piano, but you are limited in the contact hours you have with your teacher which may slow your learning.
This would have to be the hardest way because you are just working by yourself and you can never be sure if you have understood the books correctly.
These are quite new to the market. They are video or DVD lessons that you can work through at your own pace. The advantage here is that you have the teacher so you know if you are doing it right, and you can work at your own pace — as quickly or as slowly as you like.
1. What is the purpose of the passage?
A. To tell us why we need to learn to play the piano.
B. To tell us never to lose hope at any age.
C. To encourage us to learn the piano and to give some suggestions.
D. To tell us that nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.
2. Match each of the following titles with each point.
a. Internet and Video Courses.   
b. Hire a Piano Teacher.
c. Teach Yourself with Books.   
A. 1-a 2-c 3-b         B. 1-b 2-c 3-a
C. 1-b 2-a 3-c         D. 1-c 2-b 3-a
3. According to the author, we know that ______.
A. people who are too old can’t learn the piano
B. kids learn much faster than adults
C. learning by oneself, one may misunderstand the books
D. learning with a teacher is the best way
4. Which of the following old sayings sums up the main idea of the first two paragraphs?
A. Every coin has two sides. 
B. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
C. Let’s cross the bridge when we come to it.
D. You are never too old to learn.
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