


Five years ago, when I founded the Garden of Friendship, I had no idea it would play such  31   important role in the lives of so many of our members.
To many of us, the Garden of Friendship  32  (become) a home in our lives. Many of our members are disabled,  33  (limit) to our homes and the Garden gives us  34  may not be possible in everyday life. The Garden has touched our lives and hearts in many ways, yet the  35  (big) reward of membership is our friendship.
36   the Garden celebrates five years of friendship, I would like to say “thank you” to each of our members  37  the role you take in our success. I’d also like to express   38  deepest thanks to the Garden keepers. Together, the ten Garden keepers handle all the Garden of Friendship administration and website maintenance, discuss new ideas, and keep in touch with all our group leaders.
Congratulations to all our Garden family! I look forward to celebrating many more years of friendship together in the future. Special thanks to everyone for the love  39  care you give to the Garden.
Happy the  40  (five) Birthday to the Garden of Friendship!

31. an    32.has become    33. limited    34.what       35. biggest  36. As/When  37. for     38. my (用the扣0.5分)    39. and  40. Fifth


III. 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
It’s hard to believe that before 1985, people in Britain didn’t use mobile phones. That was the year when the first mobile phone company began operation in the UK, although in other parts of Europe mobiles had been used for several years.
Early mobiles were much larger than they are today. Some of them weighed about 5 kg and the owners had to pay several thousand pounds for them. By the beginning of the 1990s, companies in the UK had updated their mobile phones so they were more like the mobiles used all over Europe. Those phones weighed about 500g, and the batteries lasted longer,whereas before they had lasted for only one hour’s talk-time.
Nowadays, some of our mobiles weigh as little as 50g and have a talk-time of up to five hours and a battery life of up to 10 days. About 80% of UK adults now own a mobile phone, and there are now almost 50 million mobile phone users in the UK.
Nobody had ever expected mobile phones to become so popular. One huge surprise was the increase in the use of text messages. Twenty years ago, people didn’t hear of “texting”. Now, over one billion text messages are sent every month in the UK. People are also using their mobile phones as music centers, as personal organizers and to surf the Internet.
Mobile phones are developing all the time and people are predicting that soon nobody will want to leave his house without one in his pocket. Mobile phones will no longer be just useful, but necessary for people in the UK.
41. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Mobile phones in the UK are getting smaller and lighter.
B. Mobile phones in the UK have more functions now.
C. Mobile phones in the UK are developing very slowly.
D. The history development of mobile phones in the UK.
42. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Mobile phones in the UK appeared earlier than in other parts of Europe.
B. In the UK some early mobile phones were about 100 times as heavy as those today.
C. In the UK more than twelve billion text messages are sent every year.
D. The British use mobiles to enjoy music, organize personal lives and surf the Internet.
43. When was the first mobile phone company started in the UK?
A. In 1985.            B. Before 1985.            C. In 1990.            D. In 1970.
44. Which word can replace the underlined “whereas” in the second paragraph?
A. when                B. while                       C. just                   D. till
45. What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?
A. Mobile phones will be predicting daily life in the UK.
B. Mobile phones will be more popular in the UK.
C. Mobile phones will be necessary for people in the UK.
D. Mobile phones will develop quickly.
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第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
(注意:如选E 请把A、B两项同时涂黑,如选F 请把C、D两项同时涂黑)
Six people ordered the following Take-away but the labels attached to the boxes were somehow misplaced on the way of delivery. Please find the customers their own orders according to the description of their taste.
56. Tom is a teenager who is crazy about KFC or McDonald’s, so he usually have take-away instead of going to the school canteen.
57. Charlie normally has something from a local western restaurant. He is not very particular about food.
58. Vincent is a weightlifter on the local club and he always needs a heavy meal to provide extra energy for his training. But he is on a tight schedule with a competition drawing near.
59. Sue is on a diet and prefers something light. 
60. Emily is vegetarian and never has anything that has to do with meat. She is also allergic to seafood.
A.  Stir Fried Mixed Seafood with ginger & spring onion; Deep Fried Fish & Vegetables
B.  Chinese Mushroom with Choy Sum; Steamed Tofu with Preserved Cabbage
C.  Beef steak & a seafood pizza.
D.  A Fruit Salad & A Club Sandwich
Two big Macs & Corn Soup
F.  Fried Chicken Nuggets, Cheeseburger & Potato Chips
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It was a warm March evening, and I’d just taken a seat on the bus that would take me home. It was nearly 6:00 PM, but the bus was not yet full and the driver gave no ___21___ that he intended to start the bus.
A middle-aged woman took a seat opposite me. She was crying. Not speaking to anyone in particular, she ___22____ narrated her story.
She had come to the city to visit her daughter. On the way to the terminal, a thief had ___23____ one of her bags. It had contained half of the money she’d brought with her. The other half was hidden under her blouse, so she ___24___ still had some money left. The bus conductor, driver, and other passengers listened to her tale.
At this time, an old man ___25__ got on the bus. He sat in the seat directly in front of the woman.
After a few minutes, all seats were ___26___. The driver got behind the wheel and started the engine. The bus conductor collected tickets and began asking us where we were ___27___. When he came to the old man’s seat, he became ___28___ and asked the old man whether he had any money. The old man___29___ that he did not. He explained that he ___30___ all his money this morning when he’d accidentally got on the wrong bus and now he was trying to go home.
Upon hearing this, the bus conductor ___31___ the old man to get off the bus. The old man was almost in tears as he begged the bus conductor to let him take that bus __32___ he could get home before dark. The bus driver approached the old man, and repeated the conductor’s ___33___ to get off the bus.
“Stop troubling him! Can’t you see he’s only trying to get home?” she interfered. “He doesn’t
have any money! ” the driver shouted. “Well, that’s no __34_ to throw him off the bus,” she insisted.
Then she said, “How much is his fare?”  The bus conductor mumbled the amount. “Fine,” said the woman. She __35___ inside her blouse, took out her ___36___ money, and handed the fares to the bus conductor. “Here’s his fare and mine. Just stop giving him a hard time.”
All eyes turned ___37___the woman, who, just minutes before, had been crying over the money she’d lost. “It’s only money,” she shrugged.
By the time the bus rolled out of the terminal, she had given the old man bread and a dollar.  She rode the rest of the way home ___38__ a Mona Lisa smile of peace and grace, and the money she’d lost ___39__ was forgotten.
On the road of life, the politeness and smiles of ___40___ can lighten our loads and lift our spirits. How much sweeter the journey when we make it a little smoother and richer for others!
21. A. answer                B. agreement                C. indication                 D. talk
22. A. tearfully             B. excitedly                  C. helplessly                 D. proudly
23. A. got                            B. snatched                   C. pulled                      D. caught
24. A. surprisingly         B. peacefully                C. naturally                  D. fortunately
25. A. in rags                B. shyly                       C. happily                    D. in disorder
26. A. had                    B. taken                       C. full                          D. crowded
27. A. getting on           B. getting down            C. getting off                D. getting in
28. A. conscious            B. suspicious                 C. curious                     D. anxious
29. A. realized                     B. pretended                 C. admitted                   D. remembered
30. A. spend                 B. has spent                  C. had spent                  D. was spent
31. A. asked                  B. ordered                    C. led                           D. begged
32. A. so                      B. until                        C. if                             D. when
33. A. arrangement        B. command                 C. advice                      D. decision
34. A. good                  B. sense                        C. reason                      D. doubt
35. A. picked                B. removed                   C. touched                    D. reached
36. A. left                            B. saving                      C. borrowed                 D. remaining
37. A. in                       B. to                                  C. down                       D. on
38. A. owning               B. wearing                    C. hating                      D. losing
39. A. earlier                B. sooner                      C. later                         D. former
40. A. customers           B. friends                            C. strangers                  D. conductors
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It is Saturday afternoon.You and your friends are planning to go to the movies and then spend
the night together. Just as you start to get ready, your dad reminds you it is your aunt"s birthday and the whole family is going out to dinner to celebrate.How can this possibly end without a huge argument?
One of the greatest sources of tension(紧张情绪)between teenagers and their families is the struggle to balance personal desires with family expectations.As you are getting older,you are  becoming more independent and more interested in being with your friends.
However,at the same time,your family is trying to figure out how to deal with these changes. While you once spent most of your free time with your family,you are now often absent from home.Parents may get their feelings hurt.Or they might feel that they are losing control of their family during this period.You might feel angry that so many family demands are placed on you.
There are a few things you can try to make it a little easier to ease(缓解)the tension.
* Make your plans in advance.Ask your parents if there is anything else planned at that time.
* When something with your friends interferes(干扰;冲突)with a family event,try to figure
out if there is any way you can do both.
* Suggest something you would really like to do with your family.Sometimes parents feel better just knowing their teenager wants to spend time with them.
Some of the time you won’t be happy with the outcome(结果).You might either have to disappoint your parents or have to miss out being with your friends.However,if you show consideration(体谅)for the feelings of both your family and your friends,you can solve the problem in a tender way.
41.The purpose of the first paragraph is to _________.
A.show a disagreement of views   
B.serve as a description of teenager trouble
C.serve as an introduction to the discussion
D.show the popularity of teenager problem
42.The tension between teenagers and their families is caused by the fact that____________.
A.teenagers don’t like to take family demands
B.parents want to keep their family under control
C.parents feel unhappy that their children make so many friends
D.both parents and teenagers don’t pay attention to each other’s feeling much
43.Which of the following is NOT the advice given in the passage?
A.Don’t feel angry if your parents ask you to do something.
B.Try to think of ways to balance family event with friend event.
C.Tell your parents before you decide to spend time with your friends.
D.Advise your parents to do something that you are interested in with you.
44.What’s the purpose of the passage?
A.To inform us of parent and teenager tension.
B.To tell us about a common teenager problem.
C.To persuade parents to show consideration for teenagers.
D.To advise teenagers how to deal with their tension with their family.
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第二节:阅读下列材料,从所给的六个选项( A、B、C、D、E和F)中,选出附和各小题要求的最佳选项。(供小题,每小题2分,满分10分)。
Smith,Lola,Alice and Simon,Jane和Tom打算旅行。阅读他们的个人情况说明(第61---65题)和六个不同地点的介绍(选项A---F), 选出符合个人需要的最佳选项。选项中有一项是多余的。
_______61.  Smith is a professor who does research on ancient buildings. He has been to many
historical sites and discovered a lot of valuable materials. This month, his university gives a
reward to him for his great contributions. So now an idea of traveling to a new place to continue
his study has come into his mind.
_______62.  Lola is a woman reporter, but she is brave enough to go deep into any places even those at conflicts. This year, she was honored as “Rose of Front”, which made her very proud of herself. She has been working to tell the truth in her reports, since she believes it’s journalists’ duty to inform people of what’s going on around the world, good or bad.
________63.  Alice and Simon are going to get married. Interested in skiing much, they are also fond of ball games and water sports. They are planning their wedding in a special place, which has beautiful scenery, silver sand and delicious seafood as well as luxurious hotels, where they can enjoy themselves.
______ 64.  Jane is a modern girl, who is a crazy fan of rock music and films. She has a romantic dream, that is, one day, she will go to a beautiful place to appreciated all the attractive music and films with a cup of coffee in her hand.
_______ 65. Tom is really depressed these days. Owing to his bad management, his company closed. He wants to go to a place to try his fortune so that he can start his business again in the near future.
A.Las Vegas
Las Vegas is really a fascinating city, where you can dine in the finest restaurants, shop in the most luxurious stores, and watch world-class entertainment. Among them, the most attractive thing is gambling. Maybe you will become a millionaire or lose all your money overnight. What’s so clever about Las Vegas is that it makes absolutely certain that you have such a good time you don’t mind losing a bit of money along the way; that’s why they don’t even call it “gambling” any more, but “gaming”.
The old Nile brought about the civilization of Egypt; people there regard it as “the mother river” of them. On both sides of the Nile stand noble pyramids which were built as the bombs of the ancient pharaohs. And the constructions are beyond people’s imagination. Along with the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, the Great Sphinx is one of the greatest and most studied monuments of human history.
C.Parisian street:
Few cities leave the visitors with such vivid impressions. The whole city is something of a work of art. The quiet River Seine, the Eiffel Tower, Palais du Louvre and so on are really feast to your eyes. And annual film festival is held with a refreshing emphasis on art. Few cities can compete with the thousands of cafes, bars and restaurants that line every Parisian street. And along the street you will be fascinated by the beautiful window shows of various clothes.
Kitzbuhel is a paradise for all the skiers. With fine weather and breath-taking scenery, it is a world-class ski resort. Every winter, thousands of people come from all parts of the world to challenge themselves. If you can’t ski, don’t worry. The town offers many shops, café and a variety of entertainment.
As the cultural center and biggest center and biggest city in the region, Jerusalem is regarded as a holy place by Jews, Muslims and Christians. For Jews, it is where their ancestors built the first and second temples. Muslims knew it was the place where the Prophet Mohammed passed up to heaven. For Christians the city was the scene of Jesus’ life. However, since the war broke out, people there have suffered a lot, the situation has been tense, and peace is just a dream.
Mauritius is an island lying off the southeast Africa in the Indian Ocean, which is rich in history, natural beauty and culture. The pleasant climate and scenery provides the perfect setting to enjoy everything. The sea is full of colorful life that lives around the coral reef. This makes Mauritius a wonderful place for swimming and diving. The larger number of interesting fish means it is also an exciting place for those who like to go fishing.
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