I remember my math teacher Mr. Young very well. He stood out because the kids ma

I remember my math teacher Mr. Young very well. He stood out because the kids ma


I remember my math teacher Mr. Young very well. He stood out because the kids made fun d him. He was missing one of his fingers, and always pointed at students with his middle finger.
I was not very good at English and math. No matter how hard I tried, I just could not figure out why I did not understand what all the other kids found so easy to learn.
One day, I was told that if I got one more E on my report card, I would be taken to the “big person for kids”
I tried really hard for weeks. I just couldn"t understand how to make different parts of members into whole things.
The day before report cards were to come out, 1 knew that Mr. Young would give me an E, just like he always did.
I went to Mr Young and told him that the orphanage (孤儿院) was going to send me to the big person if I got another E on my report card. He told me there was nothing he could do; it would be unfair to the other kids if he gave me a better grade than I had actually earned.
I smiled at him and said, "Mr. Young, do you know how the kids make fun of you because you’re missing your finger?" He looked at me, moved his mouth to one side and said nothing.
“They shouldn’t do that to you because you can"t help having a finger, Mr. Young. Just like I can’t help not being able to learn numbers and stuff like that.” I said
The next day, when I got my report card, I tucked it into one of my books. While on the school bus, I opened it: Geography, B+; Mechanical Drawing, C-; English, D-l; History, C-; Gym, B+; Art, C; Math, D-.
That math grade was the most favorite one I ever received. Because I knew that someone in the world finally understood what it was like for me to be missing a finger inside my head.
59. From the second paragraph we can infer that the boy is _________ in some subjects.
A. mind-blowing (给人印象极深的 )         B. slow-witted (头脑迟钝的)
C. fun-loving                                     D. badly- behaved
60. Where may the boy live according to the passage?
A. In an orphanage.                                         B. In a big prison.        
C. In the school dormitory.                               D. In his home.
61. What grade should the boy have got in the math test this time?
A. D-.                  B. B +               C. D.                     D. E.
62. The underlined word "tucked" in the passage most probably means “________”.
A. stuck             B. listed               C. hid                   D. copied
63. The reason why the boy remembers Mr Young is that ________.
A. he missed one of his fingers                      B. he treated his students very well
C. he understood the boy                  D. he taught his students in a special way

59---63   BADCC


As a solo artist, Brightman has sold 26 million albums and two million DVDs in 34 countries. Her styles put opera, pop and jazz together. She is popular in the States but not here (Britain) - the image of her and her second husband, Andrew Lloyd Webber ( he much older, she his muse) seems for ever
The 47 - year - old "singer talks about the new album Symphony that came out of a "very dark time", including her decision to give up trying to have children. "People have suggested I could adapt," says. "But work is central to my life now. And so I am going to put it to one side. After a while not having children becomes the norm and perhaps that might sound alarming, to parents especially, but I have never known anything different. I"m not hurt by not having children. My life and career are incredibly rich. "
Talking about growing up in a large family in Berkhamsted (father a properly developer who later committed suicide), she says : "I was gifted as a child, and very musical. I seemed to be good at anything to do with the arts. At 5 I understood the music I was dancing to and had an eye for costume." She first appeared in a West End musical at 11 and hated boarding school.
Brightman led the saucy dance troupe (辣妹三人舞) Hot Gossip and had her first hit with I Lost My Heart to a Starship Trooper in 1978. At 18 she married a music manager called Andrew Stewart. “I was probably in love but i can"t remember. Girls change such a lot between 18 and 22, It didn"t really work out." In 1981 she was spotted by Lloyd Webber. She became his leading lady in Song and Dance, Requiem and Phantom of the Opera. They married in 1984.
Brightman says she felt hostility (敌意) from the beginning. I haven’t tried to understand it. I"ve done very well everywhere else, especially the US, where I now live. I just accept it for what it is. The more you are away from Britain, the more you appreciate it. But I don"t miss it, although 1 miss my family. Our profession can be uncomfortable but I enjoy what I do. I get on with it."
72. The first paragraph tells us that ________.
A. Brightman is very popular around the world except in America
B. Brightman"s musical style is a mixture of opera, pop and jazz
C. the British people don"t like her for her style of music
D. Brightman is much older than Andrew Lloyd Webber  
73. Brightman decided to give up having children because ________.
A. she could adopt one
B. her life and career were unbelievably rich without children
C. she felt it normal not to have children   
D. she was too busy
74. The following statements are true EXCEPT _________.
A. Brightman first appeared in a West End musical at 5
B. Brightman disliked life on the campus
C. Brightman was very gifted when she was young
D. The saucy dance troupe made Brightman famous
75. What does the author try to say in the last paragraph by quoting Brightman"s words."?
A. Brightman has to accept the fact that she is not liked in Britain "
B. Brightman lives in America but she loves her own country
C. The British coldness towards Brightman led to her hatred to her homeland
D. Brightman was at a loss why she was not welcome in Britain
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
It was graduation day at the university where I work and a beautiful day quite unlike the first graduation I attended as a young professor. On that cold day years ago, as we watched the students walking into the hall, one of my colleagues turned to me and said, "Graduation will be one of the happiest and one of the saddest time of your life." At my inquiry, he answered, "Because the students you have gotten to know have to leave."
As years went by, my previous confusion about my colleague"s words no longer existed. When I came across naughty students, I have had to rethink why I chose to be a teacher. It obviously isn"t the money. Once a former computer science student of mine called me, asking me if I wanted to have a change. He was working at Nintendo Corporation. His salary was higher than my current one, though I have more education and have worked for over a decade. With my programming skills, he said he could get me hired. I thanked him, but declined his kind offer.
A few days before this current graduation, while working on final grades, I found a note a student had slipped in with her homework. She thanked me for being her teacher and said the things she had learned in my class — not about math, but about life — would be things she would remember long after the math skills had faded away. As I finished reading, I remembered why I had become a teacher.
Now, on this sunny graduation day, as I again observed the sea of blue hats and gowns, I did so with renewed dedication (奉献) and a deeper sense of satisfaction — I will always be grateful that I am a teacher.
小题1:Hearing his colleague"s description of graduation for the first time, the author         .
A.quite agreed with his colleagueB.thought it very funny
C.was very puzzled D.was very sad.
小题2:The computer science student called up the author because he         .  
A.wanted to inform the author of his present job
B.tried to persuade the author to work with him
C.wanted the author to share his joy and satisfaction
D.thought the author wasn"t fit to be a teacher
小题3:The underlined part blue hats and gowns refers to         .  
A.university colleagues B.life memories
C.graduates" clothesD.decorations in the hall
小题4:The author wrote this passage to         .  
A.express his devotion to being a teacher
B.compare two different graduation ceremonies
C.talk about the meaning of graduation
D.give advice on how to be a good teacher
小题5:The reason why he earns less than the computer science student is that         
A.he was only a young professor
B.he didn"t do well in his work
C.he taught his students more about life than math
D.salaries for different careers are different

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Students will need to use all of their skills in order to understand the reading selections in Reader’s Choice.
小题1:These selections provide practice on employing different reading skills to get the message of the writer. They also give students practice in four basic reading skills: skimming, scanning, reading for thorough comprehension, and critical reading.
Skimming involves reading quickly through a text to get an overall idea of its contents. This kind of rapid reading is suitable when you are trying to decide if careful reading is desirable or小题2:
Like skimming, scanning is also quick reading. However, in this case the search is more   concentrated.    小题3:When you read to find a particular date, or number you are scanning.
Reading for thorough comprehension is carefully reading in order to understand the total   meaning of the passage. At this level of comprehension the reader is able to summarize the author’s ideas小题4:.
Critical reading demands that a reader makes judgments about what he or she reads. This kind of reedit requires posting and answering questions such as “小题5:”, “Do I share the author’s point of view?” and “Am I convinced by the author’s arguments and evidence?
A.Does my own experience support that of the author?
B.Reader’s Choice is one of the most popular magazines in the world.
C.but has not yet made a critical evaluation of those ideas.
D.The book contains many types of selections on a wide variety of topics.
E To scan is to read quickly in order to find out specific information.
F. Do I know about the author?
G. when there is no time to read something carefully.
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The Worst Part
Mom is usually home on Sunday but this week she was going to a big golf game and I was all alone in the house. I was mad at Mom for divorcing Dad.
I kept looking at the telephone until I couldn’t stand it any longer. I picked up the receiver and dialed Dad’s number over in Bakersfield. I even remembered to dial 1 first because it was long distance. “You promised to phone me this week but you didn’t,” I said, feeling I had to talk to him.
“Take it easy, kid,” he said. “I just didn’t get around to it. I was going to call this evening. The week isn’t over yet.”
I thought about that.
“Something on your mind?” he asked.
“I hoped you would call, so I waited and waited.” Then I was sorry I said it.
“There was heavy snow in the morning,” he said, “I had to chain up on highway 80 and lost time.”
I know putting chains on eight big wheels in the snow is no fun. I felt a little better, as long as we were talking. “How is Bandit?” I asked.
There was a funny silence. For a minute I thought the line was dead. Then I knew something must have happened to my dog.
“Well, kid—”, he began. “My name is Leigh!” I almost yelled. “I’m not just some kid you met on the street!”
“Keep your shirt on, Leigh,” he said. “When I had to stop along with some other truckers to put on chains, I left Bandit out of the cab, I thought he would get back … I have sent out a call to CB radio, but I didn’t get an answer yet.” I was about to say I understood when there came the bad part, the really bad part. I heard a boy’s voice say, “Hey, Bill, Mom wants to know when we’re going out to get the pizza?”
41.From the story we know that______ .
       A.Leigh’s dad never had a rest on Sundays    B.Leigh was a deserted boy
       C.Leigh’s dad lived in another city          D.Leigh’s mother often went to golf games
42.What happened to Bandit?
       A.It was frozen to death.    B.It was let out of the cab and got lost
       C.It was killed by a truck.   D.It ran off Highway 80 and into the mountain.
43.The underlined sentence “Keep your shirt on” probably means “ ______ ”.
       A.Listen to reason        B.Stop talking C.Calm down    D.Keep warm
44.The worst part in Leigh’s eyes may be that______ .
       A.his dad got remarried      B.his parents got divorced
       C.his dad didn’t love him   D.his mom didn’t take him to pizza
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

11 Windrift Circle
Methuen, MA
978 – 555 – 4539
Seek special education, primary school, or middle school math teaching position.
Rivier College, Nashua, NH
Bachelor of Arts in Education – May, 2006
Major: Elementary Education
Have successfully completed PRAXIS I and PRAXIS II. Meet highly qualified testing requirements for Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
November, 2005 – January, 2006
Wilkins Elementary School, Amherst, NH
Student Teacher
· Developed and completed student – centered lessons in all subject areas for various groups of fifth grade special and regular education students.
·Adapted lessons to meet students’ needs by reviewing their backgrounds and learning needs through IEPs.
·Communicated with parents on a regular basis via newsletters, daily or weekly progress reports, phone calls, and email, resulting in increased parental participation at home.
September, 2005 – November, 2005
Charlotte Avenue Elementary School, Nashua, NH
Student Teacher
·Taught reading and writing through Language Experience Approach methods.
·Introduced a Writer’s Workshop appropriate for first grade students to help them to develop their writing skills.
·Developed learning stations in reading and science, enabling students to be more independent learners.
Spring, 2005
Wilkins Elementary School, Amherst, NH
Designed and taught a unit on Insects and Spiders, based on New Hampshire Standards to 23 self -contained, third and fourth grade students with disabilities.
Fall, 2004
Amherst Street Elementary School, Nashua, NH
Taught a class of 24 third grade students with a wide range of abilities.
·After-School Aid, Amherst School District, Amherst, NH (2004 – 2005)
·Summer Camp advisor, YMCA, Nashua, NH (Summers, 2002 and 2003)
·Big Brother / Big Sister Volunteer, Nashua, NH (2002 – 2005)
49.What kind of job does Linda want to get?
   A.A Big Brother / Big Sister Volunteer.   B.A middle school math teacher.
   C.A special education advisor.         D.A summer camp advisor.
50.Linda has worked for the following schools EXCEPT       .
   A.Rivier College, Nashua, NH           
B.Wilkins Elementary School, Amherst, NH
   C.Charlotte Avenue Elementary School, Nashua, NH
   D.Amherst Street Elementary School, Nashua, NH
51.What can we know about Linda according to the passage?
   A.She was merely interested in developing student’s math abilities.
   B.She was not active in participating in after – school activities.
   C.She is permitted to teach in any high school of New York.
   D.She has plenty of experience in teaching.
52.Which of the following is NOT included in the ways Linda used to communicate with the______ students’ parents?
       A.Newsletters.            B.Phone calls.
       C.Face-to-face talks.   D.Daily or weekly progress reports.
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