.During the Christmas shopping rush in London, the intriguing story was reported

.During the Christmas shopping rush in London, the intriguing story was reported

During the Christmas shopping rush in London, the intriguing story was reported of a tramp(流浪汉) who, apparently through no fault of his own, found himself locked in a well-known chain store late on Christmas Eve. No doubt the store was crowded with last minute Christmas shoppers and the staff were dead beat and longing to get home. Presumably all the proper Security checks were made before the store was locked and they left to enjoy the three-day holiday untroubled by customers desperate to get last minute Christmas presents
However that may be, our tramp found himself alone in the store and decided to make the best of it. There was food, drink, bedding and camping equipment, of which he made good use. There must also have been television sets and radios Though it was not reported if he took advantage of these facilities, when the shop re-opened, he was discovered in bed with a large number of empty bottles beside him. He seems to have been a man of good humour and philosophic temperament---as indeed vagrants(流浪汉) very commonly arc. Everyone also was enjoying Christmas, so he saw no good reason why he should not do the same. He submitted, cheerfully enough, to being taken way by the police. Perhaps he had bad a better Christmas than usual. He was sent to prison for Seven days. The judge awarded no compensation to the chain store for the food and drink our tramp had consumed. They had, in his opinion, already received valuable free publicity from the coverage the story received in the newspapers and on television. Perhaps the judge had had a good Christmas too.
1.    The tramp was locked in the store____
A.        for his mistakes.        B. due to a misunderstanding
C.        by accident.            D. through an error of judgment.
2. The staff were "dead beat" means they were _____
A.  half asleep       B. exhausted.           C. annoyed.      D. forgetful.
3. What action did the tramp take? He_____
A.  looted the store.           B.  made himself at home.
C. went to sleep for 2 days.        D.      had a Christmas party.
4.    When the tramp was arrested, he _____
A. laughed at the police.     B. looked forward to going to pr)son.
C. rook his bottles with him.  D. didn"t make any fuss
5. Why didn"t the judge award compensation to the chain store?
A. The tramp had stolen nothing of value   B. The store had profited by the incident.
C. The tramp deserved a happy Christmas   D. The store was responsible for what happened.


People tend to be more impressed by evidence that seems to confirm some relationship. Thus many are convinced their dreams are known ahead of time because a few have come true; they neglect or fail to notice the many that have not.
Consider also the belief that "the phone always rings when I"m in the shower. "If it does ring while you do it , the event will stand out and be remembered. If it doesn"t ring, that thing probably won"t even be remembered.
People want to see order, pattern and meaning in the world. Consider, for example, the common belief that things like personal misfortunes, plane crashes, and deaths "happen in threes." Such beliefs stem from the tendency of people to allow the third event to define the time period. If three plane crashes occur in a month, then the period of time that counts as their "happening together” is one month; if three crashes occur in a year, the period of time is stretched. Flexible end points reinforce such beliefs.
We also tend to believe what we want to believe. A majority of people think they are more intelligent, more fair-minded and more skilled behind the wheel of an automobile than the average person. Part of the reason we view ourselves so favorably is that we use criteria that work to our advantage. As economist Thomas Schelling explains, “Everybody ranks himself high in qualities he values: careful drivers give weight to care, skilled drivers give weight to skill, and those who are polite give weight to courtesy," This way everyone ranks high on his own scale.
Perhaps the most important mental habit we can learn is to be cautious in drawing conclusions. The "evidence" of everyday life is sometimes misleading.
1. In the first paragraph the author states that______.
A. dreams cannot be said to be prophetic even though a few have come true.
B. dreams are prophetic did come true.
C. dreams may come true if clearly remembered.
D. dreams and reality are closely related.
2. By" things like...""happen in threes"(Para.3,Line 2),the author indicates that people believe_____.
A. personal misfortunes tend to happen every now and then.
B. personal misfortunes, plane crashes, and deaths usually happen together.
C. misfortunes tend to occur according to certain patterns.
D. misfortunes will never occur more than three times to a person in his lifetime.
3. The word "courtesy" (Para.4,Line 6)probably means_____.
A. good manners       B. appropriate speech
C. friendly relations.    D. satisfactory service.
4.What can be inferred from the passage_____.
A. Happenings that go unnoticed deserve more attention.
B. In a series of misfortunes the third one is usually the most serious.
C. People tend to make use of evidence that supports their own beliefs.
D. Believers of misfortunes happening in threes are cautious in interpreting events.
5.It can be concluded from the passage that_____.
A. there is some truth even in the wildest dreams.
B. one should take notice of other people"s merits.
C. there is no order or pattern in world events.
D. we should not base our conclusions on accidental evidence.
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D.R.Gaul Middle School in Union, Maine, a blue-berry farming town where the summer fair finds kids competing in pig scrambles and pie-eating contests.
Gaul, with about 170 seventh-and eighth-graders, has its own history of lower level academic achievement. One likely reason: education beyond the basic requirements hasn"t always been a top priority for families who"ve worked the same land for generations. Here, few adults have college degrees, and outsiders(teachers included) are often kept at a respectful distance.
Since 2002, Gaul"s students have been divided into four classes, each of them was taught almost every subject by two teachers. The goal: to find common threads across disciplines to help students create a big picture that gives fresh meaning and context to their classwork and sparks motivation for leaning.
Working within state guidelines, each team makes its individual schedules and lesson plans, incorporating non-textbook literature, hands-on lab work and fields trips. If students are covering the Civil War in social studies, they"re reading The Read Badge of Courage or some other period literature in English class. In science, they study the viruses and bacteria that caused many deaths in the war.
Team teaching isn"t unusual. About 77 percent middle schools now employ some form of it, says John Lounsbury, consulting editor for the National Middle School Association. But most schools use four-or five-person teams, which Gaul tried before considering two-person teams more effective. Gual supports the team concept by "looping" classes (跟班)so that the same two teachers stick with the same teens through seventh and eighth grades. Combining teams and looping creates an extremely strong bond between teacher and student. It also, says teacher Beth Ahlholm, "allows us to build an excellent relationship with parents."
Ahlholm and teammate Madelon Kelly are fully aware how many glazed looks they see in the classroom, but they know 72 percent of their eighth-graders met Maine"s reading standard last year--double the statewide average. Only 31 percent met the Maths standard, still better than the state average(21 percent). Their students also beat the state average in writing and science. And in 2006, Gual was one of 47 schools in the state to see testing gains of at least 20 percent in four of the previous five years, coinciding roughly with team teaching’ arrival.
A Classroom with Context
Problems of the school
Being a farming town, it (71)______ little in education before.
(72)_____ education is considered less important.
The community is relatively (73)_____ rather than open to the outsiders.
Ways of solving the problems
The division of the classes is made and students are well (74)_____.
Individual schedules and lesson plans are (75)_____ by each team.
A strong (76)_____ between teacher and student is established through combining teams and looping.
Signs of (77)_____
72 percent of the eighth-graders (78)_____ Maine"s reading  standard
(79)_____percent higher than the state average in Maths
The school beating the state average in writing and science
Four of the previous five years (80)_____ at least 20 percent test gains

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Several interesting American museums tell about health subjects. One is the Doctor Samuel D. Harris National Museum of Dentistry. It is at the University of Maryland in Baltimore. That is where the first college in the world to train dentists began. The museum tells about the history of the medical treatment of teeth. Visitors can see some frightening devices that once were used to remove infected teeth. They also can see sets of teeth made of animal bone. They were made for a famous American —— the first President, George Washington.
Most people do not consider a visit to the dentist their idea of a good time. However, the director of the museum says he wants to make the museum a funny place to visit. He says he also wants to teach visitors about the importance of taking care of their teeth.
Another museum collects devices that help people hear. The Kenneth W. Berger Hearing Aid Museum is at Kent State University in Kent, Ohio. The museum has more than three-thousand hearing aids from around the world. They include old and strange devices. Some hearing aids were made to look like other objects. That is because in the past many people did not want anyone to know they were wearing a hearing aid.
56. It is common for people to think it uneasy to pay a visit to ____.
A. the University of Maryland            B. the Museum of Dentistry
C. the Hearing Aid Museum              D. the dentist
57. The text mainly tells about _____.
A. museums in the US               B. interesting American museums
C. American museums with health subjects
D. the history of the medical treatment of teeth
58. What do we learn about George Washington from the text?
A. He once visited the National Museum of Dentistry.
B. He considered the Museum of Dentistry a fun place to visit
C. His artificial (人造的) teeth were collected in the National Museum of Dentistry.
D. His teeth seemed to be made of animal bone.
59. The underlined word “devices” in the first and last paragraph probably means _____.
A. ways        B. strategies        C. tools          D. desires
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An 80-year-old couple was having problems remembering things, so they decided to go to their doctor to get checked out to make sure nothing was wrong with them.
When they arrived at the doctor’s, they explained to the doctor about the problems they were having with their memory. After checking the couple out, the doctor told them that they were physically okay but might want to start writing things down and make notes to help them remember things. The couple thanked the doctor and left.
Later that night, while watching TV, the man got up from his chair and his wife asked, “Where are you going?”
He replied, “To the kitchen.”
She asked, “Will you get me a cup of ice cream?”
He replied, “Sure.”
She then asked him, “Don’t you think you should write it down so you can remember it?”
He said, “No, I can remember that.”
She then said, “Well, I would also like some strawberries on top. You had better write that down because I know you’ll forget that.”
He said, “I can remember that. You want a cup of ice cream with strawberries.”
She replied, “Well, I also would like some whipped cream on top. I know you will forget that so you’d better write it down.”
With anger in his voice, he said, “I don’t need to write that down! I can remember that.” He then went into the kitchen.
After about 20 minutes he returned from the kitchen and handed her a plate of bacon and eggs. She stared at the plate for a moment and said angrily, “I told you to write it down! You forgot my bread!”
56. The doctor suggested the couple that they should ____.
A. live with their children                    B. keep notes to improve their memory
C. do some sports                               D. have an operation   
57. While watching TV, the wife asked her husband to take her ____.
A. some strawberries                          B. something in the kitchen
C. a plate of bacon and eggs         D. ice cream with strawberries and whipped cream
58. After seeing the doctor, the couple ____.
A. changed their life totally                B. followed the doctor’s advice
C. did anything as before                          D. found the way of taking notes helpful
59. The husband got angry because his wife ____.
A. asked him to take her an ice cream
B. complained he forgot to take her bread
C. asked him to take her a plate of bacon and eggs
D. reminded him to write down what he would do
60. From the passage we can infer that the old couple ____.
A. still had something wrong with their memory after seeing the doctor
B. had poor health, so they went to see their doctor
C. obeyed their doctor’s advice and carried it out successfully
D. got their memory improved after seeing the doctor
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Today, air travel is far safer than driving a car on a busy motor-way. But still there is a danger that grows every year. Airliners get larger and larger. Some airplanes can carry over 300 passengers. And the air itself becomes more and more crowded. If one large airliner struck into another in midair, 600 lives could be lost.
From the moment an airliner takes off to the moment it lands, every movement is watched on radar screens. Air traffic controllers tell the pilot exactly when to turn, when to climb, and when to come down. The air traffic controllers around a busy airport like London-Heathrow may deal with 2,500 planes a day. Not all of them actually land at the airport. Any plane that flies near the airport comes under the orders of the controllers there. Even a small mistake on their part could cause a terrible accident.
Recently such a disaster almost happened. Two large jets were flying towards the airport. One was carrying 69 passengers from Toronto, the other 176 passengers from Chicago. An air traffic controller noticed on his radar screen that the two planes were too close to each other. He ordered one to turn to the right and to climb.But he made a mistake. He ordered the wrong plane to do this. So, instead of turning away from the second plane, the first plane turned towards it. Fifteen seconds later it flew directly in front of the second plane. They avoided (避免) each other by the smallest part of a second. The distance between them was less than that of a large swimming pool. This is an example of the danger that grows every year.
61. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A. Traveling by air is as safe as by car.
B. Traveling by air is not as safe as by car.
C. Traveling by car is as dangerous as by air.
D .Traveling by car is more dangerous than by air.
62. The air traffic controllers of an airport ____.
A. control all the planes flying near the airport
B. give orders to planes leaving the airport
C. only deal with the planes that want to land there
D. are allowed to handle 250 planes a day
63. The danger of air crashes grows every year because ____.
A. airliners are getting larger and air traffic is becoming heavier
B. a pilot does not always hear a controller’s order
C. a controller is likely to make more and more mistakes
D. airports can hardly serve the growing number of airplanes
64. The example in the passage is to show that ____.
A. air traffic controllers are often careless
B. air traffic controllers should pay much attention to avoiding accidents
C. it is difficult for airplanes to avoid terrible accidents
D. two planes should not fly too close to each other
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