.阅读下面短文, 并回答问题。(每小题2分)     This is really a very fast game, the fastest I have s

.阅读下面短文, 并回答问题。(每小题2分)     This is really a very fast game, the fastest I have s

阅读下面短文, 并回答问题。(每小题2分)
     This is really a very fast game, the fastest I have seen so far this year. Both sides are fighting for the ball all the time. The crowd love every minute of it. They are shouting at the top of their voices.
   Willis has the ball now. This is only his third game for Scotland, but
he            that it won’t be his last, I’m quite sure.
     Willis passes the ball to Cotton. Cotton kicks it over the heads of the waiting Frenchmen, towards the goalmouth. But he’s too far away, Dupond picks it up easily, and throws it to Patou, out on the left.
     France and Scotland still have one goal each, and there are only two minutes left of the game. But during that time, anything can happen. Patou kicks the ball across to Crozat. It’s a beautiful kick, but Steven jumps and just stops the ball with the side of his head. But Meunier is there, he passes to Crozat, and Crozat, without waiting a second, puts the ball into the back of the goal. It takes everybody by surprise. I’ve never seen a goal like it.
71. Why does the crowd enjoy every minute of the game?
72. Why cannot Cotton kick the ball into the goalmouth?
73. Who are in the same team with Crozat?
74. Please fill in the blank in the second paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 5 words.)
75. Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph.

71.it’s very fast and exciting  
72.he is too far wasy from the goalmouth 。 
73.patou ,Meunier and Dupond 
74.is playing so well    

第三部分 阅读理解 (每小题2分,共40分)
Agricultural scientists in the United States have put a copy of a human gene into pigs, sheep and rabbits. They report that the gene seems to be working in some of the animals. The gene that the scientists are using controls the production of human growth hormone(荷尔蒙), a chemical necessary for growth.
They are using the human gene because it has been more closely studied than any other growth gene. The scientists hope their work will someday result in food animals that grow faster and larger or produce more milk or eggs. The research is being done by scientists at the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Washington and the United States Department of Agriculture. The scientists put copies of human growth hormone into the fertilized (受精的) eggs of the female animals. When baby animals were born from the eggs, the scientists looked for evidence that the human gene had become part of the animal’s genetic material. They examined almost 200 baby pigs and found the gene in 20 of them. They found it in 28 of more than 200 rabbits, but it was in only one of 73 baby sheep. The scientists said they found the human growth chemical produced by the gene in some of the animals.
It is too soon to know if the animals will pass the human growth gene into their young, proving that the gene has become part of their genetic material. Similar research with mice two years ago produced a new kind of mouse that is two times larger than normal. The scientists hope the same thing will happen with farm animals. They say their research will permit other gene transplants that can give animals defense against diseases, or let them live in very hot or very cold places. American farmers already use chemical hormones to increase the size of cattle and the amount of milk they produce. But they have to put the hormones into the cows. If the gene transplants are fully successful, the cow’s body will produce growth hormone.
56. How many kinds of animals have scientists put copies of human gene into?
A. 2      B. 3    C. 4         D. 5 
57. Why did the scientists do such a research?
A. To prove that the human gene had become part of the animal’s genetic material.
B. To expect food animals that grow faster and larger or produce more milk or eggs.
C. To find the human growth chemical produced by the gene in some of the  animals.
D. To follow a similar research with mice carried out two years ago.
58. The underlined word “them” refers to ______.
A. the baby pigs    B. baby animals     C. the scientists     D. the baby sheep
59. What can we learn about the research with mice?
A. A new kind of mouse was produced, which is defensive against diseases.
B. The hormones from the mice were then put into the cows.
C. A new kind of mouse was produced, which is twice larger than normal.
D. Scientists found that the mice can live in very hot or very cold places.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Some years ago on a hot summer day in south Florida a little boy decided to go for a swim in the old swimming hole behind his house.
He flew into the water , not realizing that as he swam toward the middle of the lake, an alligator (鳄鱼) was swimming toward the shore. His mother in the house was looking out the window and saw the two as they got closer and closer together . She ran toward the water , shouting to her son as loudly as he could
Hearing her voice , the littler boy became alarmed and made a U-turn to swim to his mother. It was too late. Just as he reached her, the alligator reached him.
From the dock, the mother grabber her little boy by the arms just as the alligator snatched his legs. That began an incredible tug-of –war between the two. The alligator was much stronger that the mother , but the mother was much too passionate to let go . A farmer happened to drive by, heard her screams, raced from his truck, took aim and shot the alligator.
Remarkably, after weeks and weeks in the hospital, the little boy survived. His legs were extremely scarred by the vicious attack of the animal and, on his arms, were deep scratches where his mother’s fingernails dug in to his flesh in her effort to hang on to the son she loved.
The newspaper reporter who interviewed the boy after the trauma (创伤), asked if he would show him his scars. The boy lifted his pant legs. And then, with obvious pride, he said to the reporter, “ But look at my arms. I have great scars on my arms, too. I have them because my mum wouldn’t let go。“
Sometimes we foolishly wade into dangerous situation. The swimming hole of life is filled with peril (危险)and we forget that the enemy is waiting to attack. When the tug-of –war begins and if you have the scars of his love on your arms, be very, very grateful. He did not —and will not—let you go.
60. What was coming when the boy flew into the river?
A. Happiness.     B. A fish  C. Danger      D. Mother
61. The underlined word “ passionate” in paragraph 4 means“ __________”
A. anxious       B . eager  C. curious      D. full of emotion
62.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. The scars on his arms are great.
B. The boy is sad because of his scars.
C. His mother is stronger that the alligator.
D. The scars on the boy were caused by the alligator.
63. Which of the following can serve as the best title for the passage?
A. Save a boy.           B. Scars of love  
C. Fight with an Alligator   D.A brave boy
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Learn a New Language in only 10 days
Learn like a spy! Pass for a native.
Pimsleur courses help people who need to speak another language quickly. Our courses took 40 years to develop and are now used by the FBI, CIA, and business professionals everywhere . They are so effective, you have nothing to lose!
You will get everything you need to speak in 10 days:
·Language instruction that is proved effective
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·8 fluency-oriented ( 注重流利性的)lessons on 4 audio CDs
·Audio instruction with a 25—year history of success
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There are so many reasons to learn a new language with the Pimsleur Approach
·Speak without an accent so you sound like a native. Don’t blow your cover.
·Form new sentences that sound  right and make sense. Practise what’s natural to you in English.
·Feel safe and confident. You will know how to deal with and situation.
·Protect your busy life. 30—minute lessons are perfect for your daily commute (上下班路程) ,lunch, break , or workout.
·Remember without trying. Material is scientifically arranged so you learn without pain.
·Join 25 million people who have graduated with success since 1980.
The entire Pimsleur Approach is what language learning should be : quick, fun and easy! Each lesson is the foundation for the next. You will keep building on what you’ve learned.
64. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. Pimsleur courses are not used very widely.
B. Pimsleur courses came into being in 1960s.
C. Pimsleur courses have been used in the FBI for 40 years.
D. You can take Pimsleur courses to learn your native language.
65. According to Pimsleur courses, to improve oral ability, learners should _________.
A. gain fluency training       
B. pay special attention to pronunciation
C. repeat again and again      
D. recite different rules
66. Which of the following is Not the reason you choose Pimsleur Approach?
A. Covering your accent.          
B. Building your confidence.
C. Learning a language easily      
D. Getting your money back if failing.
67. Which of the following is TRUE of Pimsleur courses?
A. The first students graduated in 1980.       
B. Lessons needn’t be learned in order.
C. Each audio CD has one fluency-oriented lesson.
D. Learners have to learn the course at the fixed time.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Honeybees are disappearing for unknown reasons around the United States. Last winter, bees disappeared from 23 percent of American beekeeping businesses. Causes of the phenomenon, however, have remained a mystery.
Now, scientists from several universities and the United States Department of Agriculture say they have a possible explanation for the bee decline(数量下降). It is a little known virus called Israeli acute--paralysis virus (IAPV) .The virus kills bees. Researchers in Israel first described it in 2004 , but until now, bee experts hadn’t paid much attention to it.
When trying to find out why the bees were disappearing, a research team at Columbia University studied bee colonies ( 群体), some with and the others without decline. The research turned up large numbers of two types of fungi (真菌) once suspected of causing the bee decline. The research results, however, showed that the fungi were almost as common in colonies without a decline as they were in colonies with a decline. The researchers concluded that the two fungi probably weren’t the cause.
Studies of the presence of IAPV, however, showed more interesting information. In those studies, done by a team at Pennsylvania State University in University Park, the virus showed up in 83 percent of samples from colonies with symptoms (症状). Only five percent of samples from symptomless colonies had it.
Scientists still don’t know whether IAPIV can single--handedly cause the bee decline. They believe that even if the virus is making colonies sick , it could have a partner in crime. It’s possible, for instance, that insects or chemicals in the environment weaken bees, making them more likely to catch IAPV.
Scientists are still trying to figure out how IAPV came to the United States. The United States currently allows bee products to be imported from Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. If it turns out that this trade is spreading disease, the rules might eventually change.
68. According to the passage ,IAPV is a virus that ______.
A. hasn’t attracted much attention      
B. well-known to doctors and scientist
C. was first found by Austrian researchers  
D. is dangerous to animals and human beings
69. The underlined sentence in the fifth paragraph probably means______.
A. the virus could also cause other damages
B. there must be something that is the real cause
C. IAPV is not the only cause for the bee decline
D. the virus may be caused by the polluted environment
70. From the third and fourth paragraphs, we know researchers draw their conclusions by means of _______.
A. calculating        B. comparing  C. examining     D. investigating
71. What still remains unknown to American scientists according to the passage?
A. How and why to kill IAPV.
B. How IAPV came to America.
C. Whether bee products should be imported.
D. How to change the rules of the bee products trade.
72. The best title for this passage would be _____.
A. Bee Disease     B. How to Kill IAPV 
C. A Virus—IAPV   D. Two Types of Fungi
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Long ago, near the village of Hedley, there lived a strange and playful trickster(骗子), known as the Hedley Kow. Sometimes it looked like an ordinary object. Sometimes it looked like a donkey or a goat.
One evening, as an old woman went along the path, she saw an old iron pot lying in the ditch. “Fancy that.”she said. “Nobody seems to want this old pot. I will take it home and plant pretty flowers in it.”
When she tried to lift it, she saw that it was full of gold pieces. “Well, now, if that doesn’t beat all,” she said. “I’m rich! I can buy a fine house and fancy cloths.”
The pot was heavy, so she tied her shawl around it and began to drag it home. After a while, she stopped to rest. When she looked in the pot, she was amazed to see that it was full of silver pieces!
“Oh, my!” she said. “Aren’t I the lucky one! If it were gold, thieves would have been after me. My friends might have been jealous. But I can hide these silver pieces, take out a few at a time, and live like a queen.”
On she went, pulling the pot after her. She was nearing home now. At her gate, she looked into the pot. What a surprise! The silver had changed into a lump(块)of iron. “Iron,” she said. “Well, now! No one will be jealous or want to steal this from me. I can use this iron to prop open my door and let in fresh air and sunlight. Lucky me!”
As soon as she said that, the pot began to grow and later it became a goat. Then it jumped up and ran off down the road laughing.
“Fancy that!” said the old woman. “I believe I have seen the Hedley kow! Not many folks can say that, and that’s a fact. I’ll just sit up by my fire tonight thinking about how lucky. I was to see it for myself. I truly must be the luckiest person in the world!”
73.Which of the following sayings can best describe this story?
A.All good things come to an end.      B.The early bird catches the worm.
C.Content is better than riches.          D.All bad luck goes away.
74.What does “seeing the Hedley kow for herself” stand for in the eyes of the old woman?
A.Glory              B.Honor             C.Misfortune          D.Luck
75.Readers may sense the old woman is _________.
A.optimistic        B.pessimistic       C.strange               D.mindless
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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