阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Once upon a time there was a child re

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Once upon a time there was a child re

Once upon a time there was a child ready to be born.
One day the child asked God: “You are going to send me to   21  tomorrow but how am I going to live there being so small and   22 ?” God replied:“  23  the angels, I have chosen 24  for you, she will be waiting there and   25  you.”
“But,” said the child:” Leave me here in Heaven. I don’t want anything else   26 sing and smile. That’s what I need to be happy!” God said: “Your angel will sing and smile for you. And you will feel your   27’ s love and be happy.” How am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me, if I don’t know the language that   28  talk?” “That’s easy”, said God: “Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet   29  you will ever hear, and  30 much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to   31  .”
The child looked up at God   32 : “And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?” God smiled: “Your angel will place your   33  together and will teach you how to pray.” The child said: “I’ve heard on earth there are 34  men. Who will protect me?” God put his arm around the child, saying: “Your angel will defend you-  35  it means risking life!” “But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore.” God   36 the child: “Your angel will always talk about me and will teach you the way to   37   to me, even though I will always be   38   you.”
At that moment there was much peace in Heaven. But voices from earth could already be heard. The child, in a hurry, asked softly: “Oh God, if I   39  leave now, Please tell my Angel’s name!” God replied: “Your angel’s name is of no importance…you will  40 call her MOMMY!”
21. A. the earth                   B. earth                C. heaven                    D. the heaven
22. A. helpless                     B. alone                C. sad                          D. tiny
23. A. in the middle of       B. in                    C. among                     D. between
24. A. the one                     B. ones                 C. the ones                   D. one
25. A. make fun of           B. take care of       C. do with                   D. arrange with
26. A. besides                      B. none other than C. but                          D. except for
27. A. angel                        B. mother             C. father                      D. parents
28. A. women                      B. boys                C. girls                        D. men
29. A. voice                        B. words               C. songs                      D. poems
30. A. in                             B. through            C. by                           D. with
31. A. dance                        B. write                C. speak                      D. sing
32. A. said                          B. saying              C. to say                      D. say
33. A. hands                        B. legs                  C. fingers                   D. toes
34. A. ugly                      B. considerate       C. bad                         D. criminal
35. A. though                   B. in spite of         C. no matter how          D. even if
36. A. shook                    B. hugged             C. slapped                    D. patted
37. A. call back                B. look back         C. come back               D. go back
38. A. next                       B. on             C. in front of               D. close to
39. A. was going to            B. have to          C. will                         D. would
40. A. simply                   B. largely             C. proudly                   D. happily
21—25 BACDB  26—30 CADBD   3135CBACD  36—40 BCDBA

As the economy begins to recover, salary increases should do the same.
In the past few years, employers have raised workers’ salaries by about 4 percent per year--except for 2009, when the figure dropped to a historically low 2.1 percent, according to a survey of World at Word. About one-third of companies froze raises altogether.
For 2010, World at Work’s survey projects an average salary increase budget of 2.7 percent, a figure that shows the situation has improved but the job market is still weak. Between 10 percent and 15 percent of companies said they would freeze raises--far fewer than in 2009, but still more than in most years.
How can you get a raise? Avalos and others offer the following tips:
* Do your job well. This means producing high-quality work, of course, but also keeping the big picture in mind.
“It really comes down to positioning yourself as a high performer, somebody who is aware of business goals and helps the company meet their goals as an organization”, Avalos said
* Be visible. When times are tough, some workers think. “I’m going to hunker down and hope that nobody notices me, because I don’t want to be on a layoff list,” said Richard Phillips, owner of Advantage Career Solutions. This is a mistake, because you’re unlikely to get a raise if no one knows what you have accomplished. “If anything, what you want to do is be more visible.”
* Make your boss’s life easier. This means everything from having a good attitude to taking on extra tasks. If you don’t know how you can help your boss, ask.
* Ask for a raise. Talk to your boss and present your case: Here’s what I’ve done, here’s how it fits with the company’s goals, and here is why I think it’s worth a salary increase. In some cases, even if your company has an official raise freeze, you can get a raise if you make good case.
If the answer is no -- or if you’re not ready to ask directly -- Phillips suggests asking, “What would you like to see from me that would put me in line for a raise?”
A question like this can improve your standing. “Just asking the question says to the boss, ‘I’m thinking about where I fit in here, what I can do,” Phillips said, “That in and of itself has value.”
小题1:The passage is mostly from aan________.
A.novel B.science fiction
C.magazine D.biography
小题2:Employers have raised workers’ salaries by about _______percent in 2007.
小题3:If you want to get a raise, the most important thing you should keep in your mind is to ______.
A.have your job done well B.be visible everywhere as possible as you can
C.ask your boss for a raise directlyD.change your job
小题4:All the statements are true except________.
A.the situation has improved but the job market is still weak
B.salary increases should recover as the economy does
C.producing high-quality work will surely help you get a raise
D.that in and off an employee makes no difference

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I stood outside New York’s Madison Square Garden and just stared, almost speechless. I was a farm boy from County Kilkenny, a child who some thought would never walk, let alone go as far as I had in the world.
From the day I was born, there was a problem. The doctors at the Dublin hospital told my parents I had phocomelia, a deformity that affected both legs below the knee, which were outward and shorter than normal and each foot had just three toes.
Life was tough. I couldn’t stand, much less walk. I rarely left the farmhouse—and then only in someone’s arms. Mom bundled me up whenever she took me to town, no matter the season.
“The world will see him when he can walk,” she told Dad. “And he will walk.”
Mom devoted herself to helping me. She tried everything to get me on my feet. When I was three, she and Dad took me to a clinic in Dublin.
A few weeks later we returned to Dublin with my artificial limbs (肢). Back home I practiced walking with my new limbs.
“There’s nothing anyone can do but you can’t,” Mom said. “You and I are going to walk through town.”
The next day Mom dressed me in my finest clothes. She wore a summer dress and fixed her hair and makeup. Dad drove us to the church. We stepped out of the car. Mom took my hand. “Hold your head up high, now, Ronan,” she said.
We walked 300 meters to the post office. It was the farthest I’d walked, and I was sweating from the effort. Then we left the post office and continued down the street, Mom"s eyes shining with a mother"s pride.
That night, back on our farm, I lay exhausted on my bed. It meant nothing, though, compared to what I’d done on my walk.
Then I began to pursue my dream of singing. And at every step Mom"s words came back to me—Ronan, you can do anything anyone else can do—and the faith she had in God, who would help me do it.
I’ve sung from the grandest stages in Europe, to music played by the world’s finest musicians. That night, I stood at the Madison Square Garden, with Mom’s words chiming in my ears. Then I began singing. I couldn"t feel the pulse of the music in my feet, but I felt it deep in my heart, the same place where Mom’s promise lived. 
小题1:What was the problem with the author as a baby?
A.He was expected unable to walk.
B.He was born outward in character.
C.He had a problem with listening.
D.He was shorter than a normal baby.
小题2:The underlined word “deformity” in the second paragraph most probably means _________.
小题3:Why did Mom dress him and herself in finest clothes?
A.To hide their depressed feeling.
B.To indicate it an unusual day.
C.To show off their clothes.
D.To celebrate his successful operation.
小题4:From the story we may conclude that his mother was __________.
小题5:According to the writer, what mattered most in his success?
A.His consistent effort.B.His talent for music.
C.His countless failures.D.His mother’s promise.

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(BEIJING, August 10)—The Beijing Daily has put together a number of tips for cost-efficient travel in Beijing.
★ Subway transfer
“Transfer” is a word frequently used by volunteers helping visitors choose the best way of transport during the ongoing Beijing Olympics to save time.
On the seven subway lines now in operation, the transport authorities have set up a total of 16 transfer stations:
Transfer between Line 2 and Line 1 at Jianguomen and Fuxingmen stations;
Transfer between Line 2 and Line 5 at Chongwenmen and Yonghegong stations;
Transfer between Line 2 and Line 13 at Dongzhimen and Xizhimen stations; Dongzhimen station can also bring you to Beijing Capital International Airport via the Airport Line;
Transfer between Line 1 and Line Batong at Sihui and Sihuidong stations;
Transfer from Line 1 to Line 10 at Guomao station to reach Zhongguancun, the north Third Ring Road (going north and west) or Jinsong (going south).
Via Line 10, transfer to Line 8 at Beitucheng station to reach the Olympic central zone, where the “Bird’s Nest” and other venues are located; transfer to Line 5 at Huixinxijie Nankou; transfer to Line 13 at Zhichunlu and Shaoyaoju stations; Sanyuanqiao station takes you to the airport via the Airport Line.
★ From subway to bus
Beijing’s subway system is thoroughly linked with bus routes.
The Beijing Railway Station, which can be reached via the Line 2 subway, has bus lines going north, southeast and to the West Railway Station, covering Chaoyang, Tongzhou, Daxing and other districts.
Xizhimen station is linked to many bus routes that go south and northeast. The long-distance bus routes near Dongzhimen station pass through Shunyi, Pinggu and other outskirts.
★ Park and ride
Park and ride facilities allow commuters to leave their personal vehicles in a parking lot and transfer to a bus or rail system.
In Beijing, because of city planning and other factors, park and ride is limited to bus and subway stations beyond the Fourth Ring Road. Since the Line 5 subway began operating, a low-fare parking lot, the largest in Beijing, was created at Tiantongyuan Beizhan station. Drivers are encouraged to spend just two yuan per day parking their vehicles and take the subway into the city.
小题1:At which of the station, passengers can go to the Beijing Capital International Airport by subway?
A.Dongzhimen and Xizhimen.B.Jianguomen and Fuxingmen.
C.Dongzhimen and Sanyuanqiao.D.Zhichunlu and Shaoyaoju.
小题2:According to the tips, if you take Line 2, how can you reach Zhongguancun?
A.Transfer to Line 1 at Jianguomen station, and then transfer to Line 10 at Guomao station.
B.Transfer to Line 5 at Chongwenmen station, and then transfer to Line 10 at Guomao station.
C.Transfer to Line 13 at Dongzhimen station, and then transfer to Line 8 at Beituchengstation.
D.Transfer to Line 1 at Dongzhimen station, and then transfer to Line 10 at Guomao station.
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.You can get to the Beijing Railway Station via the Line 5 subway.
B.Park and ride is limited to bus and subway stations beyond the Third Ring Road.
C.Drivers can spend a little money in parking their vehicles in the largest parking lot.
D.Drivers must park their cars in the largest parking lot and transfer to a bus or rail system.
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.From the Beijing Railway Station, you can take buses to the West Railway Station.
B.From the Beijing Railway Station, you can take the subway to the West Railway Station.
C.The Beijing Railway Station has bus lines going north and southeast.
D.The Beijing Railway Station has bus lines going southeast and to the West Railway Station.
小题5:What is the purpose of the tips?
A.To help volunteers save time during the ongoing Olympic Games.
B.To help tourists enjoy the places of interest in Beijing.
C.To make people learn about the daily transport in Beijing.
D.To make it convenient and efficient to travel in Beijing during the ongoing Olympic Games.

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When we’re little, our mother is the center of our attention, and we are the center of hers. So our mother’s characteristics leave an indelible(持久的)impression, and we are forever after attracted to people with her facial features, body type, personality, even sense of humor. If our mother is warm and giving, as adults  we tend to be attracted to people who are warm and giving. If our mother is strong and even-tempered, we  are going to be attracted to a fair-minded strength in our mates.
The mother has an additional influence on her sons: she not only gives them clues to what they will find attractive in a mate, but also affects how they feel about women in general. So if she is warm and nice, her sons are going to think that’s the way women are. They will probably grow up to be warm and responsive lovers and also be cooperative around the house.
Conversely, a mother who has a depressive personality, and is sometimes friendly but then suddenly turns cold and rejecting, may raise a man who becomes a “dance-away lover”. Because he’s been so scared about love from his mother, he’s afraid of commitment and may pull away from a girlfriend for this reason.
While the mother determines in large part what qualities attract us in a mate, it’s the father—the first male in our lives—who influences how we relate to the opposite sex. Fathers have an enormous effect on their children’s personalities and chances of marital happiness.
Just as mothers influence their son’s general feelings toward women, fathers influence their daughter’s general feelings about men. If a father lavishes praise on his daughter and demonstrates that she is a worthwhile person, she’ll feel very good about herself in relation to men. But if the father is cold, critical or absent, the daughter will tend to feel she’s not very lovable or attractive.
In addition, most of us grow up with people of similar social circumstances. We hang around with people in the same town; our friends have about the same educational backgrounds and career goals. We tend to be most comfortable with these people, and therefore we tend to link up with others whose families are often much like our own.
小题1:Why do our mother’s characteristics leave us an indelible impression?
A.Because we are likely to be attached to people with her characteristics.
B.Because the mother and her child are the centers of each other when her child is very young.
C.Because our mother is better than our dad.
D.Because our mother is a woman who is kind to us.
小题2:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.If our mother is warm and giving, we love to be together with warm and generous people.
B.If our mother is strong and well-controlled, we are going to be attracted to a fair-minded strength in
our mates.
C.Mother not only gives her children clues to what they will find attractive in a mate, but also affects
how they feel about women in general.
D.Fathers influence their daughter’s general feelings about men.
小题3:What can we know from Paragraphs 2 and 3?
A.The mother only influences her sons.
B.The sons always think women are warm and nice.
C.A mother who has a depressive personality is sure to raise a dance-away lover.
D.The mother has an additional influence on her sons.
小题4:What does the underlined word “lavishes” in Paragraph 5 probably mean?
A.Uses much.B.Uses little.C.Never uses.D.Seldom uses.
小题5:What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Mothers’ influence on their sons.B.Parents’ influence on their children.
C.Parents’ impression on their children.D.Fathers’ influence on their daughters.

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Sleepless in Seattle? Hardly. West Virginia is where people are really staying awake, according to the first government study to monitor state-by-state differences in sleeplessness. West Virginians’ lack of sleep was about double the national rate, perhaps a side effect of health problems such as obesity(肥胖), experts said.
Nearly 1 in 5 West Virginians said they did not get a single good night’s sleep in the previous month. The national average was about 1 in 10, according to a federal health survey. Tennessee, Kentucky and Oklahoma also were notably above average with nearly 1 in 7 people reporting in a lack of sleep. In contrast, North Dakota was below average, with only 1 in 13 reporting that degree of sleeplessness. Health officials do not know the exact reasons for the differences.
In the survey, people weren’t required to answer the question why they were not able to get enough rest or sleep. But experts noted several possible explanations: West Virginia ranks at or near the bottom of the nation in several important measurements of health, including obesity, smoking, heart disease and the proportion of adults with disabilities.
Studies have increasingly found that sleeping problems often occurred among people with certain health problems, including obesity. “You would expect to see poorer sleep within a chronically (慢性地) diseased population,” noted Dr Ronald Chervin, a sleep disorders expert in University of Michigan.
Financial stress and work shifts(倒班)can play roles in sleeplessness, too, Chervin added. He suggested those may be contributing factors in West Virginia, an economically depressed state with tens of thousands of people working in coal mining.
The report was based on results of an annual telephone survey of more than 400,000 Americans, including at least 3,900 in each state. The survey did not include people who use only cellphones.
小题1:What is the main idea of Paragraph 1? (No more than 15 words.)
小题2:What does the underlined word “notably” in Paragraph 2 mean? (No more than 3 words.)
小题3:What was the possible reason for the high rate of sleeplessness in West Virginia according to Paragraph 3?  (No more than 12 words.)
小题4:List three factors that contribute to sleeplessness based on the passage.
(No more than 8 words.)
小题5:How was the research carried out? (No more than 10 words.)
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