BELIEVE it or not, the color of the tie Barack Obama wears to the inauguration(就

BELIEVE it or not, the color of the tie Barack Obama wears to the inauguration(就


BELIEVE it or not, the color of the tie Barack Obama wears to the inauguration(就职典礼) is now a hotly debated topic. The level of public interest in Obama’s tie might seem strange but many people believe his choice will symbolize the type of government he plans to run, as the color of a politician"s tie is thought to convey ideas of power, trustworthiness and more.
Polities of ties
It may be the least practical item of male dress, but it is arguably the most expressive. In the UK and many other countries around the world, conservative(保守的)politicians may wear a blue tie and their liberal opponents a red one. In America, the colors go the other way round. The Republicans have in recent years become associated with the color red, and the Democrats with blue. But in spite of this, Bush wears blue ties more often than any other color.
What they mean
According to Sharon Haver, editor of focusonstyle, com, in America the feelings associated with colors overrule (压制) their political significance. “A guy who wants to be regarded as strong and in charge would wear red,” Haver says. Unsurprisingly, the business tycoon Donald Trump is known for wearing red ties. But what about blue? According to Haver, “Blue is a softer color…Look at the sky. It"s peaceful and calm and trustworthy.”
Selecting the right tie for the right occasion
● Perfect job interview tie
Perhaps no other tie-wearing occasion is as important as the job interview. Gilchrist, the fashion expert, advises playing it safe and choosing a conservative one. Best choices are solids, stripes or small patterns. An excellent color is burgundy(酒红色)or another serious color. Avoid pink or yellow, which suggest that the wearer lacks gravity.
Pattern ties, Gilchrist suggests, should be limited to a maximum of three colors. A striped tie is a safe choice as this is acceptable to everyone. Last, Gilchrist recommends saving the expensive “hip” tie for those applying for glamorous creative jobs.
● Date-night tie
When picking out the fight tie for taking a girl out on a date, spend more time considering color than pattern. According to studies, women are attracted to men wearing the color blue, because blue gives the image of a "stable, faithful, constant, always there" person. So what is the worst color to wear on a date? “flattened caterpillar(毛虫)yellow-green”, according to Gilchrist, “it will repel both sexes equally.”
52.Why are people interested in the tie that Obama wears to the inauguration?
A.Because they think the tie he wears will enable them to know about his personalities and policies.
B.Because they want to advise him on how to select an appropriate tie for such a big
C.Because they think the ties will tell if he is trustworthy as they expected when he assumes
D.Because they believe the tie is an essential part of dressing to a mature politician like
53.What can we infer about Bush, the former president, from the passage?
A.He was probably liberal in his policies when he was in power.
B.He was a Republican when he served as president.
C.He wore only blue ties and had no ties of alternative colors.
D.He wanted to make himself unique by the tie that he wore.
54.The example of "the business tycoon Donald Trump" is given to________
A prove that color reflects people"s feelings to a certain degree. that Donald is so wealthy that he can afford expensive ties.
C.tell that Donald is physically strong and can handle everything.
D.explain that red is a popular color, especially with businessmen.
55.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?
A.Ties can be ignored by politicians since it is the least practical item of male dress.
B.Do choose ties carefully before dating, because it is the most important occasion.
C.Why to avoid pink or yellow in job interviews is that they don"t match the atmosphere.
D.The more colorful the tie is, the more likely you"ll get the job you want.
56.The underlined word "repel" in the last paragraph is most close to “________”in meaning.
A.puzzle     B.attract  C.delight     D.disgust

52—56 ABACD    


Kiribati covers a massive 3.5 million square kilometers stretch of the Pacific Ocean, but in population terms it is one of the smallest countries in the world, with only 100,000 people. More than half of them live in the capital Tarawa—strip of coral which measures just 450 meters at its widest point. As well as being narrow, Kiribati is extremely low lying, which makes it one of the most easily influenced countries in the world when it comes to climate change.
“We are counting the days rather than the decades…We don"t have the time that we thought we had previously,” Kiribati President Anote Tong said.
Pelenise Alofa returned to Kiribati six years ago. The changes she saw led to her becoming one of the islands principal climate change campaigners. "Things began to change when I came here. I realized the king tides were big, and I told them "have you heard of climate change, have you heard of global wanning, this is part of it, you"re in it,"" Ms Alofa told SBS.
Linda Uan and her New Zealand born husband John have been documenting the changing climate in Kiribati for nearly 20 years. They didn"t have to travel far to film the effects of a storm three years ago when for the first time it washed through their home. "There"s been a lot of changes," Linda said, “When we were little there was a definite dry season and a definite wet season, now you can"t feel the difference anymore.”
Kiribati is not just facing one knock-out punch but a whole round of killer blows. Because of its sensibility to the El Nino and La Nina weather patterns, climate scientists say droughts and floods will be more severe than in the past. Warmer seas could affect the migration patterns of fish, taking away vast taxes it gains from selling fishing licenses to foreign trawlers, while increased storms are expected to destroy crops and make the limited supply of water in the shallow water pools undrinkable.
It’s a claim the country will take to Copenhagen as it seeks to get the world"s big emitters (排放者) to face up to the consequences of their actions. “It"s a whole world issue,” President Tong said. “It’s a moral issue…it"s almost criminal.”
57.According to the passage, we can infer that________.
A.Kiribati covers a land area of 3,500,000 km2
B.the country"s average altitude is 450 meters in Kiribati
C.Kiribati is one of the countries facing the climate change calmly
D.Over fifty thousand people live in Tarawa
58.President Anote’s words are quoted in order to show________ .
A.the high pressure from time        B.the importance of measuring time
C.the different timing units         D.the personal attitude towards time
59.Which of the following statements does Ms Alofa probably agree with?
A.The tides hitting Kiribati used to be bigger than they are now.
B.Most people in the world have never heard of global warming.
C.Nobody can keep away from the effects caused by climate changes.
D.Changes in this country will make you a climate change campaigner.
60.Climate changes have brought about the consequences EXCEPT________ .
A.Severe droughts and floods        B.abundant fresh water
C.fiercer storm and tide            D.changed living patterns of fish
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On his way to the airport one afternoon, Phillip asked the driver to wait outside the bank while he collected some traveler’s checks.
The plane was to  36   at 5:30.From the bank, there was still   37   journey to the airport 38     Phillip merely enjoyed the scene along the way. Shortly before arriving, he began
  39  the things he would need for the  40   : tickets, money, the  address  of   
On his way to the airport one afternoon, Phillip asked the driver to wait outside the bank while he collected some traveler’s checks.
The plane was to    36     at 5:30. From there was still a    37     journey to the airport    38     Phillip merely watched the scene along the way. Shortly before arriving , he began      39   the things he would need for the    40     : tickets , money , the address of his hotel, traveller’s checks —Just a moment . How about his passport? Phillip went through his pocket. He suddenly    41     that he must have let his passport     42    .
What could he do? It was now five past four and there would be too little    43     to return to the bank. This was the    44     time he was representing his company for an important meeting 45        the manager of a French company in Paris the following morning . Without a passport he would be     46    to board the plane. At that moment , the taxi     47    outside the air terminal (候机楼). Phillip got     48    , took his suitcase and paid the driver. He then     49    a good deal of confusion in the building .A    50     could be heard over the loudspeaker.
“We very much    51     that because of a twenty-four-hour strike of airport staff ,all flights for the rest of today have had to be called off.” Passengers are   52      to get in touch with their travel agents or with this terminal for     53    on tomorrow’s flights. Phillip was
very glad to hear that, He would let his company know about this  54     and, thank goodness, he would have the opportunity of calling at his bank the following morning to    55     his passport .    .
36.A.check in         B.lead off         C.take off          D.go up
37.A.long            B.short           C.pleasant          D.rough                 C.but              D.because
39.A.buying          B.taking over      C.putting about      D.checking
40.A.plane           B.trip           D.flight
41.A.realized         B.promised        C.recognized        D.suggested home the bank the office the taxi
43.A.time            B.chance          C.possibility        D.use
44.A.golden          B.last             C.only             D.first                       D.with
46.A.sad             B.unable          C.nervous           D.difficult
47.A.stopped         B.ran             C.went             D.opened             B.back            C.out               D.away
49.A.started          B.caught          C.noticed            D.left
50.A.speech          B.signal              D.voice
51.A.apologize        B.announce        C.worry            D.regret
52.A.advised         B.forced            C.allowed          D.persuaded 
53.A.ideas           B.plans             C.information       D.time
54.A.person          B.situation            D.airport
55.A.return             C.recover          D.change
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Do your spirits soar (猛增) on a sunny day? Do you relax at the sound of flowing water?
Some scientists suggest that these contacts with nature are good for your health. In one study, hospital patients with a view of trees had shorter hospital stays and less need for pain medications. Another study indicated that prisoners with a view of the outdoors had fewer doctor visits.
“Why do we desire nature? Maybe we’re programmed to need it, since our ancestors’ survival was so dependent on their connection with nature,” suggests biologist E.O. Wilson.
Want to find out if contact with nature improves your outlook on life? Try a few of these ideas.
Hang out a bird feeder and watch the birds that visit it.
Sit down in the backyard or a nearby park. Close your eyes. What do you hear? Birds singing? The wind in the trees? Crickets (蟋蟀) chirping?
Find an anthill. Sit down and watch the ants work.
Take a walk right after a rainstorm. What looks different? Smells different?
Go barefoot on a sandy beach.
Open the curtains and the window, if the weather allows it.
On a windy day, watch the trees.
Go to a creek, river or park fountain. Listen to the sound of water in motion.
Camp out in the backyard or at a nearby state park. Use a tent or sleep on the ground.
Find a wide-open space to study the stars. Learn about the different constellations (星座).
Raise a garden. Or plant some seeds in a flowerpot.
Go hiking with your family. Talk about all of the colors you see in nature.
Take a camera and capture your nature experience.
小题1:From Paragraph 2 we can learn that ______.
A.prisoners don’t like to go to the doctor when illB.trees can be used as pain medications
C.prisoners should often get out of prison to come into contact with nature
D.contacts with nature are very helpful for hospital patients
小题2:According to E.O. Wilson, we desire nature probably because ______. can help us feel relaxed
B.we have inherited (继承) from our ancestors who were dependent on nature
C.people have lived with nature for thousands of years
D.contacts with nature can improve a person’s outlook on life
小题3:The author gives us many ideas in order to let us ______.
A.find out if contacts with nature improve our outlook on life
B.hear birds sing and watch ants work about the colors we see in natureD.capture our experience in nature
小题4:From the passage, we can learn that ______.
A.studying the constellations is important to everyone can know all the colors only by going hiking
C.nature is quite important to usD.walking in a rainstorm can be very helpful
小题5:What is the best title of the passage?
A.Go hiking with your family.B.Let nature nurture you.
C.Visit your doctor less.D.Watch the trees more often.

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第二部分 阅读理解(共25小题;第一节每小题2分,第二节每小题1分;满分45分)
It was the old lady’s eightieth birthday. She was sure Myra wouldn’t forget her mother’s birthday, even if she was busy. After all, eighty was a special birthday. Perhaps Myra might come. Even if Myra did not come, she would send a present. The old lady was sure of that. Two spots of colour brightened her cheeks. She was excited like a child.
Mrs. Morrison had brought a card and a bunch of flowers when she came to do the breakfast. Mrs. Grant downstairs had made a cake. Johnnie, the little boy next door, was now up with her with a packet of sweets.
“I guess you’ll get lots and lots of presents,” he said. “I did last week when I was six.”
What would she like? A pair of slippers perhaps. A blue new cardigan. Or a table lamp. Or a little clock, with clear black numbers. So many lovely things. 
She stood by the window, watching. The postman turned round the  corner on his bicycle. Her heart beat fast. Johnnie had seen him too and ran to the gate.
“Granny, granny,” Johnnie returned. “I’ve got your post!”
He gave her four envelopes. Three were from old friends. The fourth was in Myra’s writing.
“No parcel, Johnnie?”
“No, granny.”
Almost reluctantly, she tore the fourth envelope open. Folded in the card was a check. Written on the card was a message: Happy Birthday—Buy yourself something nice with the check, Myra and Harold.
The six-figure check fell to the floor like a bird with a broken wing. Slowly the old lady bent to pick it up. Her present, her lovely present. With trembling fingers she tore it into little bits.
41. As can be inferred from the passage, ______.
A. the neighbours cared little about the old lady in daily life
B. the friends sent the old lady many lovely presents by post
C. Myra was stopped by her husband from seeing her mother
D. the old lady lived alone in a flat away from her daughter
42. The old lady felt ______ when she saw the fourth envelope in her daughter’s writing.
A. excited         B. disappointed      C. happy          D. impatient
43. The reason the old lady tore the check into small pieces was that______.
A. she was sure her daughter would come, not the check
B. she didn’t notice there were six figures on the check
C. she would prefer a present with love from her daughter
D. she didn’t think the check was large enough for a present
44. Which of the following might serve as the best title for the passage?
A. The Present.   B. The Check.   C. The Birthday.    D. The Daughter.                   
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