完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21~40各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Many ye

完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21~40各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Many ye

Many years ago, a salesman opened a bag of things from Scotland and found a card at the top. It  36   , “Expect a Miracle(奇迹).” “What does that mean?” he thought, and then  37   it into his pocket.
That night he showed it to his wife. “Look at this, dear. What do you think it means?”
“Maybe this is what we need,” she said. “Our 38  are so great that they are too much for us. If we start   39   great things instead of the worst, miracle may 40 .” They decided to try changing their thinking for a few days, starting with their    41   problems. Then something changed. Not only did they find their problems    42   be worked out, but they also started   43  a lot of money.
To make miracles happen, you have to start by expecting them. That way your   44   can become focused in positive (积极的) ways. There are    45   coincidences(巧合), and all kinds of happy experiences   46    one after another. 
One becomes hopeful and optimistic(乐观的). Little problems began   47   , while the big ones become much easier to work out. Success is not    48   you thought it was.
A positive thinker first sets clear and proper goals(目标). Then he goes to work, and   49   working. He never gives up. His dreams are sure to come true, and    50    they do, a miracle happens.
Miracles come in all    51   : big, medium-sized, and small. Start expecting the small ones, and work your way   52    to the big. Think positively,   53     yourself and work hard. You’ll find yourself    54    by how meaningful and   55    your life has become.
36. A. wrote                B. read                C. told                D. expressed
37. A. set                  B. sent                C. spent              D. put
38. A. problems             B. questions            C. suggestions          D. advice
39. A. imagining              B. realizing             C. suggesting         D. expecting  
40. A. take in                B. take up                   C. take place          D. take over   
41. A. smallest               B. biggest                   C. difficult               D. easy     
42. A. would                B. could                   C. should               D. might
43. A. making               B. taking                  C. finding               D. doing   
44. A. suggestion          B. money                 C. ability               D. trust
45. A. harmful                  B. strange                  C. useful               D. embarrassing
46. A. live                         B. stop                      C. work                  D. follow   
47. A. losing                   B. disappearing            C. growing            D. displaying     
48. A. as soon as              B. as long as                 C. as far as              D. as well as
49. A. keeps on              B. keeps up                 C. keeps out                  D. keeps from   
50. A. while                        B. before                          C. until                           D. when
51. A. shapes                B. types            C. sizes               D. kinds
52. A. up                    B. out                C. off                 D. for     
53. A. think of                     B. take care of       C. speak out            D. believe in 
54. A. bored                    B. surprised         C. upset                  D. puzzled   
55. A. dull                   B. careful            C. lively                   D. unloving 
36---40 BDADC      41---45 ABACB     46---50 DBCAD       51---55 CADBC

In the 1880s, Mark Twain established and operated his own publishing firm. He also became interested in various investments, especially an elaborate typesetting machine. He lost almost $200,000 in investments in the machine between 1881 and 1894. Also, his publishing company declared bankruptcy (***) in April 1894. Thus, in January 1895, Mark Twain found himself publicly shamed by his inability to pay his debts.
Mark Twain eventually recovered from his financial difficulties, through his continued writing and a successful lecture tour in 1895 and 1896. During this much-publicized tour, Twain lectured in such places as India, South Africa and Australia. By the time he returned, he had become an international hero. Twain enjoyed this attention, and his habits of smoking cigars or a pipe and wearing unconventional white suits contributed to his showy image. He also made use of his position as a public figure to criticize the US foreign policy.
Although he was recovering from his financial problems by 1898, Mark Twain had begun to experience tragedy in his personal life. Suzy, his oldest daughter, died of meningitis (脑膜炎) in 1896, while her parents and sister Clara were abroad. In 1903, Mark Twain sold the beloved house in Hartford, which had become too closely associated with Suzy’s death. His wife, Olivia, who had developed a heart condition, died on June 5, 1904. His youngest daughter, Jean, died on Dec. 24, 1909.
64. Which is not the reason why Mark Twain found himself in debt?
Because he devoted all his energy to his writings.
Because his publishing firm bankruptcy.
He lost almost $ 200 000 in investments in the machine between 1881 and 1894
Because he lost a large quantity of money in various investments.
65. How did Mark Twain pay off his debts?
A.  By borrowing money from the bank.
B.  By investing in foreign countries.
By writing articles and a successful lecture tour.
By printing his own articles and selling them for money.
66. It can be inferred that Mark Twain ________________.
hated smoking cigars
liked wearing black clothes
hated the US foreign policy at that time
hated giving lectures in the foreign countries
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第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)
Last fall,before Thanksgiving,I was making my way in my car out of the shopping center parking lot.I was bored in the car. I   36   a woman heavily loaded with    37   and her two boys ,one carrying a pumpkin and the other another bag.
They were headed , I     38   , to the bus stop across the major road.     39   it was too far to walk with all those    40  to any of the nearby bus stops ,on a random impulse(冲动),I rolled down my window and asked if they were indeed headed to the    41   . “Yes,” the mother   42   . I asked , “Would you like a    43  ? “Oh , yes!”  was their   44  reaction.
I was also delighted,and,after driving out of the way of other   45  , I stopped and the boys piled into the back seat . The mother started to push   46  beside them. I   47   her by saying, “Oh ,you come on up here  48   me. I’m not a taxi driver!” So off we went.
Right away , I decided to take them a mile and a half to their home , since I had  49  and they had bags. All the way , I had just a fine time listening and talking with all of them. It felt so good to be able to do this little   50   and showed that with such a small  51   I could make a big difference to a tired mother . I’m not sure   52  got the most out of it.
53   , this was special for me  54  , as a disabled person ,I often receive help and now I know how especially good it feel to be   55   .
36.A.noticed        B.asked     C.helped          D.thanked
37.A.baskets        B.cases     C.bags            D.bottles
38.A.advised        B.thought    C.hoped          D.wondered
39.A.Since              B.Although  C.While          D.If
40.A.vehicles       B.distances   C.directions        D.purchases
41.A.shop         B.bus stop   C.parking lot      D.hotel
42.A.commented      B.promisedC.regretted     D.responded
43.A.drink         B.try       C.ride         D.break
44.A.shocked       B.surprisedC.excited         D.mixed
45.A.traffic         B.streets      C.signals         D.stops
46.A.along          B.off      C.on            D.in
47.A.urged         B.comforted C.stopped        D.stressed
48.A.with           B.by       C.for           D.to
49.A.money        B.plans       C.time                D.duty
50.A.work          B.trip      C.business       D.task
51.A.attention    B.idea    C.anxiety        D.effort
52.A.where         B.who    C.whether       D.when
53.A.By the way     B.In other words        C.After a11  D.Generally speaking
54.A.however    B.so        C.or             D.because
55.A.useful          B.thankful   C.special          D.healthy
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It was a Sunday morning, and I was in a terrible mood. Two of my friends had gone to the movies the night before and hadn’t invited me.I was in my room thinking of ways to make them sorry when my father came in. “Want to go for a ride,today,Beck? It’s a beautiful day.”
“No ! Leave me alone!”Those were the last words I said to him that morning.
My friends called and invited me to go to the mall with them a few hours later.I forgot to be mad at them and went I came home to find a note on the table. My mother put it where I would be sure to see it. “Dad has had an accident. Please meet us at Highland Park Hospital”.
When I reached the hospital,my mother came out and told me my father’s injuries were extensive.“Your lather told the driver to leave him alone and just call 911,thank God! If he had moved Daddy,there’s no telling what might have happened.A broken rib(肋骨)might have pierced(穿透)a lung….”
My mother may have said more,but I didn’t hear.I didn’t hear anything except those terrible
words:Leave me alone.My dad said them to save himself from being hurt more.How much had I hurt him when I hurled those words at him earlier in the day?
It was several days later that he was finally able to have a conversation.I held his hand gently, afraid of hurting him.
“Daddy… I am so sorry….”
“It’s okay,sweetheart.I"ll be okay.”
“No,”I said,“I mean about what I said to you that day.You know, that morning?”
My father could no more tell a lie than he could fly.He looked at me and said.“Sweetheart,
I don’t remember anything about that day,  not before,during or after the accident.  I remember
kissing you goodnight the night before,though.”He managed a weak smile.
My English teacher once told me that words have immeasurable power.They can hurt or they
can heal.And we all have the power to choose our words. I intend to do that very carefully from now on.
56.The author was in bad mood that morning because______.
A.his father had a terrible accident
B.he couldn’t drive to the mall with his friends
C.his friends hadn’t invited him to the cinema
D.his father didn’t allow him to go out with his friends
57.Why did the author say sorry to his father in the hospital?
A.Because he didn’t go along with his father.
B.Because he was rude to his father that morning.
C.Because he failed to come earlier after the accident.
D.Because he couldn’t look after his father in the hospital
58.The reason why the author’s father said he forgot everything about that day is that______
A.he had a poor memory
B.he didn’t wanted to comfort his son
C.he just wanted to comfort his son
D.he lost his memory after the accident
59.What lesson did Beck learn from the matter?
A.Don’t treat your parents badly.
B.Don’t hurt others with rude words.
C.Don’t move the injured in an accident.
D.Don’t be angry with friends at small things
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Most people in school liked Gloria. So when she got sick,some boys 21 to visit her. But none of them wanted to 22 any money on a gift to bring along.
Then Willie said,“We can 23 some flowers from a 24. ”
Gloria will not know 25 they come from,and the dead man will not 26them.
Everybody was afraid,27 Willie.So he went alone and 28 some beautiful flowers.Then they went to Gloria’s 29,and the boys acted as if the flowers were from all of them,but 30 did not mind.
After their visit,Willie 31  the other boys,“It is a good thing that I was not afraid. Gloria 32  the flowers. ”
The other boys laughed. Gloria would not have liked the 33  if she had known they had come from a grave(坟墓).
That night,Willie was reading a book 34  his mother came into his room.“Willie,did you and other boys buy some flowers today 35  Gloria?”she asked.“There’s a man 36  asking for you,”she added. “He says that you didn’t 37    the flowers. ”
“What does he look 38 ?”Willie asked.
“That’s hard to say,”Willie’s mother answered. “He is all 39  with mud. ”
Willie,all of a sudden,turned 40 .
21. A. thought               B. asked         C. planned             D. took
22. A. keep                B. cost           C. take             D. spend
23. A. steal                B. make      C. buy               D. plant
24. A. shop                B. store        C. street            D. grave
25. A. how                 B. where      C. when                  D. why
26. A. miss                 B. lose         C. hate               D. love
27. A. beside       B. besides    C. including        D. except
28. A. saw                  B. thought           C. looked into        D. found
29. A. room                B. hospital    C. school               D. library
30. A. Gloria       B. some       C. Willie             D. nobody
31. A. ordered            B. asked      C. said to            D. explained
32. A. refused             B. liked        C. hated             D. missed
33. A. boys         B. flowers    C. secret             D. news
34. A. as             B. when       C. while             D. suddenly
35. A. to             B. for                C. on                 D. with
36. A. inside       B. outside    C. still               D. also
37. A. ask for      B. water      C. like               D. pay for
38. A. as             B. about      C. like                   D. for
39. A. painted        B. dressed    C. wrapped         D. covered
40. A. sad            B. red                C. pale              D. glad 
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Good Heart to Lean on
More than I realized, Dad has helped me keep my balance.
When I was growing up, I was embarrassed (尴尬的) to be seen with my father. He was severely disabled and very___21___,and when we would walk together, his hand on my arm for___22___, people would stare. I would inwardly feel uncomfortable at the unwanted___23___.If he ever noticed or was bothered, he never___24___that he knew.
It was__25___to coordinate (cooperate ) our steps — his hesitant, mine impatient — and because of that, we didn’t___26___much as we went along. But as we started out, he always said,"You set the___27___.I will try to follow you."
Our usual walk was to or from the subway, which was___28___he got to work. He went to work despite illness and nasty weather. He almost never missed a day and would___29___it to the office even if others could not. A matter of___30___.
He never talked about himself as an object of pity, nor did he show any envy of the more fortunate or___31___. What he looked for___32___others was a "good heart", and if he found one, the___33___was good enough for him.
Now that I am older, I believe that his idea is a proper___34___by which to judge people, even though I___35___don’t know exactly what a "good heart" is.___ 36___I know the times I don’t have one myself.
He has been gone many years now, but I think of him often. I wonder if he___37___I was unwilling to be seen with him during our___38___. Now that I am older, I’m sorry that I never told him how sorry I was for my feeling___39___be with him in public and how unworthy I felt to be his daughter. I think of him when I complain about trifles (something unimportant ), when I am envious of another’s good fortune, and when I don’t possess a "good heart".
At such times I put my hand on his arm to___40___my balance, and say, "You set the pace. I will try to follow you."
21.A.strong     B.energetic     C.short         D.handsome
22.A.balance    B.strength     C.comfort    D.courage
23.A.care     B.attention      C.situation     D.friendship
24.A.hoped     B.found         C.liked          D.showed
25.A.easy      B.difficult      C.possible     D.necessary
26.A.see        B.pay          C.say         D.give
27.A.rule      B.time          C.step         D.pace
28.A.how     B.why          C.when         D.where
29.A.get       B.make          C.take         D.walk
30.A.joy       B.faith          C.belief         D.pride
31.A.rich     B.successful      C.able         D.hardworking
32.A.on        B.in             C.at             D.with
33.A.owner      B.keeper         C.winner         D.other
34.A.method     B.value         C.standard       D.level
35.A.yet       B.also          C.ever         D.still
36.A.And     B.But          C.Now         D.Then
37.A.sensed      B.smelled        C.agreed         D.recognized
38.A.walks       B.talks         C.stays         D.visits
39.A.afraid       B.proud          C.ashamed      D.disappointed
40.A.find     B.keep         C.refill         D.regain
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