CJeawGilles was a millionaire.But Tuesday night,he was sleeping in his car. Jean

CJeawGilles was a millionaire.But Tuesday night,he was sleeping in his car. Jean


JeawGilles was a millionaire.But Tuesday night,he was sleeping in his car.
Jean-Gilles was the owner of the Peace of Mind Hotel in Jacrnel,Haiti, a three-story,30-room building in a quiet tropical valley on Haiti’s southern coast,25 miles from the noises of the capital,Port-au-Prince. Jean-Gilles and his wife,Marie,lived in an apartment on the property,close enough to watch carefully over the guest rooms,conference rooms and restaurant,close enough that they know the first name of every guest.
After the 7.0-earthquake hit at 4:57 pm on Jan.12,2010,they slept in their aging Isuzu,parked in the hotel driveway.
Jean-Gilles figured a second was the difference between life and death when the earthquake struck.He was working in a ground-floor conference room and first heard,then felt the quake.He asked his electrician.Rob-elTle St.Louis, who was working nearby,what was happening.
“Get out.Now.Get out.Now.”St.Louis said.
Jean-Gilles cleared the falling structure by a mere second,he estimated.His wife,who was working in the couple’s apartment on the second floor,wasn’t able to get clear.People nearby heard her screams after the shaking stopped and removed the building blocks around her by hand.She was shaken and scratched, but walked away from the ruins.
“I am alive.God is good.”she repeated over and over on Saturday.
The Peacc of Mind Hotel was a dream which had come true for Jean-Gilles,57,and Marie,59. Born in Port–au-Prince, they moved to the United States shortly after meeting 34 years ago. Together, they owned a beauty supply store in Jersey City, New Jersey, and invested in real estate. In 2003, they cashed out their US investments, returned to Haiti and began building the peace of Mind Hotel, looking to make a future for themselves and the people of their homeland.
59. Which of the following statements about Jean-Gilles is TRUE?
A. He lived far from the Peace of Mind Hotel.    B. He helped St. Louis to manage a hotel.
C. He was born in Haiti in 1976.                        D. He once owned a store in the US.
60. According to the passage, the peace of Mind Hotel_________.
A. offered guests different services                            B. was located in the capital city of Haiti
C. was a building with 30 guest rooms                D. was owned by Marie and St. Louis
61. When the earthquake hit, Marie was_________.
A. sleeping in the car                                        B. working in the conference room
C. working on the second floor                         D. cooking in the restaurant
62. It can be inferred from the passage that      .
A. Haiti is the 51st state of the US
B. the earthquake happened quickly and unexpectedly
C. nobody in the hotel died in the earthquake
D. Marie was not sad about losing her property in the earthquake

59-62 DACB 


Once I thought love meant flowers, gifts and sweet kisses. So, I really   36   whether there is love between my parents. Every day they are very busy   37   to earn money to pay the high schooling for me. They don"t act in the   38   ways that I read in books or I see on TV, and sending flowers to each other on Valentine"s Day is even   39  .
One day, my mother was sewing a quilt. I asked her if there was   40   between them. She paused her work and raised her head with   41  . Then she bowed her head and  42  sewing the quilt. I was very   43   because I thought I had hurt her. But after a few minutes she said, “Look at this thread. Sometimes it   44  ,but most of the time it disappears in the quilt. If life is a quilt, then love should be a thread. It can   45   be seen anywhere or anytime, but it"s really there, and makes the quilt   46  ”. I listened carefully but I couldn"t understand her   47   the next spring..
My mother suddenly got sick seriously and had to stay in the hospital for a one-month treatment. Every morning and dusk after she   48   from the hospital, my father   49   my mother walking slowly on the country road. There were many beautiful flowers, green grass and trees, and the sun gently glistened them   50   the leaves. All of these   51   the most beautiful picture in the world.   52   their eyes, I know they love each other deeply. From this experience, I   53   that love was just a   54   in the quilt of our life. Love is   55  , making life strong and warm.
36. A. believe               B. hesitate             C. doubt                         D. ignore
37. A. keeping                 B. trying               C. willing                 D. learning
38. A. romantic             B. magic               C. formal                        D. special
39. A. unsuitable           B. impolite            C. uneasy                        D. impossible
40. A. difference           B. love                  C. similarity            D. fight
41. A. surprise                 B. anger                C. smile                   D. calm
42. A. finished                 B. forgot               C. continued             D. considered
43. A. excited               B. worried             C. shocked                D. disappointed
44. A. exists                  B. works               C. breaks                  D. appears
45. A. easily                 B. hardly           C. simply                        D. usually
46. A. long-lasting         B. long-dated         C. long-suffering       D. long-winded
47. A. after                   B. before               C. until                    D. since
48. A. returned                 B. escaped             C. remained              D. heard
49. A. led                            B. let                   C. supported             D. helped
50. A. from                  B. through             C. across                  D. throughout
51. A. made up             B. made with         C. made into             D. made of
52. A. Seeing                B. Watching           C. Reading               D. Checking
53. A. expected             B. admitted            C. noticed                 D. realized
54. A. material                B. design                 C. color                       D. thread
55. A. everywhere         B. inside                C. anywhere             D. outside
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Britain’s 101-year-old Queen Mother , who died on March 30 , was famous for never giving interviews . However , her few publicized comments showed humor , a strong will and love for life .
In the 1920s , many men wanted to marry lady Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon . She only agreed to marry the future King George Ⅵ when he got down on bended knee for a third time to ask her . But she never forgave her brother Edward Ⅷ for stepping down from the throne(王位)in 1936 to marry divorced(离婚)woman Wallis Simpson . This meant that her shy husband became king. “Those last few days were like sitting on the edge of a volcano,” she said of the crisis.
The Queen Mother’s most famous role in British life was to try to boost(提高)Londoners’ morale(士气)during the World War II bombing(轰炸), especially in the hardest-hit East End of London. When Buckingham Palace(白金汉宫)was hit by a bomb in 1940 , she said , “ I am glad we have been bombed . It makes me feel I can look the East End(people)in the face . ”
Famously , she refused suggestions that she and her children,the princesses Elizabeth and Margaret , should seek refuge(寻求避难)in Canada until the end of the war . “ The children won’t go without me , I won’t leave the king and the king will never go . ” she declared . “ I should die if I had to leave . ”
After better times returned,her love of expensive parties and high life continued,well into her old age . Her bank overdraft(透支)reached 4 million pounds .
She enjoyed fishing until well into her 80s but once choked(噎住)on a fishbone . After doctors removed the bone , she joked , “ After all these years of fishing , the fish are having their revenge(报复). ”
In the end, she outlived the 20th century with energy and enthusiasm. “I love life, that’s my secret,” she told a friend when she was in her 80s . In a television interview last week, her grandson Prince Charles said, “She saw the funny side of life and we laughed until we cried.”
Hundreds of people have signed books of condolence(哀悼)across the country , including former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher .
“She loved her country and in return her country loved her.” said Prime Minister Tony Blair.
72. The Queen Mother refused to seek refuge in Canada with her children because       .
A. she didn’t think it safe to stay in Canada
B. she wasn’t willing to go without her husband
C. she hoped to boost Londoners’ morale
D. she wanted to earn good fame through the war
73. When Queen Mother went into her old age, she______.
A. was tired of peaceful life
B. began to show interest in fishing
C. was very luxury(奢侈)
D. looked down upon many things people had done
74. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. George VI became king of Britain when his wife was in her late thirties.
B. Queen Mother hadn’t expected her husband to become a king.
C. Buckingham Palace was burned to the ground during the World War II . 
D. Queen Mother showed bravery in face of the World War II.
75. From the passage we know that Queen Mother was______.
A. humorous and brave     B. talkative and humorous
C. talkative but shy               D. brave but shy
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More than seven hundred students will serve for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games not as volunteers but as interns(实习生), working for months before the event and during the Games to help ensure its success.
A co-operation agreement was signed between the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad (GOCOG) and 16 Beijing-based universities and colleges. The schools will prepare the students to be interns.
Although the interns will work without pay, they are considered different to volunteers, who will also provide services for the Games.
Well-known schools such as Peking University, Tsinghua University, Renmin University of China, Beijing Normal University and Beijing Jiaotong University are included on the list.
The interns will work much longer than the Games’ volunteers, since they have to begin their work at BOCOG as early as one year before the Games start, while most of the volunteers work only during the 16 days of the Games. They have to finish the required lessons of their universities first and then learn more in their specialities to qualify to work for the BOCOG. They will take some special classes on Olympic knowledge and certain professional lessons outside the university to meet the needs of serving in the Olympics.
The 706 interns will be made up of 446 postgraduates, 118 undergraduates and 142 higher vocational students. They will come from such majors as foreign languages, media and communications, logistics and legal affairs.
According to university officials, the undergraduates will be students who have been admitted to college this year (2005) while the postgraduates will be those who enter next year.
72.The interns will be chosen from __________.
A.students whose homes are in Beijing          B.students studying in Beijing
C.only 6 famous schools                     D.schools all over China
73. What’s the difference between the interns and the volunteers?
A.The volunteers receive no pay.             B.The interns work during the Games.
C.The volunteers come mainly from universities. D.The interns provide longer, more specialized services.
74.The chosen students will be busy because they have to __________.
A.learn both in and outside the university     B.graduate ahead of time
C.look for part-time jobs                  D.learn many extra subjects at college
75.A chosen undergraduate will begin to work for BOCOG __________.
A.in his or her first college year            B.in his or her second college year
C.in his or her third college year                 D.in his or her fourth college year
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V. Task-based reading 任务型阅读 1’ * 10 = 10’
Oh, the things that I should see if I had the power of sight for just three days!
The fast day would be a busy one. I should call to me all my dear friends and look long into their faces, imprinting (刻上) upon my mind the outward (外表的, 表面的) evidences of the beauty that is within them, I should let my eyes rest, too, on the face of a baby, so that I could catch a vision of the eager, innocent (天真无邪的) beauty which precedes (在…之前, 先于) the individual"s consciousness (意识) of the conflicts which life develops.
And I should like to look into the loyal, trusting eyes of my dogs--the serious, clever little Scottie, Darkie, and the strong, understanding Great Dane, Helga, whose warm, tender, and playful friendships are so comforting to me.
On that busy first day I should also view the small simple things of my home. I want to see the warm colors in the carpets under my feet, the pictures on the walls, the lovely small furniture that transforms a house into home. My eyes would rest respectfully on the books in dot-raised type which I have read, but they would be more eagerly interested in the printed books which seeing people can read, for during the long night of my life the books I have read and those which have been read to me have built themselves into a great shining lighthouse, showing me the deepest channels of human life and the human spirit.
In the afternoon of that first seeing day, I should take a long walk in the woods and intoxicate (使陶醉) my eyes on the beauties of the world of Nature trying desperately (拼命地) to absorb in a few hours the vast brilliance (才华, 才智) which is presenting itself to those who can see. On the way home from my woodland trip, my path would lie close to a farm so that I might see the patient horses ploughing (耕地) in the field and the peaceful content of men living close to the soil. And I should pray for the glory of a colorful sunset.
When darkness had fallen, I should experience the double delight of being able to see by man-made light which the genius of man has created to extend the power of his sight when Nature brings darkness.
In the night of that first day of sight, I should not be able to sleep, so full would be my mind of the memories of the day!
(by Helen Keller)
The first day what Helen Keller would do (66) _________ given three days to see
In the morning
●  Look long into the faces of all her dear friends so that she would (67) _______ upon her mind the outward (外表的, 表面的) the evidences of their beauty that is within them
●  Catch a vision of the eager, innocent beauty of a baby by resting her eyes on his face.
●  Look into the loyal, trusting eyes of her (68) _________
●  View the small simple things of her home such as warm colors, pictures, trifles.
●  Fix her eyes with (69)_____ on the books in raised type she has read and the printed books for seeing people with interest.
In the afternoon
● (70) _________ in the woods; intoxicate (使陶醉) her eyes on the beauties of the world of Nature and absorb in a few hours the vast brilliance of the world.
●  Walk past a farm, see the (71) ________ horses ploughing (耕地) in tile field and the peaceful content of men living close to the soil.
●  Pray for the glory of a colorful sunset.
In the (72)_______
(73) ___________the double delight of being able to see, helped by man-made light.
At night
I should not be able to sleep, so full would be her mind of the (74) _________ of the day!
From the passage we know in spite of her blindness Helen Keller" was still full of love for (75) ____________.

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第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
I like to give my praise to anyone whenever and wherever I can. I"ll tell you why.
It was the end of my first day as a waitress in a busy New York restaurant. My cap had been lost, and my feet  36  . The loaded plates I was carrying  37  to be heavier and heavier. Tired and  38  , I didn"t seem able to do anything right. As I made out a check for a family with several children who had changed their ice-cream  39  a dozen times, I was ready to  40  . Then the father smiled at me as he handed me my tip. "Well done," he said, "you"ve looked after us really well."   41  my tiredness disappeared. I  42  back, and later, when the manager asked me how I"d  43  my first day, I said, "  44  !" Those few words of  45  had changed everything. Praise is like sunlight to the human  46  ; we can not flower and grow without it. And yet,   47  moat of us are only too ready to  48  to others the cold wind of criticism, we are  49  to give our fellows the warm  50  of praise. Why one word of praise can bring such pleasure?
It"s  51  how chary(吝惜的) we are about praising. Perhaps it"s because few of us know how to accept it. It"s especially  52  to give praise in areas in which effort generally goes  53 
or unmentioned. Do you, however,   54  tell your laundry(洗衣店) manager how pleased you are when the shirts are done just right? In fact, to give praise costs the giver  55  but a moment"s though and a moment"s effort.
36.A.knelt                        B.stood                      C.hurt                               D.strengthened
37.A.were                              B.seemed                        C.looked                           D.happened
38.A.discouraged                B.excited                          C.hated                            D.forced
39.A.dish                                B.stick                        C.plate                       D.order
40.A.stop                               B.start                        C.praise                            D.smile
41.A.Generally               B.Suddenly                       C.Actually                        D.Terribly
42.A.hit                                  B.talked                            C.smiled                           D.fought
43.A.spend                            B.see                                 C.have                              D.like
44.A.Horrible                        B.Fine                               C.Sad                                 D.Sorry
45.A.praise                            B.criticism                 C.appeal                           D.complaint
46.A.body                              B.activity                          C.spirit                       D.words
47.A.why                                B.what                              C.how                               D.while
48.A.apply                    B.afford                      C.effect                     D.affect
49.A.ready                   B.unwilling                C.anxious                D.uncomfortable
50.A.sunshine                       B.water                            C.advice                           D.suggestion
51.A.good                              B.possible                        C.likely                     D.strange
52.A.rewarding           B.common                       C.ordinary                        D.contributing
53.A.undelivered                 B.unexpected                 C.unnoticed           D.unconditioned
54.A.even                              B.never                   C.ever                               D.still
55.A.something          B.everything          C.anything                       D.nothing
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